Beautiful (Keith X chubby insecure Reader)

Being apart of Voltron was a big deal, at least that's how Allura made it out to be but to you it wasn't like that at all. You weren't a paladin let alone a help at all, or at least that's how you looked at it. You didn't think you were the skinniest person let alone have good feelings about your self, you felt chubby and not in a good way. You hated the feeling when ever your friends,that were now becoming like family, went on missions laying their life's out to protect the universe or when the castle was under attack and you were unable to help with anything.

You felt useless you felt so useless you didn't know why they kept you around but you never said anything especially when you watched the very man you loved running into battle head first like he had nothing to lose or so you thought. Keith felt like he had everything to lose if he died with out telling you how he felt, it made him sick when ever he heard your desperate pleads to be careful, or when you'd yelp from the castle being under attack. At first he didn't know what this feeling was, was he becoming sick? Maybe he was allergic to you,ok well maybe not but that's all he could think when ever you two looked at each other.

Emotions, he wasn't really good in that area and on top of that they were being to swarm him, he always thought things like this would be simple so unlike the movies where the guy stutters and squirms in his spot when he tried talking to the girl he liked. Keith always thought that the stuttering and squirming was uncalled for and that the guy should go ahead and tell the girl how he really felt say all his emotions out to her and if she didn't like him he needed to move on. But that was different now Keith knew that he couldn't just come out and SAY it, it could potentially ruin the way you look at him(not that he thought you looked up to him, but of course you loved him deeply. Not that he noticed out of blind fear of rejection.) he knew how the guy in movie felt now, he knew why he would stutter and why he'd shift on his feet, not that Keith watched romantic comedies often it was only once and because shiro had asked him to watch it with him.

Every small glance Keith stole from you when you weren't looking became mesmerized staring, every small touch on the cheek or to brush back stray pieces of hair became longer and more loving. Every tight hug after returning from a dangerous mission became longer tighter like both of you were going to lose each other, every touch of the hand a bolt of electricity shooting through both your bodies but neither of you noticed neither of you saw the others loving gaze when the other wasn't looking because you both feared rejection you both feared every thing would be ruined.

"Keith?" Oh no. Lances voice called out to Keith who had momentarily stopped training and was staring endlessly out into the training room deep in thought. "You ok? Everyone's been asking (Y/N) mentioned you've been distant lately, so me being the brace night offered to go poke the dragon" Lance said with a cheesy smile dropping it at the glare he revived from Keith.

"I'm fine." Shot simple and to the point, just how Keith liked it but it must have come out rougher than he intended to because Lance narrowed his eyes.

"Obviously not, what's with you mullet?!" Lance stood in front of Keith arms crossed and eyes narrowed he looked like he wasn't going to let him out of the room anytime soon.

"I told you I'm fine leave me alone." Keith said trying to run from his emotions again. Brushing past Lance Keith walked towards the door both fists clenched and eyes narrowed, not even training was helping him take his mind off his feelings for you. Lance stared after him confused but after a moment started to smile, Lance knew Keith's secret and he was about to tell everyone.

Keith's eyes widened his hair sticking to his fire head towel draped around his shoulders while he stood only in his pants reading the note from Lance over and over again. How did he figure out he had a crush on you?! Did shiro figure it out and tell every one? No shiro wouldn't do that, maybe he mumbled it one day? Possible different scenarios of how Lance found out rang through his had causing him to pace back and forth, Keith never paced but at this point he needed a way to vent with out raging out completely and pacing was the best option at this point, violently picking up the note again Keith's eyes scanned over the hand written words the paper crinkling under his grip.

'Dear Keith,
I know about your secret crush on (Y/N)~ better come clean tonight or I'll tel her my self and every one else, you've got it bad I've never seen some one so head over heels. Confess by midnight and I won't tell every one else, better do it soon lover boy!

Your favorite paladin and totally best friend, Lance'

Midnight, Keith had to come clean by mkdnight but how? How was he going to tell you how much he loved you? How was he going to spill every thing out in a way you are going to understand? Frustrated with Lance and him self Keith sat down on his bed running a hand down his face this wasn't going to be easy on him was it? A soft knock echoed in his room your voice filling the frustrated aura around him toning it down to a calm one.

"Keith?" Your voice calls out to him fist hovering over the door debating on knocking again after a long ring of silence.

"Yeah?" Keith found him self saying a small blush of embarrassment crushing over his face not that you could see it. A soft sigh left your lips after he answer, eyes darting down and a feet shifting you take in a shaky breath.

"Dinners ready" your voice called out again to him, dinner was ready? Time really slipped past Keith and this wasn't good that meant he only had a few hours to think of a way to confess.

"Ok, I'll be there in a second" Keith finally said after a long ring of silence tension growing between both of you.

"Ah, um alright I'll be going then.." you trail off quickly walking away hands covering your face, you were so embarrassed why you didn't know, but you blamed your self for why he was so distant. Walking down the hall way head down you stumble into the dining room feeling self continues on all the eyes on you quickly taking a seat next to pidge and an open one next to you your eyes glued to the place in front of you before they lifted meeting Keith's as he walked in his stride long and fast like he was self continues about everything he was doing, but he didn't need to be he was perfect on every way that's what your brain reasoned making your (E/C) eyes look back to the plate in front of you. Silence filled the air no one daring to speak a word till hunk so bravely broke the silence and the growing tension between you and Keith. Plate in had smile on his face hunk offered some green stuff out to every one.

"Come on guys no need to be so timid it's time to eat!" Hunk had reasoned braking the silent staring contest every one was having against you and Keith to him and his plate of green food. Murmurs of agreement filled the room as every one took a helping of the food silent small taking turning into childish laughter and loud talking. Even in all the laughter tension still remained but not with every one no, between you and Keith forced to brush up against each other when you reached for your fork(or what looked like a fork) or when he as being passed some food. Small gentle touches on the knee sending both of your hearts beating and electricity pulsing through you both.

You couldn't take it you could feel your heart beating against the rib of your chest, you could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks every time he glanced at you for a moment, only a moment but enough to make you want to faint but cruel reality had to break the magic didn't it? It had to remind you Keith would never love you, never want to touch you because your brain reasoned you were to flabby to underworked to unhealthy.

Bottom lip tucked under your teeth eyes glued to your plate and tears stinging your eyes you couldn't take it any more, you had to get up to leave even if that mean skipping dinner for the night. So with out another word with out a longing gaze at Keith you'd stood up napkin behind placed down on your plate the smooth glass in your hands you left foot steps echoing to the kitchen unaware of the concerned gaze on your back as you left. Walking down the hall way shoes echoing and bouncing off the walls you couldn't take it any more the pressure of never being loved by the very man you loved. Tears fell down your cheek hands clenched tightly around your plate turning your knuckles white you walked into the kitchen placing your plate down into where you assumed the sink was. Taking in a shake-y breath you tried to hold in your sobs before choking on tears the warm slick liquid cascading down your face like a water fall violently and unstoppable.

Unable to take anymore you fell to your knees hands wrapping around your stomach and head bowed you began to cry trying hard not to wail in sadness. It was hard, emotions were hard and you couldn't handle them any more you didn't know why you were here in the first place. Thinking bitterly of your self you began thinking of ways you could leave feeling like the team didn't need you thinking of how Keith didn't live you thinking of how much you didn't-

"(Y/N)?" Keith's voice called into the kitchen his foot steps light and cautious eyes scanning for you in the room. You didn't want him to see you like this, this was not how you wanted to be seen crying on your knees arms wrapped around you in a vain attempt to make your self feel better. Deciding it best not to get up you held your breath hoping he would see you, but that was only wishful thinking. In the flash of a second Keith was next to you concern crossed on his features arms hovering over you like he didn't know what to to, which he really had no idea how do you confront some one? "(Y/N)" Keith tried taking in a deep breath. "What's wrong?" He was trying, trying to help you even though he had no clue on what to do.

You couldn't tell him what was wrong, you couldn't just come out and say oh it's you you're what's wring the fact that you'll never love me because I feel horrible about my body and that I'm ugly no that was defiantly not what you wanted to say.

"You you're what's wrong! You don't love me, because I'm-I'm fat and I-I'm ugly and-and" word vomit, life was funny wasn't it? Even though you didn't want to say things your brain doesn't register that and say it anyway because your emotions are pouring out right now? Life was just brilliant wasn't it, it had no mercy for those who plead for it.

"W-wa-wait slow down" Keith tried to keep up with your sobs panic sticking his face hands hovering like he didn't know what to do before a blush covered his whole face turning him as red as his lion. "Did you just say you-you-you" Keith was baffled, you loved him? You. Loved. Him. Slowly sinking into his brain Keith's shoulders slumped his hands now placed on your shoulders causing your (E/C) tear glistening eyes to gaze at him. Keith in a spilt second reacted on instinct slamming his lips to yours in a sloppy emotion filled kiss.

Lips moving in confusion and not knowing what to do you found your self giving in kissing him back your first kiss stolen by your crush. Feverishly Keith tugged at your bottom lip wanting to hold you closer wanting to explode everything he was feeling out to you. Blushing madly you didn't know what to do, do you open your mouth to him do you keep it close? Was this his way of trying to make you feel better was this out of pity? Questions swirled in your mind the need for oxygen growing filling both of your lungs. Pulling away red faced and awe stricken you both just stared at one another registering what had just happened.

"(Y/N)" keith painted hands moving from your shoulders to your waist. "Oh god how do I say this.." Keith trailed off feeling out on the spot, keeping people out was something he was used to but allowing some one in and telling said person the affect they had in him he didn't know what to do. "I-I-I you" his mouth didn't want to speak his brain yelling at his heart to shut up but it didn't it told you it laid its self out for you and your eyes wide and tears beginning to return you laughed, hysterically.

"This...this is all an elaborate prank right?" You gasped in between heart breaking laughter, he would play you it was all a joke. Just a joke. Keith was taken back, a prank how could you think that? This was no prank it would be to cruel if a prank even if it was, why would you think he would be apart of such a horrible prank.

"Wh-what?" Keith said moving back slightly from you as your laughter grew and tears started to stream out of your eyes again.

"This IS a prank I knew it where Lance with the camera and the laughter coming from every one his idea was it, was it pidge's?" You cried, you cried and the laughter was no longer leaving your lips life was so cruel to you and you just couldn't take it any more.

"It's not a-" Keith tried again before your sobs filled the air more. "(Y/N) it's NOT a prank I really do love you would you just listen to me already!" Keith shouted tears stinging his eyes.

" what?" You blink breaths shakily leaving your lips eyes wide.

"Do I need to repeat it.." Keith mumbled his gaze no longer on you but to the floor before pushing you slightly his arm embrace no longer on you. Standing up arms crossed and hair covering his face Keith exhaled angrily. "I knew this was stupid, there's no way that you'd-" he trailed off being cut off by you.

"What?" You croak standing up with him eyes wide with shock, this wasn't a prank? " really do like me back?" The words left your lips like a gentle breeze on a sunny day flowing into Keith's ears and into his brain.

"Ye-yes." Keith was going to stick with it build his was back up again, you didn't feel the same way and you had proven that to him. "I know you don't feel the same way I was just getting it off my.." Keith stopped mid sentence his eyes on you noticing your wide eyes and shocked expression.

"I didn't think you'd love me back" you whisper breathlessly. "No guys very loved me back, thought I was perfect or beautiful they always go for the much more...skinnier girls.." your trail off eyes looking away from Keith and into the floor before feeling his arms wrap around you head buried into your neck gentle kisses fluttering it.

"I think your beautiful" Keith said kissing your neck. "I think your perfect" another kiss fluttering on your neck. "I love you, (Y/N)" Keith whispered his warm breath tickling your neck before he sucked in it longer this time causing your eyes to sudden and cheeks to darkness in color. He loved you back, he thought you were beautiful, he was ok that you weren't skinny, and he thought you were perfect maybe life wasn't so bad to you after all. Smile tugging at your lips you let him kiss you on the lips, you were enough, and now he had to know he was too.

(Authors Note: This was a request from some one on my tumbler, I loved the idea so much that I decided to repost it here. I also wanted to say that weight size or looks don't make the person and to me I think it's important that people know you don't have to be skinny to be beautiful when you are beautiful in your own wonderful way. Thank you for reading and as always if you have any requests I'll gladly be taking them.

Sincerely, Nightmare)

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