It's Alastor and It's Fashion

(Inside Of The VRI Room)

"Heey guys good you could come," Velveet said as she looked over at the back door seeing Vox and Valentino there come in with the little girl..

"Hey Velveet," said Vox before he noticed that Angel was nowhere to be seen.

"Isn't Angel here?" asked Valentino as he placed Necro on the floor before walking over to the large couch in the room.

"He's out getting some drinks?.. since I don't think that she should actually be drinking what we dose I sent Angel out after a Pepsi Max for her?" Velveet explained before standing up.

(It's First In Necro's POV)

Velveet had just told us that Angel was out getting a drink for Me making Me smile,

I walked over to the couch and took a seat on it between Vox and Valentino as the two of them began talking with one another just as I saw that the fashion show was about to start...

"Well if you two are quite done soon I whoud like to know the name of this girl?" Asked Velveet while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Right sorry about that Velveet, but her name is Necro Dragneel?" said Vox as Valentino and him had stopped talking for just a moment.
But I wasn't really paying much attention to it since I was very interested in the show and was just looking though a very large black plasma window that filled out the entire wall facing the couch that we were setting on..

"Ohh Necro that's a nice name I'm Velveet s-" Velveet cut herself off as she seems to realize just what last name that I had, I watched as her eyes widened and watched as she walked over to us before opening her mouth again.

"Vox and Val? I do not appreciate this if it's a joke of yours as you both know the Dragneel clan has been dead for many years now, you're not going to get Me to actually believe that someone from that clan survived the attack and ran away then had a human child in hell many years later?" Velveet said before she took a seat next to Vox.

"Actually when you put it like that Velveet, I get confused about it as well. Vox care to give an explanation of how she's from that clan?" Val asked as he looked at Me.

"Val you saw the demon mark on her neck for yourself when we were both in My bedroom a-" Velveet cut Vox off asking how a simple demon mark could even be a slight definition of why I'm somehow a possible member of one of the most feared and are such sincerely a member of one of the very strongest clans in all of hell!

"Fine you don't believe Me whatever, Necro can you show Velveet and Valentino the left side of your neck and you two tell Me what demon clan that mark is from?" Vox snapped just as a knock on the door sounded seconds later did I hear Angel's voice on the other side.

"Heey Velveet I got the drinks, have they come jet? I'm alone don't worry just forgot that stupid fucking password again?" I heard Angel from the other side shortly after that did I see Vox stand up before walking over to the door and opening it for Angel who walked in with all 6 of his arms out, five of them were each holding a drink.
Angel dust walked in and Vox closed the door behind him.

I noticed Valentino and Velveet look at Me and decided to show them the mark before telling them all about that second conversation with that black haired, blue eyed and see though lady?

As Angel and Vox walked over to us while I lifted My hand taking a hold of My hair that was kinda hiding the demon mark as Vox had just called it.
I moved My hair out of the way before showing them all My neck.

"That's the mark of the Dragneel clan Vox?" said Velveet.

"Yeah but just how, I know that you told Me that you had seen her turn into a monster when you first found her but to actually think that her mark of the Dragneel clan is at it's final stage all together is just crazy?" Valentino said.

"But anyway there Necro I'm Velveet but now I must be going I gotta host the show, I hope you enjoy it," Velveet said and I node My head before watching as she left the room closeing the door behind her.

"Wait Velveet she has something important to t-" I cut Vox off saying that it was something more important that only the three of them should know about since it kind of only involved the three of them?

They all looked at Me superised before Angel took a seat and told Me to go on ahead.

I took a deep breath before opening My mouth
"Listen when Valentino first came into the room, it was back when we were in your bedroom Vox.
I heard you call My name and then nothing a-" I started but was cut off by Vox saying that I was having a panic attack.

"No I wasn't even in the room with you, I blinked and then I was somehow standing on top of a frozen ocean facing the very same lady who had sent Me here in the first place, and she told Me all of this," I said before I continued "So listen closely guys the Angels are after you, and I hate to tell you this but Vox is not strong enough to keep you safe if or when they find you! They will be in hell on the hunt from within a week! but I'll leave for now?" I told them all of the very same words that the lady had said to Me.

When nobody said anything I however decided to continue telling them the same very words that she had used when she spoke with Me..
"Listen Necro there was a reason as for why I gave you the power of the Dragneel clan. the dragneel clan is one of the very strongest one amongst all of the different following demon clans that there is in hell... That was the reason as for why they were all killed by the Angels a long time ago, however this doesn't matter about how strong Vox is or are, but one of the things that does matter is that Vox is connected to you, so any damages done to you will he feel but Vox is still the only one who can teach you how to transform into the demon form that I have also given you...." I told them just what she had explained to Me back then.

"Necro did she say anything about what you're supposed to be doing in hell?" asked Vox while he placed his hand on My shoulder.

"She told Me that she had a little massage that could be of help she told Me that you three are the best fit together with Me and that it's only the three of you who are able to provide not just the safety but also the care and love that I'm gonna need! She didn't tell Me what I whoud need it for but I think that one of the reasons is that it's only you three that can teach Me how to use My demon form and the powers of this mark," I said before laying against Vox's side, witch mead Vox remove the hand on My right shoulder to put it around Me instead.

"Wait.... Just a second there baby girl does she actually expect Me, to work together with the very person who owns My soul and his business partner? In taking care of a child," Angel said before taking a sip of his drink.

"Angel cakes come now don't tell Me that you actually don't want to spend time with us?" grinned Valentino while he smirked at Angel.
I saw Angel look away but I did however notice the small blush on his face.

(End Of Necro's POV)
(In Vox's POV)

Special this is not something that happens just any day and especially not down here, but what Necro had just told us had Me thinking about a lot of different things and one of them being of My feelings for Valentino and Angel but still if I ask them and they both say no, but there's still going to be some slightly problems between us from that point on.

I still remember that day where Valentino had told us that he would start to treat Angel better even if it was only so that Angel whoud't try to skip past working?

I had been so shocked that Velveet actually had to hit Me, because seeing someone who you have known since you came here tells you face to face that they for real actually wanna start to change themselves and how other people see them as was a lot especially since it was coming
from Valentino,

(End Of Vox's POV)
(In Angel's POV)

Why did fuck did I start to blush when Valentino said that I wanted to spend more time with all of them, because I didn't want that right?
I smiled as I watched Vox place his arm around Necro and pull her more into his side then, that girl really is special somehow but also just the very things that she had even said about Me and them and even if I wanted to take care of her together with the both of them I'm sure that if we do and Alastor somehow kidnaps her then I'm gonna bet all of My money on the fact that both of them won't let Me help bring her back in any way just because of the very fact that they are both overlords just like how Alastor is an overlord himself and that I could be or get very hurt if not worse since I'm very sure that no matter who it is Alastor won't stop for just about anyone or even anything if it means that he can not just hurt Vox but also kill him off for real!

I sighed as a possible thought hit Me, what if Alastor actually killed Vox how whoud and also how should I even feel?

I knew that I have feelings for Vox and the way that I was blushing when Valentino asked Me if I didn't want to spend time with them together might be a safe bet to state that I also for some reason that I'm not even sure of Myself but it must also mean that I do have the very same feelings for Valentino as I have for Vox?
I looked at Necro as she yawned, she's tired but then again Vox had told Me that he has some kind of a connection to her and now that she have told us that Me and the others are the only people who's gonna be able to take not only care of her but also keep her safe it mead Me think that I actually might also have some kind of a possible connection with or to her!

"So what should we all do now?" Valentino asked us making a smirk appear on Vox's face while Me and Necro both looked confused.

"I assume you have an idea Vox?" I asked him confused.

"Isn't it obvious? We have to take care of Necro..
All of us.... together? that is if you want to help Me that is, you heard what Necro said of what that lady had told her, that it's only us three who can teach, love, train, care, help and keep her safe. I know that both of you guys also know that I can't accomplish this on My own?
That I'm not strong enough by Myself," Vox explained.

"Vox... guys I want to help trust Me, I really do but I'm living at the hotel and literally speaking they are bound to figure out that something not normal and that something is going on if I keep leaving it and especially if I do it off My work hours?" I said since of course, do I wanna help but who knows how long it will take the others to figure out that something is going on and that I'm hiding something since there's only that many things about work that I can say and even use.

(End Of Angel's POV)
(In Valentino's POV)

I knew who Angel had or was worried about whoud be on to something quickly when he said that and I sighed, it could have been so much fun and probably also better for her if we all stayed together with her at the same place.
But Angel did have a good point, he moved to the hotel two months ago and it's gonna wake up many different kinds of questions if he moves back not to mention that Alastor might start to sneak around trying to accomplish figuring out the real reason as for why he has moved right back here?
Angel is not gonna be able to even explain any of it if or when they comes to get answers from him!

I sighed guess I'll have to change his working hours just a bit.

(End Of Valentino's POV)
(Time Skip An Hour Later)
(In Vox's POV)

Me, Necro and the others were all watching the fashion show though the large black plasma window on the wall and suddenly Angel's phone started to ring and I watched as he looked at it then sighed before he got up from the couch, "Angel where you going?" Necro asked him.
Angel turned to look at her before he opened his mouth saying that it was his turn soon and that he had to go get ready for it.

"Show them Angel cakes," Val said with a grin on his face making Angel smirk back before he left the room closeing the door behind him.

I sighed softly if I remembered right then Angel had four times that he should walk the cat walk in four different outfits that not even Me or Val had seen, since Velveet told us that she wanted it to be a surprise also that was it since Velveet had even told us that she didn't want to make him do too much work even though it whoud surly bring in more money the more that Angel shows off the new clothes since her top model is sick.. I heard that, that was the reason as for why she asked Valentino too allow her to ask Angel in the first place because of the very fact that he does so much work for him in the first place.

I smiled as I watched the show and casting a quick look at Necro I watched as her big eyes sparkled with interest as she watched all of the different models walk back and forth in the new designs that Velveet had made.

I turned My attention to cast a look at Valentino to see him stare at the plasma window.
My eyes moved back to Necro as I watched her reach for her Pepsi Max and I watched as she emptied her glass, I opened My mouth asking her if she wanted another one and she node her head.

"I'll go get you a new one," I said before getting up from the couch and leaving the room before closeing the door behind Me, walking down the hallway and after turning around the corner I was surprised and not to mention shocked to be face to face with Alastor standing there looking at Me with his stupid smile on his face.

"Why hello there Vox, I didn't expect you of all people to be here?" Alastor said while he kept smiling at Me just like I was some little lost child.
I sighed I'm really not in the mood to deal with him, all I want is to enjoy the rest of the evening in the VRI room with Valentino, Necro and Angel when he comes back, but I knew that if I didn't say anything that Alastor whoud get a hint that I might be hiding or keeping something from him witch in truth I really was and are actually doing...

"Not now Alastor, I just wanna get Me another Pepsi Max and enjoy the rest of the show with the others," I said however I had made the very
mistake of saying that I just wanted to enjoy the evening with the others when Alastor knew that Velveet was needed to be in charge of the very show. I quickly shut My mouth another thing that send the sign to Alastor that I'm keeping something from him..

I began walking past him but just as I passed him, his hand shut out and grabbed tightly onto My left arm and I paused not even trying to pull away from him which only made his smile get a little bit bigger than it already was.

Alastor made the decision to pull Me closer to him before he opened his mouth and then he slowly spoke into My ear after moving his head forwards it and I just stood there.

"I do know that you're hiding something dear Vox or maybe it's a single someone? But I do wonder did you also see that wired purple soul light as well?" Alastor wisperd into My ear.

I stood there frozen in shock how did he even know about the purple light that I had seen?
I didn't answer the only thing that I did was to glare at him holding back the strong will to yell or scream something at him since I knew that it whoud only make him even more sure about the fact that I had found something or to be even more precise than just that it was also true since I had found Necro and had taken her in?
"Tell Me what your hiding Vox?" Alastor asked Me, I shock My head before pulling away from him and then pulled My arm out of his grip, to witch mead him pull his own hand back just like he had been burnd by something.

"Why whoud I tell you if I found anything?" I snapped back making him sigh deeply.

"Vox dear, know that I always get what I want and right now you have some information on something else? that I'm very interested in?
Guess if you did see a purple soul light that evening then you whoud surely tell Me...
But I saw something and went to check it out but all that I found was a demon dead with a hole in his stomach and another one who died from his injurys just as I got there? So what I can't help but wonder about if you got there before Me and found what really happened before the both of the died really by something or by somebody?" Alastor said.

I smirked at him "And what if I did," I said.

"Then I'll be doing anything that can hurt you from it," he said before turning around and began to walking away from Me.

I glared at his back before walking the other way where the bar was to get another drink for her.

(End Of Vox's POV)

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