"See you at break time Mike." ,I tell Mike .
"Cool ,thanks again doll." He replies.
I give him a warm hug, as I go down the stairs to my Afrikaans class.
As I got there ,there was no one in front of the class ,so all I do is I listen to my space.
"Hey.", one my classmate ,greets me. She is chubby and wears specs.
"Hi", I respond back.
"How are you?"
"I'm cool ,how about you?"
So after that we had that awkward silenceeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
To be honest I hate silence. In fact I hate the 'awkward' silence.
" So your name is?" ,she asks.
Thank goodness she was able to break the silence!
"Amika,and yours ?"
"Linda." ,she says.
"Nice to meet you Linda."
Our Afrikaans teacher arrives ,and I'm so glad he did ,before I and Linda could have another awkward silence.
"You may enter ladies", says our Afrikaans teacher. He is an old man and he seems like a grumpy one.
Linda and I enter into class and she sits next to me.
She then becomes comfortable , after few minutes i asked her about the career she'd like to pursue, she told me about herself, her current boyfriend ,and so on. I just don't know ,but every time I meet a new person that person ,becomes comfortable around me and starts telling me about themselves/deepest secrets.
But I enjoy that people became talkative when I'm around.
Hey, don't get me wrong. But most people say that shy people become talkative ,when they are around the right people , meaning I'm a good person - I guess.
Some people say that I'm a good listener and I seem trust worthy. And I guess that's the reason ,that I made friends with half of my classmates. I love people and I love meeting new personalities.
"Amika, come please", Summer calls me from outside. Wasn't
she running late for the math class?
"Sorry Linda ,I'll be with you right now." I tell Linda. I therefore stand up and walk outside where Summer is. The teacher isn't in class ,he left the class under our responsibility.
"Cool", she responds.
"Yes ,Summer ,what is it that you want?" I ask Summer .
"You are in 10D ,right?" Summer asks me.
"Of course, I am."
"Cool, this is my cousin Nadia, Nadia this is Amika".
"Hi ,Amika" ,Nadia greets me.
"Hello." I greet back with a smile.
"Okay ,guys I'll leave you to it, bye" , say Summer as she walks away , not even minding of what we'll say in return.
"So I guess you're in grade 10D?" ,I chuckle.
"Yeah, I was lost ,and I met Summer on my way to the office, and brought me to youI hope we'll be friends ,because you're friends with my cousin ,and I've also heard a lot about you". Nadia gives me a smile ,after saying that
Wow I made two new friends in just an hour ,if not minutes.
This day is seriously creeping me out for real.
"Sure. Come on in, you'll sit next to me and Linda ." I introduced the newbies to each other ,and we all get along
Few minutes later
Everyone in class came in after few minutes and settled down ,and everyone seat with their friends. Our Afrikaans teacher introduced himself as "Mr van Dyke". He read to us a story ,about the "Three little kittens". Nobody really listened, because half of the class couldn't understand a word. But the poor old man is trying to make an effort, to translate the story. But you know school kids . They were all busy on their cellphones.
Poor old man ,I thought he was all grumpy, hostile and is always angry ,but I thought wrong. He doesn't even shout nor ask the kids to put away their phones.He goes to sit behind his desk ,to drink his coffee, as most of the class doesn't pay attention. A teacher from another class walks in, asking Mr van Dyke to help her with some boxes. They both went out and he told us to not make any noise ,while he's gone.
Tracy than walks in class ,right after Mr van Dyke and the other lady left. She looks all around the classroom ,until her eyes lays on me. She waves at me and approachs my table , with a smile . She then stops when she's Linda and Nadia, and calls me to the side of the class.Tracy is also a very shy person , did I mention that I thought she couldn't speak at first?
"You are late ,miss", I fold my arms as I follow her to wherever she's calling me to.
"Amika ,who are all those people?" ,she whispers ,looking nerves.
"Linda and Nadia, come and meet them they are very cool people."
"No I can't ,I'm"
As she was about to say another word from her mouth I grab her by hand and took her to them. I know Tracy is shy ,but she'll have to make friends in class. I can't be her only friend, what if I might be absent one day,who will she speak to?
"Guys meet Tracy ,she's my friend."
"Hi ,Tracy." Linda and Nadia greeted Tracy.
"Hii", she gave them ,her 'I'm so shy ' smile.
We all got to know each other and I guess they are my grade 10D friends
Bell rings for second period.
The whole class trudges to the PET class ,because no one. And I mean no one wants to be the 1st one to get to the gym hall. The gym hall is where our PET and Life Orientation classes are held.
My 'new friends' and I,where the first people to walk into the hall. We went to the back corner of the hall ,which was on our right hand side. Every body(classmates) then came in afterwards.
" Divide yourselves into 2 groups", a tall,built man told us ,as he walks in the hall, holding a ball. Maybe we will play some games.
Yey, I can't wait.
"Iyhoo ,why isn't he greeting us first?" ,Nadia whispers towards us.
We all giggle at that.
Jayden then enters right after the PET teacher told us to divide ourselves.I didn't see him in the Afrikaans class. I wonder where was he?
"Where are you from?" ,the PET teacher asks Jayden.
"From the toilets ,sir", Jayden answers as his palms run through his hair. Ravishing.
"Okay, but you are LATE!!"
"Sorry won't happen again."
Sir please don't listen to him ,he is not sorry...
"You'll be in group B", the PET teacher says.
My jaw just dropped. He is in group B and I'm in group A ,meaning my group will be playing against his. Oh great!!!!
"My name is Mr Obama , yeah some will ask 'are you related to President Obama' ", he says in a girly voice.
The whole class giggles at how that came out.
"BUT IM NOT!!", he says in a strict and scary voice,and everyone freaks out and remain silence after that, because he face became darn serious.
"In this class ,I'm the boss. Therefore no jokes allowed ,no one laughs unless I say so ,no one should be offended when I make a joke out of them, everyone does as I say, and no body should ever call me Mr Obama,okay!!?
"Yes ,sir", the whole class answers.
"I can't hear you,again" Mr Obama instructs us as he puts his hand behind his ear, as if he's a solider, with one hand still holding the ball.
"Good. Any questions?".
Nobody answered ,because no one wanted to be shouted.
"So who should we call you ,then?", out of no where ,Nick breaks the silence,and we all slowly tilt our eyes to him ,as if we are staring at a ghost behind him.
The PET teacher looked furious at this question and and goes straight to Nick, who was in front of him. It seems he wants to punch Nick in the face, or crash his poor bones.
I know I hate silence ,but just look at Nick , he is
"Hahahahahahaha!" ,Mr Obama, I mean the PET teacher laughs out of the blue .
We all look at each other, with surprised faces. I guess we all thought he was going to punch him.
"What's so funny with that sir?", Nick asks again.
My jaw just dropped again. Where does Nick get all this bravery? What is wrong with this kid?!
"The thing is , the previous class ,didn't ask me my name or whom should they call,so I'm so surprised that 10D did."
"Nick did ,not the 10D's" Kate states from the far back of the hall.
"I think you guys will be my favorite class. I haven't laughed this much since this year startedhahahahahahahahaha!!!"
Guys, is that even funny? The poor man is laughing his lungs out.
A minute later
"Call me Mama Jack.", he answers after a long time of laugher and starts again.
We all laughed , because we also found this very funny.
"Why should we call you Mama Jack?" ,Kate asks.
"Because girls think I have breast, all because my chest is broad. And that's why I'm single." ,he becomes sad after this,and we all stopped laughing.
Arghhh , I feel sorry for him, it's so sad that no one wants to date a built guy like him. What I mean is most girls want fit and tall guys. Arghh what-a-shame.
The whole class looked at who was laughing at this serious moment. This isn't the time to laugh, Mama Jack has glasses in his eyes.
"HAHAHAHAhahaha" ,all faces turn to Tracy. OMG. She is the one laughing.
"What's so funny, ma'am!!!", Mr Obama questions in fact shouts at Tracy.
"Nothing ,Mr Obama." Tracy looks down ,showing her gratitude to Mr Obama.
Weepes!!! It's definitely taboo to call him 'Mr Obama' huh? I'm never going to call him that. Poor Tracy ,looks like she'd need help to sink into the world.
"I'm so sorry ,Mama Jack.", Tracy has glasses in her eyes, she can break down anytime . Shame my poor friend, she surely needs a hug right now.
"Hahaha. I'm joking little madam, you can call me Mr Obama , but I really prefer Mama Jack. Because I'm the boss here, I'm the Chicken and you are all ,eggs okay. So as every mother guides their little one ,so will I."
"So ,don't you really have a girlfriend?" Krishna asks.
"Of course I do , imagine a young man like me single."he chuckles back "I was only joking , I also mentioned that I make jokes and you all laugh. And I'm very impressed that you all knew when to stop , despite her.", his pointing at Tracy. "But don't be scared young lady ,you laughted at the whole joke and I'm impressed."
"Okay enough talking and let's get to the game", he instructs." From now on I'm the only one who speaks , jokes aside. So we are 1st going to play a little game. As I walked in ,I told everyone to group themselves into two groups, and I see that you did just as that. I'm going to choose five people from each group and they'll form a line behind each other. I'm going to put this ball at the center of this hall and the person who's in the front of the row will run to the ball. Group B you guys are going to try and catch the person you are racing to towards the ball. Group A if the person from Group B catches you , you guys will lose a point, and they will gain a point. I'll start choosing"
He first picks 5 people from group B and heads to our group.
"This game is so complicated.", I tell my friends and I also try to comfort Tracy of what just happen, but she seems pretty fine.
"Yeah alot" ,replies Nadia.
"I don't feel like running." ,says Linda.
"Me too",Tracy responds.
He chooses 3 boys and 1 girl from our group
"Let the game begin", Mr Obama instructs.
"Wait! Excuse me sir, you chose 4 people and not five." Mardi complains.
"How many girls and boys are there?" , he asks.
"2 girls and 3 boys", group B answers.
"Right ,so I'll choose 1 girl from group A" ,says Mama Jack.
But rightt now my mind is no where ,but at Jayden. Luckily a tall guy is standing in front of me and no one sees me looking at him and I'm also cuddling Tracy,so no can see me.
Oh goodness ,Jayden really looks like a Greek god. His standing amongs a group of boys on the other side of the hall(group B) ,but he isolated himself from them. He is listening to what Mr Obama us saying. Ncooo he really is the shortest dude in class.
He looks at me ,and we make eye contact. I quickly tilt my eyes towards Tracy ,besides her is Naomi and Linda . So I pretend to be talking to them.
I then after feel a pair of eyes on me. My friends are all looking at this tall person coming from behind me. I get goosebumps at there facial expressions. My head is spinning around and I don't know what to do.
I was looking at Jayden just a moment ago?How did he get to this side of the hall so quick?
Maybe his an athlete ,or maybe he asked to swip groups.
My friends begin to move backwards and I guess the person is getting nearer, nearer and nearer until
Thanks for reading👑🌸
Please vote and comment☺🌸👑
So guys who do you think is standing behind Amika?
Is it really Jayden?
Or is she just fantasizing?
Do you like the two new characters, Linda and Nadia?
Do you think one of them is using Amika so they can fit in class?
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