Chapter 4: a confession from two Generals

A/n: hey guys here is the next chapter to this story also I've been looking through the comments of the last chapter to see who should be in the lemon and it was a tied between Acxa and Ezor so why not do one with both of them now enough me rambling let the chapter begin

3rd pov

after the encounter with the Paladins Lotor had been on their tail just to mess with them especially the time when he and his crew took a comet that is made of the same material as Voltron that the Paladins got from the other reality during that time Y/n get getting the same visions of a woman saying his name along with a giant silhouette that is similar to the lions the Paladins used but it's always too hard for Y/n to make out on more detailed this worried not only Lotor but his Generals as well Lotor told Y/n to get some rest so Y/n wont be hurt if it happens on a mission as Y/n went to his quarters as Y/n rest on his bed he gets a dream

-in the dream-

Y/n opens his eyes to see he is in a grassy meadow landscape as he looks around and sees the clear skies of earth

Y/n: what the where am I? wait this can't possibly be earth cause I don't think that the Galra has even found it yet

????: *giggles* finally I am able to see you again my little hunter

Y/n turns around to see a woman standing with a smile on her face he looks closer to see she has the same e/c eye as his but what caught Y/n's attention was that she has the same f/c marks on her face as he does along 

A/n: this is the reader's mother just replace the color of the marks on her face with your favorite color plus I do not own this pic

Y/n: who are you and what's with that nickname?

woman: *pouts* now that's not nice you don't remember your mother my little hunter that what I call you when you were little

Y/n: wait then your my....

woman: *smiles* yup I'm your mother M/n L/n it's nice to see you again my little hunter boy look how big you've gotten plus you look like your father with your h/c hair but you do have my eyes

in that moment Y/n ran to his mother embracing her in a hug to which she returned the embrace after a couple of minutes the two separate as Y/n looks at his mother confusedly 

Y/n: but wait I don't get it I thought you died with my father due to sickness how are you here?

M/n: sadly to say it's true but me and your father are still with you *points to Y/n's heart* here watching over you through your adventoures

Y/n: I see but I do have a question

M/n: and what is that?

Y/n: why do you have the same birth marks as I do and what's with the giant silhouette that I keep seeing in my visions

M/n: all in good time my little hunter I can't tell you what they mean or are but I'm expecting great things from you also *leans to Y/n's ear* I'll be expecting some grand kids in the near future

before Y/n could utter a Y/n woke up back in his quarters as he gets up from his bed he hears knocking from his door he gets up from his bed and stretches then proceeds to walk to the door as he opens it he is given a sight of Ezor and Acxa in their night gowns 

A/n: it's the best I could find for night gowns or something similar to that also I do not own this pic 

Y/n: *blushes* E Ezor, Acxa what are you two doing at this hour

Ezor: oh nothing really we just thought we give you some company~

Acxa: *blushes* we well I was only worried about you when you were having those visions nothing more or less can we come 

Y/n: sure come in

as Y/n motions them to come in they do so as Y/n closes his door and sits on his bed with Acxa who sits on his right and Ezor who sits on his left 

Ezor: so Y/n how are you feeling since your visions and headaches feeling okay?

Y/n: yeah Feeling better after some rest

Acxa: well that's good you had us worried you

Ezor: *Giggles* she was more worried about because...She loves you~

Acxa: *blushes* Ezor!

Ezor: come on Acxa don't be like that you know you do cause I can tell I have the same feelings for him

Y/n: *turns to Ezor* wha-

before he could finish Ezor pulls him into a kiss catching not only Y/n by surprise but also Acxa you also has a look of jealousy as the kiss went on Y/n slowly leans into the kiss after awhile Ezor and Y/n separate

Y/n: why did you do that?

Ezor: because silly that's my way of saying I love you and by the looks of it Acxa does too~

Y/n: *turns to Acxa* is that true Acxa?

Acxa: *blushes madly* uh uhm ugh screw it

she then quickly pulls Y/n into a kiss as well shocking Y/n even more while Ezor giggles at Y/n's reaction as Y/n got over his shock he then leans into the kiss while putting a hand on her head stroking her hair causing Acxa to lightly moan into the kiss after a while they separate from the kiss

Y/n: woah you two are great kissers 

Ezor: oh were just getting started~

Acxa: yeah the night is still young why don't we move on to the next step~

Y/n: 0_0 oh boy

-lemon b-52 boomer incoming I repeat lemon b-52 boomer incoming-

then the girls began to slowly take off their night gowns slowly revealing their naked bodies and breast to which Y/n couldn't help but blush also hardening his member as Acxa and Ezor giggled at his rection

Ezor: it looks like someone likes what he sees~

Acxa: well Y/n what do you think of us?

Y/n: well you two are beautiful just the way you are

the girls smiled then they began to take off Y/n's clothes by going for his shirt first once that was off the girls blushed seeing his well toned body then they trailed down to remove Y/n's pants along with his boxers once they were off Y/n's member springs up hitting Ezor's face both girls gotten surprised looks at the size of Y/n's member

Ezor: my I never thought humans would be this big~

then Ezor began to slowly stroke Y/n's member while also giving him a lick to the base to the tip while Acxa was jealous that Ezor was getting all the fun until she was pulled from her thoughts as Y/n pulled her into a kiss which she returned as they sink into the Y/n gave Acxa a surprised groping one of her breast with his hand gaining a moan from her while Ezor began to insert Y/n's member into her mouth making him moan into the kiss with Acxa then Ezor began to pick up speed then Acxa gets an idea separating from the kiss and moves to Ezor and whispers into her ear getting her to nod then they both took two sides of Y/n's member and puts it between their breast and moving them up and down earning a moan from Y/n who enjoys the feeling

Y/n: *moans* girls this feels *moans* amazing~

Ezor: *giggles* glad you like it cause we're just getting started~

then both girls began to pick up the pace with their movements making Y/n feel even more pleasure then after awhile Y/n began to fell his end approaching 

Y/n: girls I'm about to-

Acxa: go ahead let it out

then with a couple more movements from both girls and some thrust from Y/n then he released everything on Acxa and Ezor's faces after that the two girls licked off Y/n's essence off their faces once they got it off they looked at Y/n

Ezor: that was amazing Y/n but now on to the more fun part~

before Y/n could ask what she meant by that he was pulled down on the bed by Acxa who hovers over Y/n with her womanhood in his face  while Ezor hovers her womanhood over Y/n's member

Acxa: just to let you know this is our first time doing this sort of thing so could you please be gentle?

Y/n: *smiles* anything for you girls

then Ezor slowly lowering herself down on Y/n's member as it begins to enter her womanhood she struggles to keep going but manages to fully insert it breaking her barrier gaining a painful sound

Y/n: are you okay Ezor?

Ezor: ye yeah it's just my first time it'll pass

then Ezor slowly starts to bounce on Y/n's member while Y/n begins to lick Acxa's womanhood getting a moan out of her as the three keep going with giving the other pleasure Ezor begins to pick up speed bouncing on Y/n's member while Y/n lick's Acxa's womanhood then inserts his tongue into her womanhood making Acxa moan more

Acxa: oh~ *moans* oh Y/n that feels good keep going~

Ezor: *moans* your not *moans* wrong Acxa~

as the three kept going Y/n felt his end approaching while licking Acxa who is on the verg to release herself 

Y/n: g girls I'm a about to-

Ezor: I'm also close too~

Acxa: same with me~

as the three kept going Y/n gave on last thrust to Ezor then release inside her as she released on his member while Y/n was giving pleasure to Acxa who then releases in his mouth after Ezor released she moves herself to Y/n's right as Acxa gets off his face and goes to his member she was about to tell Y/n what Ezor told him but he nods to her knowing what she was going to say as Acxa begins to lower her womanhood allowing Y/n's member to be inserted into her as it begins to enter she struggles a bit but with one last move she slammed herself as Acxa felt her barrier broke tears came down her face but Y/n helped her by moving his hand rubbing her back to ease the her into is and kisses her tears away

Acxa: *smiles* thank you Y/n

Y/n: *smiles* no problem my beautiful sharp shooter

then Acxa begins to slowly bounce on Y/n's member while Y/n gives her slow thrust as she is still getting used to this as the time goes by she moans in pleasure at the feeling of Y/n's member speeding up her movements while Y/n follows suit increasing the amount of pleasure that they are feeling

Acxa: oh~ Y/n this *moans* feels so good *moans* your so big~

Y/n: *moans* and you are just  *grunts* as tight as Ezor~

as the two kept going Y/n looks at Ezor and gives her a kiss as she returns it then Y/n moves his hand to Ezor's head tail massaging it earning a moan from her the as Y/n kept thrusting into Acxa while Acxa kept on bouncing Y/n was nearing his end as Acxa was nearing her end as well 

Y/n: Acxa I'm *moans* about to-

Acxa: same with me *moans* release it inside of me~

Y/n nods to her as his thrust went faster then giving one last thrust he releases inside Acxa as she released on his member once that was finished Acxa gets off Y/n and lays on his left

-lemon over-

Y/n's pov

Y/n: man that was amazing girls you two were great

Ezor: thanks Y/n that means a lot~

Acxa: yeah it was nice to share a moment like this with you Y/n~

as they said those words I gave them both of them a kissed then allowing ourselves to let sleep over take us

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now I'm going to be doing a Killing bites harem x male reader story soon I was thinking having the reader being a dragon brute also if you know which girl should be in the harem please let me know and I'll see you guys in the next chapter  

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