Chapter 3: Y/n's Debut and showing off Transformations

(Alright, so let me clarify, Y/n is dense, but not as dense as Goku, he's a cross between Gohan and Vegeta when it comes to denseness if that makes any sense.)

Today was the day, Y/n was about to debut. It was surprising for a lot of people when it was announced that VShojo was getting a new member, especially one that was male. Right now Y/n was cooking in the kitchen. Y/n was pretty much forced by his mother to learn to cook and he became quite skilled at it.

Hime: Oh? Is someone cooking up a storm in here?

Y/n turned around to see some of the girls walking into the kitchen.

Y/n: Sup girls.

Silver: Good morning, Y/n. Are you excited about today?

Y/n: About excited as I can be, feels like I'm bout to make my debut at the World Tournament.

Melody: Oh yeah, didn't you mention the other day that your brother is married to Mr. Satan's daughter?

Y/n: Yep Videl is my sister-in-law.

Mousey: So are excited about collabing with other Vtubers.

Y/n: Yep, although my first collab is already spoken for.

Froot: Oh?

Y/n: Yep, sorry girls but Lopi already claimed dibs on my first collab.

Girls: Of course she did... Lucky....

 Y/n: Alright. How about you all sit down, breakfast should be ready in a few, get ready for the Son Family Breakfast Feast!

Nyan: Yes sir.

The girls sat down as Y/n place down the feast on the table.

Vei: What's on on down here?

Y/n: Oh hey Vei, I was wondering when you would show up.

Vei now had red horns on her head, along with a black tail, she was also in her underwear.


Y/n: Holy Moly... She's kinda hot not gonna lie.

Vei: Something wrong Handsome.

Y/n: Nah, I'm just glad you Ki energy is the same, or else I wouldn't have recognized you.

Mousey: Oh right, we all use different forms of ourselves. That is Veibae's succusbus form.

Y/n: Oh you guys have transformations too?

Vei: You have different forms too handsome?

Y/n: Yep sure do. Y'all wanna see em after breakfast.

Mel: Sounds dope dude.

Vei then walks to Y/n and whispers in his ear.

Vei: Don't think I didn't catch you staring handsome~

Y/n blushes a bit and looks away.

Y/n: I-I have zero idea what you are talking about.

Vei giggles and breathes in his ear before whispering again.

Vei: You can look all you want.

Y/n: J-Just eat your breakfast!


After eating breakfast, Y/n had changed into his battle armor and was now standing outside with the girls sitting/standing a few feet in front of him.

Y/n: Alright, let's start out with my first form.

(I'll be skipping Kaioken since that's not a Saiyan-Exclusive form)

Y/n breathes in and then out, before his hair spikes up and a primal like aura surrounds him.

Y/n: This is known as my Ikari Form, it's basically the power of a Saiyan's Great Ape Form condensed into a more normal power.

Mousey: Great Ape?

Y/n: Basically during a full moon, Saiyan's can turn into giant ape like monsters, I have control over that form but I prefer to use Ikari over it.

Y/n: Now we move onto Super Saiyan, I currently have five of them under my control.

Zen: That Many?

Y/n: Yep, now let's get started with the fun forms. HA!

The girl's eyes widened.

Vei: Woah, that aura is insane!

Y/n: This is a Super Saiyan. Compared to my other forms, it's bascially an extension of my base form, still gives quite the big power boost though. Now, HAAA!

Y/n: This is a Super Saiyan who has ascended past a Super Saiyan, or in simpler terms, Super Saiyan 2, about double the strength, but suffers from energy drain.

Froot: How long have you had that one?

Y/n: Since I was eleven?

Silver: ELEVEN?!

Y/n: Yep, fought this weird bug guy named Cell and he forced me to ascend to my limits and break them. I thought he was ugly as a kid, but now I have to admit he had the perfect jawline back then.

The girls looked at him confused.

Y/n: A-Anyway... Should I show them SSJ3? Nah, that form is way too taxing on my body, should move on to that form I unlocked recently.

Y/n: Alright, I haven't fulled mastered this once yet, but it should be cool to show off.

Y/n then began to power up and he was then encased in a golden light, once the light died down, he was standing there but he had red fur, across his body, his black hair was longer, his tail was red and his eyes were golden.

Nyan: Ayo, did you just turn into a monkey?!

Y/n: In a way I suppose that could be true, this is the power of combining my Ikari Form with the power of Super Saiyan, I only recently unlocked this power and I would say it's my strongest non-godlike form and can even compete with them on terms of power.

(Yes I know SSJ4 in GT was unlocked by using the Golden Great Ape, but I've seen several fan theories that have come out since the release of Broly that have made SSJ4 a combination of Ikari Form and Super Saiyan, also Super Dragon Ball Heroes has shown that SSJ4 can compete with SSB, so I thought why not.)

Vei: Did you say god-like?

Y/n: Sure did, let me show ya! HAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Vei: W-Woah! This aura!

Mousey: It's that of a god!

Y/n: This is Super Sayian God. A power bestowed upon me with the help of five saiyans to combat a god, I've since been able to tap into on my own and well, let me show you what I've done.

Y/n: AHHHHH!!!!!

Y/n's power began to rise, almost pushing the girls back.

Froot: Woah!

Melody: This Pressure!

Silver: It's so intense.

Zen: My power readings are going insane!

Vei: I am feeling so....

Hime: Weak at the knees?

Vei: You know it girl.

Mousey: I haven't felt power like this since I met Beerus!

Nyan: I know, this is giving me flashbacks!

Y/n's pressured wind eventually calmed down, and his hair and turned blue and he looked at the girls.

Y/n: We call this Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, or Super Saiyan Blue.

Zen: Really Super Saiyan Blue?

Y/n blushed in embarrassment.

Y/n: Y-Yeah we really aren't the best at naming forms some times.

Y/n then powered back down to base as an Alarm went off.

Y/n: Oop that's my alarm to go start my stream, see ya girls later. 

He then ran into the mansion and to his room. Hime and Vei only had two thoughts about the display of power they had just witnessed.

Hime: Is it bad I want him to destroy me in bed with that Blue form?

Vei: Not at all girl, not at all.

Other Girls: Me too... Wait what?!


Y/n was sitting at his setup, and looking at Twitch chat.

TheFkGuyy: When is this party gonna start?

FinalCupL: So VShojo is getting a male member, who would have ever gussed.


Shylily: Womp Womp!

Punkalopi: Where's my best buddy at?!

Y/n: Alright, let's begin this party! DJ, HIT THAT INTRO MUSIC!


Snuffy: I haven't seen what he looks like, and yet I already like him!

Shylily: Me too!

Bao: Me Three!

Snuffy: Y/n Fan Club?

Shylily: Heck Yes!

Bao: Let's do it!

Punkalopi: Hey! If anyone is gonna start a Y/n fanclub, it's gonna be his best friend!

Snuffy: Oh? Is that jealously I detect Lopi?

Punkalopi: N-No!

Y/n's music stopped as the screen turned to the main screen empty.

Y/n: Alright, that was a nice pre-stream workout, now let's get to work!

Y/n then appeared on screen.

Y/n: What's up my students, Sensei Y/n is here!

BudokaiTenkaichi4IsReal: AYO WHY DOES HE SOUND LIKE CY YU?!

Shylily: Holy Shit! He's so hot!

Y/n: Oh? Well I haven't seen you in person, but Lopi has shown me pictures, you got some looks on yourself as well.

Shylily: Thanks Lopi!

Punkalopi: Uh, you're welcome?


Y/n: Oh? Is That Bao barking?

FruitcAKE23: You get use to it.

Y/n: Fair Enough.

Y/n saw all the subs and donations coming in at a rapid pace. There were hundreds of gifted subs and thousands of dollars in donations.

Y/n: Ayo, yall don't have to this for me.

Snuffy: You are gonna shut up and take my money Handsome!

Y/n: A-Alright, I guess I can if it's you Snuffy.

Bao: What about me?!

Y/n: Keep up the barking and we will see.

Bao: Yes sir! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!

Y/n: Alright, so you guys wanna know more about me? The name's Son Y/n, I'm 21 years old, I'm a Trained Martial Artist. I like anime, video games, fighting, training, and cooking.

TheFanOfFans donated $150: How are you liking the experience so far Y/n?

Y/n: I'm gonna be honest with yall, these last few weeks have been pretty amazing and it's all thanks to the girls, I owe them alot. Especially Lopi for helping me accept this position and just being my bestfriend since we were kids.

Punkalopi: D-Don't say things like that N/n!

Y/n: Eh, you know you like it, Lopi.

Punkalopi: S-Shut up!

TheFinalFrontdown donated $2000: Are you dating any of thje girls??

Y/n: That's a tough one, but I'm disappointed you asked that, how could I be dating any of them? I only met them a few weeks ago, how could I date someone I only met a few weeks ago.

Sugmos donated $500: Do you at least love any of them?

Y/n: There's a feeling of love in there, but there's not the "let's get married right now" kinda way, it's that "I love them platonically" kinda of way. These girls are like an extension of my family, they've made me really happy and made me glad I accepted the offer I was given.

VShojoDisliker donated $20: You like VShojo and living with them? And your best friend is Punkalopi That's kinda makes you cringe bro.

Y/n: Lopi and these girls being my friends makes me cringe? Then I'm the cringest person on the face of the earth!


Silvervale: Y-Y/n...


Veibae: Aw that's really cute Y/n

Zentreya: Yeah that's nice of you to say Y/n

Froot: Very wholesome Y/n.

SimperDimper: Whoah Vei, Zen, and Froot?

HimeHajime: Awww N/n....

Projekt Melody: Woo Y/n!

Ironmouse: Nice job!

Nyanners: WooOO!!!

Punkalopi: You are gonna make me cry you stupid Baka!

SingerJudger donated $1000: Can you sing us a song?

Y/n: First stream and you really want me to sing you a song?

karoker: Yeah! Sing for us!

Veibae: Sing for us N/n!

Snuffy: Sing for us My King!

Ironmouse: You said you would!

Punkalopi: Oh you guys are in for a treat!

Y/n: Fine, Fine. I'll sing.

Y/n then pulled up a song.


Bit by bit, I'm falling under your spell

Your smile's all I need to see to know we'll

Leave this endless darkness

Saying, "Come along with me!"

Hold my hand

Back when you first came into my life

I recalled a place that I knew as a child:

A special place, one that I held close to my heart

Won't you lead me in a dance down this winding road

Where light and shadow entwine to take hold

Of the thoughts of the one left far behind?

Know that sometimes, I want to turn around and see the things that I've passed on thе journey

But know with love on my side

With couragе and pride

I'll fight; I will carry on

Bit by bit, I'm falling under your charm

You'll keep me and all the world far from harm

Bring hope to everyone

Take in your hands eternity

Even when it seems that I don't need you

Just know that I am in love; can't wait to

Leave this endless darkness

Won't you come along with me?

Hold your hand

Feelings that spark when I see your face

Burn away my rage leaving love in its place

I long to fly beside you toward the place I've heard you call home

Why can't i show my true heart when I'm next to you?

As we stand together by the seaside of blue

This endless haze started the day I saw your face

The more you listen to the words of my heart the more I long to tell you and our words swirled round and round

Becoming a sweet gentle dance

Transforming to something like love

Sent from above!

Bit by bit, I'm falling under your spell

Mysteries becoming something that I know well

New adventures are waiting for us

Come along with me there's so much to see

Even when it seems that i don't need you

You stand firmly at my side until I come through

We will fly off side by side

Far across the sea

Hold my hand

As soon as he had finished the song, he saw the chat blowing up with apparaisal before his door was opened and party poppers went off.

Everyone: Welcome officially to VShojo, Y/n!

Y/n: Heh. Thanks, girls. I need to finish my stream.

Hime then walked up to Y/n's desk before leaning down to his microphone.

Hime: Sorry everyone, but VShojo is gonna party like it's 1999, so we are gonna "borrow" Y/n.

Punkalopi: W-Wait! You guys said you would wait for-

Hime ended Y/n's stream before hooking her arm with his and lifting him out of his chair.

Hime: Alright, let's go Handsome!

Y/n: Wait! Is there gonna be food?

Vei: Of course!

Y/n: Say less!

Y/n then ran downstairs for the party of Y/n joining VShojo and of course Lopi arrived not even 5 minutes later to join the party because ya can't have a party without the best friend.

Of course, Y/n's next challenge would be coming sooner then he realized, one that put the very stake of the Earth in jeopardy.

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