Chapter 3: Lotor messes with the Paladins
A/n: hey guys here's the next chapter for this story now before I begin I looked over the comments on should I add Zethrid in the harem and I'm quite surprised by the number of yes so Zethrid is in the harem now the next chapter after this will be one of the girls confession from one of Lotor's generals now leave a comment on who you want it to be first and should it be a lemon or not so leave your answer in the comments now let the chapter begin
Y/n"s pov
after getting one hell of a lecture from Acxa cause I stared at her ass during our recent mission I was back with the others as I was being teased by Ezor and Lotor about what happened we then bring up a monitor to show that all five lions were following us
Acxa: the lions will be on us in one varga what are your orders?
Zethrid: I say we turn around and start shooting.
Y/n: easy there Zethrid no need to act before thinking
Lotor: I agree with Y/n besides we just learned all five lions are operational. there's still much we don't know. *stands up* keep the cruiser on this heading until mine and Y/n's return ready my fighter I'm going to attack the lions with Y/n
Zethrid: you two will never take them all out alone
Y/n: that's because taking them out now is not what we're doing
I then summoned my helmet and put my hood on as we made our way to the hanger where Lotor got in to his fighter as I did the same getting into a fighter similar to Lotor's
A/n: note it's just a Galra fighter it will not be your main ship that's for a later time
3rd pov
with the Paladins Kat who is in the black lion thinking the next course of action until she gets some movement
Kat: I'm detecting movement
Lacy on coms: so much for the element of surprise
as the Lions move closer to the cruiser two fighter class ships leaves the cruiser heading towards the Paladins
Hunk: it's just two single fighters where's the rest of them?
Kat: probably scrambling as we speak let's take them out
then Kat moves to the two fighters Lotor directs Y/n to handle the other Lions while he mess with the black Lion to which Y/n nods the two move forward as Y/n speeds past the black Lion making the two pilots take a glance at one another sadly neither could see the other clearly before Kat could make a shot Lacy in the red Lion accidently bumps into the black Lion
Kat: what are you doing?
Lacy: sorry Red here is a lot faster than I'm used to. uh where did those fighters go?
then Lotor's fighter appears behind them with Y/n's fighter Lotor takes some shots at the black Lion while Y/n takes some shots at the blue Lion the black lions tries to shake off Lotor's fighter while the yellow Lion following behind
Kat: come on move, move!
she tries to avoid as much shots as possible even though that the black Lion lacks speed then gets hit by some shots from Lotor's fighter
Kat: I can't shake him. someone get this guy off my tail
as the two move away the blue and yellow Lions come to help out kat while Y/n is messing with the red Lion sending in his own shots and letting the lion chase him
Lacy: okay this one is kinda ticking me off cause it's like he is trying to get my attention
as the yellow, blue and green Lions come up behind Lotor's ship Lotor himself looks behind his ship smriking as the three Lions fire laser beam shots from their mouths he avoids each shot then making the next one hit the black Lion while Y/n's fighter comes in the crossfire with the red Lion chasing him purposely leading into a shot from the green Lion
Kat: Allura!
Allura on coms: I'm sorry Kat!
Pidge on coms: Lacy are you alright?
Lacy on coms: yeah I'm fine this guy is good to allow himself to be chased and lead me into the crossfire but seriously does this thing have breaks!
she says as the red Lion zooms pass in front of the black lion then gets hit by some shots from Lotor's fighter while Y/n shot at the green Lion making it chase him then the yellow Lion tried to cut him off by getting in front of Y/n's fighter who said man smirked and pulled back making his ship spin back wards past the green Lion causing the two lions ram into each other as the skirmish continued both Lotor and Y/n either shot at one of the Lions or making one Lion accidently hitting the other with a laser shot or doing chicken making the Lions that were chasing them ram into each other then Allura was chasing the ship Y/n was in sending each laser shot at him getting irritated then Y/n barrel rolls out of the way showing the yellow Lion in the blue Lions path
Hunk: Allura! Allura!
as the two Lions ram into one another zooming past the red Lion making Y/n lightly laugh knowing this was getting fun
Lacy on coms: whoa! what's up with these guys? they're just playing us against ourselves
Kat on coms: ones got to be Lotor but the other guy I have no clue
Hunk: ow Allura you okay over there?
Allura on coms: I'm fine but these controls are not responding not like the castle
Allura: what's wrong with you Lion ? do as I command! Move!
Pidge: maybe someone should suggest to Allura that flying the Lion is different than flying the castle
Lacy on coms: hey I already told her yelling at her Lion wouldn't work didn't go over well she yelled at me too
Hunk on coms: yeah count me out she scares me when she is under pressure
Allura on coms: I can hear you
all three: aaaaaahhhhh!
Pidge on coms: Kat what should we do?
Kat on coms: how about this? Everyone stay out of my way!
Lacy on coms: great. great leadership
the black Lion send a couple of shots at Lotor's ship who dodges and sends back a couple of shots back then zooming past the black Lion
Kat: okay this isn't working we need to from Voltron everyone! in formation!
then all five lions form up in line to transform into Voltron but nothing is happening to have Voltron appear
Hunk: guys, I'm not really feeling that Voltron feeling!
Kat on coms: keep going!
then both Lotor's and Y/n's ships follow next to the Lions waiting for something to happen then both speed up
Pidge on coms: it's not happening!
Kat: *growls* what is going on?
Lacy on coms: guys! Fighters!
they look to see both Lotor's and Y/n's ships firing at them causing them to break formation and the two ships zoomed past the five Lions
Lotor: how disappointing.
Y/n on coms: agreed it was getting fun at first but it's starting to lose it's flare
Lotor: it appears that the reality of Voltron does not live up to the legend
then both ships made their leave as the five Lions could only watch from a distance
Lacy on coms: well that was embarrassing
Hunk on coms: so... should we call it quits? maybe go back and regroup, get a meal?
Kat: no! I know everyone is struggling but we can't let Lotor slip away
as Lotor's and Y/n's ship move in close to the cruiser side while Lotor was sending in coordinates to another location
Lotor: Acxa, set course for these coordinates Y/n you go back to the cruiser for job well done I'm going to lure the lions there
Y/n: you got it
as Y/n's ship makes it's way back to the hanger Acxa was looking at the coordinates that Lotor gave
Acxa: Thayserix? why?
Lotor: these are not the Paladins who defeated my father.
Ezor on coms: what ? how do you know?
Zera on coms: I can answer that I've read most of the data of the Paladins of Voltrons previous battles in those files that they fight as a unit but right now they are sloppy and was not able to form Voltron am I right Lotor?
Lotor: yes Zera you are perhaps my father did more damage to their team as they did to him. whatever the case they're vulnerable and we need to take advantage
Acxa: recalibrating your fighter to adjust for the atmospheric changes on Thayserix now
Ezor: what? what happens on Thayserix?
Acxa: the planet is made of dense gasses and has unusual magnetic poles that distort and wreak havoc on normal sensors
Ezor: oh... so once the lions are there they'll be blind *realizes what she said* no offense Narti
Y/n on coms: Ezor that was not funny next time think before you say something like that
he says as he just landed in the hanger of the cruiser and hopping off the fighter taking off his hood and helmet
Lotor: keep the cruiser in orbit around Thayserix I'll flush the lions out one by one for you to capture
Y/n's pov
as I made it to the bridge of the cruiser I was immediately met with a hug from Ezor making me blush a little
Ezor: so did you have fun?
Zethrid: stop toying with them! Bring the pain!
Y/n: calm down there Titan Galra let him have his fun
Zethrid: *looks at Y/n with a curious look* what's a Titan?
Y/n: well Zera told me that it is a individual with impressive strength and durability making them the muscle of their fire team
Acxa: I see so you and your father are known as Hunters who lack high defense but with impressive mobility and marksmen am I correct?
Y/n: yup and by far the best class *looks at the readers* and you guys know it
then Acxa goes to contact Galra reinforcements to which I payed more attention to Lotor and his little game with the Paladins
Ezor: Lotor is right on top of the lions they have no idea
Y/n: hehe no kidding their practically wide open
Zethrid: why isn't he firing? he could be tearing them to shreds right now blow them up Lotor!
Y/n: maybe he isn't firing cause gas could be ignitable causing an explosion maybe?
Acxa: Y/n's right the area he's in is full of Red Syntian Nirrare a highly combustable gas that reacts violently to amplified emissions of light
Zethrid: *chuckles* this is gonna be good
Y/n: no kidding it will be quite the show *thoughts* I beat a certain explosion obsessed loli would love to see this kind of show of explosions same goes for a certain CEO of a weapons company
we watch Lotor messing with them once they fired their weapons it caused explosions to erupt near them and get separated from the group then I get a quick flash of a vision of a woman calling my name following up a giant silhouette of animal with bright yellow eyes lighting up with a growl similar to a lions as the vision stop I got a little dizzy but balanced myself with both Ezor and Narti looking at me
Ezor: hey are you alright? Yeah I'm alright just got a little to much in thought is all
Ezor: okay if you say so
then Lotor's ship came back as the reinforcements did to then followed with the show of Voltron making short work of the reinforcements so Lotor had us retreat for now right now I walked back to my quarters thinking at what I just saw
Y/n thoughts: was that woman my mother? and what was that giant figure?
To Be Continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the little hint I gave but that's the only thing you'll get cause I'm not going to spoil it and I would like to know which of the girls in Lotor's group please leave a comment on who and should it be a Lemon chapter for now I'll catch you guys in the next one
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