"Should we go to the barn?" Jessica asked after a while of playing games. I was bored, and I loved animals. As long as the animals were good enough for Dexter to handle." Sure!" I said. The one thing that was good here was her massive barn in her backyard. Everyone agreed, so I was beaming. I brought Dexter as we left into the backyard. I never knew Jessica had a backyard farm. Jesus. What else do they have, an indoor pool? I followed the rest as I saw paradise. If there were books I'd live here. And a roof, of course. I saw a large, red barn. Jessica opened the doors, and it made a loud, eerie sound. I shuddered visibly and stepped inside. I saw a few large heads sticking out of stalls." This is Willow," she pointed to a beautiful, tall grey horse. It was alarming at how huge it was, and I felt a bit scared. She introduced us to all of the horses, and made us pet a horse named,"Jane". I gently, slowly crept my hand towards the horse's mane. I ran my fingers through it once, then immediately stepped back.
"How about our sheep?" Jessica's eyes gleamed." How many animals do you have?" Max groaned." Pigs, goats in cute sweaters! And...chickens?" Jessica tapped her chin." Oh." Val shrugged. She gestured us to the sheep. I didn't like the feeling of sheep wool. It was itchy. It didn't feel nice, either." Names?" Katie asked politely." Oh! That's Martha, Bartha, Scarfa, Darta, and Larry." She said." Very creative..." Max murmured.
"Yeah." Tom snorted." That was when I was like, ten or something, okay?" Jessica replied." Yeah..." Bonnie nodded." Pigs?" Katie asked." Pigs are cute. Except they're really muddy." Jessica smiled and nodded, seeming relieved at her poor naming choices." Are their names unique?" Tom grinned." Yes!" Jessica snapped. She waved her hand at us and walked outside. I saw a smaller farm with a fence, and mud was everywhere. I shuddered at the smell, and pigs squealed and rolled in the mud. I stared at the pigs, until they snorted and came up to us." Feed them a tomato." She grabbed a few tomatoes." Where did you get those from?" Bonnie said, alarm thick in her voice." That tomato farm over there," she pointed to the tomatoes." Oh." Tom said." Are they ripe?" Max asked." Yeah. Ripe tomatoes are good for pigs. Hey! Those are for the pigs!"
It was too late. Max already was eating the tomato. I didn't like tomatoes, they were gross to me. I tossed the tomato to a pig, who gobbled it down in one bite." That one you fed was Pinky." She grinned. I nodded, studying the pig. The pig was, indeed pink, but more beige." That's Shadow, Lucy, Lea, Gale, Spots, and Flower." Jessica announced." Oh, that's creative! My ears feel so much better." Charlie sighed. Jessica glared at her, but then did a sharp inhale before she said," chickens! Let's see the chickens!" Dexter raised his head and was face-to-face with Gale. Gale snorted softly, and Dexter turned and walked away. If anything, Dexter was better with chickens. I heard annoying clucking, squawking, and wingbeats. Dexter's tail raised slowly and the chickens squawked and cowered away. Dexter stared up at me." I know, boy, they are really annoying." I murmured.
"I can't name all of them. One's name Noodle, and the other Soup." Jessica mumbled." The black one is Soup and the white one is Noodle." Jessica nodded." I wanna hold one." Charlie muttered." They'll escape. Now, back to the house?" Jessica suggested." Ugh! Fine." Katie frowned." All right," I mumbled. I really didn't want to. I didn't want to be anywhere near people without animals, anyway." Let's go!" Jessica and the rest marched back to the house. I hesitantly followed, dragging my feet behind. I put my shoes and coat back, Dexter following." So, what do we do now?" Jessica asked." Lunch?" Tom suggested." Mk." Jessica nodded." Anyone wanna make it with me, or eat somewhere out?" Jessica asked." Eat out!" Charlie voted." Out," Bonnie agreed." Out!" Max hollered." Eat out." Tom said." Five stars, please?" Katie asked." Here," Valerie begged." Here. Please!" I said." I'm sorry..." Jessica swallowed.
"But eating out wins." She said. I swallowed back a loud groan." Five star?" Katie pleaded. Jessica pulled out her phone, typed something in and began scrolling." The closest five star place is Winner Dinner's." Jessica said." Stupid name, but sure." Katie shrugged." Let's go, party people." Jessica grinned. I was far from a party person. I hopped in the car Jessica was driving. I was in passenger, Jessica in driver, Tom, Max, and Val in the middle column, and Bonnie and Katie, and don't forget Charlie, at the back. Perfect. We did a sing-along to a song I didn't even know, so I sucked.
This town had little creative names that I quite liked. There was," Jeremy's Therapy!" And "Clean Team," with a tooth logo that had a thumbs up. A grocery store called," Fresh Harvest", not creative but whatever. Eating out was painful. We all sat down, and there was nothing I liked." I'll have a Caesar salad." I mumbled. The waitress nodded and smiled, writing it down." Drink?" She asked politely." I'll have a water, please." I said. She nodded and walked away." Water?" Jessica raised her eyebrow." I don't wanna eat out." I groaned." Too bad," Max shrugged. I shot him a glare." Can we talk about your animals? The poor sheep. What names are those? Martha, Bartha, Darta, Larry and Joe or something." Bonnie suggested." Martha, Scarfa, Bartha, Darta and Larry." Jessica corrected sharply.
"Wasn't there Chicken Noodle Soup?" Tom asked." It's Noodle and Soup." Jessica rolled her eyes." What should we do when we get back?" I decided to change the subject." Oh! I have this game called Uno. Shall we play it when we get back?" She asked hopefully." Alright." I said. Jessica relaxed her shoulders." What the—duck—is that noise?" Charlie's eyes widened. I heard loud banging from outside the restaurant." No." I breathed. I wished I were with Dexter and Mom, reading on the couch. Loud bangs and screams were heard from outside, and a waiter yelled for everyone to duck down. I closed my eyes and huddled up with everybody. The waitresses and waiters ran back and forth, until settling in a hiding spot. I heard the doorknob rattle, until it thud against the ground. I peeked and saw the door in the ground, boots dragging across the floor. I paused, slowing down my rapid, heavy breathing. I breathed softly, in and out, in and out. I felt my heart thud, I thought it would beat out of my chest. Me and Jessica exchanged a worried glance. I heard a deep voice demand for cash, and put their hands up or else he'll shoot. I saw Jessica dialling 911. No, I mouthed. Yes, she mouthed. She put the phone to her ear and started to slow down her breathing. She whispered quietly," robber with a gun at Winner Dinner's." I stared at her, eyes wide.
I couldn't hear anything else until Jessica said," yep!" She didn't yip it too loud, but the boots seemed to stop. I closed my eyes, and Jessica froze with terror. She gently put the phone away and the boots stopped at our table. We were all huddled up under the table, and I swallowed. Heavy breathing from the robber was heard, and he bent down. I hid behind Val and nearly screamed until a waiter yelled," hey!" The robber whipped around and shot. People screamed, and I bit my lip. I closed my eyes as louder banging was heard, and Bonnie and Val began to cry. I felt like crying, too. I couldn't blame them. Charlie screamed, and Jessica hollered if everyone was okay. The waiter fell, choking and falling into a pool of his own blood. A waiter gave him plenty cash, and he stared." This it?" He snarled." I-I-I'll g-get m-more, n—"
"Now!" He snapped, and the waitress froze. He shot at her unexpectedly, and blood spattered onto my lips and forehead. I felt the warm liquid oozing down my face. I couldn't hold back a scream of horror, drowned out by the other screams. Jessica began to sob, holding her hands on her face. Tom and Max screamed, huddling up against Charlie. Charlie touched my hand gently, wiping the blood away." It's alright," her voice was shaky yet soothing, and I knew she was trying to convince herself it was okay. It wasn't okay, but I trembled and nodded. The waitress gave a sharp cry before collapsing. I screamed even more. Sirens were heard in the background, and they got closer...and closer...until the robber paused." Who did that?" He roared angrily, shooting glass. Glass fell onto my shoulders and elbows, a bunch digging through my shoes. The sharpness stabbed and dug into my feet, but I couldn't feel the pain. I felt like rubber. Jessica glanced around nervously, lip trembling." No," I breathed." I won't," she whispered. The robber began shooting everywhere, hitting and shooting people. Before he could point at us, I heard a loud, deep voice command," freeze! Hands up!" My shoulders gently relaxed a little. They were still tense, but not as tense as before. I saw blue and black uniforms rushing in. The robber dropped the gun, hands up. A policewoman cuffed his hands." Anyone dead?" She asked a waitress." Yes," she whispered." Plenty," she began to cry." Oh, dear..." the policewoman curled her lip. The policewoman guided the robber out, and I gasped for air.
"Never eating out again," Max said cheerfully. Fear was slithering in his voice, but he didn't lighten the mood at all. But he was definitely right. I never would ever eat out again." Everyone out," another policewoman ordered. I shakily got up, tightly grabbing Val's wrist. Most people were guided in ambulances, so I was grateful I wasn't shot. I closed my eyes, Val guiding me out the door." Who's in th-the best m-mood to d-drive today?" Bonnie stammered." Me," Charlie volunteered. I sat between Val and Tom, tucking my knees between my chest. Katie had remained quiet the whole time, and I was surprised. She sat in the front seat calmly." That. Was. Scary. I nearly pooped my pants," Katie's eye twitched. She was in passenger seat, and I nodded in agreement." I pissed a little." Max admitted." We all did," Val said, and me and the rest murmured in agreement." I have glass on my arms," I groaned." I'll help get them out, if you want?" Val's lip trembled. She shakily reached her hand towards me, and plucked out the glass painfully. I grabbed the out my shoe and only two in my feet. They weren't too deep, but I bled a little. Polysporin and bandages should do the trick. Max, Jessica and Bonnie sat in the back, and no one said a word on the way back.
Not even the slightest peep.
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