Chapter 7: Hearts Intertwined

(3rd Person POV)

After the incident in Glynda's Combat Class between Dairoku and Cardin, Cardin was emitted to the school's infirmary. Dairoku on the other hand had ran out of the class. Ruby chased after him but had no luck finding him... The sun began to set and she began to get frustrated... She was about to go to her dorm until she heard something... Sniffling... She followed the sound to a cherry tree behind the academy with benches surrounding it... There he was... Dairoku was on his knees under the tree, looking down. Ruby approached him with caution... When she was in front of him, she kneeled down to him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder which caused him to flinch... Her eyes widen...

Ruby's Thoughts: He's cold...

Ruby: Dairoku...

Dairoku: ...

Ruby: Dairoku please... talk to me... Everyone's worried about you...Especially me... Please, let us hel-

Dairoku: He promised me...

He cut her off in a quiet tone filled with despair and dread. She stayed quiet and let him continue.

Dairoku: Back then... He taught me everything I know... He said that mom and Neo would be proud to see how far I've gotten... He... He promised me... that he'd be there when I get my license... when I become a legend like him... He... He... He Promised Me...!

His voice began to tremble as tears began streaming down his face... Her heart sank as she saw this...

Dairoku: I hide my emotions so that I don't affect others around me... But... god, I don't think I can take this anymore... He meant so much to me... He's a hero... My hero... No matter how much I cry, how much I mourn, this pain... won't go away...

He suddenly lifted up his head, grabbed Ruby by her shoulders and looked her dead in her eyes... At that moment, Ruby realized how many tears were falling; it was like a waterfall of sadness

Dairoku: Why... Why does this have to happen...!? I wanted to make him proud... But... I can't bring him back and even if I could, I probably would be too weak to save him...

Ruby said nothing and just looked at him... Dairoku looked down, avoiding her gaze...

Dairoku: You probably think I'm weak... To see the prodigy of a legend in such an emotional and vulnerable state...

Ruby said nothing and pulled him into a tight embrace filled with support, comfort and love... She lowered his head so that it would rest on her chest, ignoring the embarrassment. She slowly caressed his messy pearl white hair...

Ruby: You're wrong... You're not weak Dairoku... in fact, you're the strongest person I've ever met... You dad... I bet he would be proud of you... Even though he isn't here anymore... I'm pretty sure... No... I'm completely sure, that he's proud to see how far you've come...

Dairoku: You... You really think so...?

Ruby: Of course...

Dairoku: Then tell me... How... How did you handle it... when your mother died...? When Summer Rose died...?

Ruby took a while before she answered...

Ruby: I... I was just as hurt as you were... When I heard that mom wasn't coming home, my younger self was sad but didn't fully understand... When I got older though, I only then realized... Back then, every time I visited her grave, I'd always try to be strong but always failed...

Ruby: But... I stood up strong again... because I knew she was looking out for me... I knew she was proud to see her little rose get this far... I'm sure your father is just as proud of you and I know he's looking out for you... Always have and always will be... And I promise you... that we'll always be there for you... That I'll always be there for you... You don't have to be strong alone anymore Dairoku... We'll be strong... together... People cry not because their Weak... It's because they've been strong for too long...

He couldn't help it anymore and just began bawling his eyes out, in front the girl... Ruby couldn't hold the urge to cry...Tears began streaming down her face as well but her cries weren't audible...

Dairoku: Ruby... Thank you... Thank you so much... I'm glad to have met you...

Even though she was crying as well, Ruby smiled and pulled his head up so that they'd meet eye to eye... She rested her forehead on his and nuzzled into him, gently rubbing his head.

Ruby: You're welcome, Dairoku...

The two continued to cry together, Dairoku letting out a 'thank you' in between each sob and holding her hands which were on his face, tightly as their heads leaned against one another...


(Ruby's POV)

After a few minutes, I was still with Dairoku... He had fallen asleep from emotional exhaustion but he honestly deserved this rest. Currently, we were still underneath that cherry blossom tree but he was lying down in my lap. I continued to caress his hair and even hum a tune to him... After a while, my teammates, Team JNPR and the rest of team RCST found us. When they approached us, I saw Pyrrha, Kuraime and Celeste's eyes widen at the sight of the sleeping Dairoku; he cried so much, tear marks were visible on his cheeks and the same for mine... I never thought I could cry for that long...

Pyrrha: Oh Dairoku...

Kuraime: His poor soul...

Celeste kneeled next to us and held his hand tightly while shedding a few tears... Tyros just sadly sighed as he looked at his leader

Yang: Seeing him like this... hurts...

Blake: I never thought someone as light hearted as him could be so broken inside...

Weiss: I'd rather have his... childish nature to this...

Nora: I feel really bad for him...

Ren: So do I...

Jaune: I... had no idea he looked up to his dad that much...

Pyrrha: Dairoku's father was everything to him... He told me once... that when his mother passed away, he begged his father to train him... So that he could protect those that couldn't protect themselves...

Kuraime: He always has been a person whose soul continuously came close to shattering... When his mother died... When Neo went missing... When Celeste lost her voice... but I think this was the final straw... the thing that broke the camel's back...

???: Kai... was quite the role model to him.

We all looked to see Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch there...

Me: Professor Ozpin?

They walked up to us and saw Dairoku's current state...

Ozpin: I knew the news would affect him but never in my life would I think it'd affect him so negatively that he'd awaken Barbatos from its slumber...

Tyros: Barbatos?

Me: That's that armor he wore, isn't it?

Ozpin: Correct Ms. Rose. That necklace he has... It belonged to his mother... It contains a spirit... Barbatos: Beast of Vengeance... His mother gave him it before she went on her last mission. It was put into a deep hibernation when she passed but it seems like his negative emotions awakened it...

Yang: Wait so... your saying that that Armor he was wearing... is a beast that lives inside that necklace?

Ozpin: That's correct, though this evolution of Barbatos... is different... Barbatos may be a Beast of Vengeance... but his form was not as... hateful as the one displayed today... I think the negative emotions changed it... It will be a while before Barbatos reverts to his true form... Anyways, I believe Dairoku must be very exhausted after fully awakening that beast. Glynda, if you would please.

Professor Goodwitch move over to me and took Dairoku off my lap and into her arms. She showed an expression of sadness for him

Ozpin: We will return Dairoku to his dorm. I suggest you all get some rest as well.

They began to walk off with Celeste, Kuraime and Tyros closely behind them. I don't know why... but, I couldn't get up at all... I just wanted to remain there... Until Yang stood me up and put my arm around her shoulder.

Yang: He'll be fine sis... For now, let's get some rest...

Me: ...Right...

We began walking back to the dorm but I couldn't stop thinking about one thing...

My thoughts: Dairoku...


After that day, Dairoku has been quiet and never with us. When I'd find him, he would be sitting in front of that Cherry Blossom Tree where Ozpin had a grave made for his father. The grave had his father's belonging, mainly his torn up coat and his cross shaped necklace... Dairoku would not move an inch or say a word, just look at the grave in dread... Everyone agreed it would be best to leave him be but I'm not everyone. I visited him every two hours. Though he wanted to be alone, he'd never push me away. He wouldn't eat so I'd brought him food and cookies... Kuraime even gave me some of her cookies to give him...

The first time I came to him, I tried making small talk with him but he'd just ignore me and look at the grave and he continued to do that until around two days ago... I was about to leave until I felt something cold grab on my hand. When I turned, I saw Dairoku holding my hand and he looked at me... His normally bright and lively red eyes were dull and almost lifeless. At that point, I realized he wanted me to stay with him for a while... so I did. We'd always leaned against each other while looking at the grave. I'd always tell him a story from when I was at Signal although I couldn't tell if he liked them or not... I really hated seeing him like this... I wanted the old Dairoku back... My Dairoku back...

So, it was a day before the dance and Yang and Weiss were setting up the ballroom for it while Tyros, Celeste and Kuraime assisted them... Blake was still being possessed by this investigation while Dairoku still hasn't spoken to us once.

I was sitting at a table while hanging my head while Celeste sat next to me... I could tell she was just as worried but, she's trying to not let it negatively affect her. Suddenly, Weiss slammed two white cloths in front of us.

Weiss: I need your opinions on a tablecloth.

I took one glance at them but fell confused.

Me: Aren't they both the same?

Weiss just sighed annoyingly at me.

Weiss: I don't even know why I asked...

Celeste took a look at them and picked the right one. Weiss looked at her with a smile.

Weiss: Finally! Thank you Celeste, at least you have good taste.

Celeste: *thumbs up*

I just annoyingly rolled my eyes and rested my head back on the table; I really wasn't in the mood for this... I noticed Yang and Tyros approaching with speakers. Yang, being the reckless person she is, literally slammed it onto the floor.

Tyros: And that's how you break stuff.

Yang: I don't know what you're talking about.

Tyros: Sure...

Yang rolled her eyes before making her way towards me.

Yang: So, have you picked out a dress yet?

Me: *sigh* What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Dairoku or Blake isn't going...?

Tyros and Yang shared a glance before looking back at me.

Tyros: Don't worry, Blake's going. Can't say the same about the old bird out there though...

I just sighed again.

Yang: Weiss! I thought we agreed no doilies!

Weiss: If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!

Kuraime: Please no... I already spent 30 minutes setting up these annoying things... I sure as hell ain't undoing them...!

???: You're dance is going to have fog machines?

We turned to see Sun and Neptune walk in, the latter being the one who asked the question.

Weiss: We were thinking about it...

Neptune: That's pretty cool.

Celeste just stared at Neptune in annoyance before rolling her eyes.

Sun: You ladies all excided for dress up?

Me: Pfft, yeah right.

Yang: Laugh all you want, I'll be turning heads tomorrow night.

Weiss: So, what are you two wearing?

Sun: Uh... This.

Tyros: Somehow I'm not surprised...

Neptune: Ignore him, for he know not what he says.

Sun: Hey, I may have moved to Mistral but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly the shirt and tie kinda place.

Kuraime: We've noticed.

Sun: So, uh... what does Blake think of all this? She still being... ya know... Blakey?

Tyros: As Blakey as she could be but don't worry. Yang and I are making sure she's not missing this dance.

Kuraime: I wish you could say the same about Dairoku though...

Sun: I heard the news about his old man and I heard he took it pretty hard.

Weiss: That's one way of putting it considering he almost killed a student.

Sun: How is he by the way?

Tyros: Well aside from almost killing Cardin, he hasn't left that grave ever since it was created and when he did, he'd only do it to go to bed. But just as silently he enters the dorm to sleep, he silently exits it in the morning to go to the grave. Heck, he hasn't even touched his weapons and he even left his gauntlets off which he never takes off unless absolutely necessary.

Me: He wouldn't eat as well so I had to bring him food...

Kuraime: Not even Celeste could get him to say anything...

Sun: Damn... That's rough...

Yang: Well, I mean if a certain SOMEONE confessed to him, maybe he'd come back to his senses... Just sayin'

Yang glanced at me as she said that. Even though I tried not to, I blushed heavily.

Me: Y-Yang... What are you-

Yang: Okay, that's enough Ruby. It's obvious that you like him.

Me: W-What...? I mean-

Everyone: Ruby.

Me: E-Eh...? *sigh* OKAY!... I... do like Dairoku...

Yang: See? That wasn't so hard now was it?

Me:*sigh* Even then... there's no way he'd go to the dance and there's a lesser chance that he likes me back...

(3rd Person POV)

Dairoku remained in front of his father's grave, as quiet as he could be; his eyes as dull as ever... Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him. He assumed it was it either Ruby or Ozpin but the voice said otherwise...

???: Hey there, Dairoku.

His eyes widen as he recognized the voice. Turning around, he saw a man with white hair and onyx eyes with two swords on his back... His Uncle Lucifer

Dairoku: Lucifer...?

Lucifer: Long time no see Dairoku.

Dairoku: What are you doing here?

Lucifer: Two things actually. 1. I heard my brother died and came to confirm it. Turns out it was true...

Dairoku just sighed before turning to look back at the grave.

Lucifer. And 2. I came to check up on you.

Dairoku: Me?

Lucifer: That's right. Since I knew how much you looked up to him, I knew you'd handle it bad. I didn't think it would be this bad though... So, how are you holding up?

Dairoku: Its... a very slow and difficult process...

Lucifer: Yeah... The 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Seems like you're at stage four.

Dairoku: Mhm...

Lucifer: So, how's your sister?

Dairoku: Fine. She took it really hard but she's already at the stage five. She should be with our friends right now.

Lucifer: I see and what about you're biological sister? I heard she was alive.

Dairoku: Neo? She is but... she's with Roman Torchwick... I'm going to get her back though... I'm done losing people I care about.

Lucifer: Good to hear. And what about the girl in the red hood?

Dairoku: Huh? You mean Ruby? How did you...?

Lucifer: I've been keeping an eye on you every now and then. You seem quite fond of her.

Dairoku looked away while blushing a bit.

Lucifer: Heh, well judging from that reaction, my suspicions are confirmed. Haven't seen you blush like that before. You know, you should tell her sooner or later.

Lucifer began to walk away as Dairoku looked down.

Dairoku: I was... but then the news about dad came...

Lucifer: Well... Oz told me that there's this dance coming up tomorrow. You should go to it. It will help clear your mind up and you would get your chance to confess to little red. Catch ya later little bird and tell Celeste hello for me.

He walked away, leaving Dairoku in his thoughts. He took another look at his father's grave before he remembered what Ruby said to him...


Ruby: And I promise you... that we'll always be there for you... That I'll always be there for you... You don't have to be strong alone anymore Dairoku... We'll be strong... together...

(End of Flashback)

For the first time in days, a smile crept up on his face and his eyes glowed a light red.

Dairoku: Well damn... That shining beacon hope she has never seize to amaze me.


It was the night of the dance and everyone was enjoying it; well, most people. Yang was the receptionist. She had, at this point, ticked off almost every person on the list but she looked a bit down upon seeing Dairoku's name unchecked. Her and Tyros managed to convince Blake to come by telling her about how she almost got herself and Ruby killed, looking for her mother, Raven Branwen.

???: Why the depressed face Goldilocks?

That voice caused Yang to look up surprised then she smiled brightly.

Yang: Well damn, and I thought I'd be the one turning heads tonight. If you're looking for her, she's by the punch bowl.

???: Thanks.

The person walked into the ballroom while Yang excitedly ticked the name. Before shout-whispering to herself,

Yang: Yes!

The person made their way through the crowd and towards a girl with short black and red hair, in a cute red dress; Ruby. He took a deep breath in before tapping the girl's shoulder.

Ruby: I'm sorry... But, I'm not in the mood to dance right now...

???: Aww come on. And I got all suited up and everything and you gonna turn me down like that, Little Rose?

Ruby's eyes widen and she gasped as she heard the voice she never thought she'd hear tonight... She slowly turned around to see him... Dairoku... He was wearing a black and red suit with a smile plastered on his face.

Dairoku: Hey there Little Rose.

Ruby: D-Dairoku...!?

Dairoku: Yup. That's me. The one and only in the flesh.

Dairoku then held his and out to Ruby.

Dairoku: So are you still not in the mood to dance?

Ruby blushed madly before shyly taking his hand. He smiled with a slight blush before they began to make their way to the dance floor.

Ruby: I-I don't know how to dance though...

Dairoku: Well, think of it as fighting in a way. Don't worry though, I'll teach you.

Ruby: O-Okay.

When they found a spot on the dance floor, the two partners stood directly in front of each other. Dairoku put his hands around her waist and Ruby put her hands on his shoulder. The two began to slow dance to the music. Ruby was a bit choppy and off beat at first but eventually, she got the hang of it and was having fun. Teams RWBY, RCST, Ren, Nora, and Sun saw this and smiled to themselves. Kuraime and Celeste were especially happy that Dairoku was smiling again.

The two continued their dance in silence but then, Ruby broke it.

Ruby: Hey Dairoku...?

Dairoku: Yes Little Rose?

Ruby: There's... something I want to tell you...

Dairoku: ...Oh okay, shoot.

Ruby: Um... Well... How should I start...? Well, ever since the night I met you, I've always looked up to you. You were my first ever friend at Beacon and you saved me multiple times in the past... You even taught me how to become a reliable leader and how not to let other's words get to me. Thanks to you, I've become who I am now... I don't know if I'd still be here if it wasn't for you...

Dairoku: Ruby... I... I never knew you looked up to me that much...

Ruby: That's not all though... Umm... I... I... *sigh* I lo-

Before Ruby could finish, she felt something warm press against her lips. Her eyes went wide and her blush intensified when she realized that Dairoku was kissing her. She just melted into it and kissed him back. In that moment, there was no sadness, no Grimm... Just the two of them... When they separated, Ruby looked back up at Dairoku who was smiling warmly at her.

Dairoku: I had a feeling that you were going to say that. I had planned to tell you a few days ago but them her whole dad situation happened... When my dad died, I was in a very... dark stage... I didn't think I'd recover from it... But you... you were there for me, every step of the way... even when I never wanted it... Now I can 100% say with full confidence that I feel the same way. I Love You Ruby Rose.

Ruby was speechless but happy. Tears of joy fell from her glistering silver eyes as she pushed her head into Dairoku's chest and hugged him tightly, him hugging her back while wrapping his wings around her as their friends watched from a far, smiling.

Ruby: I Love You Too, Dairoku Rein.

And the love between the Phoenix and the Rose has finally blossomed after days of pain and suffering...


And there we go! After realizing his sister was alive and getting the new that his father died, Dairoku and Ruby have finally become a couple. Not gonna lie, I'm surprised I managed to do a double chapter today. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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