Chapter 2: baiting the paladins

A/N: hello my fellow readers I hope you guys enjoy my stories plus I'm still waiting if people want Zethrid in the harem if you don't know who she is then heres a pic

this is Zethrid so leave a comment if you want her in the harem now let the story begin

3rd pov

as Prince Lotor, Acxa, Ezor and Zethrid are in the command ship waiting as Y/n comes in with Zera by his side

Lotor: so has the message been sent?

Y/n: yup the chief sent the call to Voltron so we best be prepared I'm surprised that you want Voltron to come

Lotor: I want to see what Voltron is capable of if it is strong enough to beat my father

Y/n: well color me impressed 

Ezor: *giggles* impressing you Y/n is the easiest thing to do cutie~

Acxa: *puts her hand on her head and shakes her head* can you not start flirting with him Ezor

Ezor: oh come on Acxa you know you like him too

Acxa: *slightly blushes* wh what no I don't

Y/n: well your blush says other wise

Lotor: *chuckles* okay that's enough teasing but lets try to be serious

Y/n: *looks at Lotor with a smile* but Lotor this is my serious face can't you tell?

as they all shared a laugh at Y/n's joke they get down to business as Narti joins them on the bridge

-with the paladins-

as the paladins of Voltron exit out of the hyper jump (A/N: not sure what they call the hyper space like jump) they reach the planet that the Galra had taken over the paladins makes their way to their respective lions Kat the new leader of the Paladins and paladin of the black lion was about to make her way to the lion until Allura stops her

Allura: Kat the black lion has chosen you. you can do this

Kat give Allura an understanding look then proceeded to go to the black lion as she entered it she reaches for the controls

Kat: this is for you Shiro and I promise I will look for your friend

A/n: yeah I made it that Kat made a promise to Shiro to find the reader (you) cause they think your still missing

then three of five lions exit out of the ship but the blue lion was not seen coming out for some reason

Kat: alright guys we're not about to let the Galra take back this planet so follow me

Pidge: where's Lacy?

Kat: what? *looks and see no blue lion*

in the hanger of the blue lion as there is a type of shield around the lion as Lacy is standing in front of it

Kat on coms: Lacy where are you?

Lacy: *groans* my lion's not responding to me

Kat on coms: well figure it out and catch up with us as soon as you can

Kat, Pidge and Hunk proceeded to head to the planet that Lotor and his group took over then a ship came into view

Lotor: attention Paladins of Voltron this is Prince Lotor, son of Zarkon Emperor Pro Tem of the Galra Empire surrender now or you will be destroyed

as Lotor was talking a bunch of fighter ships come into view intercepting the Paladins as the Paladins fell for a trap

Pidge: we've been set up!

then the Galra fighters went to attack the lions as Allura watches from the bridge in the castle of Lions

Kat on coms: evasive maneuvers! Everyone watch your back!

Allura: Coran we have to get there immediately Lacy we need you the lions are being attacked

Lacy on coms: I'm trying!

Allura: I'm going to see what's keeping her

in the hanger Lacy is tapping her foot trying to figure out why she can't get in the blue lion 

Lacy: come on old blue it's me Lacy open up... okay enough goofing around I mean it we gotta get out there and help the others *waits but nothing still happens* oh come on! why are you being mad at me? *groans* wait do you hate me now? I'm sorry for wanting to fly the black lion it was just a phase

she then thinks of something else then gets an idea if apologizing didn't work then maybe  Lacy's charms would work

Lacy: hey blue you know what? I gotta say that's a great color on you *still nothing then tries another one* Oh! are you from outer space? because your body is out of this world *groans then falls to the ground* Jeez that's like my best line

-back to the fight-

two Galra fighters shoot at the green lion but only to miss as the said lion took out one ship then the yellow lion took out the second one as laser fire was being shot out from both the Galra fighters and the lions then the yellow lion rammed another Galra fighter taking it out then the black lion took out a Galra fighter then launched another laser shot from the lion's mouth in the bridge of Lotor's ship Lotor and his generals with Y/n observe the fight

Ezor: hey it's the black kitty!

Lotor: so it survived where are the others?

Y/n: not a clue I count the green and yellow lions but I don't see the blue and red lions at all

Lotor: send out the rest of the fighters let's see if we can draw them out

then outside of the ship more fighters come out to join in on the fight with the lions as both Pidge and Hunks screamed at the many fighters coming Pidge tries her best to dodge the incoming laser fire then sends a laser shot of her own at the fighters then maneuvered around and sent another shot at the Galra fighter destroying two of them then she gets a couple of fighters chasing her

Hunk: Pidge behind you!

he then moves his lion in the way taking the hits from the fighters ramming into his lion as the yellow lion lets out a growl

Hunk: I hope this super armor holds up buddy boy

Pidge: where's Kat?

the black lion is seen fighting many fighters having trouble dealing with them on it's own

Kat: I'm having trouble here these controls don't respond like the red lion's I need some help

Hunk: there's too many for the three of us

in the hanger Lacy is still trying to connect to the blue lion but still with no such luck in that as the shield protecting the lion is still up

Pidge on coms: look out!

Kat on coms: Lacy get out here now!

Allura: Lacy what's wrong?

Lacy: I don't know blue is shutting me out maybe Pidge is right I am just a goofball not only am I not meant to be leader I guess... I guess now I'm not even meant to be a Paladin

then a lion like roar was heard as both Lacy and Allura look around to find where it was coming from

Lacy: what was that?

Allura: it's the red lion you must go to it

Lacy: no way Kat probably trained it to bite my head off maybe it's roaring for you

Allura: I would love nothing more for that to be true but I know the red lion is not meant for me it is choosing you

Lacy: I don't understand

Allura: my father built Voltron but he knew Zarkon was a better leader in battle so he became Voltron's right hand Lacy when you accepted Kat as the new leader of Voltron it proved that you value a strong team over your own need for glory just like my father

Lacy: I wont let him down

Allura: *smiles* go

then Lacy picked up her helmet and ran to the red lion after giving the blue lion one last look then to proceed on one she got into the red lion it took off out of the castle of lions and join the other Paladins in the fight back in the hanger Allura was walking away until the shield around the blue lion goes away to which Allura noticed and looked back at the lion with a confused look

Allura: huh?

then the blue lion's eyes glowed and it let out a growl meaning it has found it's Paladin  and Allura smiles at it

-back to the fight-

the three lions are trying their best to fight off the fighters but there was too many for them as the lions dodged and fired back as Lotor and the others on the bridge of their ship continue to watch

Ezor: there's still only three where's the rest of the party?

Lotor: let's turn up the heat and see who comes to help Zethrid use the ion cannon to shoot the black lion

Zethrid: why the black one?

Lotor: there's something different about that lion it's pilot isn't in control and Zethrid just graze it we don't want any permanent damage

Zethrid: fine

Y/n thoughts: 'huh I wonder who is the better shot on this team?'

Narti telepathy: 'that would be you Y/n'

Y/n telepathy: 'thank you dear Narti'

outside of the ship the yellow lion was taking on a Galra fighter but the lion managed to take out the said fighter then used it's tail to shoot a laser at an incoming Galra fighter but it too was taken out by the laser shot from the yellow lion while the black lion was being tailed by two fighters as they fired laser shots at it but the black lion dodged them by using it's boosters to avoid them then boost forward as the green lion dodged more shots and quickly took out two more fighters then grouped up with the yellow and black lions 

Hunk: Kat what should we do?

Kat: we need to attack the ship

Pidge: can you be more specific? we need an actual plan

then Lotor's ship's ion cannon sfired at the black lion only just grazing it not doing any serious damage

Pidge: Kat!

Kat: I'm okay but we can't fight this guy alone

she then looks to her right to see somethin coming to her only to see the red lion as Lacy pilots the red lion

Lacy: you won't have to

the red lion then fired a laser at the Galra fighters taking them out as quickly as it can in the bridge of Lotor's ship they see the red lion taking out the fighters

Y/n: and there's the red lion took it long enough

Lotor: aha now we're getting somewhere

then the ship starts to shack surprising Lotor and the others as well not expecting it Y/n looks on the radar to see another ship that he doesn't know

Lotor: what was that?

Acxa: it's the Altean ship

in the castle of lions bridge Coran pilots the ship assisting the Paladins in the fight

Coran: need some help?

the castle of lions then fires a ion cannon shot taking out a couple of Galra fighters that gave the Paladins some trouble

Kat: thanks Coran

back at the bridge of Lotor's ship they see the Altean ship taking out their fighters with the four lions

Lotor: Zethrid this is the moment you've been waiting for fire on the Altean ship with everything you have

Zethrid: yes sir!

Lotor: if there's anyone else in there this should bring them out

as the Paladins fight off the fighters the black lion takes out two more fighters with its laser fire from the tail

Kat: all right let's see if we can turn our attention on that ship

then Lotor's ship fired another ion cannon shot directed on the castle of lions but the shot was blocked by the shield around the Altean ship then Lotor's ship fired another shot still hitting the shield as the lions were handling the small fighters then the red lion was seen going to a group of small Galra fighters as the lion fired a laser at the fighters taking them out 

Lacy: whoo-hoo! boy this lion can move!

as the smoke sets she sees part of Lotor's ship in front of her as Lacy quickly moved the red lion to avoid collision only just scraping the ship 

Kat: hey! be careful with red

Lacy: oh fly your own lion Kat

to what she failed to see is that a Galra fighter rammed right into her lion making her spine out of control as the green lion flies by

Lacy: I meant to do that!

Pidge: wow we're really kind of a mess we need to get organized Kat what should we do?

Kat: I don't know we need to form Voltron but we're short a lion

Allura on coms: not anymore

Paladins: huh?

they see the blue lion coming to them as it roars with Allura piloting the said lion as she grouped up with the Paladins

Pidge: Allura?

Hunk: yes! awesome!

back on the bridge of Lotor's ship they see all five lions now together as the group finally sees them

Ezor: ooh! look there are five kittens now

Y/n: well you know what they say better late than never

Acxa: *looks at Lotor* what are your orders sir? should we fire on the lions?

Lotor: no we've seen enough retreat

with that Lotor's ship leaves the planet with the fighters as they Hyper jumped along with the fighters proud that they chased them off 

Lacy: we did it!

Hunk: I mean it was a little touch and go there for a second but yeah we made it

Pidge: Allura you and the blue lion? how cool is that?

Allura: yes it was a bit of a surprise but a happy one

Kat: now we know that Zarkon has a son

Allura on coms: this is... deeply disturbing

Kat: we need to find out about more

Y/n's pov

as we left the planet I see my ghost Zera whispering some thing to Acxa as she blushed madly as she looked angerly at me then Zera floated back to me giggling 

Y/n: what are you laughing about?

Zera: oh you'll see

Acxa: *angered tone*  Y/n!!! what's this about you staring at my butt!!!!

Y/n: *looks at Zera then goes pale* Zera why

I then started to run with a angry Acxa on my tail as the others had a good laugh at whats happening this is going to be a rough day for me

to be continued

A/N: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and do leave a comment if you want Zethrid in the harem and I'll see you guys in the next chapter

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