Chapter 7: Galra's betrayal on Lotor

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story, now sorry for not updating this in a while the only thing is the other episodes barely had Lotor in them. so it was tough to make chapters of this, so I'm just going to go right into the part where Lotor is attack by the Galra when Zarkon regain consciousness and the reader will get a new weapon. now with that settled let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

I was in my quarters working on my new weapon, since I need another weapon incase my hand cannon get's knocked out of my hands and I can't always rely on my abilities all the time.

Y/n: almost.... done!

once I was done I picked my new sword, that has a half blade and was built with the parts I could find that I could use.

A/n: yeah, those who've seen Storm Hawks should now this weapon and I don't own this pick.

Y/n: now to just add the crystal I've found on one of my past missions.

I then bring out a glowing f/c crystal and insert it into the back of the pommel, in doing so I activated the blade making a f/c energy flow around the blade making me smile.

Y/n: alright! it works!

Lotor over the PA: Y/n. I need to speak with you.

I then got up and leave my quarters and head towards the one likely place I now Lotor would be and that's his little project. I enter the room to see the drones at work while Lotor and the other Generals observe the construction.

Y/n: sup! ya need me?

Zera: *reveals herself* really Y/n?

Lotor: why yes. I do.

Y/n: neat. and I see that the construction is going smoothly.

Lotor: it is. *sees Y/n's new weapon* and I see you have a sword.

Y/n: *brings out his sword activating it* yup. just built it too. since I can't always rely on my Hunter abilities and in case my hand cannon get's knocked out of my hands.

Lotor: quite so.

Axca: my Lord, we just received a message from central command. Emperor Zarkon requires your presence immediately.

Lotor: very well. prepare a ship.

Y/n: I thought Zarkon was still unconscious?

Ezor: well looks like he made a quick recovery. you think he's onto us?

Lotor: no, my father is simply ready to return to the throne. he can have it. our plans have not changed. Narti, come with me.

Narti nods and places her arm over her chest bowing to Lotor, while they leave Lotor told us to over see the observation of the construction. while I have a bad feeling about what's about to happen and opened a private telepath channel with me and Zera.

Y/n: {Zera be prepare for anything.}

Zera: {why?}

Y/n: {cause I have a feeling that something crazy is about to happen.}

3rd pov

once Lotor and Narti made the trip to central command of the Galra empire, both Lotor and Narti were met with Haggar Lotor's mother and Zarkon's wife.

Haggar: welcome, Prince Lotor. please, follow me.

Haggar then heads towards the throne room, while Lotor looks remaining calm and follows Haggar. with some time of walking the three arrived at the throne room with Zarkon on the throne.

Lotor: father, it gives me such pleasure that you've made a full recovery. you look stronger than ever-

Zarkon: silence. I did not bring you here to waste time with your flattery.

Lotor acknowledges his father's words and slightly has his head down to listen further the purpose of why Lotor was asked to come here.

Zarkon: you are relieved of your position, effective immediately.

Lotor: *eyes slightly widen* Lord, I beg you, do not discard me. let me stay by your side.

Zarkon: your short reign will be regarded as a black spot on the Galra Empire for years to come.

Lotor: of course, my efforts at ruling the universe seem feeble beside your inestimable accomplishments. but, perhaps, if you were to train me, I could learn.

Zarkon: you are no longer needed.

A/n: damn that's cold even to his own son no less.

Lotor: as you wish.

Lotor then leaves the room with his back facing his parents making it seem like he accepted, but he has a small smile on his face. once Lotor was out of ear shot Haggar speaks to Zarkon.

Haggar: something is amiss with Lotor. I sensed a powerful energy on him when he entered, something ancient.

Zarkon: he is no longer my concern.

as both Narti and Lotor walk to their ship Haggar watches them from a distance, while Narti who is behind Lotor stops for a minute and slightly turns to take a glance at Haggar with the cat on her shoulder doing the same. as the two eyed each other Haggar's eye began to glow, after that Narti just walks back into the ship and leaves with Lotor. as the two leave central command in their ship with Lotor piloting.

Lotor: run the protocol to search for trackers.

Narti in the seat behind Lotor's starts to scan the ship for any tracking devices, as the scan showed nothing.

Lotor: transpose the dynamics and run that protocol again.

Narti does what she was told to do and scans the ship again, but only this time the scans showed a signal on the back end of the ship directly under the ship.

Lotor: you think you can fool me, witch? destroy the bug.

the ships then made an energy wave around it hitting the device causing it to make a small explosion destroying the tracker.


Y/n's pov

as me and the other girls were observing the construction, we turn to the door open to reveal Lotor's and Narti's return.

Ezor: how'd it go? are you fired?

Lotor: I'm afraid I was relieved of my command, yes.

Y/n: hope no one suspects anything.

Lotor: not to worry, Y/n. we're fine.

Axca: the second  ship is complete and ready for testing. the sentries are just making some final adjustments.

Lotor: excellent.

Y/n: oh man, can't wait to see this baby go to work.

Lotor: *chuckles* like wise my friend.

I turn to Narti and smiled at her, even though she can see through the cat's eyes, I can tell she blushed a little. as we faced the finished ship, suddenly the place starts to shake from being hit by something with the alarms going off.

Y/n: what the hell?

Lotor: *contacts Zethrid* what's happing?

Zethrid: { a Galra fleet is attacking us.}

Lotor: return fire!

Zethrid: {wait there's another fleet, and another one. we can't hold them all off.}

Lotor: prepare the Sincline ships to takeoff. load the comet into mine.

the place then shakes as soon as he finished saying that, but we all keep our balance from not falling.

Lotor: we're leaving.

we then followed him to the ships, as we head to it we met up with Zethrid who followed us, with the sentries stand making a way for us, while Lotor gives us orders on how to get away.

Lotor: divert all power to defenses. hold the attack off until we're away. then scuttle-

he was cut off from his words as the ship we're in starts to shake from the impact of the Galra fleet's shots, but this time we almost fell to the ground.

Axca: how did they find us?

Zethrid: we must have been tracked.

I then see Lotor look at Narti as we all followed his gaze, but then it hits me someone must be watching either through her perspective or her cat companion. Lotor then get's his sword out going to strike Narti, but I wasn't going to let that happen. I acted quickly by getting my sword out only half way enough to block Lotor's sword getting in between him and Narti while pointing my free hand at Narti's faceless face.

A/n: yeah you guys thought I was going to let him kill Narti did ya. but not in my story cause I'm god!

Lotor: Y/n?! what are you-

Y/n: quiet! Zera now!

Zera: activating psychic link blocker!

I then felt myself being able to see into Narti's mind seeing some of her memories, but then I see a purple opening that has a older looking Galra woman looking through the opening and seeing me.

Y/n: [gotcha! now get out of her mind forever!]

with the help of the psychic blocker the opening closes for good and stopping anything to be able to see through it, along with severing the link. once that was done I was back into my body while Narti's almost fall to the ground if I have not caught her, while the cat name Kova I think Narti said it was jumps onto my shoulder since the link blocker works him too since Narti has a link with him.

Lotor: what did you do?

Y/n: I'll explain later. right now we have to get away.

with that they nod as we quickly entered the ships with Lotor and Axca in one, while Ezor and Zethrid pilot the second one we're in. I'm in one of spaces that occupies passengers, as I felt the ship start to move I assumed we made it out as I gently put Narti's unconscious body down making sure she was comfortable.

Zera: don't worry Y/n. she's alive.

Y/n: and thank god for that.

I then get a contact from Lotor which I answered, making the holo image appear in front of me.

Lotor: {Y/n are you going to tell me what you did? and what did Zera mean by psychic blocker?}

Y/n: I'll explain to you guys in person once we're safe.

3rd pov

in a chamber with the older looking Galra woman who was standing in front of a destroyed crystal, her face widen in shock at what she just saw and witnessed.

Galra woman: that power... is something I never seen before and what did that man do? I must find out.

to be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, also let me know on what you guys thought on how I made it where Narti didn't die. please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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