chapter 5: the hunter meets the paladins

A/n: hey guys here is the next chapter for this story now before this chapter starts I want to know. I'm going to be doing a monster girl quest story soon also I want to know should I do a female Indoraptor x male reader or both the indoraptor and Blue from the Jurassic world with a male reader please let me know in the comments now let the chapter begin

Y/n's pov

it's been days or months since me, Acxa and Ezor's fun we've gotten closer since then while I have caught Narti and Zethrid taking glances every once in a while but right now me and the girls are attacking the base that Throk was put at after firing the main cannon at the doors me and the girls then make our way in to the base taking out any Galra drones or troops in our way through the base heading towards to where Throk is  once we made it to a door we blow the doors open then me and Ezor ran up then jumping in the air as she sent out two throwing disks while I used my blade barrage ability by throwing a row of flaming throwing daggers at the drones taking out a good amount then Zethrid and Acxa followed behind taking out some of the remaining drones as Throk started to shoot at us

Throk: you! Lotor sent you to finish off what he started?

Acxa and Zethrid took cover while I just dodge and pulled out my last word returning fire but just to distract him so Narti can get the drop on him even with me not dodging Throk could not get a good shot on me

Y/n: seriously Throk? you your aim is just as bad as a storm troopers *dodges a shot* if not more worse than that!

then I decided to take cover cause there was still some drones left then I see Acxa do a trick shot on three of the drones taking them out then landing beside me while I took out the last drone with my last word

Y/n: nice move there Acxa

Acxa: *smiles with a small blush* thanks Y/n

Zethrid: let me finish him off!

Acxa: no, you know the plan! *grunts from a shot from Throk moving past her*

Throk: my life doesn't matter. all that matters is the empire!

I then see Narti who is on the ceiling of the base then stealthily dropping behind Throk then puts her hand on him not only making him stop firing but also putting him into a trance like state with his eyes glowing purple she then makes him go to the main console 

Throk: *trance like tone* shutting down security.

as that happens the sounds of powering down was heard meaning the security cameras and drones were shut down then Narti makes Throk retract the roof that leads to our objective once that was done Narti removed her hand from Throk's back then stops controlling him as Throk passes out 

3rd pov

as the Paladins were heading out the door in front of them opens up revealing the generals of Lotor and Y/n who just returned to the ship as both sides got surprised looks Zethrid attacks first by jumping in the air then bring her fist down aiming for Allura who dodges the attack as Narti moves through the smoke going after Pidge who shoots a arrow shape blade with a green string at Narti who dodges it then knocks Pidge off her feet then quickly moves to Hunk kicking him to the side as Lacy shoots from a distance as Axca jumps in the air preforming a trick shot as Lacy blocks the shot with a shield then Kat runs up behind Acxa going for a stab but gets blocked by Y/n who was using arcstrider with his pole arm and electricity coming off him once Kat got a good look of y/n's helmet her eyes widen recognizing the armor remembering what Shiro described the armor the fourth person that went missing on the mission that Shiro, Matt and Mr. Gunderson were on  then Ezor jumps up throwing one of her disks  making the two break away from one another then Y/n knocks Kat back with a wave of electricity but Kat manages to get away from the wave then Ezor throws another disk at her but it was shot down by Lacy

Lacy: I got you buddy!

then Acxa went after Lacy as Ezor begins to fight with Kat in close quarters combat by grabbing the arm that held a sword in Kat's hand then getting Kat in a hold that makes the two fall on the ground as Ezor has a tight hold on Kat's arm then Kat bring ups her free arm making the sword switch hands to which surprises Ezor making her release the arm and flipping back to avoid getting hit by the sword while Narti was fighting both Hunk and Pidge dodging a shot from Hunk then knocking the weapon out of his hand then swatting him away with her tail then uses her tail again on Pidge who blocks it with her shield but Narti quickly sweeps Pidge's legs making her fall on the ground then Hunk come behind Narti grabbing her but she uses her tail to wrap it around Hunk's neck lifting him up off the ground

Hunk: Pidge, a little help?

while that happens Zethrid is using a blaster fighting the Altean princess Allura using her energy whip like weapon using it's range then wraps it around Zethrid's weapon as she strougles to get her weapon free while Allura was pulling Zethrid to her

Zethrid: it's been a long time since I've faced a worthy opponent. I'm going to enjoy crushing you.

she then fires a shot from her blaster making Allura side step to avoid getting hit while letting go of the energy tether then Zethrid pulls Allura to her then using her arm to knock her to one end of the room making Allura lose her weapon as Lacy was trying to shoot Acxa but her shots were being deflected by Y/n's pole arm that was spinning in a circler motion with an energy shield around him once the two were close Y/n used his pole arm to make Lacy's blaster aim down at the ground while Acxa jumps over him kicking the blaster out of Lacy's hands then knocking the said girl back to her team

Kat: we don't have time for this. we need to get to the lions.

Lacy: *makes a thumbs up* good idea.

as the Paladins fall back as Y/n deactivates his arc staff ability Zethrid was about to charge after the paladins but Y/n puts his arm in front of her making her stop

Y/n: there's no need their falling back

Zethrid: come on! this is our chance to destroy them!

Acxa: we have what we came for. stick to the plan.

-outside the base-

as the paladins were leaving the base on their hover bikes heading towards the lions

Lacy: okay, seriously, what's going on? I mean, who were they and who was that guy in the weird armor and cape?

Kat: I've met one of them before, in the weblum. she stole some of the scaultrite. while the other guy  with the staff I might have an idea who it is but let's wait so we can inform Shiro.

Hunk: Allura, you said they had an Altean? they must be trying to build a teludav so they cam make wormholes.

Allura: if Lotor has turned the comet into a ship, we have much bigger concerns.

Pidge: I thought Lotor took over for Zarkon. why is he attacking a Galra base?

Kat: I don't know. that's why we have to stop him here and now.

 -back with Y/n and the Galra girls-

as they made it back to their ship they see part of the teludav using the tractor beam to move it out of the base while Shiro and Coran were watching this happen in the castle of lions 

Shiro: we have to stop that cargo ship.

Coran: on it.

as they begin to move the castle they see something fly out of the cargo ship they then switch visuals to see the ship that the paladins have found

Coran: that must be the ship made from the comet.

Shiro: then let's be careful. raise particle barrier. fire castle defenses.

as the castle defensive barrier came up they fired at the ship but it dodges the shot then dodges the other shots from the castle

Coran: a quick little bugger, isn't it?

Shiro: I never seen something that size move that fast.

as the castle continues to fire shots at the smaller ship the said ship was dodging the shots like nothing using the speed that it has circling the castle then firing it's own shots at the castle but they get deflected by the barrier then the ship fires a shot in a small compartment hitting the barrier damaging apart of the barrier 

Coran: that blast cut right through the particle barrier!

Shiro: team, where are you!

then the smaller ship fired another shot at the castle cutting through the barrier making the inside shake from the impact

Coran: we can't take another hit like that!

as the ship was about to fire another shot but it was interrupted by a shot coming from Voltron saving the castle from another blast and starts chasing the smaller ship as Kat bring up her bayard then inserting it in a small compartment

Kat: form sword!

then Voltron brings both of it's arms then starts to from the sword as Narti who was in the smaller ship with Acxa gets a message from Lotor

Lotor: keep Voltron engaged until the cargo ship is out of range.

then Narti moves the controls of the ship avoiding a strike from the sword as Voltron chases the ship

Lotor: do not be drawn in. the sword strike is his most deadly blow.

as Voltron gets close to the ship it delivers a strike with the sword but the smaller ship dodges the strike getting some distance once Voltron got close again the strike was dodged once again then the ship flies forward

Kat: *growls* it's too quick!

Shiro form the castle: guys the cargo ship is escaping with the teludav inside of it.

Kat: I thought taking down the ship made from the comet was the most important thing.

Shiro form the castle: we still can't let Lotor get away with the teludav.

Allura: Shiro's right. we need to destroy it.

Kat: but the comet is right here! we need to take it down!

as Voltron continues to try and take down the small ship but fails every single time as the small ship is fast enough to avoid the strikes while the cargo ship with the teludav piece is getting way from the fight

Shiro on comms: Kat, the cargo ship is getting away!

she then looks as Voltron stops to turn around to see the cargo ship with the teludav piece is getting away as Voltron was about to charge at the cargo ship the smaller ship starts firing on Voltron making it us the shield as the smaller ship starts to charge another blast

Lotor on the monitor: we have them right where we want them. they can either defend. or go after the teludav and leave themselves vulnerable.

as the ship continues to fire upon Voltron it looks back at the cargo ship that has the teludav getting away

Hunk from his lion: guys, the teludav's getting away.

Lacy from her lion: Kat, what should we do?

Shiro from the castle: your going to have to lower your shield, shoot the cargo ship, and deal with the consequences.

Kat: we can beat this ship first, and then get the cargo ship.

Shiro from the castle: there's not  enough time! you need to make a decision!

Kat growls in frustration as she looks at the cargo ship

Kat: Hunk, get your bayard ready. on my cue, we're gonna lower the shield and shoot the cargo ship. ready?

paladins: ready!

Lotor on the monitor: their going to attack the cargo ship. prepare to fire as soon as the shield goes down.

Kat: go!

then Hunk uses his bayard making Voltron lose the shield and sword summoning a cannon on the shoulder taking aim at the cargo ship

Lotor on the monitor: fire now!

once the smaller ship that has Narti and Acxa inside fires the blast at Voltron Kat closes her eyes then looks behind her then moving her controls that makes Voltron dodge the blast and removing the shoulder cannon as the blast hits the teludav causing it to explode  making the cargo ship shake as Zethrid, Ezor and Y/n held on to not fall from the shaking 

Lotor on the monitor: fire again!

then the smaller ship fires the blast again hitting Voltron dealing damage to it making it immobile then the smaller ship then makes it's way to the cargo ship only to see what's left of the teludav then Zethrid, Ezor and Y/n who are know out side of the cargo ship head towards the ship operated by Acxa and Narti

Lotor on the monitor: your failure is most disappointing. return before more Galra ships converge on your location.

this caused Acxa to sigh then moves the ship leaving the area once Zethrid, Ezor and Y/n were aboard while Voltron was still immobile  with the castle of lions in the distance

Lacy from her lion: so Lotor was attacking the Galra base and trying to steal the teludav? non of this makes sense.

Pidge from her lion: we can talk about this later. they're getting away!

Kat from her lion: we need to go after them.

Shiro in the castle: no. get back to the castle. something strange is going on here, and we need to figure it out.

Kat's pov

after getting back to the castle of lions  I was in another part of the castle thinking about what happen today and the man in armor then I get cut from my thought feeling a hand on my shoulder

Shiro: I'm sorry I had to step in back there.

Kat: I thought I had it under control.

Shiro: you need to learn to pick your battles. sometimes, you have to make hard choices.

Kat: I'm no good at this.

Shiro: yes, you are. it was your quick thinking that prevented Lotor from getting away with the teludav, your gonna get there. *smiles* the black lion has chosen you. I'm proud of you, Kat.

Kat: Shiro, there's something you should know

Shiro: what's that?

Kat: well... your not going to like it

I then bring out a recording from the fight with those girls and the armored man as I showed Shiro this his eyes widen from watching the recording

Shiro: no way.... Y/n?

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter know I still want to know what are your thoughts of me doing a monster girl quest x male reader and a female indoraptor x male reader please let me know and I'll catch you guys in the next chapter

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