(3rd Person POV)
Jaune: CELESTE!!!
Cinder smirked evilly as Jaune ran over to Weiss who had Celeste's body in her arms; she was breaking down in hysterics as she tightly hugged the body of her lover.
Weiss: *sobs* ...Celeste... Please... wake up... Celeste... Celeste...!
Dairoku couldn't move, seeing his sister in this state... Neo already had tears falling from her eyes as she ran over to Jaune and Weiss.
Lauren: Aww... would you look at that? The bird's wings have finally been clipped.
Suddenly, Dairoku grabbed Lauren's face and smashed it against the wall.
A greenish blue ball of energy appeared in his palm before it shot into a beam, sending Lauren flying through the wall and, seemingly out of the continent. Panting heavily, Dairoku landed and deactivated his Barbatos form as he ran towards his downed sister.
Dairoku: CELESTE!!!
He slid next to her and began to shake her.
Dairoku: Celeste please, get up!... No... No... Please... Not again...
Athena: ...
Kuraime was completely frozen, her eyes wide as dinner plates, seeing Celeste's condition.
Kuraime: No...
Suddenly, flashbacks began to play through her memory... of when she lost her parents...
Kuraime: No...
When her sister was taken away...
Kuraime: ...No...
When she saw Dairoku unconscious after the Fall of Beacon and when she heard of Pyrrha's death...
Kuraime: ...........................
...Until it finally happened...
Dairoku: Celeste... Please...-
???: *DEMONIC ROAR*!!!
Everyone's attention turned to the source of the sound... the long black haired huntress-in-training... Kuraime... The building shook as she radiating an Aura filled with rage and despair...
Her eyes, a blinding white color with her pupils and irises removed...
Kuraime: Celeste... *slowly looks towards Cinder who looked terrified* Cinder... *heavy breathing*
Dairoku: Kuraime...?
Neo: W-What's happening with her...?
Kuraime: *Heavy breathing* .........
Athena telepathically: I sense... magic coming from her... Magic similar to my own and Bale's...
Dairoku's thoughts: What...?
She glared at Cinder, her demonic aura skyrocketing as her white eyes began flickering between white and an orange like red... until... she said one word...
. . .
Kuraime: Marchosias...
An explosion engulfed Kuraime into a puff of smoke, confusing everyone within the building, until... they saw something glowing red from within the smoke... two large dark gray feathered wings suddenly sprouted out from the figure's back...
Weiss:... Wings...?
The large wings suddenly flapped violently, clearing the building of all the smoke but... everyone's eyes widen from what was revealed... Where Kuraime was standing originally, was now a demonic feminine figure with 4 orange eyes, red claws and demonic toes, long white hair and two dark gray wings... The figure held Kuraime's Poison Ivy but the blade was coated within a purple flame and she was holding a second scythe in her other hand... a glowing purple ethereal scythe...
Yang: Is that... Kuraime...?
Ozpin telepathically: It seems like Kuraime's negative emotions has awakened her powers...
Oscar: What?
Ozpin telepathically: A form she inherited from her father, Akatsu Silewe... Devil's Trigger...
(3rd Person POV)
(Play song)
Cinder's eyes widen in fear as she looked at the form the now, dual scythe wielding demonic huntress glared death towards. She slowly raised her Ethereal Scythe and pointed it directly at Cinder before slowly approaching her
Kuraime: *distorted* Marchosias craves for your wicked soul...
Cinder: W-What!?
Kuraime: *distorted* Poison Ivy and Keiretsu chant the song of Death for you to join them within the devil's chamber...
Cinder: *afraid* W-Who?? Who do you think you are!? I am the Fall Maiden! You don't stand a chance against me! If Barbatos couldn't what makes you think you can!?
Kuraime: ......... *distorted* You can be a king... a street sweeper... or even a Maiden... but remember this Cinder Fall... everyone dances with the Grim Reaper... Your time has come to an end... I will force you to surrender your soul and I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL NOT FORGET THIS DEVIL'S POWER!!!
Kuraime suddenly appeared in front of Cinder, leaving a trail of raven feathers in her wake, and thrust Poison Ivy forwards, forcing Cinder to block it, but just barely. Then with full force, she kicked Cinder away from her, creating a powerful shockwave before reappearing right in front of her again
Cinder's thoughts: WHAT!? What is this power!? How is she so fast and strong!?
Kuraime sped around Cinder as she tried to land a strike on the devilish huntress but she couldn't; she was just too fast.
Cinder: *enraged* ENOUGH!!!
She slammed her hand on her ground, causing a pillar of flame to erupt from around her. Kuraime flapped her wings and hovered in the air to avoid it while Cinder quickly flew up to her, with two fire swords in hand. The two traded strikes in the air before Cinder thrust her arm forward, sending an ice spike towards Kuraime who moved to the side to avoid it and slashed it in two.
Then she dispersed into many ravens before maneuvering above and behind Cinder.
Just as Cinder turned around and looked up, she already saw Kuraime crashing down towards her, with both of her scythes, pushing Cinder into the ground.
As this battle happened, the battle in haven resumed, with Oscar smacking Leonardo with his cane, sending him flopping down the stairs and into Hazel as he and Nora ran over to an unconscious Ruby.
Oscar: Ruby, get up! Get up! We need you!
Hazel walked over to Leonardo, grabbing him by his collar.
Hazel: You're lettin' that boy make a fool of you.
Leo: That's not just a boy! It's Ozpin. He's already reincarnated!
He dropped Leonardo as his eye widen. He then looked over to Oscar, only to see him holding Ozpin's cane, The Long Memory...
Hazel: Ozpin... ?
He began breathing heavily as the rage boiled up in him. All the while, Ruby began to stir awake.
Oscar: Ruby! You-
Hazel: OZPIN!!!
Oscar looked up in fear to see Hazel.
Ozpin telepathically: Oh no...
Hazel: You thought, you can hide from ME!?
He suddenly began ripping off his trench coat before he reached into pouches on his thighs and pulled out four Lightning Dust crystals.
Hazel: You'll pay for what you did... You'll die, over and OVER AGAIN!!!
He then stabbed himself with the Dust Crystals, infusing the Dust into his veins and causing him to surge with electrical power before roaring.
Oscar: *afraid* Do... Do we fight?
Ozpin telepathically: No, RUN!
Hazel launched himself towards Oscar but Qrow jumped in and pulled him out of the way before converting Harbinger into its scythe form.
Cinder: Ozpin's here!?
Raven: Is that a problem?
Cinder: ...I'm not sure, but right now, we got the upper hand; let's not waste it. Leo! Open the path to the vault!
Leonardo got back up and ran towards the statue in the center of the room before taking out his pocket watch and placing it in a slot on the statue, causing it to lower. Cinder, Raven and Vernal were about to get on it until Kuraime landed right in front of them, still enraged.
Kuraime: *distorted* I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU YET!!!
She dashed towards them, more specifically Cinder before slashing at her with Keiretsu but Raven quickly intervened and blocked the slash with her Omen. As she did, Vernal attempted to strike Kuraime from behind but using Evernight Raven, Kuraime quickly blitzed out of the way and kicked Vernal back with force before throwing Keiretsu at Raven, causing it to spiral around like a buzz-saw and forcing Raven to block it and be pushed back.
Then she turned her attention back to Cinder who was in the process of slashing towards Kuraime's head but she blocked with Poison Ivy and got in a struggle for dominance, before she dispersed into ravens and flew up into the air. Then she spun around, down towards Cinder before locking her weapon with hers.
Cinder created a sword from flames in her other hand before attempting to slash at Kuraime but she kicked off her and backed away, only to be met by a strike from Raven which she blocked. From the side lines, Vernal tried to shoot at Kuraime but all four of her eyes glowed brightly before Keiretsu spiraled into Vernal, knocking her back a bit before returning to Kuraime, who used it to slash at Raven and force her to back off. Then as her aura grew stronger, Kuraime began using her Raven Onslaught on Cinder, dashing around her as she struck with both her scythes, forcing Cinder to block with her fire swords but she was struggling hard and her aura flickered as the blades of Poison Ivy and Keiretsu grazed Cinder's body.
Having enough of this, Cinder, erupted in flames, forcing Kuraime back before the ground below her glowed bright orange and erupted into a pillar of Maiden Flames, that trapped her reaper. Kuraime tried to use her Evernight Raven to either blitz out of the pillar or to disperse out of it but nothing worked. She even tried using her newly found fallen angel wings to fly out but again, couldn't... The force of the flames was just too much as Kuraime was forced to the ground, in pain.
She tried to get up again but couldn't. Keiretsu dispersed into purple particles as Kuraime reverted back to her normal form, now unconscious and her Aura shattered. The pillar of flame disappeared as Cinder walked up to the unconscious reaper before she formed a blade and pointed at her head.
Dairoku: Kuraime! *turns to Neo* Do it!
Neo nodded before focusing at Kuraime. Cinder slashed downwards upon Kuraime but when she did, the unconscious huntress shattered like glass... Confused, Cinder looked around before seeing Kuraime still unconscious, but in Neo's arms as she kneeled next to Dairoku, Jaune, Ren, Weiss and Celeste and her weapon next to her. Angered, she was about to go and attack before Raven stopped her.
Raven: Don't bother. We focus on the relic first.
Cinder: *sighs as Maiden flame disappears* Right...
Cinder, Raven and Vernal made their ways onto the now lowered statue as Yang tried to analyze the situation in front of her, seeing Oscar and Qrow try and fend off against the now enraged Hazel, Jaune, Weiss, Ren and Dairoku tending to Celeste, Neo trying wake up Kuraime and Nora helping Ruby who was slowly regaining her conscience.
Nora: Stop them!
Neo: Go Yang!
Yang lingered for a bit before decided to try and stop Cinder, Raven and Vernal but she was suddenly kicked to the ground by Mercury who was later joined by Emerald.
Emerald: You wanna get to them? You're going to have to get through all of us.
As she focused on Yang, multiple Mercurys surrounded Yang, all smirking and crossing his arms. Mean while, Jaune tried applying pressure on Celeste's chest to stop the bleeding but to no avail... Weiss was still crying and shaking violently but Dairoku put a hand on her shoulder, to try and calm her down, although he was just as upset. He wanted to go ape and destroy Cinder but... he knew he'd risk dying and risk killing everyone else if he did... so he was suppressing his emotions... but never in his life would he expect Kuraime to be the one to go ape. Weiss, feeling the warmth of Dairoku, triggered her just to cry more and lung herself into his chest...
Jaune: Guys, talk to me!
Ren: *holding her hand* This is bad.
Jaune: No, no, no, no, not again! Celeste, come on! Please!!...
Dairoku: ...Please Celeste... Just hang on... I... I promised I'd protect you... AND I WILL NOT BREAK IT!!! So please... hold on...
Neo: *tears falling* Please... Celeste... My little sister...
Meanwhile, Cinder, Vernal and Raven stepped onto the now lowered statue as it began seeping into the ground.
Cinder: *to Leonard* Make sure they leave Ruby and Dairoku alive. This won't take long.
As the statue continued to sink into the ground, Oscar was jumping out of the way of Hazel's ruthless attacks.
Ozpin telepathically: Oscar.
Oscar: No!
He dodged another attack.
Ozpin telepathically: Oscar!
Oscar: I told you, no!
Before he could dodge again, Hazel knocked him into a pillar.
Ozpin telepathically: Please, let me take over! I can handle him!
Oscar: You told me I need to fight for myself. *stands up* So I will.
Ozpin telepathically: This is not your fight.
Oscar: What does that mean? Why is he so upset with us?
Hazel: He didn't tell you my tale, did he boy? *approaches Oscar* I thought you looked familiar, to think that evil was inside you when our paths first crossed... *holds arms above his head* You're blood won't be on my hands... it'll be on his.
As he slammed his arms down, Qrow intervened and tried to block it but he too was knocked back with Oscar but he immediately got back up and rushed towards Hazel.
Oscar: What was he talking about!?
Hazel: Tell him Ozpin! Tell him how you killed her!
Oscar: ...Her?
Ozpin telepathically: Gretchen Rainart was Hazel's sister. Despite her brother's wishes, she enrolled at Beacon Academy to become a Huntress, and tragically lost her life on a training mission. Hazel holds me responsible... Please, let me fight, I know Hazel. He's wounded in a way that cannot be healed.
Hazel: You know now! *throws Qrow* You can forgive me for what I'm about to do.
Oscar:... Did she know? Did she know the risk of becoming a Huntress?
Hazel: She was only a child! She wasn't ready!
Oscar: She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! So do I.
Hazel: *growls* Then you've chosen death.
Oscar glared at Hazel until...
Ozpin telepathically: I'm sorry.
Oscar: What?
Suddenly his eyes glowed as he fell to his knees, using his cane to hold him up. But when he looked up at Hazel, it was the glare of Ozpin... Hazel noticed this and got more enraged.
While that was happening, Jaune, Ren, Dairoku, Weiss and Neo were desperately trying to save Celeste but... she was getting worse and worse by the second...
Ren: This is bad... She's not breathing... And her heart rate is slowing down by the second... I... I don't know what we can do...
Dairoku: No... Please... Celeste... You can't die yet... *began sobbing*
Jaune: No it wasn't supposed to be like this! Please...! We can't lose anyone else...
Weiss haven't stopped crying while Neo began to cry again at the thought of losing her only sister... Suddenly, a light began emitting from Celeste as she suddenly gasped for air...
Meanwhile, on the elevator to the vault, Cinder, Vernal and Raven stood in silence, the former holding what was her arm. Vernal just looked borderline worried and stressed.
Cinder: Are you nervous, girl? The first Maiden in, why, I'm not sure anyone knows how many years is about to open a vault. I would say it's quite an exciting time. Don't you feel honored?
Vernal: No, I'm not concerned with any of this. All I care about is my tribe, my family. This is a burden, not an honor.
Cinder: You've conditioned her quite well, Raven.
The elevator slowly came to a halt as a giant tree with golden flowers was seen and a path way leading towards a golden door.
Cinder: Hmm... It's certainly grander than Beacon's. I wonder what the extra effort was for.
Raven: Can we please not linger?
Cinder: After you.
Vernal began to walk down the path as Cinder followed. Raven put on her mask before following as well. Back on the top, Hazel was smashing his fists on the ground as Ozpin dodged, all the while Leonard tried to shoot him but Qrow shot his weapon before engaging the lion Faunus. Hazel tried attacking Ozpin but he dodged and began speeding around the battle field while hitting his giant target. Then he began to do a rapid fencing attack to Hazel before knocking him to his knees. Ozpin twirled his cane while approaching the downed brute before he yelled and pounded the ground with his fists.
With Jaune, Ren, Dairoku, Weiss and Neo, they all dawned surprised expressions as Celeste began gasping for air and began glowing white...
Jaune: Huh?
Neo: What's happening?
Dairoku: Jaune... you're... healing her...?
Jaune: Wait... I am!?
Unfortunatly, her breathing began to slow down again...
Jaune: No, NO! It's not enough!
Suddenly, Athena appeared out of Dairoku's necklace in the form of Dairoku's mother and kneeled down to her.
Athena: You're healing won't be enough since that attack she took damaged her heart significantly... But... I can help...
Neo: Y-You can?
Athena: *nods* I can transfer the remainder of my Magic into her, completely removing the damage done to her... But... if I do, I'll disappear forever.
Dairoku: WHAT!? Athena! But you said you only had a few years!
Athena: I did... but, since I'm doing this, it'll use up my remaining years... *looks at Dairoku and smiles sadly but sweetly* I know I promised to live to see you three grow up into a wonderful Huntsman and Huntresses... But... It's my duty as a mother to protect you all... even if I have to sacrifice myself to do it.
Dairoku and Neo: Mom...
Athena smiled at her children before looking to Jaune.
Athena: Jaune, lift your hands off her wound.
Jaune didn't argue as he lifted his hand off the wound and Athena got into a praying position.
Athena: Spirit of Life, gifted to me from The God of Light, Please grant my daughter one more chance at life, please heal her wounds and guide her with your light filled with restoration... Celeste Rein, I give you the Blessing of the God of Light. You will be born again, you will live to see tomorrow, you will live to be with your loved ones and you will live to protect Humanity from the darkness and evil known as Salem. You will live again... my dear daughter...
A glowing blue orb was projected into Athena's hands before it flew towards the blooded hole on Celeste's chest, entering it. All of a sudden, the wound began to close shut as a dragon tattoo appeared on where it was...
Everyone looked in awe as Athena opened her eyes, only to reveal it shimmering blue slightly.
Athena: She'll wake up soon. Continue healing her to speed up the... process...
As Jaune put his hand on Celeste's abdomen to continue healing her, Athena slowly fell over to her side.
Everyone: Athena!
Dairoku ran over to her and caught her before she fell over...
Athena: *coughs* Heh... I can't let fate take me just yet, can I?
Dairoku: What...?
Athena then weakly reached up to Dairoku and put her hand on his chest before it glowed blue... The two were coated in a light blue aura before it disappear...
Dairoku: What did you...?
Athena: I... *cough* I helped you out son... I broke the final barrier that was keeping Barbatos' full power away from you... You have... finally unlocked... the form, Barbatos Lupus... Shout its name to call it forth... just like you did back in the Vytal Festival...
Dairoku: Mom...
He then noticed a slight glow on his left hand. Looking at it, he noticed the same tattoo that Celeste now had, on the back of his left hand. He heard the faint roar of the beast of Vengeance and the power surging through him... But his attention was averted as Athena began glowing a faint blue and she began letting of blue particles...
Dairoku: Mom!?
Athena: Heh... it looks like my time's up now...
Dairoku: No... NO! We can't lose you again Mom!... I can't lose you again... Please... Please...
Tears began to fall from his eyes and land on Athena's slowly disintegrating figure before she giggled weakly and put her hand on her son's cheek...
Athena: Heh... You know... I was... really happy you were my next host... This was by far the most fun I had... in the many years I was transferring from host to host...
Dairoku: *sobs* Mom...
Athena: *weak smile* I... am honored... to be you mother... Dairoku... I truly am... But, I must go now... I'll always be watching over you and your sisters... no... I'll be watching over all of you... *looks at the rest before back at Dairoku* Promise me... that you'll protect them for me... your sisters... your friends... your future spouse... and kick Bale's ass for me...
Dairoku: *sobbing while chuckling* ...You cursed...
Athena: Ah crap... *weak giggle* I'll get the swear jar later... Ehehehe...
Dairoku: Hehehe... I promise Mom... I promise...
Athena: Good...
Her glowing intensified as she began becoming transparent... before she fully disappeared, she said her last words to him...
Athena: Save the world from Salem... I'll always love you my dear Son...
And then she disintegrated into multiple blue particles and retreated into Dairoku's necklace...
Dairoku's thoughts: Athena...?
. . .
Nothing..... Just silence... She was gone... for eternity...
Dairoku: *looks at Celeste before looking down* Thank you Mom...
Neo slid next to him, tears in her eyes before hugging him tightly...
Neo: She'll be with us in our hearts big brother...
Dairoku: Yeah... she will...
While this was happening, Kuraime slowly stirred awake...
Kuraime: Ugh... Where... am... I?
Ren: You have regained conscious Kuraime.
Kuraime: Huh...?
She slowly got up and looked around to see Qrow and Ozpin fighting against an enraged Hazel, and Yang struggling against Emerald and Mercury... And Celeste, down with Dairoku, Jaune, Neo, Ren and Weiss surrounding her. Her eye widen as she rushed over to Celeste.
Kuraime: What happened!?
Weiss: *wiping tears* You... don't remember?
Kuraime: ...Am I supposed to...?
Before she could think any further, Ruby and Nora came running over to them.
Ruby: Celeste! What happened!? What's going on!?
Ren: I think she's going to be okay. She seems to be stabilizing.
Ruby then looked over to see Yang struggling with Mercury and Emerald and then over to Ozpin and Qrow, catching where her uncle pushed Ozpin out of the way of Hazel's punch.
Ruby: *turns to Jaune* Whatever you're doing, don't stop.
Jaune: I won't.
Ruby: Good. Oscar needs help.
Ren: I'm on it.
Neo: Me too.
Ruby: Jaune and Celeste still need cover.
Nora: No one's gonna touch em'.
Weiss: We'll make sure of it.
Ruby: Okay. Make it happen RNNJRR!
They nodded as Ren and Neo ran over towards Hazel. Ruby was about to jump into battle when she realized Dairoku on his knees, looking down.
Ruby: Dairoku...? Are you okay...?
. . .
Dairoku: ...Heh, yeah... I'm better than okay...
He slowly stood up as Kuraime and Ruby looked at him in confusion... until he opened his eyes, revealing his left one to be glowing blue brightly.
Dairoku: I'm about to get some payback on a certain Fall Maiden.
He pulsed a blue aura before he sped towards the entrance to the vault and began diving down. Ruby and Kuraime looked at each other surprised before smiling,
Kuraime: You wanna help out Yang?
Ruby: Yeah, let's do it bestie!
Kuraime: Heh, right bestie!
They both shot themselves into the air and slashed right in front of Emerald, forcing her to back off and regroup with Mercury as Ruby and Kuraime posed with their scythes.
Yang: Thanks. *gets up* You two okay?
Kuraime: No...
Ruby: We're pissed off.
Back in the Vault, Vernal, Cinder and Raven were slowly approaching the golden door at the end of the walk way as lights in the ground lit up and golden flowers began falling from the tree.
Cinder: Having fun?
Raven: Vernal, stay focused.
Cinder: Oh come now Raven, let her enjoy this. It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
They continued down the pathway before stopping at the giant golden door..
Vernal: How does this work?
Cinder: Once the Spring Maiden places her hand on the door, it will open, for you and only you. Then I will walk into the vault and retrieve the relic. No one else. Is that clear?
Vernal: Yes.
Raven: It doesn't matter to us. Let's get this over with.
Cinder: Alright then. Vernal, when you're ready.
Vernal began to slowly approach the golden door with caution. In the meanwhile, Raven slowly began to reach for her Omen but Cinder began speaking, stopping her.
Cinder: You know, I've heard so many stories about you Raven. They say you're a cunning leader, that you're strong, that you're clever.
Vernal reached for the door...
Cinder: It's a shame their wrong.
Raven: VERNAL-
Before Raven could move, Cinder used her ice magic to freeze her in place. Vernal turned around only to be speared in the abdomen by something sizzling... Cinder's left hand was that of a Grimm...
Cinder: It's nothing personal dear. *walks up to Vernal* You're just not worthy of such power, but I am.
Her eye produced the Maiden flame as Vernal screamed in pain and fell to the ground, struggling to pry Cinder's hand from her, all the while the ice encasing Raven began to crack.
Cinder: So I will take what is MINE.
Eventually, Vernal's struggling came to an end as her hands fell in a lifeless manor and Cinder grinned before her flame disappeared and a look of shock and horror over took it...
Cinder: W-What is this? Where's the power!?
Raven: You won't find it... because Vernal isn't the Spring Maiden...
She threw off her mask as she glared at Cinder, her eyes producing a red flame.
Raven: I AM!!
. . .
Cinder: Vernal was a decoy this whole time... The last Spring Maiden must've trusted you a great deal before she died. I bet that was a mistake.
Raven growled and reached for her Omen but was stopped when there was a thud behind her. Turning, the both saw Dairoku...
Raven: Dairoku?
Cinder: You...
Dairoku: So you're the Spring Maiden huh Rae? Who would have thought of it.
Raven gritted her teeth and reached for her Omen before...
Dairoku: Save it Raven, I'm not here for you. *glares at Cinder* You... You might have killed Penny, Pyrrha and Celeste and got away with it... but I WILL make sure you DON'T get the relic...
He gained a thin blue aura as his left eye turned blue and Barbatos erupted from the ground, roaring...
Dairoku: I recommend you prepare yourself because, you're about to be in for a shocker! BARBATOS LUPUS!!!
The beast of Vengeance roared again before engulfing Dairoku in a blue light. Within he transformed... into the ultimate form of the Beast of Vengeance...
Raven: He actually did it...
In his new white, black and blue armor, he held out something, the same rectangular object that was his mother's before...
Raven's thoughts: That's Scarletina's...
It unfolded into a large blue scythe with an eye near its blade...
(Change the red bits to a dark blue)
He twirled it before resting it on his shoulder...
Dairoku: Well then, prepare to face your demise Cinder!
So much shit happened! First of all, Kuraime awakened her Devil's Trigger form, Athena's... sadly passed away and Dairoku has unlocked Barbatos' final form. So Raven and Dairoku are going to fight against Cinder. So yeah! Till the next chapter!
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