7-Adventures in Super Watermelon Island

Spinel and Steven finished their breakfast with watermelons, so they both enjoyed the atmosphere of the island while the Watermelons Stevens returned to their routine of "normal" jobs and lives to put it in a way, the gem and the human lay down with tranquility in the grass next to the city "We gather some food and we leave tomorrow" Spinel clarifies with tranquility while she stretched on the ground.

"Sounds like a good plan for me" Steven exclaims with a smile "I have to admit that I'm surprised that there are no animals around here" Steven points out as he watched the Watermelons Stevens walk picking fruits like nothing, or just walking all over the island.

"From what you told me the Watermelons Stevens seem to be more aggressive than they appear, they may have eliminated all possible predators of their species" Spinel comments seriously, although she and Steven quickly laughed a little, they could not see those watermelons as genocidal of the local fauna.

In a short time Steven and Spinel collected the food and coconut water that the watermelons kindly brought to them, but in the afternoon they saw a kind of celebration specifically for a particular watermelon, the Watermelon Steven did not seem anything special, but it was crowned with a crown of blue, orange and green flowers. Steven and Spinel also received a wreath of flowers for each of some watermelons, the one with the tricolor crown left the city without anyone following her "Where are you going?" Spinel asks curiously, but she realized that Steven had really been following the watermelon "Steven!" Spinel calls following the human.

Finally the gem had reached its companion after a few meters of walking through the extensive foliage of the plants, the place looked like a huge cave near the city of watermelons "What are you doing?" Steven asks the watermelon animated, but there was not even a movement of the watermelon, she was standing waiting, in the position that Baby Melon had done before die. Spinel contemplated for a few moments that next to the cave there was a painting representing a six-limb being, using the juices of some fruits as paint.

"Steven, leave it, I think it's a watermelon ritual," Spinel exclaims simply placing her hand on Steven's shoulder and backing up a few steps.

"Yes, but it's very ... strange" Steven mentions looking at the gem, but suddenly both of them heard a great roar coming from the cave, making them tremble quickly, Spinel grabs Steven and jumps to the side of a palm tree to escape, but the most surprising thing was the sudden giant hand that came out of the cave, dragging the watermelon to the depths "... Ahhhh!" Steven shouts, who was accompanied by Spinel's screams.

"There is no tomorrow, we are leaving now!" Spinel sentence trying to get out of there before that hand came back, but Steven stopped her.

"But what will happen to that Watermelon Steven ?!" The human asks worried, to which Spinel began to shake Steven as if he were insane, making him dizzy.

"Steven. It's a watermelon! What does it matter? They'll be fine as long as they can reproduce more than they die." The gem reminds Steven, but the human escaped Spinel's grip to run to the cave to which the gem He stretches towards him with the intention of stopping him.

"But they helped us, we can't let a monster take them like this" Steven complains trying to escape again, Spinel watched the cave, wet and dark, that descended meters and meters under the ground "I created them I should worry about them . What if it is a corrupt gem?"

"Think a few moments what you say! You have no powers, and I don't fight. I'm a buffoon, Steven! What could we do?" Spinel questions quickly, trying to convince Steven to get away as quickly as possible, the silence simply killed Spinel's confidence in the survival of the watermelon and simply gave her more reasons for both of them to stay away from that place.

"... Stealth rescue mission" Steven whispers with determination, but Spinel decided to walk out of the cave, taking the human with her "Spinel please" Steven implores clutching the gem, which continued walking towards the city of the watermelons, where both had their provisions. But on the way Steven's gem shone again with great intensity, Spinel and his partner were both surprised, but Spinel is startled when the human generates a bubble that covers him, freeing himself from the grip of the gem.

"I'll save the watermelon, I'll be right back!" Steven exclaims excitedly, he runs like a guinea pig inside his ball towards the cave once more, although it bounced due to the inconsistencies of the region, Spinel for her part extended his limbs trying to stop Steven, but he began to bounce from tree to tree to avoid Spinel, whose hands ended up entangled.

"Steven stop right now!" Spinel orders unraveling when Steven was already at the entrance of the cave and descending to it, the little Spinel can hear is the "Pop!" of the bubble bursting shortly, and a small moan of pain from Steven. To which Spinel runs inside, finding how Steven had slipped against the ground with a stalagmite and therefore the bubble had burst "That was very dangerous, seriously, let's get out of here" Spinel implores while she held Steven again, now the human had some scratches all over his face.

"I'm fine, my bubble came back. Maybe my healing saliva too," Steven exclaims quickly, to which he licks his hand to apply the saliva to the wound on his knee, only to find that it burned "Or maybe not ... "Steven is disappointed, Spinel sighed as she hugged the human tightly.

"Steven please, we can't face a corrupt gem ... At this moment I would miss not having broken the rejuvenator or first never having used it, you would be at home and I would still be in The Garden" Spinel mentions with melancholy about to go.

"... Slow to get into so many problems" Steven apologizes sorry, to which the gem shook his hair.

"Don't worry, I deserve it for trying to use the rejuvenator in you ... I appreciate you as a friend" Spinel points out making a big smile to cheer up the human, but then they were both surprised by a great smoke coming out from the bowels of the cave, accompanied by a sound that could only be the breathing of the cave resident. Spinel closed her mouth as she covered the human's, both clutching each other in fear. The only thing that sounded was the drops of sweat falling from Steven and Spinel, but it was enough for yellow eyes to appear with interest.

Spinel stretched to the ceiling of the cave to climb outside while Steven clung to her back "Wait ... It's Malachite!" Steven catches Spinel's attention.

"Great! You know, Steven, I'm not interested in being near a volatile fusion ?!" Spinel quickly exclaims a joke between frightened and irritated, but to her misfortune, the fusion had quickly noticed them.

"Rose Quartz!" Malachite calls the attention of the duo, she drives herself to the entrance of the cave with her multiple limbs when the companions were already on the surface, Malachite was accompanied by a gigantic wave of underground water that boiled at high temperature.

"Do you think hiding in a bush will fool her?" Spinel asks when the merger had come out.

"No, rather she would crush all the bushes until we found each other" Steven quickly sentences as he shoves himself and Spinel into a bubble, the gems tremble and melt from the nerves, but as they run into the jungle they are chased so much by the fusion as by the current of water, which in turn displaced earth, rocks and plants becoming an avalanche "Something must have happened to Lapis, she would not do this!" Steven points out as the bubble slides in the tide towards the watermelon city.

"Bad for her, but now worry about us" Spinel remarks when suddenly one of Malachite's gigantic hands tries to crush them, Steven deactivates the bubble and jumps against one of the palm trees while grabbing Spinel, dodging the blow of the fusion. Spinel regains her composure and she used her arms to grab a palm tree and bounce along with Steven to the blind spot of Malachite, who briefly noticed the watermelon city, meters ahead of where they were. The companions were able to observe the small figures that inhabited that place escaping the tide "I think it gives us time to go the other way ... What do you say?" Spinel exclaims worried while watching Malachite's approach to the city from the tip of a palm tree, looking for "Rose Quartz."

"But ..." Steven tries to stop Spinel, but she silences him by placing one of his pink fingers over the hybrid's mouth.

"Steven, we can't win. You tried to save a watermelon and we failed, we failed together, but we failed." Spinel sentences and tries to stop the human once more, finally pulling his finger off it, they both saw that the fusion trampled everything on his step, including the Sandias Steven, who had just shattered in the search for Rose Quartz.

"... Spinel, hide yourself" Steven orders seriously, to which Spinel looks at the puzzled human "Malachite, I'm here!" Steven calls with a loud shout to the fusion, who, unfortunately, heard it and turned around to look at the human "Thinking better, Spinel, may now I need your help again" Steven exclaims hastily, only to realize that the Gem was gone. Steven had to go down, so he activated his bubble and fell to the ground, suffering a little damage from the effect of the fall inside the bubble, Steven tried to run deep into the island as Malachite approached "Spinel!" The human calls with concern, only to realize that Malachite fell after him.

"What the hell is this?!" The fusion asks furiously, she looks at her feet, tied thanks to the stretched body of the pink gem, before Malachite could do anything, she realized that her arms were also tied "Why don't you stop stretching ?! " The fusion complains, but the more she resisted the stronger the pressure Spinel exerted on her limbs.

"Now what should I do?" Spinel thinks, her head was quite close to Malachite's hands, Spinel had never really fought against another gem so she wouldn't know how to hit Malachite or make her disappear, but a strange idea went through her mind. Spinel took Steven's form and using her finger as a trumpet she gave a great shout "Lapis, help!" Spinel calls imitating the human's voice, although with certain defects.

Steven on the other hand had appeared under Spinel and Malachite, keeping close difficult due to the collapse of water that still happened "Great idea, Spinel!" Steven congratulates, he raises his voice as he can with the hope that Lapis will listen to them, Spinel using his long body lifted Steven, who burst the bubble so Spinel could increase the sound of his voice.

"Rose!" The most furious part of Malachite, closest to Jasper, calls, but then the other replied "Steven! What are you doing here ?!" The part closest to Lapis calls, but suddenly the ocean near the island began to corner the fusion, looking like chains and wives, Spinel disentangled to escape as quickly as possible.

"Lapis, it's great to see you!" Steven greets cheerfully, a slight smile could be seen on one side of Malachite's face, but the other was pure anger contained. Spinel was with large drops of sweat running down his head for fear of being crushed.

"I have to go Steven, I thought this was a safe place! Why are there plants with your shape ?!" Malachite asks alarmed as the water chains plunged her back into the ocean, a part of her accepted that fate and another resisted waiting to escape to catch the duo of companions.

"Goodbye again Lapis, it was good to see you" Steven says goodbye while the ocean swallowed Malachite, on the ground what was the city of watermelons was completely destroyed, and the now colder water turned a pink color by the remains of the destroyed Watermelons-Stevens "Do you think anyone is alive?" Steven asks curiously, Spinel breathes hard trying to calm down "I'm sorry I acted like this Spinel" The human apologizes grabbing the hand of the gem while giving her encouragement to calm down, in the end, Steven was successful.

"Steven, seriously, don't do something like that again, this time we were lucky" Spinel recriminates with fear, Steven lowers his head in distress, with a couple of tears.

"But I wanted to help them!" Steven complains annoyed, it was the kindest part of his personality and unfortunately one that used to get him into trouble.

"I know, you're very good at it, but Malachite is ... well, you saw it with your own eyes. I saw it now with my own eyes! At least you like Lapis," Spinel says cheerfully, to which she began to change her form to try to encourage the human, taking the form of Lapis and later that of Malachite, who on the one hand imitated the voice more similar to Lapis and another more similar to Jasper.

"Thank you for that" Steven mentions calmer and with a small smile, meanwhile, he realized that Spinel was starting to eat pieces of watermelon that had scattered on the ground, offering one to the human "No thanks" Steven sentences quickly , to which Spinel continues to eat despite everything. Although she stopped when they saw some Watermelons Stevens approaching, the watermelons quickly began to rebuild after having stopped the movement of the island's land.

"They are alive Steven!" Spinel cheers as she watched the watermelons begin to rebuild her small town, Steven was also glad of this and decided to go help the watermelons while Spinel accompanied him, although the watermelons would take days to completely rebuild the city or its numbers, They were grateful to the duo. Perhaps because they no longer had to send sacrifices to Malachite, or perhaps with the help of Steven and Spinel. It didn't take away that Spinel took as many supplies as she could from them to leave after Steven slept until the next day.

"You feel good?" Spinel asks Steven carefully while they sail the sea again, Steven gave a nod while he drank some coconut water, Steven's healing powers had not returned, like his shield and other abilities, his gem was partially shining, but It did shine in its entirety when he used his bubbles. For Spinel this meant that the rejuvenator was not permanent, or that at least Steven could re-learn his powers "Do you want me to teach you how to juggle with bubbles?" Spinel offers looking to play with the human while they continued their journey across the ocean.

"Clear!" Steven states with his star-shaped eyes.

After a while, where most of the bubbles that Steven produced had fallen into the ocean or exploded, while Spinel was able to play with 5 at the same time, the duo finally stopped, stretching so much had tired Spinel, so Steven decides to use his bubble so that both could rest inside it, while keeping the food safe from the seagulls that accompanied them occasionally "Steven ... Do you miss your home?" Spinel asks curiously.

"Of course!" Steven points quickly.

"So ... I promise I'll take you there with the Crystal Gems" Spinel sentences with a smile, to which Steven returns the gesture, but taking the pinky of the gem "What are you doing?" Spinel mocks confused.

"This symbolizes that it is a promise, and should not be broken" Steven exclaims excitedly, to which Spinel nodded.

"Very well, I wouldn't break it for anything in the world" The gem accepts.


Steven had been missing for almost two days, Greg, Connie and the Crystal Gems were the first to realize his absence, starting to search all over Beach City in search of the teenager, finding nothing "Pearl. Where did he go? "Garnet seriously asks her partner, she for her part did not know what to say.

"You talked to him before he disappeared. Do you know where he was going?" Amatisa asks with concern, but for her part Pearl starts to cry heartily, nobody knew where Steven could have gone. Pearl regretted not having inquired more about Steven's mysterious going for his questions about Pink Diamond, but there was nothing else to do.

The Crystal Gems began the next day a series of trips on the portal to search for the hybrid. While Connie could not accompany them despite knowing certain things about the handling of the sword, she and Greg placed posters all over the city, and the internet.

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