Chapter 2: defending a village and helping a tree
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter for this story now before it begins I looked at the comments of the last chapter and the reader's kids with Cleome will be twins a boy and a girl both Cra and with silver eyes let me know what their names should be and let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
once we got out of the diner to see some of the villagers panicking with small creatures with glowing white eyes. we all split up to save and protect as much of the villagers as we can I move quick using my sword to take out at least some of the small creatures. I then heard a cry for help to which I look to see the kids that were playing earlier being cornered to I high jumped getting in front of the kids with my eyes then opened them making them glow.
A/n: kinda like this but it's only a fraction of your silver eye power also not mine.
Y/n: if you think I'm going to let you harm these kids....think again.
this made the little creatures get scared and retreat as the glow from my eyes stop I took the kids to safety. then went back to helping the others while at least taking out some of the creatures or scaring them away. once I got to the center of the village I see Alibert taking out some of the small creature saving a woman with two kids on a barrel but one of the small creature touched his foot and slowly turned him into a bush of some sort.
Yugo: Dad!
Alibert: Yugo, listen to me! you will get a message to tell you where to find your real family. the message! go find the message.
Yugo: dad! no! move! say something!
as Yugo was sadden over his adoptive father being in the state he's in now I couldn't help but feel like we're being watched. I then threw my sword at the direction which both me and Ruel hit I went to retrieve my sword once I got it me and Ruel looked at some sorta mechanical fly.
Y/n: huh? that's an odd fly?
Ruel: you can say that again it's definitely not normal.
as the blue smoke comes out it surprises both of us as a giant tree came up from the ground like nothing. which I got to admit it was impressive we then went to Yugo's side to comfort him.
Ruel: poor, poor Alibert. don't worry Yugo, we'll find a cure. I know an Eniripsa who-
????: where is he?
we look to see the Iop who was being possessed by the Shushu awake looking around frantically as if he was looking for someone.
Iop: the boy who freed me from evil Rubilax?
Ruel: well, I had forgotten about him.
Y/n: was he seriously sleeping through all the panic?
Ruel: well he finally woke up then?
Iop: Sir Percedal of Sadlygrove. noble knight, Order of the Guardians of the Shushus. you saved my soul! I will repay this debt, even if it cost me my life!
????: that's not the way he talks to me! a knight, I've heard that one before.
we then see him pull out a odd looking dagger with an eye in the middle and starts arguing with it. which it hit me that's the Shushu's sealed form Percedal then starts baning the dagger on the ground hurting the Shushu.
Ruel: look, I know couples sometimes have their problems, but right now we have bigger snappers to fry!
Percedal: *looks around* oh, you had Polters here as well? they invaded two other villages. they come from the Forbidden Forest. I went myself but didn't have time to find out very much. I was attacked by a vile monster when I was asleep.
Shushu: and that's when you cried, so I promised to save your life. and then remember wh-
Percedal: will you shut up!
Yugo: Forbidden Forest! let's go! we can find out why these Polters attacked us. we might be able to find a solution.
woman: be careful Yugo! terrible things have happened in that forest.
we then head towards the Forbidden Forest with Percedal who catches up with us to pay the 'life" debt. once we entered the forest I was looking around in case the Polters try to ambush us while Ruel and Percedal were ahead of me and Yugo who was practicing with his portals while Az went through one of them while looking at Yugo. which was funny to see as I caught up with Ruel and Percedal who commented that the forest is enormous and made a map. then Yugo went up in the trees for a better view of where we are and Impressed me on how quick he's gotten better with his portals. then came back behind us and makes Percedal jump and pulled out his dagger as the blade grew to that of a larger blade.
Yugo: well there's a big tree that way *points the way* why don't we head over there?
Shushu: outsmarted by a kid! how pathetic!
Percedal: I told you to be quiet!
as he then head towards to the direction of the big tree Yugo saw while Percedal makes a comment about being a guardian of a Shushu wasn't easy. then we heard a scream that of a young lady Percedal charges ahead thinking it's a damsel in distress which we followed him as i drew my sword.
3rd pov
in another part of the forest is where two girls are being attacked by the Polters one was a dark skin girl with green like hair with a flower in it with an attire that's a top shirt with a skirt of a giant leaf. she was trying to climb on a tree branch while the other girl is a blonde fair skin girl with green eyes and pointy ears trying to calm her mount.
green haired girl: what in the world do they want from us?
blonde girl: what I wanna know is...woah, woah why did I go along with this crazy plan?
the girl with green hair manages to get on the branch while the blonde girl fires magic arrows at the Polters taking them out.
blonde girl: "of course their friendly!" and you call yourself an adventurer?
green hair girl: yeah, but we all make mistakes, right?
then Percedal comes out of the bushes sword in hand slashing at the Polters taking three out on a root. then proceeds to do the same the ones on the ground managing to scare some of them off as he proceeds to look cool in front of the two girls. while one more Polter was climbing the tree the green haired girl was on approaching her.
green haired girl: filthy creatures! they're everywhere!
a portal opens up behind the Polter as Yugo jumps out of then makes one on his left and another one in front of the Polter making it come out of the other portal and fall to the ground. the Polter scares away the blonde girl's mount making her fall, but Percedal catches her before hitting the ground and the Polter gets taken out by Ruel with his shovel. while a hidden Polter tried to reach the green haired girl causing her to fall but was then caught by Y/n whose f/c hood was still up the girl looks at Y/n to meet his silver eyes which she found beautiful.
Y/n: you okay?
green haired girl: um... yes.
Y/n: that's a relief *gently puts her down*
Ruel: I believe that we've already met. Ruel Stroud, your humble servant. *motions Percedal* and this is the interpid Sir Percedal, renowned warrior knight, and this is Yugo, the adopted son of my best friend and finally the traveler Y/n L/n I honestly don't know too much about him.
Y/n: greetings *polite bow*
Ruel: anyway the Polters turned his father into a shrub, along with the rest of the village. we're here to find out why and hopefully find a cure.
blonde girl: well my name is Evangelyne. and this is Amalia. we're on a pilgrimage together.
Ruel: and what are two pilgrims doing in the Forbidden Forest, if I may be so bold as to ask?
Evangelyne: we-
Amalia: same as you! two nights ago I had a prophetic dream. Sadida told me to go to the Forbidden Forest for a special mission. so we were destined to meet each other and follow the same path! even if some people think my imagination is overactive.
Percedal: like who?
Evangelyne: someone has to be realistic, don't they?
Yugo: cool! the more of us there are, the better the chances of saving my village.
Y/n: agreed who knows what else lurks in theses woods.
the group then proceeds to head deeper in the forest while Ruel and Yugo were talking about bounty hunting. Y/n looks around their surroundings to see some dead trees which got him to raise an eyebrow while Amalia show sympathy to the trees.
Evangelyne: Orgrest's Chaos!
Ruel: you believe in that old legend? I always thought it was Gobboll nonsense! everything get's blamed on Ogrest, and no one even knows if he exists.
Y/n: *mutters* or live to tell the tale...
Evangelyne: what's the matter?
Amalia: I...I felt something. an ancient, evil presence. we really aren't welcomed here.
Percedal: really? well I'll have to give them some hospitality lessons.
Yugo: wow! I never seen such big tree in my whole life.
Y/n: indeed it ain't no normal tree.
Amalia: he's been affected too.
Ruel: *looks at a mechanical fly* that machine there, me and Y/n pulverized one of those back in Emelka.
Y/n: yeah and a blue mist made a giant tree too.
then the group begin to hear noise of a couple of birds to see a pile of weapons and armor as Ruel made a comment of not being the first ones in the forest. then a tree like being comes out of the pile making Ruel back up as Y/n got his sword ready as more start to come out while Evangelyne removed her cloak to reveal her outfit with her bow ready.
as the tree beings approached the group each one of them takes one Y/n was dodging one attack of the tree being and kicked it away from the group. as Amalia takes one out with a large root Percedal faces one and cuts off one of the incoming tree arms then follows up with three more slashes taking out the tree being. Ruel jumps around the tree being he faces and threw his shovel taking it out with two hits as Y/n finished his off by cutting the tree bein down the middle and Evangelyne fires an ice arrow freezing the tree being.
Y/n: that oddly felt too easy.
then two big tree arms grab both Percedal and Amalia as a giant tree being brings them up catching the others off guard. as Amalia and Percedal were going up Percedal slips out of the giant tree being's hand and fall, but was then saved by Yugo with his portals once Percedal lands on his feet he barfs on the ground.
Ruel: remind me never to set foot in a portal. there are safer ways to travel.
then the group on the ground see a large group of Polters surrounding them while Amalia was brought to the giant tree being's face.
tree being: Leaf? is that you? Leaf. little Leaf. your old Soft Oak is suffering. strange machines came here. they burned my heart and tole the sap from little brothers.
Ruel: am I dreaming or is she talking to a tree?
Yugo: why is he calling her Leaf?
Y/n: probably her aura sorta matches or similar to this Leaf person.
Evangelyne: right he might think she's someone else.
Soft Oak: my Polters are turning all the humans into trees. all the humans! from now on, their destiny and ours will be one and the same.
Amalia: venerable Soft Oak, you're mistaken. they don't all have hearts of stone. * stands up on Soft Oak's hand* you must believe me. I am Princess Amalia Sheran Sharm, daughter of King Sheran Sharm, great protector of the world's forest.
Soft Oak: so your not Leaf?
Y/n: not good.
Evangelyne: i don't like that.
then the Polters resume in approaching the group on the ground as Percedal slam his sword on one of the Polters protecting Evangelyne. he was going to ask a kiss but the Polter reformed and turned Percedal into a tree while Y/n eyes glowed a little making them back off a bit.
Amalia: listen to me, I beg of you. I have no idea who Leaf is. and I don't even know what Sadida expected of me by guiding me to you. but I do know that the world's forests are threatened in many ways. and only men and women who are free can protect them. *places her hand on the Soft Oak* listen to my heart and you will know that I speak the truth.
as Amalia placed her hand on the Soft Oak she used her energy to heal the Soft Oak restoring him to his natural state of mind.
Soft Oak: Amalia of the Sadida Kingdom. thank you. you have calmed my anger. like little Leaf did, oh, so long ago. *places Amalia back on the ground* out of friendship for you and your people, I shall remain patient and have hope in mankind.
the Soft Oak then used his power to restore the surrounding grass and plants around them as Y/n's eyes glow start to die down and the Polter then restore Percedal back to normal. once restored he tries to kiss Evangelyne but she side step out of the way making Percedal kiss Ruel making both Rubilax and Y/n laugh while Ruel pushes Percedal off of him.
Y/n's pov
as we head back to the village with the Polters carrying us the as Eva and Amalia talk to each other. we reach the village as the Polters restore the villagers as Yugo goes to his father to talk about the message he mention.
????: greetings. my name is Nox. *everyone looks at the man* do exactly as I say and everything will be...not so bad.
Nox: *points to Yugo* you! the boy in the blue hat. we have a lot to talk about!
me and the others get in front of Alibert and Yugo defensively as Eva used her bow about to take a shot at Nox. she fires but he stopped it before it could hit him then disappears and appears behind us.
Ruel: he's a Xelor, a time wizard!
before any of us could do anything he used some sorts shock wave knocking us backbut suspended in the air un able to move.
Nox: and my time is precious. and your time is up! now my boy *walks to Yugo* you will tell me everything you know about Grougaloragran the Dragon. and I mean everything!
Yugo: dragon? I...I don't understand.
Nox: maybe you will talk more if I deal with your friends first. starting with this little Tofu. *brings Az to him* my machines will pluck it one feather at a time to find out why it is so filled with Wakfu.*plucks a blue feather*
then the blue feather flies out of his hand then produce a language that Nox identified as Dragonish. then once the circle was done the ancient words flow right to Yugo's eyes and Nox summoned a clock style sword pointing it at Yugo.
Y/n: *mutters* looks like I have no choice...
I felt my eyes glowed a little bit brighter I felt myself be able to move as I see Alibert freeing himself and grabbing his shovel. the two of us then caught Nox by surprise knocking his sword out of his hand during this my hood came off revealing my h/c hair with f/c tips as Nox looked at me looking surprised when he saw my eyes.
Nox: no can't be I thought your people were gone? but my eyes aren't fooling me to see a sliver eye warrior still left.
Alibert then strikes Nox making him back up Nox was about to use his magic again but Alibert knocks him down and tries to hit him with his shovel. but Nox teleports away as a shock wave produced which makes everyone move again while Alibert's shovel breaks into pieces and makes him age in the process.
Yugo: dad! dad, are you all right?
Alibert then passes out from exhaustion the villagers took him inside to rest as me and the others help Yugo to find the rest of his family while everyone was looking at me with questionable looks.
Y/n: let me guess I have some explaining to do right?
everyone: yup!
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please tell me what you guys think and I'll see you guys in the next one.
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