Chapter 8: Phoenix and Rose Becoming One (Lemon)

(3rd Person POV)

Currently, teams RWY, RSC, JNR and Neo were all around the dinner table, laughing and telling stories of everything that happened while they were separated.

Dairoku: OKAY! HOLD UP! Ya'll never told me you almost lost your map! How the hell did you ALMOST lose it!?

Jaune: Believe me, I've asked myself the same thing ever since.

Neo: You are sooooo lucky that I thought that maybe we MIGHT need the map. *rolls eyes in amusement*

Weiss, Yang and Kuraime looked at Neo shocked and confused as hell.

Neo: What?

Yang: Since when could you talk!?

Weiss: Yeah we thought you were mute like Celeste.

Neo: Ehehehe... *nervously rubbed the back of her head*

Dairoku: Heh, trust me. The first time she spoke, I was just as mind freaked as you three.

Neo: Oh shut up. You're the reason I even decided to start speaking again just because you almost killed a man!

Weiss, Yang and Kuraime: EHHH!?

Dairoku: Oh hush little Ice-Cream. May I remind you that said man was trying to KILL us!??

Neo just stuck her tongue out at her brother which he returned the favor, causing the others to start laughing.

Nora: Hey, *turns to Jaune* but you made up for it, Mr. Muscles! You shoulda seen this guy take on a giant Grimm head on!

Neo: Even when that giant Grimm was a Nuckelavee that destroyed multiple villages. You were seriously impressive in that fight, Jaune.

Jaune: I wouldn't have done it without Ruby, Celeste and Neo wearing it down.

Ruby: Uh, us? Did you see Ren during that fight!? He was out of control!

Ren: I'm sorry, I... may have lost my temper momentarily.

Ruby: No, no! Out of control as in "awesome"!

Ren: Ooohhh... Thank you.

Everyone began laughing again.

Yang: Wait so where was Dairoku during that fight?

Dairoku: Umm...


Weiss, Yang and Kuraime: WHAT!?

Dairoku: Yeah... turns out that Barbatos' archenemy/sister's host is Lauren Kirumi. You surly remember her Kuraime.

Kuraime: B-But... She died!

Dairoku: Apparently not! And now she's a fucking Yandere!

Athena: *from other room* LANGUAGE!!!

Dairoku: SHUT UP!

Everyone began to laugh while Dairoku rolled his eyes and shook his head in amusement.

. . .

Weiss proceeded to tell everyone about what she did at the party and her face was stuffed in her hands from embarrassment.

Ruby: *gasp* You did NOT!

Weiss: Yeah... Right, in the middle of the party.

Celeste: *giggles*

Yang: Please tell me you let that lady have it.

Weiss: Of course not! Even if I really wanted too...

Kuraime: Oh trust me, if it wasn't for Lucy, Raiku and James holding me back, I would have so attacked her.

Nora: No way, I don't believe it!

Weiss immediately summoned a Boarbatusk next to Nora. It growled at her before she freaked the hell out

Nora: AHHH!

Every continued their laughter.

Weiss: I'm not the only one who had an upgrade. You should have seen Kuraime when she fought against Lancers and two Queens.

Dairoku: Wait, Wait, WAIT! Kuraime, Kuraime flippin Silewe, the same Kuraime who's AFRAID of anything bug like, INCLUDING wasps, fought against Lancers, freakin Lancers; the Wasp-like Grimm.

Weiss: Yup.

Dairoku: Please tell me, did she crap herself!?

Kuraime: DAIROKU!!!

Everyone erupted in laughter at the thought of Kuraime being afraid of bugs.


Kuraime: I-I... *sigh* God DAMN IT DAIROKU!!!

Everyone laughed before Weiss continued.

Weiss: That's not all though, Kuraime evolved her Semblance.

Ren: Really?

Kuraime: Yeah...

She held her hand out as Catastros rose up an kneeled in front of its queen. Everyone looked at it in awe and amazement.

Dairoku: Alright, that's cool.

Kuraime: Yeah, though it hinders the use of my speed.


Kuraime just giggled at Ruby's excitement

. . .

Yang and Dairoku began to show off their prosthetic arms. Even though Team RNNJRR saw Dairoku's they wanted to take a closer look at it since all the crazy things that happened prevented them.

Yang: It's not a replacement for the real thing, but I'll make sure to make good use of it.

Dairoku: Damn right, Goldilocks.

The two high five each other with their prosthetics.

Jaune: Those are amazing...

Ren: Incredible.

Kuraime: And James got those created specifically for the two of you.

Dairoku: Yup.

Ruby: And they're just as strong?

Yang: Hmm, sure is.

Ruby then suddenly backed away and sped off upstairs before coming back, with Crescent Rose in hand... Dairoku recognized this...

Ruby: Again... I. NEED. ONE!!!

Dairoku immediately tackled her.

Dairoku: NO!!!

Everyone erupted in laughter as Dairoku pried Crescent Rose from Ruby's hands. But, the two realized how close they were to each other, and immediately backed away from each other, their faces slightly red, but they were frowning. Yang, Weiss and Kuraime noticed this and were slightly concerned...

Yang: You know, Dairoku, it's been a while since we've 1v1ed. I wanna see if you got weaker on me

Dairoku: *smirks* Heh, is that a challenge I hear Goldilocks?

Yang: Maaayyybbbee

The two began stretching their right shoulders where their prosthetic arms were attached, giving everyone the signal that they were about to arm wrestle.

Weiss: Please... Now is not the time...

Ignoring Weiss' protest, Dairoku and Yang put their arms onto the table and began to wrestle. Ruby, Nora, Jaune and Ren were cheering for Yang while Kuraime, Celeste and Neo cheered for Dairoku.

Ren: Come on! You can do this!


Jaune: Don't let him beat you! You can do this!

Neo: Come on Big Brother! If you lose to a girl, you'll have to wear a skirt tomorrow!

Dairoku: OH HELL NAH!!!

Kuraime: You can do it Dairoku!

Celeste held up a sign that said, "GO BIG BROTHER, GO!"

Ruby: Come on Yang! You can't lose to a bird that can't fly!!!

Weiss: You're just being mean Ruby.

Ruby: Weiss, you're not cheering loud enough!!!

Dairoku: Heh, I gotta say, you certainly haven't lost any of your muscle!

Yang: You too! But you know, this arm's got some new features!

Dairoku: Oh yeah? Same here! But mine got a bit more flare to it!

Suddenly, Dairoku's prosthetic arm began glowing red as he shot it off but fire jet out of the back, giving it extra thrust to slam Yang into the wall, causing her head to spin. Everyone looked just completely dumbfounded

Jaune: Did she... win?

Dairoku just chucked as his arm began to trust flames from vents on the sides, pulling it and Yang back towards him. Once they reconnected, he touched Yang's arm onto the table and crossed his arms while smirking.

Dairoku: Nope. I win.

Yang shook her head to come back to her senses.

Yang: Ugh, NO FAIR!

Dairoku: You were about to do the same, so it's all fair Goldilocks.

Yang pouted as everyone laughed.

. . .

Jaune, Kuraime and Neo were taking the dishes to the kitchen as everyone continued to talk.

Jaune: Gyah... We ate it all... ugh, I think I'm going to be sick...

Yang: Easy there Vomit Boy, I believe in you.

Jaune: Ooh, we're doing nickname throwbacks now. Wonderful...

Weiss began giggling.

Nora: I mean, the Ice Queen seems to like it.

Ruby and Celeste burst out in laughter as Weiss smiled and rolled her eyes.

Weiss: I so did not miss you people.

Nora: Oh my gosh, she really DOES like it! What went and warmed your heart while you were gone?

Dairoku: Yeah, like actually. What happened?

Weiss: Hey! You make it sound like I used to be terrible.

Yang: Nah, just a lot to deal with at once.

Weiss pouted at Yang who stuck her tongue out in response

Dairoku: Speaking of change, what happened to you Kuraime? You were never... this talkative.

Kuraime: U-Um...

Weiss: I'll tell you what happened! She was all depressed since she got to Atlas. She wouldn't eat her sweets like she normally did, she would be A LOT more moody, she lost her temper much more easily and she even cursed!

Everyone raised an eyebrow to Kuraime who just hid her face in her hands, in embarrassment.

Ruby: Someone as level headed and quiet as Kuraime, losing her temper and now talking A LOT?

Kuraime: S-Shut up you idiot!

Dairoku: *chuckles* Well, I'm glad to see you loosening up more Kuraime, and judging from how savage you were with the dinner, I'd say your gluttonous nature has returned.

Kuraime: *giggles* Yeah...

Weiss: For better or worse...

Kuraime: Oh, hush up you wannabe Elsa.

Weiss: WHAT!?

Everyone burst out in laughter at Kuraime making fun of Weiss.

Ren: It's been a long time. We've all grown in our own ways.

Ruby: You really think so?

Ren: Well, think back to when we were all at Beacon, would you say you ever did anything foolish or embarrassing? Or do you think you were perfect?

Dairoku just eyed Weiss as she buried her face into her hands.

Weiss: Oh gosh...

Dairoku: Yeah, NOW you see it.

Weiss: Yes! And it was... Gahhhh!!!

Kuraime: I was... way too moody during my first year at Beacon...

Dairoku: You thought you were bad? I was WAY too confident with my wings back at Sanctum.

Neo: Yeah... I don't even have to say anything...

Yang: I... may have been a little too gung ho from time to time.

Ruby: Heh, you? I tried to 1v1 a Nevermore on the second day of school.

Jaune: Yeah, well... don't even get me started.

Dairoku: Yeah, but that dress though? Nailed it man.

Jaune: We DO NOT talk about that!

Ren: Well, that embarrassment, that desire to go back and tell yourself not to be so stupid, that just proves you're not the same person you used to be. You're smarter, or kinder, stronger, and you're not done growing yet. None of us are.

Ruby: ...Yeah, turns out Ren gets real deep when he feels like talking.

Everyone chuckled until Nora piped up.

Nora: Well hold on! I thought I was pretty great in school!

Dairoku: Oh no... Ren...

Ren just sighed heavily.

Yang: Even at the dance? When you spilled punch all over yourself in front of-


Neo: Oh boy...

Qrow: How can ten kids possibly make so much noise eating dinner!?

Dairoku: Oh cry some more Bird Brain!


(3rd Person POV)

Currently, everyone was gathered quietly in the living room where Ozpin told Yang, Weiss and Kuraime about everything.

Weiss: So, the Maidens. Magic. Salem. The Mythical Beasts. It's all true?

Athena: Yup.

Ozpin: Ms. Xiao Long, is this more or less what your mother told you?

Yang stayed quiet with her arms crossed.

Kuraime: For the most part.

Yang: You forgot something. You forgot to tell everyone what you did to Qrow and my mother.

Ruby gasped as Dairoku raised an eyebrow.

Jaune: What is she talking about?

Qrow: Oh, great...

Ozpin: Hmm, that's not a secret I thought she would give up so easily... Your mother must trust you a great deal.

Yang scowled

Ozpin: My ability to reincarnate, though a curse, isn't without a few key benefits. Much like the Maidens, Barbatos and Bale, I too possess a certain... magical power. Using this power, I was able to gift the Branwen twins the ability to see more, to move more freely and be unburdened by their natural bodies. I... well... gave them the ability to turn into birds. Rather ridiculous sounding out loud, isn't it?

Oscar telepathically: Wait... what?

Ruby: Uncle?

Ren: You turned them... into birds.

Nora: Alright, now you're just messing with us.

Neo: At this point, I highly doubt it.

Jaune: Yeah, what else is new?

Kuraime: He's not lying. We saw Raven... change right in front of us.

Dairoku: And I saw Qrow transform right in front of me once, but I thought I was just seeing things.

Yang: Why would you do something like that? I mean, what's wrong with you??

Qrow: Yang, that's enough. We made choice. We wanted this.

Yang looked slightly shocked...

Ozpin: *to Qrow* May I?

He nodded

Ozpin: Granting this power to them was no trivial task and I can assure you it was not done frivolously. I required assistance in gathering information on Salem's plans, as well as searching for Maidens when their hosts became unclear.

Ruby: Okay, so, have you done this with others? Like General Ironwood? Lucy? Dairoku's uncle? Or Professor Goodwitch?

Kuraime: Pretty sure we would have seen something during the Fall of Beacon if he did.

Ozpin: Ms. Silewe is correct. As helpful as that might be, unfortunately, it is not that simple. My power is finite, and if I'm being honest, dwindling. The amount that I gifted to Qrow and Raven was, all things considered, rather miniscule. You see, centuries ago, I sacrificed a great deal of magic to four young women, who I hoped would use my gift for good.

Dairoku: Gonna go out on a limb here and say that they were the first Maidens, right?

Ozpin: Correct Mr. Rein. Ms. Xiao Long, it was never my intention to lie to you, to any of you. There are just some matters that I prefer to... play close to the chest. I believe that's how you phrased it?

Qrow: Heh, yeah.

Ozpin: Everyone has a choice. The Branwens chose to accept their powers and the responsibilities that came with them. And later, one of them chose to abandon her duties in favor of her own self interest. Now, all of you have a choice. If anyone wishes to leave, now is the time. There's no shame or disgrace in abstaining, only in retreat.

Everyone went silent.

Dairoku: I already said I would trust you Oz, and I'll continue on doing so. So, I ain't going anywhere.

Ruby simply smiled at him

Kuraime: Same her.

Celeste gave a thumbs up.

Neo: Me too.

Ozpin: *smiles* Very well then.

Yang suddenly stood up.

Ruby: Yang?

Yang: If Ruby sticks around, then I will too. If there's one thing I know about her, it's that she somehow always knows the right thing to do. But, if we're going to help, if we're going to keep risking our lives, no more lies, no more half truths.

Ozpin pondered on Yang's words before smiling

Ozpin: Understood.

Yang nodded before sitting back down.

Jaune: So... what now? I mean, what can we do?

Ozpin: Mm, that is a difficult question; one that I believe is best answered tomorrow.

Jaune: What do you mean?

Ozpin put a hand on Yang's shoulder.

Ozpin: The road ahead is undoubtedly filled with hardships and peril. However, it's been far too long since you have all been together. Please, take tonight, enjoy the moment.

His eyes began glowing as he handed the controls back to Oscar, who quickly took his hand off of Yang's shoulder, causing her, Weiss and Kuraime to giggle.

Nora: Ooohhh. Raven!? Qrow!? THEIR BIRDS!! Cracked it!

Dairoku: Please tell me she didn't just get it...

Ren: *sigh* Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure she did...

Yang: Wait! There's one last thing!

Ozpin regained control.

Ozpin: Yes Ms. Xiao Long?

Yang: Well... *turns to Dairoku* Is it true that you trained with my mom and Ruby's mom in the past?

Everyone besides Ozpin, Qrow, Athena, Weiss and Kuraime widen their eyes.

Ruby: D-Dairoku...?

Dairoku: *sigh* Yeah... It is.

Ozpin: Whenever Kai or Lucifer would be busy on missions, other Huntsmen would take up the mantle of training Dairoku into the Huntsman he is now, those including Taiyang, Raven, Qrow, General Ironwood, Glynda, Lucy... *looks at Ruby* And Summer Rose.

Ruby: Wait... So Dairoku... that time you-

Dairoku: Yes, yes Ruby. The day before the Vytal Festival Tournament, when I spoke to your mother, that's why I was crying slightly. Summer had a close bond with me, she was like a second mother to me. When I found out about her death, I was devastated but kept it together.

Kuraime: So this...

Kuraime walked up to Dairoku and showed her the picture Raven gave her.

Kuraime: That was you with Raven?

Dairoku: Yup.

Ruby took a closer look at the picture and gasped when she saw Dairoku's mother... more specifically, the cloak she was wearing.

Ruby: Is that...

Dairoku: Yup. That cloak my mom's wearing in that photo what one of the few she owned, and you're wearing it right now.

Ruby held on to her cloak tightly and looked down.

Ozpin: Well... are there any more questions?

Everyone shook their heads in denial.

Ozpin: Good.

He gave the controls back to Oscar. Ruby tried holding Dairoku's hand but as soon as he felt her hand graze against his, Dairoku just began to walk upstairs. Yang decided that she had enough.

Yang: Alright. What's up with you? You're being cold and distant towards my sister. What happened between you two?

Dairoku: I don't know, ask her. She'll be more than willing to talk about it.

He continued his way.

Weiss: Where are you going?

Dairoku: Up to my room. Ya'll can catch up without me. I... need to think for myself.

Without another word, he continued his way as everyone looked at him in concern.

Yang: What's up with him?

Everyone just looked down in sadness as Yang, Weiss and Kuraime looked around, confused.

Ruby: I...

Athena: I'll give you the short version. Ruby and Dairoku had a fight and Ruby overreacted and suggested that they break up and he went through with it.

Yang: What!?

Kuraime: They broke up...?

Athena: Yup and it's not like Dairoku could fight back in the argument. When a woman goes off in a relationship, it's near to impossible for the man to fight back *looks to Qrow* Am I right?

Qrow: Heh, don't remind me.

Kuraime: So... *looks at Ruby* What are you going to do?

Ruby: I... *sigh* I want to talk to him... But, every time I approach him, I either chicken out or he just leaves... I'm starting to think that there's no saving our relationship...

Kuraime: Ruby...

Ruby looked up to see Kuraime walking up to her. She put her hand on her shoulder and looked her directly in her eyes.

Kuraime: Trust me when I say, Dairoku will never leave your side. Even if you two aren't together, he will never leave your side. I mean, he came after you as soon as he could, he's save you multiple times in the past, and you've saved him too. Everything he's done up to know, was mainly for you because he loves you that much. *smiles* So, go talk to him now and just be honest.

Ruby couldn't help but smile and pull her reaper partner into a hug which she returned.

Ruby: Thanks Kuraime.

Kuraime: You're welcome. *breaks hug* Now go win back your phoenix.

Ruby: Right.


Dairoku was just sitting on the bed in the room as hid his face in his hands in silence... He was just confused on what to do now... he doesn't even know why he was in the room he and Ruby shared... He looked over to see the framed photo of him and his former girlfriend at Beacon... Then, he looked over to his weapon case. Moving over to it, he decided to put away his Akoúo Sins as he thought a shower would calm him down. As soon as he opened it and put his gauntlet in, he saw his other weapons... Glacial Blaze... their blades shining within the moonlight that seeped through the curtains, and Raising Moon... He was starting to think that he should combine his weapons together so that they'd be easier to use... Then, he looked over and saw the item that belonged to his mother... A blue rectangular object with an eye-shape on it... He never used it in battle yet...

Before he could take it up, he heard a knock on the door. He closed the case and faced towards the door.

Dairoku: Come in.

The knob gently turned before the door opened slightly, revealing Ruby... Dawning a nervous expression, she walked in and closed the door behind her, not making eye contact with the now nervous phoenix Faunus.

Ruby: Hey...

Dairoku: Hey... *looks at her, avoiding eye contact* Do you need anything?

Ruby: Just a talk with you, is fine...

Dairoku sighed and moved over to the bed before sitting on it.

Dairoku: Okay? What is it you want to talk about?

Ruby: *rubs arm nervously* You know what...

Dairoku: *sigh* Ruby, you know there's nothing else to talk about.

Ruby: *clenches fists* Bullshit!

Dairoku's eyes widen and he looked at Ruby, shocked... did she just...

Dairoku: Ruby...?

Ruby: I'm sorry, I'll get the swear jar later but seriously Dairoku, this is all just... Bullshit! Why did you break up with me?

Dairoku: *sigh* You... don't want to know...

Ruby: As a matter of fact, I DO want to know!

Dairoku: Trust me! You don't! Especially since it won't make a difference... Everyone around me either gets hurt or dies... When I failed to save Neo in the past, when Celeste lost her voice because of ME. When Lauren died because I was too WEAK to do anything... When Penny died because I was too SLOW... When Pyrrha died because SHE HAD TO TAKE THE ARROW TO THE HEART FOR ME! I know they wouldn't want me to blame myself for everything but HOW COULDN'T I WHEN I COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING!? *sigh* If I was to lose any of you... if I was to lose you... I don't know what I'd do anymore...

Ruby: So... does that mean you-

Dairoku: Yes it does! Did you really think I could just stop feeling the way I do?? That I could just forget my feelings of love towards you!? Well, you're wrong! You're very, very wrong!

Ruby: Then please tell me why! You breaking my heart Dairoku!

Dairoku: *snaps towards Ruby* BECAUSE YOU'RE MY WEAKNESS!

. . .

Dairoku: Did you really think I wanted to do what I did? Well, you're wrong! Ever since we broke up, I just wanted to come to you... I wanted to just pull you into a hug and tell you that I loved you... And I still do! But I couldn't because I'm too focused on getting stronger so that none of you will die! My enemies you use guys to get to me, use you! You saw it twice already! Back on Beacon Tower, when Cinder killed Pyrrha right in front of me, I lost it completely and tried to kill her! But look where that got me; here, missing an arm and without the ability to fly with my wings. Then with Tyrian when he poisoned Qrow, I NEARLY KILLED HIM and if Neo didn't manage to stop me, who knows what I would have done when I killed him, I could have killed you guys, I COULD HAVE KILLED YOU!

Dairoku stopped and began panting heavily as Ruby stared in silence...

Dairoku: Back in Kuroyuri... When I was fighting Lauren, we made a deal with each other... The next time we'd meet, we'd have our final battle... If I had unlocked Barbatos' final form before then, then she wouldn't even lay a finger on any of you, if I was to die. But, if I still didn't unlocked Barbatos' full potential, then she would have killed you right in front of me...

Ruby: ......

Dairoku: Do you see why I was so desperate to unlock Barbatos' final form now? I wouldn't have cared if you hated me, all I care about is you being safe. You're my Ruby Rose, my Roselyn... my sweet Little Rose... You mean everything to me Ruby... I made a promise to Yang, to the rest of your team, to Tai, to Qrow... to your mom, Summer, that I'd protect you no matter the cost and if you'd hate me in the process, then so be it. At least I could die happily, knowing that you got to see the future...

Silence overtook the room as both occupants looked down, Dairoku with tears threatening to fall from his eyes while Ruby already had some... She walked over to him and slapped him, HARD across the face. Dairoku didn't even protest as she pushed him onto his back, on the bed and straddle him before proceeding to slap him, repeatedly across his face while crying...

Ruby: *sobs* That's it!? *slap* You *slap* broke my heart *slap* just because of a stupid fucking *slap* deal you made with Lauren!? *slap**slap*

She moved her hand to slap him again but he caught it and sat up, with their faces nearly touching...


She pushed him back down and continued her assault...


Dairoku sat up again and held both Ruby's hands...

Dairoku: DO YOU THINK I WANTED TO DO THIS!? WELL I DIDN'T! I WANTED TO JUST COME CLEAN TO YOU AND TELL YOU EVERYTHING! But... I didn't want Lauren to become your problem too. I want... no, I HAVE to deal with her by myself and if I had to push you away in order to do so, then I would! But... But... *tears began streaming down* I-I didn't want to hurt you... I was so focused on making sure you lived that I forgot about the most important thing... I forgot about your heart... and I broke it... MULTIPLE TIMES!!! I would be lying if I said I didn't love you, because I DO, A LOT!

At this point, Ruby began to sob a lot uncontrollably...

Dairoku: *crying* Ever since Lauren died, I was in a dark stage... Though Celeste, Kuraime and Pyrrha never really saw it, I was having troubles... I tried moving on but I couldn't... until you came along... You were like a shining beacon of hope in my dark, depressing world... Everything about you, your adorableness, your childish nature, your enthusiasm, EVERYTHING! I don't deserve you... you thought that you didn't deserve me but it's the other way around... Lauren will use you against me... I don't want you to be pulled into my problems and suffer because of me...

. . .

Ruby pulled her hands from Dairoku's and smashed her lips against his, taking him by surprise but he melted into it quickly... This kiss... though rough, was filled with, incalculable levels of passion and other emotions... They pulled away and gazed into each other's eyes before Ruby slapped him again...

Ruby: *sobs* You absolute fucking idiot...

Dairoku: Ruby...

She leaned down and rested her head in the crook of his neck...

Ruby: Dairoku, you told me that you loved me because of who I am and that you didn't care if I 'wasn't deserving' of your love... So let ME tell you Dairoku Rein... I don't give a damn if you think that you don't deserve me... I don't give a damn if Lauren wants to come after me... I don't give a damn that I'd be brought into your problems... You know why...? It's because I love you, and I care about you too much to worry about Lauren. I don't care if you think you have to do this alone... I want us to stick together and face these problems, TOGETHER, not as friends... not as teammates... but as partners... as lovers... We WILL face Lauren together... I don't want you to face this alone Dairoku... so please... Stop pushing us away... stop pushing ME away... I want to be with you forever Dairoku... I really do...

Dairoku: I want to be with you forever too, Ruby... I... I'm so sorry... I never wanted to hurt-

She put a finger to his mouth. She slowly sat up and looked at him.

Ruby: Stop... No more... I'm sick and tired of the conflict between us... So listen to me... *blushes* I'm going to give you one order tonight and you will do it... we have a deal?

Dairoku: *blushes* Okay...

She nodded and got up. She moved over to the door, confusing the Faunus boy until he saw her actually lock the door, before turning off the lights.

Dairoku: Ruby...?

Ruby: Shut up...

Without arguing further, Dairoku watched in shock as Ruby slowly began to discard her clothing... first starting with her hooded cloak, then her boots and stockings, then her shirt, and finally, her combat skirt.

Ruby: Don't just lie there, take them off.

Dairoku was slightly startled with how demanding she became but he decided against arguing. He got up and began to discard his clothing as well, his hooded coat, then his boots and socks, then his gloves, his shirt and finally, his pants... With their clothing scattered across the ground, the phoenix and the rose stood in the middle of the room, in nothing but their undergarments, the only source of light being the moon that shined through the closed curtains... Even though their faces were both glowing a deep shade of red, neither felt any fear or embarrassment towards each other... Ruby took hold of Dairoku's hand before leading him towards the bed. As he laid down, facing upwards, Ruby laid on top of him, directly planted on his crotch. Then... she opened her mouth, to say... four simple words...

Ruby: *blushes* Make love to me...


Immediately, Dairoku sat up and forced his lips against Ruby's locking the two into a deep kiss, filled with passion, love and lust... for one another... He immediately took it a step further and poked his tongue into Ruby's mouth, forcing the two into a rough wrestling match. The need for air finally forced them apart as a thin trail of saliva kept them connected...

Dairoku: *blushes* Are you sure... with me...?

Ruby: *blushes* I've fought the urge for too long... I really want this Dairoku... And I wouldn't want it with anyone else but you... I love you Dairoku...

Dairoku: I love you too Ruby...

With their hands tangled in each other's hair, their lips reconnected into a seal for them to familiarize themselves with the feel of each other...  All restraint was out of the window with the only thing remaining was the need for each other... love... passion... and lust... Slowly, his lips strayed away from hers and down along her neck and collarbone. This sensation was new to Ruby as let out heavy breaths while tightly holding onto the muscles of his back and letting out slight blissful moans...

Slowly his lips began to trail down further, to the flesh just above her breasts, awarding the scarred phoenix a slightly louder, pleasurable moan from his mate. Only furthering her arousal was the feeling of his harden member pushing up against her core. Responding to this, she slowly began to move back and forth within his lap, grinding on top of his covered shaft, earning her a growl of arousal from her Faunus mate. Ruby then gently put her hands on his head and pushed him away, giving him a confused/worried look on his face until he saw the movements of her unhooking her bra. Afterwards, she threw it onto the ground but immediately crossed her arms in front of her chest while looking away in embarrassment.

Ruby: I'm sorry... I know they're not the biggest...

Dairoku just smiled and covered her hands with his, before gently removing them from blocking the sight of her now exposed chest. Her breasts, they weren't very big but not very small either... They were soft and firm... her harden buds were a peek that formed into a nice firm point; in Dairoku's term, they were just right.

Dairoku: I don't care about their size. All I care about is that they're yours.

Ruby smiled sweetly before her expression turned into one that showed sense of pleasure as Dairoku slowly passed his the thumb of his left hand over her the harden point of her left breast while with the right one, he circled it with his tongue, sucking on it in between every three laps. With his metallic right prosthetic, he slowly stroked along her back before wandering down further towards her rear end. All the while, Ruby continued to grip onto both his back and hair tightly while gently grinding along him.

After a few minutes, Dairoku pulled away and made eye contact to the female he was making love to, before the two shared a smile filled with love. The two nodded with confirmation at each other before standing up from the bed, and taking off the last piece of their clothing, for Ruby her now soaked rose-red panties and Dairoku, his black boxers. This time, Ruby wasn't nervous... she continued smiling as she and her mate let themselves be exposed to one another.

They lead each other back on to the bed and kneeled before engaging into another heated session of lip-locking. This was slightly cut short however as Dairoku gently pushed Ruby onto her back, her being pressed against the wooden back of the bed and hovered over her, her legs spread wide open, revealing glistening entrance. He looked at her for confirmation but the only answer he got was a warm and blissful smile. Seeing her answer, he slowly trailed his left hand down her, sending slight shivers of pleasure throughout her body. However, Ruby pushed her hand against his, not telling him to stop, but encouraging him to speed up. His palm hovered over her heat as his thumb traced along her entrance before... She gasped sharply as a single finger entered her.

As Ruby mentioned before, she had have these kind of thoughts before and have pleased herself multiple times. Whether it was when she was alone in her dorm at Beacon, she'd be on her bunk, in her sleep wear, her signature outfit or her uniform, with her leggings and panties down to her ankles, one hand cupped over her breast, another down by her womanhood. Or, it was during her time home after the Fall; at night time when everyone was asleep and when she couldn't find a reason to get some sleep, she'd either pull down her leggings and panties or completely discard all her clothing, before proceeding with her business. Though, luckily for her, no one caught her during any of these times, as her Semblance allowed her to quickly put everything back to normal. The times she did this, made her understand her body more and more...

Even though this wasn't the first time Ruby felt pleasure like this, something about Dairoku doing it felt completely new... Maybe it was the fact that his fingers were a slightly bigger size then her own? She knew exactly what her body wanted, but Dairoku seemed to know more, as every movement he made, gave her a completely different sense of pleasure that she wasn't used to... His gentleness was something that Ruby adored during this moment. The way his index spread open her folds as his middle finger explored the wetness of her insides. She let out a slight yelp, followed by heavy breathing from the feeling of him slipping in two of his fingers, all the while staring deeply into those silver and crimson eyes with her own argent ones. Meanwhile, her right hand began to massage her breasts.

His hot and heavy breath was felt alongside her neck as his hand movements gradually sped up. She began to melt as sweat formed on her forehead and slowly slid down the sides of her face. She let out a slight whimper at the sensation of his thumb pressing up against her bud. Her breath was becoming fast and rough; she knew this sensation all too well... she was getting close...

Ruby: Dairoku~

She let that out like a whining toddler, pleading for her mother to buy her that new toy she saw. Dairoku just smiled at her.

Dairoku: Shhh... It's okay... You can release whenever you want.

She nodded shakily as his movements sped up even further, his thumb continued to press up against her clit, sending many jolts of pleasure along with the ones she was already feeling, through her body... Her moans were becoming louder by the second but she was quickly silenced by her partner, entrapping them with his lips on hers. His metallic prosthetic arm slowly moved to one of her breasts and began to apply pressure onto the nipple, furthering the pleasurable sensation she was feeling; with the mixture of the coldness of his metal thumb, the sensitivity of her nipple and clit and the fasten movements inside her... she just couldn't take it anymore... Her body arched upwards as she felt the jolts of her orgasm through her body, her loudly muffle moans, filling the room. It lasted for a few minutes before she finally calmed down. He slowly removed his fingers from her, them being covered in the liquid substance she produced...

Ruby: *blushes*...That... felt amazing...

Dairoku smirked at her comment before lying next to her, gently stroking her now messy short black and red hair and the in innards of her pale thighs. She rolled over to her side to face him and immediately entrapped his lips with her own, interlocking them into a passionate embrace, all the while pulling him on top of her.

With his hands on either side of her head, he gazed directly into her shiny argent colored eyes with his two different colored ones. Their exposed bodies pressed against each other as the hot breath form their heavy breathing mixed with the oxygen in the room. His stiffen member aligned with her core, just waiting patiently... He looked at her once more, for anything...

Dairoku: Are you absolutely sure...? There's no going back after this.

She simply just smiled.

Ruby: Yes. I'm 100% sure. I trust you completely Dairoku, so please trust me. Also, I took the pill before coming here so you don't have to worry about any impregnation.

He still was slightly unsure but smiled nonetheless and so does the process begin... She slightly gasped, feeling his tip press against her entrance's lips. Even though she was a virgin, she felt no fear... because she knew that with him, she wouldn't have to be afraid... She did though slightly tense up with the feeling of him slowly entering her, but... she continued smiling... It wasn't necessarily uncomfortable, thanks to the natural wetness for her, acting like a sort of lubricant. As soon as Dairoku felt a soft, yet delicate barrier, he stopped and looked to his mate one last time, only to be surprised, to see her, still smiling... her face showing no form of fear or uncertainty... just a welcoming smile... one that told him that she was ready... one that told him that she trusted him fully... Seeing this relieved him so he decided to proceed further...

Now with the confirmation, Dairoku entangled his fingers in between Ruby's, with a firm and comforting grasp. Soon, she felt a slight discomfort as he proceed, relieving her of what made her 'innocent'. Though the discomfort was almost unbearable, she allowed him to continue. He quickly captured her lips with his own to help ease the feeling, as a tear fell from her eye... With his full length now inside her comfortably, they were connected... they were made into a man and woman respectively... they have become one... As their lips parted, they gazed lovingly into each other's souls. She gave him a reassuring nod, signaling him to start moving. As he pulled back, Ruby felt his member rub along the soft and moist walls of her insides before he pushed back into her, earning him a blissful moan from her...

This sensation... nothing could ever compare to it... not even to the things she did to herself... It was the sensation, of having him, her partner, her lover, inside her...

Every thrust he made into her was just... borderline perfect in her opinion... Each jolt of pleasure that surged through her body earned him a blissful, pleasurable moan from her mouth. His movements were slow and gentle as he didn't want to rush this but every blissful sound she made, further his urges to speed up but he wanted to wait for her, so he held back. He lowered his forehead onto her own, all the while not breaking any eye contact. He gently placed his prosthetic arm against her cheek, she putting her free hand on his...

Dairoku: I never want to leave your side Ruby. I want a life forever with you.

She blushed and smiled sweetly as his head lowered closer to hers, their lips just barely touching

Ruby: Me too. I'm all yours and only yours Dairoku. I love you a lot.

Dairoku: I love you more.

With nothing more to say, they formed a seal with their lips as he continued to make love to her.

They rolled over to the side as Ruby straddled him. She put her left hand on his shoulder with her right being on the wooden back of the bed, all the while her partner's hands gently rest themselves on her upper thighs. Her hips moved up and down as she began grinding against him. Dairoku couldn't take his eyes off her at all... the scenery in front of him was simply too great to bare... the sight of the short dark crimson haired young woman, releasing soft blissful moans that continuously raised in volume as she continued to ride... one thought could cross his mind... and that was, she was beautiful...

Needing her to be closer to him, he removed his hands from her and reached up to her, one hand now on her smooth, pale, though slightly sweaty back and the other on the back of her head. Then, he pulled her down, so that their bodies pressed up against each other fully, the cold hard nipples of her breast pressed up against his own nipples. He made movements upwards as she continued to grind him, but their movements were gradually becoming faster and faster...

. . .

Soon enough, he felt her walls tighten around him, signaling her approaching end. Luckily for him, his member began twitching inside her... they were both about to end it...

Ruby: Dairoku...~ I'm... I'm...~

Dairoku: Me too...~

Ruby: Please...~ Inside me...!~

Her answer was the sudden quickening of his movements. Her moans grew louder to the point they risked alerting the other occupants of the house... but she didn't care... in fact... neither of them cared... all they wanted... was each other... With one final thrust and one scream of lust and pleasure from his lover, Dairoku shot multiple strings of his seed into her, all at the same time, she released her juices onto his member... They panted heavily as they rested against each other... not wanting to get up... in fact... neither wanted to move at all...After several minutes, their orgasm had finally ended... His member slid out of her, leaving her to slowly eject some of the thick white substance...

Ruby: That... was... *pants heavily* Wow...

Dairoku: *tired chuckle* Yeah... *playful smirk* Heh, I didn't know you could be so naughty.

A wave of blush overtook Ruby's face as she playfully hit his bare chest.

Ruby: I... I... Shut up you idiot.

Dairoku: *chuckles* Don't worry, I love it~

Ruby: *madly blushes* I-Idiot...

He just chuckled as Ruby slowly slid herself off him and laid down on her side, facing away from him. He followed suit and laid directly behind her, pulling the covers over the two of them before his arms wrapped around her stomach while her arms held his tightly and their bodies pressed up against each other, putting them in a blissful spooning position. Now exhausted, they prepared for their calming slumber...

Ruby: I love you Dairoku.

Dairoku: I love you too Ruby.


Oh... my... fucking... GOD...! WHAT DID I JUST WRITE!? If you're wondering, yes that was my first ever lemon... did I do good? All that matters is that Dairoku and Ruby are back together. Anyways, see y'all in the next chapter! I need to go cleanse myself in some holy water...

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