What the fuck is sunlight ~3

Proncelonce:okay we're coming over

Spacedad(dy):ok we're going over to Pidge's right

Pidgeon:of course

Allurathealluring:see you all there

Lance walked with Keith to Pidge's house

Pidge instead of getting a dorm stayed with her parents and because of that everyone would always go over to Pidge's place whenever they all hung out together it was an unspoken rule well not unspoken but agreeable after all it did have the most space and Pidge's place always had snacks ALWAYS.

Lance and Keith continue to walk in a peaceful silence it's true they have a little rivalry that Lance totally didn't create but they still could get along at times like now were their both peacefully walking lost in their own minds. But as Lance starts thinking about it both of them walking...together....alone.....close...... okay,okay,okay maybe Lance starts to get anxious about what Keiths thinking it could be anything Lance is here having a war in his own head and Keith could be for all he knows thinking about donuts

Keith's thinking about hippo bleps



Everyone soon made it to Pidge's house

They all put their sleeping bags in the middle of the living rooms in a circle like a cult or a sacrifice with the food in the middle ( sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice ) and put on the tv for a little background noise or just in case there's an alien invasion and they need to throw their lion plushies at the weird aliens

The almighty pidgeon spoke:"my fellow nerds-"

"Pffftttt"hunk interrupted

Pidge continued"my fellow nerds we have gathered here today to play a game ment for thirteen year old little girls but as this group always says....Keith you made do the honours"

Keith inhaled loudly causing everyone to chuckle"fuck THAT"

Everyone began everyone began to laugh

After almost dying from lack of air they all turned to allura

"Let this game COMMENCE!!!!"allura almost shouted


Pidge began looking around the circle for her victim she then spotted Lance and grinned

"Lance truth or dare"pidge said in a voice similar to an announcer

Lance looked at pidge and with a challenging glint in his eyes said"dare!"

Pidge then said in a simple voice"eat an entire pack of tooth paste and yes eat it all"

Everyone laughed Evilly at lances misfortune

Lance turned around and grabbed his bag searching for his toothpaste he reluctantly grabbed it and started pouring it into his mouth

Once Lance was finished he quickly got up running

He ran to the bathroom and puked ( like a hunk )

When he came back the game continued

After a few dares and some truths everyone (mostly Lance and Pidge) were pissed because of the dares they were ment to do.

Pidge had to dye a strand of their hair black (not permanent sorry) to remind her of her emo days but it made her feel better that Keith had to dye a strand of his hair red Matt also joined their little circle to the surprise and discomfort of the pidgeon

So basically Pidge was pissed and Lance was feeding of their flame

Pidge noticed Lance looking at them again with a challenging glint in his eyes they almost began to laugh Lance didn't know what was coming

"Lance truth or dare"Pidge said innocently

"Dare"Lance replied in a challenging voice

"I dare you to sit in Keiths lap"Pidge responded smugly with that same damn evil grin

Keith and lances faces lit up like fireworks with all shades of red exploding on both their cheeks

Lance slowly crawled over to Keith and sat in his lap he slowly started to relax but he could tell Keith was tense and maybe didn't want him there because Keiths heart was definitely beating extremely fast maybe he was uncomfortable after a few minutes Keith started to relax also

But of course Coran came and crashed all their hopes in dreams"okay I have a truth or dare for everyone!"

He exclaimed in his happy energized voice

Everyone turned to Coran looked between each other and than back at Coran

"Truth"allura said voice a little frightened

"Have any of you lost your virginty!"Coran said in an innocent voice as if it's a normal question

Everyone was soon found dead as tomato people........

Heh nope

Everyone turned as red as Keiths red lion plush

Coran then turned to shiro"let's go in order to responde shiro your first"Coran said Smiling

"O-Kay so I have l-lost my virginity"(for some reason it autocorrect virginity to Virginia)
Shiro said in a shaky voice

Pidge knew they were next so they simply replied"nope I only need technology"

Hunk and Lance both looked at each other red in the face and both said"our moms would stab us if we did so ya.....nope"

Which kinda surprised everyone Lance a virgin?

Keith hesitantly said in a quiet questioning voice "yes...."

And to that everyone was most surprised Keith??? As in the least sociable person ever has lost his virginity wtf!!!!

Allura silently nodded her head while looking away implying that she indeed has lost her virginity

And Matt completely turned around whilst almost shouted in a pubescently high males voice "y-yup"they're was even a voice crack

They all felt extremely awkward but confused with the new information

"Okay since this is already awkward I'm gonna do what I'm best at making it even more awkward Keith truth or dare"

"Dare there is no way I'm picking truth unless forced"Keith replied almost instantly

Pidge looked at him with a little sympathy then at Lance and smiled evilly god dammit pidge is the fucking devil

"Simple..... Frencch kiss lance ....for a minute"they said smiling as if they were the devil themself of course their the devil it's Pidge

Lance then almost screamed"wtf pidgeon"

Pidge completely ignored Lance "what you chicken Keith"

Keith then responded"I am not..."

Keith turned Lance around in his lap so Lance was facing him chest to chest eyes locking "i don't want Keith kissing me he's probably the worst kisser ever!!!" Lance said in a shaky voice

Keith immediately attached himself to lances lips
It gets kinda descriptive

Getting a feel for lances lips before anything else happened and to see if he pulled away

Lance was overwhelmed from the simple kiss and the worst/best part hasn't even started yet

Keith bit lances lip a little causing a little gasp to erupt from lances lips enough time for Keith to sneak his tongue into lances mouth exploring every crevice

Lance was floating Keith was French kissing him tongue touching the roof of his mouth and teeth anywhere you could think of that Keith could reach he did Keith started to swirl his tongue with lances and Lance slowly started to move his tongue a little too Lance could tell his face was Crimson could feel it his face burned but his mouth was in heaven and lips lost in the stars because Keith is a really good kisser he takes back all the times he made fun of Keith saying he would be the worst possible kisser ever because damn Lance had to stop himself from moaning fucking moaning he began to melt against Keith arms lost at their sides legs going numb

He just really hopes he doesn't get a boner cause that would be the worst

Lance is trying his hardest not to move but Keith is just so hot and how has he not at least tried to get Keith to kiss him before God Lance is an idiot he's basically acting like a cat in heat it's just a kiss right? it's just his first kiss...right?

Lance opened his eyes which he hadn't notice were closed and looked into the eyes of his captor holding him prisoner those beautiful purple planets that hide behind his bangs almost never to be seen

Such a shame because one looks and Lance was lost it was as if his eyes held the universe all his emotions hidden behind the blackness of his inky hair much like how the planets are so far apart and the only thing that surrounds them is the pitch black emptiness of space. whenever he's seen Keith's eyes lance always thought they held little to none emotion a blank slate but now he sees them up close and can tell they hold to many emotions to be represented by words he could spend hours just trying to explain what he saw whilst getting lost in Keith's eyes but that still wouldn't be enough

But the kiss seemed to end as quickly as it began as Keith slowly slipped his tongue away from his mouth Lance floated back down To earth came back to reality and the reality was that they weren't dating it was all for a simple dare and that crushed lances lungs more than being deprived of air for a minute he immediately slumped against Keith's chest to catch his breath Keith let out a little chuckle

Okay the descriptive parts over don't worry it was just a kiss tho

Shiro looked at Keith and began to chuckle whilst everyone else was confused who knew except shiro since their brothers and he's seen Keith kissing his exs but seriously how was Keith such a good kisser he has Lance leaning into him head on Keiths shoulder out of breath and drowsy

"Okay guys I think that's enough lets get some rest"Shiro said as if what just happened didn't happen

"SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK"Pidge screamed

Matt then left the room and came back about two minutes later and simply passed Keith a contraption

Keith shifted Lance a little and aimed everyone was confused until he shot the damn thing a fucking sleep dart hit Pidge and they was out like a light Matt then high fived Keith

"Is there anyone else who would like to object" Keith said in an deadly tone

Everyone shook their heads quickly and climbed into their respected sleeping bags Matt picked up Pidge and stuffed them unkindly into their sleeping bag intentionally putting them in an uncomfortable position

Matt turned off the lights and went to grab his sleeping bag

After Matt got comfortable he fell asleep trusting Keith to clean up all the rest of the mess the others made

After Keith was certain everyone was asleep he went to move forgetting Lance was there but what confused him was that Lance had fallen asleep cuddling into him holding on tightly with his legs wrapped around Keith's waist and arms around Keith's neck with his head on Keith's shoulder lips almost touching his neck oh god

Keith gentle shook Lance until he woke up

"Mmmmmmmm.....what"Lance said drowsily

How is he this tired all I did was kiss him!???!! Keith thought
Maybe it's just because it's 1:27am but Keith's seen Lance up at this Time before
I know how about we just drop it......good ...okay....... stupid brain

Keith replied in a soft voice"you need to sleep in your sleeping bag "

".......no"Lance replied after a moment

Get with the program Lance

"Keith let out a gentle sigh"please Lance"

".....no...warm...."Lance shot back snuggling if possible closer to Keith hot breath fanning his neck :))))))))

He's tired and not in his right mind is this has to be taking advantage of him or something

Keith then tickled Lance a little waking him up enough to move out of the way of the attacks to his sides

Lance fell back from Keith to get away from the persistent attacks making surprisingly little to no noise

"What the fuck Keith"Lance said in a tired voice full of frustration but nothing above a whisper

"You fell asleep on top of me And I have to clean up you can just go back to sleep but I needed to get up....sorry"Keith replied in a quiet voice

"It's okayyyyyyyyy "lance said stretching the y with a yawn

"How about I help you clean up?"lance offered

"Sure...thanks"keith said smiling kindly and thankfully

That smile could fucking kill a man and sadly lance was in the blast zone

Man down!!!! I repeat MAN DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keith and lance started to clean up the mess like the food items used for dares like a fly swatter hair products a toy elephant plush...etc

Keith sneakily put his sleeping dart contraption him and Matt made back in its hidden place that Matt got it from and Keith sneakily put matts sleeping bag beside shiros because he totally ships it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

About ten minutes later Keith and lance finished cleaning and went to bed but keith and lance sneakily moved their sleeping bags on the couches so they don't have to sleep on the floor ( hue hue hue)

Of course before they fell asleep lance made a peasant joke referring to their friends on the floor and Keith chuckled softly at that which again almost destroyed lances heart

This was a good day too bad they can't always all get together all the time since life sucks but their going to enjoy this time

I guess all they can do is text oh well


2245 fucking words

Didn't expect that did you

Hahahhaahhahahahahahhaha take that bitches :))))))))))))))))))))

Panic! Jut came on I Gotta blast

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