Chapter 3: the silver eye warrior and the Black Crow

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter of this story now I looked through some of the comments and got one name for the girl for the reader and Cleome's kids theirs still time for the boy's name so please let me know in the comments and let the chapter begin!

Y/n's pov

as we were in front of a zaap portal Ruel was going to take us to a market where we could get a map. but before we could open the zap portal everyone wants to know about me being called a Silver eyed warrior.

Y/n: so where would you guys like for me to start?

Eva: well how about why Nox said a silver eyed warrior left?

Y/n: you probably know the Silver eyed warriors are a clan that specialized with magic that involves their silver eyes like mine. *points to his silver eyes*

Percedal: right I have heard that their power is to be rivaled to other magic users.

Rubilax: that and the effects of their magic is very deadly to Shushus like me making htem our worst enemy.

Y/n: well some stories can be exaggerate a bit on the details. as for why that Nox said my clan were long gone is due to a storm made by Ogrest's Chaos that wiped out most of the village. I don't know if there are others still alive even if they are they scattered through the winds.

Amalia: oh...I'm sorry to hear that.

Y/n: it's alright even if they are gone...*puts his hand on his chest* the spirit of the silver eye warriors are still with me no matter what.

the others then smiled at that and Ruel opened the Zaap portal and we walked in. which then Percedal was the first to reach the other side most likely to either look cool to Evangelyne, but that didn't matter Ruel was the next to reach the other side. then Evangelyne, Amalia and me were next to reach the other side while Yugo jumped out of the portal and fall on his butt.

Ruel: *gets up quickly and dusts himself off* it's exciting, the first time you take a Zaap portal, eh? of course, I do it all the time.

Y/n: they are pretty easy to get to places with out taking days worth of traveling.

Percedal: oh, stop telling another one of your tall tales. you fell flat on your face when you arrived cause I saw you. *points to Ruel* you just got up quickly! * laughs*

Ruel: I slipped! and you might show a little more respect for your elders, boy!

Yugo: don't worry Ruel I slipped as well!

Eva: stop behaving like kids! if we want to reach Oma, it's in our best interests to get along and to stick together.

Amalia: your right Eva, we didn't start on an adventure to end up bickering like some spoiled princesses.

Yugo: right, how about we visit Kelba Market, huh? *starts running* last one there's a mangy Gobball!

I chuckled at Yugo's antics and followed him with the others to the Market seeing people selling potions and other necessary supplies for traveling.

Eva: it's perfect. well , the first is thing we need to do is club together and buy a map of the world.

Ruel: count me out! my purse is as bare as a field of Cawwots on wabbit Island!

Y/n: [your just saying that cause you don't want to give up your Kamas old Enutrof.]

amalia: *not convinced tone* spent all your money on that beautiful outfit of yours, did you? *laughs*

????: *deeper laugh*

Yugo: hey Amalia you sound like a Bwork!

Percedal: not very classy for a gentle maiden!

Y/n: *looks up* uh guys I don't think that was her.

Amalia: yeah it wasn't me.

shop keeper: it was him! *points to the sky*

we see what looks like a giant smoky like bird with someone riding on it. everyone in the market besides us called the rider the Black Crow which confused us at first, but seeing as everyone is closing their shops it must be bad. he started attacking the shops with a long black sword and was heading towards Yugo and I. while Yugo dodged out of the way I pulled out my sword and blocked the attack, but I was getting pushed back so I rolled out of the way letting the blade pass me destroying another stand. 

Percedal: *laughs* I'm really starting to enjoy things around here!

Eva: take cover! I'll deal with this crazy bird!.

Y/n: I'll help I have some long range attacks that could help.

Percedal: take cover? your joking! *pulls out Rubliax sword* hey! Black Crow! come fight!

Black Crow: *lands on a tree while laughing* pathetic merchants! fear the fire of darkness! Fear your worst nightmare! tremble before the power of the Black Crow!

he then start to fire small crow like projectiles at the merchants mainly the stands. then me and Eva dodged some of the crow shots as the Black Crow starts to take flight again into the skies.

Percedal: come back here and fight coward!

Eva: uh...I think he heard you!

Yugo: he's quick, but if we attack together we might hit him!

Y/n: sounds like a plan to me!

we all get ready Yugo with his portals, Evangelyne with her magic bow while Percedal and I have our swords. the black Crow was heading right for us as we wait for the right moment to strike, but as soon as he got close to us he ignores us completely and destrorys another stand then flies away.

Percedal: the coward! he's flying away!

Yugo: he's done what he came here to do.

we look around to see the destroyed stands that the black Crow has caused, but the merchants were completely fine.

shop keeper: I knew that lousy bird would come back to attack us. but is you think that's all it takes to make me leave, then believe me you are completely mistaken!

Yugo: sir, I'm sorry, we weren't able to do anything to stop him destroying your stall.

shop keeper: well, at least you tried, that's something.

Ruel: are there any other merchants around here? we're looking for a map of the world.

shop keeper: well, much as it pains me to send business to a competitor's way, a little further south you'll find Kabrok's shop. he's a specialist in bric-a-brac.

Amalia: does he ever get attacked?

shop keeper: not Kabrok, he's as rich as he is crafty. he built his shop underground, out of the Black Crow's way.

Y/n: *whispers to Eva* that sounds suspicious don't you think?

Eva: yeah.

Percedal: thank you for this valuable information, good man and you can be sure that if we meet this "Black Crow" again, he will not escape.

shop keeper: really? no offence intended, there's not a lot you can do. *walks away* no? yes? no, I didn't think so.

3rd pov 

the group then make their way to where Kabrok's shop is to see a store along with various signs along with one for the shop.

Yugo: say, have you seen this? it's looks like this Kabrok is very well-known around here.

Ruel: your right, he's everywhere.

the group then proceed to reach the front door, but before anyone could knock Yugo jumps onto the door.

Yugo: is anyone there?!

voice: if you have come to spend a few Kamas, you re very welcome, sirs.

Yugo gets off the door and opens it as everyone walks into the shop seeing a lot of merchandise of any kind around the shop.

Percedal: I must be dreaming, that's a Captain Amakna shield!

Y/n: got to admit he's got a lot of items.

Ruel: isn't everything very expensive?

Y/n look and sees Evangelyne looking at some arrows, but sees a mask that has f/c markings on it.

A/n: the red markings are your favorite color while the black can be any color also I don't own this I only found it in google images.

Y/n: huh, not bad.

Eva: they even got the Trool Encyclopedia!

Yugo: this place is amazing! it's great!

Ruel: there will be other shops, my friend. if you drooling over this hovel, wait until you see the shops in Bonta.

????: well thank you very much! always nice to hear that kind of thing!

everyone looks to see a female Ecaflip in a red shirt with a long black skirt standing near a door way with a curten.

A/n: not mine also to let you know on what a Ecaflip is there the cat like race in Wakfu and are known as gambling warriors.

woman: your words are hurtful, Mr. adventurer and very misleading as well. in my shop, you will find riches that you will not see anywhere else.

Ruel: there are treasures here which I never dreamed existed. *walks up to the woman and gives a gentleman's kiss on her hand* forgive my lack of fact, Madame.

woman: Kabrok!!!!

the force of the loud yell was enough to send Ruel into a barrel which Y/n held his laughter at the display that happened. then a blue skinned male with a long white beard and hair walks up beside the woman.

man: welcome to Kabrok's, we have the world's biggest treasures for an adventurers greatest pleasures. everything is for sale here, as long as you can afford it, of course.

woman: and to avoid kama-less customers wasting our time, we put all of our clients through a little test.

she then clapped her hands which a small hairy creature with bells on it's tail comes out next to her then climbs up to be sitting on her hands.

Yugo: what is that thing?

woman: we call this charming creature a "snoofle". they can sniff out kamas like nothing else. we use it for finding money that's fallen behind furniture.

Y/n: huh, pretty handy to have around.

woman: oh you have no idea. also the richer you are, the more he loves you.

the snoofle then climbs on Percedal sniffing him then moves on to Yugo followed by Amalia who was uneasy having the creature around her. it then moves to evangelyne as she was calmly crouched down as the creature sniffed her hand then moves to Y/n sniffing around him then accidently brings out a bag which Y/n takes it back.

Y/n: yeah that's not my money bag.

Eva: then what's in it?

Y/n: oh just a bunch of my favorite snacks....cookies!

the snoofle sniff around more then get's hearts in it's eyes then finally moves on to Ruel getting the same excitement as it did with Y/n making Ruel freak out a bit.

Ruel: this thing must be broken now!

Y/n: Ruel it's a living creature not a machine.

woman: of course, of course. ladies and gentlemen, we are at your service.

Amalia: any bags? have you got any Sadida bags? mines is so last year.

Yugo: seeds? I need Tofu seeds!

woman: some seeds? over there, there. *to Amalia* my lady is in luck. I just received a delivery of Pandala bags, Kabrok! *looks at Y/n to see him looking at the mask* oh I see you caught your eyes on that mask.

Y/n: yeah looks cool to the design and fine craftsmanship

Woman: of course it was made from a very dangerous creature that roamed the skies with razor sharp feathers and talons.

Y/n: much?

woman: it will be 1500 kamas.

Y/n gives her the amount from under his cloak and places the mask on his belt.

Y/n: thanks miss...

woman: please call me Miranda and your welcome.

Eva: unfortunately, we haven't come for bags. we're after the map of the world.

Miranda: a map? maps are very rare. Kabrok, we have a map, don't we? very, very, very rare.

Eva: these merchants are milking it for all it's worth. also Y/n why do you have cookies?

Y/n: oh just a little snack for the road if I ever get low on them I stop at a near by town that allows me to make them. also I use my mother's recipe try one.

Evangelyne takes one and tries it which made her eyes widen from the taste then Ruel and Amalia try one getting the same look.

Eva: no way! this is better than I thought!

Y/n: why thanks you.

the group then followed Miranda into what looks like a trophy room with the heads of various monsters on display just catching Kabrok telling Yugo that he was a big collector when he was young.

Miranda: yes and now your collecting days are over.

Ruel: oh yes, I know exactly what you mean, Madame! as the Enutrof proverb says collecting is great, but selling...

Miranda: is better!

the two got a good laugh while Kabrok was disapproving on how the two were interacting. MIranda then pulls out a map with orange furs at the end.

Miranda: here is the map of the World that you asked for. it should appeal to one who appreciates beauty , like you. it's exceptional!

Kabrok: no, Miranda not the the Grav'Mar'Av map, it's priceless!

Miranda: dear husband, everything has a price! and let it never be said a traveler could not could not find what they needed in our shop!

Kabrok: but it's power...

everyone (except Y/n): *gasp*

Eva: it's power?

Miranda: *opens the map* come on, have a look.

Miranda presents them the map as they look closer expecting something to happen, but onely to see it's blank.

Yugo: but it's blank.

Miranda: oh my sweet, my all-seeing eye, all knowing magnificent map of marvels, show me the beautiful land of Kelba, please.

Map: *chuckles* impossible to refuse such a polite request!

the map then presented a detailed layout of Kelba surprising everyone at it's power while Yugo was surprised to see it talk.

Eva: fascinating.

Percedal: it speaks.

Yugo: we've gotta have it!

Kabrok: Impossible!

this knocked everyone out of their surprised state once they heard Kabrok called out while Miranda closed the map and turns to her husband.

Miranda: oh, please, come on Kabrok. kicking up so much fuss for a pitiful map is beneath you. Sir Ruel, I have a proposition for you and your friends. you may have a map for free if you rid us of the Black Crow.

Kabrok: oh not the Black Crow again. what is it you really want? oh, he never attacked us! in fact he's gotten rid of the competition.

Miranda: adventurers don't visit often cause of him and it's bad for business. not to mention his horrible laugh which rings out for hours after each of his wicked deeds.

Y/n: [you don't have to sugar coat it.]

Ruel: my poor lady, that must chill you to the bone.

Yugo: Black Crow for the map? easy.

Percedal: excellent, we have a score to settle with him.

Eva: we need a plan! Ruel?

the group were looking at Ruel with an idea in mind while he stops kissing Miranda's hand and looks back at the others.

Ruel: why are you looking at me lie that?

-timeskip back at the market-

Ruel stands behind a makeshift stand  that sells food Ruel has a face of disapproval to this plan while the others were on the other side of the stand.

Percedal: absolutely perfect!

Eva: he is a real Kelba Plains merchant.

Y/n: you can say that again Eva. *low fives Eva*

Amalia: *putting the finishing touches* then one last little thing and it will be perfect!

Eva: Ruel, remember your words?

Ruel: here at Ruel's there's all that you need: weapons for brave warriors or for your Tofu seeds!

Eva: that's perfect! right, you four. positions!

Y/n: roger that boss! *joking tone*

Ruel: why do I have to be the bait?

Eva: "my purse is as bare as a field of Cawwots on Wabbit Island!" seeing how the Snoofle reacted earlier, you're as rich as Crassus Mr. Enutrof.

Ruel: but what about Y/n the Snoofle reacted the same as well.

Eva: first he never made an excuse.

Y/n: *in the distance* also you never asked!

Eva: that too. so you either act as bait or you pay for the map yourself!

Ruel: *stampers* now I feel heroic all of a sudden!

Eva: I thought as much.

Evangelyne aims her bow that has a magic red arrow at the ready and fires it at the sky making it explode in mid air making a signal. the group waited for the Black Crow to come which didn't take too long as he is seen in the skies then lowering close to the ground hovering in front of the stand that Ruel is in.

Ruel: *rings a bell* here at Ruel's there's all that you need: weapons for brave warriors or for your Tofus seeds! *to the others* hey guys, look here. he's arrived, you can cme out now.

the group walk out approaching the Black Crow with Percedal and Y/n with their swords out then stopping just in front of the Black Crow.

Black Crow: *laughs* pathetic mortals! Fear the fire of darkness! Fear your worst...

Yugo: just a second, I'd just like to ask you something!

Amalia: be careful Yugo we don't know what he's capable of.

Black Crow: you should listen to your friend kid. Fear the fire of darkness! Fear your worst nightmare! tremble-

Yugo: what kind of name is "the Black Crow" anyway? how ridiculous!

Black Crow: what? wha...what do you mean ridiculous?

Yugo: all crows are black!

Ruel: ha now that's true, the lad is rught.

Y/n: are we really having a discussion about names and titles right now?

Black Crow: uh, well, it's to stress my evil side. a bit like the Black Knight, you see? yes anyway. where was I? oh yes! Fear the fire of darkness! fear your-

Yugo: yeah, but still you should really find something else something like "the Evil Crow" or "the Devil Crow".

Y/n: is he serious right now? please someone tell me I'm hearing things.

Ruel: how about the "Sinister Crow"!

Yugo: hey! that's not bad. "the Sinister Crow"!

Black Crow: no, but seriously. The Fire of darkness? your worst nightmare?

as Percedal, Amalia, Yugo and Eva discuss other names that involved "Crow" in it along with Ruel who pinches in. while the Black Crow and Y/n just looked dumbfounded that they are really discussing this with an enemy in fornt of them the Black Crow looks at Y/n who just shrugs with no clue what so ever.

Black Crow: you, my friends you two are coming with me!

the Black Crow then used his sword to reach towards Ruel then fling him into the air and grabbed Y/n with his mount's talons along with Ruel and flies off. as the rest now look to see the three gone.

Percedal: oh dear. that wasn't in the plan. how are we gonna get Ruel and Y/n back now?

Amalia: do we really want Ruel back? cause Y/n is a "Silver Eyed Warrior" after all.

Y/n's pov

I slowly opened my eyes to the point that I could see more clearly to see the Black Crow sitting down with his back facing me and sword stabbed in the ground. I then turn to see Ruel who is also just waking up like me.

Y/n: Ruel you okay?

Ruel: yeah I'm fine. what about you?

Y/n: I'm okay as well. 

Black Crow: so, have you two finished your nap, young warrior and grandpa?

Ruel: what...what are we doing here?

Black Crow: you two are bait.

Y/n: I'm guessing for our friends to come?

Black Crow: that's right.

Ruel: again! it's become an obsession now. but at least I'm not alone in this one.

Black Crow: *stands up* we're going to wait patiently for your friends and then we're going to have an epic battle. the kind that legends will speak of.

me and Ruel got up and walked to the sides of the Black Crow viewing a beautiful looking landscape of mountains and clouds.

Black Crow: a beautiful day for opponents to cross swords and kick some dust from the earth, don't you two think?

Y/n: it does play the part pretty well.

Ruel: yeah, but aren't we a bit high up here? you know, among the clouds. couldn't we have done it somewhere down on the ground?

Black Crow: what? in battle the setting is just as important as the opponent. here the setting is ideal, the view superb and the north wind will carry the echo of our confrontation to the ears of the bards whose songs will make us legends.

Y/n: huh...seems that you were planning this for quite sometime right?

Black Crow: yes. oh it's going to be immense.

Black Crow: my dear fellow, it seems to me that you are suffering from complete delusion.

Y/n: that was uncalled for.

Black Crow: *turns to Ruel* I just wonder how a guy like you has the nerve to chat up my wife.

Y/n: "wife"? wait a minute...

Ruel: what? your wife? I've no idea what you...

Black Crow: *laughs* porr pathetic Enutrof! you low class charmer! and yes, the Black Crow is none other than...

we then see him try to take off his helmet from his head, but seems to be having trouble in doing so. then Ruel proceeds to help him.

Ruel: let me give you a hand. *unhooks the strap*

Black Crow: thanks. none other than *takes off the helmet* Kabrok the merchant. *laughs*

Y/n: called it.

Ruel: well this is ridiculous. aren't you rich enough already? do you really need to terrorise those poor merchants?

Kabrok: nothing to do with it. when life is full of adventures like mine it's hard to settle down. even though I have the finest and most delicate woman there is, I need to feel the wind in my hair. you two must understand that. you spent your life on the road.

Y/n: well I'm not at the point of settling down yet I'm still pretty young, but I can understand what you mean there.

Ruel: you know if I were lucky enough to have a woman such as yours, I...

Kabrok: *brings up his hand* oh, don't believe that. you and I are the same. as foe the young silver eyed warrior your right about yourself.

Y/n: so you heard of me people and clan?

Kabrok: oh yes. many stories about them. *to Ruel* we have a real need. adventure, combat.

Ruel: for combat? so you think destroying old stalls is combat?!

Kabrok: no, them, it's because I hate them. it disgusts me that Miranda wants me to be like them. I'm an adventurer, not a merchant.

Y/n: well at least your honest about it and not taking their money.

then suddenly the Snoofle from Kabrok's shop circles around Ruel then we turn to see Yugo, Evangelyne and Amalia coming towards us.

Yugo: Ruel, Y/n are you two ok?

Ruel: everything's fine.

Y/n: yeah we're not harmed.

Percedal: here's your shovel Ruel! *give Y/n his sword* and your sword Y/n.

Y/n: *take his sword* thanks man.

Percedal: *sees Kabrok* oh Kabrok? what are you doing here? where did the Black Crow go?

Y/n: oh boy.

Ruel: the Black Crow is in fact Kabrok, who is an old adventurer himself, who got married and who became a merchant. but apparently he's bored and he hates other merchants, so he disguises himself to vents his frustrations on them and on any adventuerers he meets.

Y/n: more like is seeking a worthy adventurers to give him a good fight.

Kabrok: *puts his helmet back on* right! now that everyone's here let's get started. *mounts the mechanical bird* all right? are you ready?

we then see him jump off the ledge and takes to the skies with the mechanical bird then hovers at the right altitude and brings out the map.

Kabrok: I know you need this map. if you defeat me, it's yours. but if you lose, I take all your equipment and your adventure stops here!

Percedal: as if we're going to lose!

Eva: stick together!

as the Kabrok disappears into the clouds me and the others keep our guard up waiting for Kabrok to strike. we then heard a sound and look to see Kabrok dragging the blade of his sword along the ground making the others jump out of the way while I narrowly dodged and defelcting the blade with my sword. Evangelyne then fires a row of arrows at Kabrok while I activated my sword's flames and swing it launching a wave of flames at Kabrok, but he managed to avoid my flames and Evangelyne's arrows. in return Kabrok used his wrist launcher to fire small crow like projectiles at us making me and Percedal be on the defence knocking the projectiles away with our swords while Evangelyne used her arrows.

Eva: there's too many of them, I can't stop them all!

Ruel: this way quickly!

Y/n: go I'll cover you!

I then activated my silver eye powers making the flames along my sword from the usual flame like color to a silver like color. I then swing it launching another wave of fire, but this time enhanced by my silver eye power. I was able to take out some of them, but Percedal got his sword knocked out of his hands and then knocked back colliding with Evangelyne. I then see Kabrok heading right for Evangelyne and Percedal with is sword pointed at them, but Kabrok was knocked off course just missing the two when I saw he was hit by Amalia's doll.

Kabrok: I stopped playing with dolls a long time ago!

he then threw the poor doll, but it was caught by Evangelyne he then send a barrage of crow projectiles at Evangelyne and Percedal, but I used my silver eyes to teleport in front of them and brought my free hand up.

Y/n: Rho Aias!

A/n: like this but more silver colored.

I managed to block the full force of the attack, but once I brought it down Percedal got hit by one that managed to get passed me and nock him off the ledge. but not long after Kabrok grabbed him with his mechanical mount and dropped him back on the gorund.

Yugo: Dally are you okay?

Yugo tried to go to Percedal, but was then grabbed by Kabrok's mechanical mount and lifted into the air.

Kabrok: goodbye little warrior!

he then tossed him further in the air, but I saw that Yugo was quick to open his portals one just above the Kabrok without him knowing and one as he was just coming down. once he went through his portal he was above Kabrok and knocked into him with enough force to knock him off his mount causing the two to fall down. I then see Kabrok aimed his wrist launcher at Yugo.

Kabrok: it's not over kid!

he then fired his projectiles at Yugo, but he countered Kabrok with his portals on in front of him to let the projectiles pass through then opened a second one behind Kabrok making him get his by his own projectiles. Yugo was then on top of Kabrok hitting the ground of the cliff we're on and I see Yugo jump out of the dust cloud landing on all fours skidding back to us.

Ruel: well done Yugo! you nailed  that evil crow!

Y/n: not bad kid. pretty reckless, but those types of moves almost always pay off.

we then see the map fly to us and landing just in front of Yugo and see Kabrok take off his helmet with a smile on his face.

Kabrok: well done kid, you really earned the map. *looks at Y/n* you did well yourself young silver eyed warrior.

Y/n: *smiles* hehe thanks Kabrok.

he then starts to walk towards the edge of the cliff and stare at the landscape in front of him.

Eva: poor Kabrok. who's gonna help the Black Crowregain his honor?

Yugo then goes to Kabrok to talk to him as the two talked we all heard one thing that scared me so much that I jumped into Evangelyne's arms with my arms around her neck.

Miranda: Kabrok!!!!!!

A/n: like this you should know which one you are and Eva's Yang ignore Weiss.

Y/n: oh no it's happening again!

Eva: Nani?!

Amalia: there, there. *she says patting Y/n's head while laughing a bit*

Kabrok: oops! there's a battle I lost before I started.

I then got out of Evangelyne's arms and we all start to leave to let the two married couple alone so that we could use the map to fine Oma Island.

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter let me know what you guys think of it and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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