8-Green maze

Spinel was surrounded by a tangle of forget-me-nots, she felt her body heavy and uncontrollable, so despite being caught by the flowers, she couldn't speak, in front of her was the portal belonging to The Garden, which suddenly lit up showing a figure with a pink hair in the shape of a rose, but a suit accompanied by thorns "Pink?" Spinel thinks almost instantly, and indeed it turned out to be the diamond, the one that was Spinel's best friend. The gem found enough strength to break free of the flowers "Pink! Pink, it's me!" Spinel calls while she runs to the diamond.

"Spinel?" Pink asks in dismay, to which the jester gem cries of happiness.

"Yes, you came back!" Spinel calls excitedly, but suddenly Pink turns her back on her.

"Spinel, I can't see you again. You can stop" Pink Sentences, at which point Spinel's heart breaks.

"Than?" The jester gem questions with a smile that contrasts with the gleam of sadness in her eyes.

"I can't see you. Now I have a colony, the Diamonds we must give an image, Spinel, I am now a respectable leader, and that implies that I cannot waste my time with jesters" Pink Diamond declares simply, Spinel tries to make her friend look towards her, but then the thorns of her suit rise, going through Spinel's body, who tries to shout at the Diamond, but suddenly she is pierced by a sword, whose blade reflects Spinel's face.

Suddenly Pink disappears, like a pink cloud, his gem falls to the ground without apparent cracks, in front of Spinel and her former companion was a blurred but thin figure, with a pearl on her forehead as the only distinguishable feature, but next to that figure was a discernible woman, a woman with curly and pink hair, a white dress, a plump but tall figure, which emanates respect and kindness, a pink quartz "What did you do ?!" Spinel asks angrily at the figures.

"... She's gone" The rose quartz sentence, a few words that irritated Spinel so much, but fortunately, the quartz also disappeared in a cloud.

"No she did not!" Spinel refuses to believe what the figure said, looking for the Pink Diamond gem, a pink and brilliant diamond, but there was only Steven, but he looked very different, he was a baby Steven. Although he hadn't really changed much, he was wearing pink clothes, had fluffy black hair, and a smile on his face "Steven?" Spinel asked in dismay.


"Steven?!" The pink gem dismayed and scared, Spinel and Steven slept in the pink bubble that had been transporting them in the ocean for a couple of days, or rather, the ocean was carrying the bubble thanks to the tide for a couple of days, around them were sea lions that accompanied and played with the bubble "Steven ?!" Spinel is scared to see the sea lions, she wakes up Steven.

"What's going on?" Steven asks worried but sleepy, when suddenly Spinel sticks to him and she hides as she can behind the back of the hybrid.

"What are those things?" Spinel asks pointing to the sea lions, who watched the group curiously and their strange ship.

"They are sea lions" Steven exclaims with simplicity "How cute they look" The human points tenderly while carving his eyes.

"You never described Lion as these" Spinel complains quickly, to which Steven gave a small laugh.

"They are not the same type of lion" Steven emphasizes simply as he rose to eat one of the fruits of the watermelon island, Spinel on the other hand did not feel very comfortable with the sea lions watching and tried to scare them taking different forms, making faces or stretching, but those animals responded by imitating her.

"Steven, I do not like sea lions" Spinel sentence sitting next to the human, Steven for his part also tries to get away from sea lions, which begin to go more out of boredom than something else "... Hey, Steven? I just slept, right? " Spinel asks curiously, remembering what Steven told him about his experiences with Pearl and Amethyst in his sleepover. Steven nodded with some confusion. "I had a dream, Steven, I didn't like it." Spinel sentences quickly, beginning to explain her dream.

"Wait, could you show what pink quartz looks like?" Steven asks, to which Spinel tries to remember that figure and imitate it by changing shape, a result more than identical to Rose Quartz "It's my mom!" Steven emphasizes surprised with star-shaped eyes.

"But I don't know your mother. Why would I see her in a dream?" Spinel asks in dismay, to which Steven didn't have much answer.

"Maybe because of my stories your mind imagined my mother's appearance, so you ended up dreaming of her" Steven tries to explain, on the other hand, the gem did not understand that surreal concept, but Spinel felt that something was wrong. Suddenly she felt boiling with rage at the memory of Pink and that pink quartz.

"It was just a dream, so I guess it doesn't have to make sense" Spinel remarks remembering some things Steven had said before "Hey, a liquid comes out of your mouth" Spinel sentence wiping Steven with her hand, whose face was full of Saliva as soon as he wake up.

"Thanks for that," Steven exclaims with gratitude when the gem is over. "Well, maybe you're like me and you have the power to connect to my dreams. There are times when we dream and we don't remember what happened, so I wouldn't know if It was also my dream, but I would explain why you recognize my mother's appearance "Steven tries to explain that phenomenon again, the duo had no choice but to accept that Spinel's dream seemed to have no apparent explanation.

Spinel took over as duo ship, getting ready for when Steven disappeared the bubble "Hey Steven. Do you know how to fight?" Spinel asks curiously, to which the human quickly denied.

"Most of my powers are defensive, I'm more of a support, the most I had to attack was my mother's sword. Gems tell me how she was always an excellent warrior" Steven responds with some sorrow, the height of the expectations due to his mother was high.

"You are an excellent support, if it makes you feel better" Spinel emphasizes talking with the human, who returns the gesture with a smile "I think that if I knew how to fight I could protect you, if we won against Malachite it was hard but ... I am not a warrior gem, I serve to do tricks "Spinel exclaims, to which Steven encourages her without delay. While Steven practiced bubble tricks, Spinel tried her plans to fight the worst enemy they had encountered (after Malachite), fishes. Spinel's arms moved like ropes that suddenly hit marine living things, something Steven didn't like very much, but at least Spinel didn't kill them.


After a few hours, the gem stopped practicing and saw the horizon "Hey! There's a coast!" Spinel exclaims, she who had lengthened her eye like a spyglass, so the duo hurried the way to the coast, whose gorges looked whitish but not because of snow or sand, it was directly the color of the stone but what most prominent was a kind of green mud den.

"Hi!" Steven calls, he quickly notices that there seemed to be remains of robonoids there. Spinel meanwhile pulled Steven away from the entrance and extended her neck to put her head, and leave after a few moments "What's up?" Steven asks in dismay.

"There are holes, and tunnels," Spinel explains curiously. "Does any Earth animal do this?"

"Maybe, there are animals that live in holes but these are Peridot's robonoids." Steven exclaims unsure when he sees the small structure, he didn't know if something had happened to the Homeworld's gem since his departure from the temple.

"Do you want to come in or something?" Spinel asks presenting the "entrance" of the place, to which Steven doubted a few moments just to enter, at the beginning there were four tunnels that descended.

"We should separate to cover more ground," Steven exclaims, but Spinel's neck stretched and wrapped around his torso.

"No, just ... no," Spinel sentences seriously, to which Steven then decides to simply advance through one of the tunnels to the right, around the tunnels there seems to be small marks that remind Steven of the marks that a snake left in the sand. The first thing the duo found after descending a few meters, apart from a clear darkness, was a tiny camera that contained more robonoid bodies. Spinel came forward and began to remove some of the small machines, suddenly noting that most robonoids were tied by chains "It's a trap!" Spinel jumps quickly and backs up with Steven.

"Ah!" Steven exclaims shrinking in the fetal position while he and her partner waited for something, but only heard the jingle of some bells, there must be another camera under which they were "It's not a trap, but we have to move these robonoids" Steven exclaims with caution, however before the duo approached again a shout was heard.

"Damn crabs!" A squeaky voice complains, suddenly a green energy ball came out from under the camera of the robonoids, destroying with great power the remains of the robots and with it the ceiling.

Spinel's body on the surface quickly shot from her neck and resembling a fishing rod recedes leading Steven to the surface while the mud cracked "That was Peridot's voice, Spinel!" Steven catches the eye recognizing the voice after a few minutes, but finally that lair collapsed "... Do you think she's fine?" The human asks worried.

"Surely" The gem sentences simply, when another ball of light comes out and with it a yellow hair and a green skin appears, "I told you," Spinel remarks.

"Damn crabs, always coming in ... Oh no!" Peridot was complaining, crawling out of her den, she was full of mud, dirt and sand, cursing in grunts but suddenly hearing about the duo's presence "You! ... Are the other Crystal Clods here ... Yes?" Peridot asks nervously after a few moments of anger and doubt.

"No" Steven and Spinel sentenced at the same time, surprising Homeworld's gem.

"A Spinel? What are you doing here?" Peridot quickly asks the pink gem.

"I accompany my friend Steven to his house ... You just don't know where Beach City is right?" Spinel asks curiously, suddenly taking Peridot's hand in a kind of greeting, but the green gem did not react well, she takes her limbs away from Spinel.

"What is a Beach City?" Peridot asks in dismay, to which Spinel and Steven sigh defeated.

"It's my house, I lost my powers and now we don't know where we are" Steven sentences with grief, to which Peridot with a movement of her fingers shows a map.

"We're here," Peridot points out showing a point between the United States border and Canada on the west coast, surprising Steven.

"Why do you help us ?!" The human asks excitedly with his pupils like stars.

"I need help!" Peridot exclaims in a shout holding the duo, but after their surprise, Peridot quickly took her hands off them "Sorry, that is not my own, but the situation is ... delicate, precarious ... a disaster "Peridot explains quickly, a series of complicated hand gestures escape her" I am trapped since the last time we met on Earth, I lost Jasper and Lapis, and I don't have the necessary portals to go to Homeworld, which is ...imperative"

"Why?" The duo questions with curiosity, to which the fingers of the gem showed a diagram, were millions of gems united in a super-core.

"This is The Cluster, it is an amalgam of gem fragments, a geo-weapon, designed as a time bomb against organic life and rebel gems, placed in the last phase of the Earth's civil war, state incubating for more than 5,700 years and the test phases have been starting to activate "Peridot explains confusing Steven and Spinel, what they saw was simply thunderous, both of them suddenly felt like vomiting" Don't be so sensitive. If this explodes. I will disappear in the middle of space forever! " Peridot points quickly, while the duo tried to contain themselves.

"Then ... we have to get with the Crystal Gems. As quickly as possible!" Steven exclaims with concern, to which Peridot nodded reluctantly.

"They haven't been chasing me lately. Maybe they already know about The Cluster?" Peridot wonders.

"No, it must be because they are looking for Steven" Spinel emphasizes raising the human and placing him in front of Peridot's face who notices him in annoyance, although both Spinel and Steven greet the green gem with joy.

"Well, then we would have to find a way to get to ..."Beach City" so that I! will help you to save me. Is that clear?" Peridot asks seriously, to which Steven and Spinel nod with an innocent and smiling face. "Good." Peridot nods in annoyance, but suddenly a pincer spikes her robotic leg. "Ah, crab!" Peridot shouts throwing the small underground crustacean against the white cliffs, but to the surprise of Steven and Spinel, the crab was hairy and with a small gem, and with its claws it split the stone, fitting a tunnel into the interior of it. Peridot's leg was quite dented in fact.

"Was that a corrupt gem?" Steven asks surprised, to which Peridot nodded sarcastically.

"Of course Steven. Do you think that an organic way of life would harm me? Those beings have been bothering me for days, getting into my den, using my robonides as houses and pricking me" Peridot complained annoyingly, but then Spinel put his fingers in the hole made by the gem crab and pulls it out with its limbs tangled around Spinel's stretched fingers.

"You want it?" Spinel asks releasing the crab just to use her arms as gymnastics ropes to make the crab jump involuntarily from one to another, so the crab was unable to attack Spinel.

"... Yes," Peridot sentences throwing her beam at the crab, which explodes, fortunately Spinel pulled her arms before Peridot fired.

"Let me encapsulate him!" Steven rushes to lock the little gem in a bubble, but he didn't realize that the crab's body fluid was tremendously odorous, a smell that disturbed even Spinel and Peridot, at the beginning the group thought it was nothing, so Steven took the opportunity to soak in the ocean before the now group of three left for the east.

It was then that the white rocks began to crack, showing eyes similar to antennas connected to a gigantic purple crustacean-gem, similar more to a lobster than a crab although that did not matter much, but that its gem did not seem visible. Peridot uses her fingers like the helicopter's propellers to climb out of the range of the crustacean that pounced towards them, while Spinel stretched one of her arms to grab the wet Steven while using the other to hold on to Peridot.

The crustacean misses its attack, to which Peridot quickly sticks out his tongue trying to escape, although it was difficult with the extra weight, however the crustacean then directs towards them his pincer, which emits a fireball at high speed against the group. Steven is quick to protect them with a bubble, which receives the full impact but does not explode, but it cracks, Peridot tries to take advantage to escape overcoming the gorge but when she gets it the crustacean begins to climb using its pointed legs, throwing another ball of fire. Spinel breaks Steven's bubble and forces Peridot down to the ground.

Spinel starts running with Peridot chasing her from behind, with the crustacean finally rising. Steven closely notes the tracks of a train and how it was going to the place where they were with the crustacean stepping on their heels "Hey, if we got on the train maybe we could escape" Steven exclaims trying to get as quickly as possible to the train. While the trio was walking along the wide tracks, Peridot's legs hooked on the rails, Steven and Spinel rushed to try to get the gem of Homeworld out but the crustacean threw another fireball at them, Spinel then tries to dodge and take Steven out as quickly as possible, but the human activated his bubble to avoid receiving the impact. The problem was the crustacean getting closer, but at that moment Peridot literally took off her legs, which were more like mechanical prostheses "Really ?!" Spinel and Steven ask, Spinel more upset with Peridot than anything, while Steven was amazed.

The crustacean on the other hand was already on them, about to hit the bubble with its tweezers, if not because the train arrived to get between them, derailing for not stopping in time and running over the crustacean and the trio, for a few moments. Steven was still, paralyzed, but he jumped to defend Spinel and Peridot, activating his shield, so he ended up revolving in another direction, taking Spinel and Peridot with him after the bubble burst.

On the other hand, the crustacean gem was not yet completely defeated, its physical form was badly damaged but it would still have given a bit of a fight. But Peridot ready her cannon and Spinel increased the size of her hand to gigantic proportions, definitely crushing the crustacean "... We did it!" The trio is encouraged to exclaim, although Spinel rubbed the sore hand she had used to hit the crustacean, Steven was sweating with fear and fatigue, while Peridot mocked and rejoiced at the crustacean's defeat.

While the train passengers and the workers left to review what had happened, the trio escaped from the place after having Steven send the crustacean gem bubble to the temple, this time running towards the horizon.


"Steven, you recovered your shield" Spinel exclaims excitedly hugging the human, the group had run kilometers, or well, Spinel had run kilometers without getting tired while she carried Steven on her back and dragged an Peridot upset on the floor.

"How did you lose your powers?" Peridot asks curiously, the group was now in a forest, but this forest was not scary, for now.

"I used a rejuvenator on him" Spinel sentences quickly, both she and Steven look somewhat uncomfortable, mainly because of Peridot's gaze on them.

"Wow, I haven't heard from the rejuvenators for a long time, they stopped manufacturing a long time ago. Their main flaw was that they weren't permanent, and a gem could recover its memories with some sensory stimulation, so we actually focused more on undoing the form physics to imprison the gems "Peridot explains simply, these details encouraged Steven and Spinel, so that the human will regain his powers, there were already 2 they knew.

"Wait, Peridot! I have a question, now that we're all calm," Spinel exclaims quickly. "Do you know Pink Diamond? Have you heard anything about her lately?" Spinel asks excitedly, Peridot looks at her in dismay at the question.

"Pink and Spinel knew each other, but they haven't seen each other for a long time." Steven explains, to which Peridot is surprised, since that jester gem was the jester of a Diamond, apparently.

"Well ... the only thing I heard from Pink Diamond is the historical records of Yellow Diamond, her ... "sister", companion, comrade or whatever you want to call it, it was destroyed a little over 5,600 years ago by Rose Quartz in the Civil war on Earth, Jasper spent talking about her but personally I am a pretty young Peridot "Peridot points out quickly, but there was only silence in the forest.

Spinel could not believe what she had heard, Steven on the other hand was devastated, he goes back a few steps watching Spinel "Spinel ... I" The human tries to speak in distress "Do you want a hug? Sorry if my mother hurt your friend "Steven offers approaching the gem. At that moment Steven notices Spinel's gigantic fist about to crush him. The human didn't even try to dodge Spinel, he simply shrugged with his eyes closed, but then he notices a little picket in his nose "Au!" Steven complains, noting that it was Spinel's fingers that pinched his nose.

"Do not apologize, you are not your mother Steven, you are my friend" Spinel sentences tearing, but on the other hand giving a small smile "I do not think you were able to kill Pink or something like that, in addition, I promised to take you with the Crystal Gems "Spinel exclaims, but on the other hand her body shows pure sadness, with even darker colors and beaked pigtails fallen to the ground.

Peridot only saw everything with immense dismay "What did I get into?"

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