Chapter 13: Bloodlines
A/n: Hello, my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story so without delay, let the chapter begin!
3rd pov
Back at the Castle of Lions Mr. Holt father of Matt and Pidge aka Katie Holt was taking a ship back to earth and had to say goodbye to the Paladins, to help with Earth's defense grid incase the rouge Galra troops were to find Earth. Y/n had said his goodbyes to Mr. Holt earlier since he had to help Lotor and Narti at the main Galra empire central command, while Kat is with Kolivan debriefing Kat for her next mission.
Kolivan: This base was, until recently run by Galra commander Ranveig, who was developing a super weapon some sort. We're not sure of the weapon's specs. But we do know that it is incredibly powerful.
Kat: How did we learn all this?
Kolivan: We have a spy in Ranveig's camp who's managed to acquire high level security clearance. Since Ranveig's departure , it's possible she assumed control of the base, but we can't be sure.
Kat: Why not?
Kolivan: We're not the only ones who know of the weapon. Two Galra factions, led by Commanders Trugg and Ladnok, are at war over the territory. Since their fighting began, all communications has been cut ff. We need you to infiltrate the base, extract our spy and destroy Ranveig's weapon. kat, this is of the utmost importance. If either faction acquires this weapon, it could tip the balance of power in their favor. So you cannot allow your feeling to cloud your judgment.
Kat: I wouldn't-
Kolivan: You have in the past. Remember, the mission is the only thing that matters. Emotions are a luxury we cannot afford. *brings up a picture* This is the operative you'll be contacting. her name is Krolia.
As soon the picture was shown to Kat, the Galra woman in question has some striking resemblance to Kat, but the said girl did not notice them as her mind at the moment is the mission. While back with the Paladins within the Castle of Lions were making their approach to Central Command, which the Paladins were remembering the last time they were here was a huge battle.
Lacy: Man it's like starring at the belly of a beast.
Hunk: Strange to think last time we were here, we were fighting the Galra. Now were working with them.
Allura: We have to do everything we can to support Lotor. This is our chance to promote a new era of peace.
As the Castle of Lions docked and allowed the Paladins and Coran into the base, then they entered a room that is the main throne room with droids standing and forming a line, with Lotor, Y/n and Narti at the end with the said Human's helmet off and hood down. Allura also has noticed the banners behind the three individuals, and remembers the very design of them.
Lotor: Thank you for coming friends. I have prepared a new imperial banner to herald our alliance. This is the same symbol that flew over our fathers when they worked together as the original Paladins of Voltron. I hope that we can return to the universe to that golden age. Since I have ascended to the throne, the Galra Empire has been torn apart. A sizeable portion has sworn its allegiance to me. However, massive factions remain in revolt.
Hunk: Uh, okay, the Galra aren't exactly known to turn the other cheek.
Lacy: They're more likely to swing the other fist.
Shiro: How do you get an empire that's only known violence for thousands of years to put down their weapons?
Lotor: By providing them with the very thing they're fighting for. Quintessence. Unlimited amounts of it. And, Allura, you are the key to getting it. I'm sure you'll be interested inspecting every aspect of the Galra headquarters.
Shrio: I'd like to cross-reference our star charts with current Galra troop locations.
Lotor: Consider it done.
Coran: You want to sync our intelligence to the Galra headquarters? Oh, I never thought I'd see the quiznaking quintant.
Lotor: Sentry, take them to the record room. You will find everything you need there.
Y/n: Guess that leaves me, Narti and Zera to show Lacy, Pidge and Hunk around?
Narti: Actually, Y/n. I took the liberty to assign a sentry to do that, I'm sure Emperor Lotor wouldn't mind?
Lotor: [Oh I see what she's doing, Y/n my friend your a lucky man.] Consider it done, you two have worked hard and helped me plenty over time of extreme situations. You two deserve some R&R.
Once given the okay, Narti drags Y/n to a private room for just the two of them though this dose leave Y/n with an expression that says "Here we go again." While Lotor and Zera to chuckle, though Lacy, Pidge and Allura did get some jealous looks towards Narti.
Lotor: As Narti said, I'm leaving you a personal escort that will take you wherever you'd like to go. Come, Princess and Zera. There is much work to be done.
Zera: Of course, sir.
As they leave the room, Lacy tries to follow them but is immediately stopped by the droid though the three Humans did work to get some fun out of the droid, by having Pidge reprograming it
Kat's pov
I entered the system of where the spy and Ranveig's base is located, but the planet has two fleets fighting one another with one side having a pretty hefty lose.
Kat: Looks like things has escalated between Ladnok and Trugg. Best to try and blend in with the debris. Don't wanna attract any fire. Here goes nothing.
I piloted my fighter to the many ships being blasted and tried to make it look like I'm nothing by pieces of the ships being destroyed, after getting passed the last ship all that's left was to descend to the planet's surface with ease, but of course nothing is too easy as I felt my ship starts to spin out of control. Which probably meant that a piece of debris must have it my ship, with the ship approaching the ground fast so with quick thinking, I typed in the controls to activate the ships right side thruster under the wing to stabilize my ship.
I then brace myself for a rough landing, once the ship came to a full stop I got out and to be lucky enough to land close to the base, which I quickly sneak in and started to look for Krolia though I have to stay our of sight of the passing sentries. But I did see the exact Galra woman I was looking for being escorted by sentries, but she did glanced at my direction and forced me to press my back against the wall and waited until the footsteps were a good distance away. I then followed and stayed out of sight, but I felt that there was someone behind me and turned while drawing my blade at the person behind me, along having a blaster aimed at my face.
Kat: Krolia.
She said nothing, but I noticed her eyes glanced at my blade and lowered her blaster as I also lowered my weapon.
Krolia: You're late. We don't have much time.
3rd pov
Back at the Galra headquarters Lotor, Allura and Zera were in a room that was once owned by Haggar that held many artifacts.
Zera: Intriguing.
Allura: What is this place?
Lotor: Haggar's lair.
Allura: Why would you bring me here?
Lotor: Our fathers traveled through the rift into the space between reality. I believe Alfor's Altean alchemy made that possible.
Zera: That is true, but would such artifacts remain even after so many years?
Lotor: That's what I want to find out. There may be something in here that contains secrets that Haggar was unable to unlock.
Zera: But Allura can?
Lotor: That's right.
Even though Lotor did made his point, Allura though was a bit hesitant especially when it has to due with events of the past.
Allura: I shouldn't be here.
Lotor: Allura... *grabs her hand* Please... I can't do this without you.
This got the Altean Princess to think on it, while also having some questions of her own that more or less involves Y/n.
Allura: Alright, but I do wish to ask one question.
Lotor: Of course, all you have to do is ask.
Allura: It's about Y/n.
Lotor: I had a feeling, you would ask about him or at least confirm what he truly is.
Allura: His markings on his face... is he...?
Lotor: Half Altean... Yes he is. But he doesn't even know it himself yet.
Allura: Were you going to tell him?
Lotor: Yes, but not with some proof. As understanding he is, there are moments he can be quite stubborn. I'm sure we can find proof somewhere in here. Where should we start looking?
As the three of them search the shelves that held the artifacts, Though Allura did spot a small Altean data pad like device and get's Lotor's and Zera's attention.
Allura: Look at this, it's an Altean science log.
The three of them look into the log which they begin reading, as Lotor recognizes who wrote this particular log and has mentioned another name that Zera knows.
Lotor: This was written by my mother Honerva and her longtime friend M/n, thousands of years ago.
Allura: Your mother was Honerva? The Honerva that discovered the rift on Daibazaal? Then you're... Half-Altean?
Lotor: Yes. It was something the Galra considered a weakness, but I considered it a strength. The union between Zarkon and Honerva sparked a technological revolution within the empire. Even back then, Altean culture was remarkably advanced. the kinds of experiments she was conducting... she advanced science by eons. Though this M/n, if I recall Y/n did bring up that name in the past... Zera Is the Altean known as M/n the same person that is...
Zera: Yes, I have been with Y/n's father for the longest time as a guardian. M/n is in fact Altean and Y/n's mother.
Allura: How did Haggar get her hands on this?
Lotor: She was constantly seeking Altean magical knowledge that she could pervert her own power. There must have been things that she was unable to access.
Allura: I'm going to continue the search.
Zera: I'll go with you.
Kat's pov
We made it to a control room, where Krolia started to go through files of this weapon while the fighting between Trugg and ladnok continued outside the base.
Krolia: Why did Kolivan risk sending you here now?
Kat: Because he's heard about Ranveig's super weapon. We can't let it fall into the wrong hands.
Krolia: I'm guessing Ranveig's dead since Commander Trugg is attacking my base.
kat: Trugg is on the verge of crushing your forces. We ahve to destroy the super weapon now. What is the weapon exactly?
Krolia: Warlord Ranveig intercepted an undocumented shipment of Quintessemce travelling through his territory. He took it for his own and began experimenting with it. It's more powerful than any quintessence we've received from the empire, and it has some very unexpected effects.
This sounded bad already, but I couldn't think on it more as the base shook with the alarms sounding off, meaning Trugg is getting close to the base.
computer: First level of defense breached. Activating second level defense!
Krolia: Trugg's fleet has touched down. We're running out of time! Come on!
We leave the room and head towards where the weapon is being kept, after taking an elevator down and into another room, Krolia goes to one of the consoles.
Krolia: Take the second console!
Kat: What now?
Krolia: We need to simultaneously enter this code.
But before we could enter the code in, the door gets blown open with sentries that are under Trugg's command enter the room, I grabbed my blade and charge at the sentries taking out at least two of them. While I did stabbed one sentry, but it grabbed me and tossed me aside with my blade in it, while Krolia fired her blaster at it and taking out the sentries with both the blade and blaster, I tried to get up and help but I get grabbed and held at blaster fire by Trugg.
Trugg: Surrender or die.
Krolia sighs and lowers her weapons, though I did notice the blade was going back into the form of a dagger like it does with me, This leaves me puzzled on how it's responding to her as Krolia lifts her hands up.
Krolia: We can make a deal.
Kat: What are you doing?!
Krolia: I left you once. I'll never leave you again. Give us a ship, and I'll give you the codes to the weapon.
Trugg: *scoffs* Why should I trust you?
Krolia: You don't have a choice. I'm the only one who knows the access code. If you try to break in, the room will self destruct. Once we're airborne, I'll give you the code.
Trugg reluctantly did as Krolia said, she left me go and gave the order to let us take a ship off planet, Once we were getting the ship ready I wasn't all to thrilled of Trugg getting the weapon.
Kat: I still can't believe you'd give them the weapon just to save me. You compromised the mission.
Krolia: Kat, shut up and trust me. *types into the console* Commander Trugg, we're prepared for lift off. Are you at the weapon's console?
Trugg: {Affirmative.}
Krolia: the code is Beta-5-2-7-4... Omega-5-4-5.
Trugg: {Confirmed.}
Krolia: Get us out of here, now!
Without much convincing I pilot the ship out of the hanger and into the sky, to get off the planet but I see that Trugg is going back on her word and preparing the base's cannon to shoot us down.
Kat: Their locking on to us! Hold on!
I increased the ship's speed and carefully try to avoid the shots from the cannons and into space avoiding the debris of destroyed Galra ships and narrowly avoid another cannon fire.
Kat: This is why you shouldn't have made that trade for me. We could die and you just handed that weapon over to Trugg.
Krolia: No, Kat. I handed them to it.
For some reason I don't like the way she just said that, once the ship was far enough away from the planet Trugg has stopped firing at us for some reason.
Kat: We're far enough away. They stopped firing at us.
I then get out of the pilot seat and stand to face Krolia who pulls out my dagger and hands it back to me.
Krolia: I should give this back to you.
Kat: *takes the dagger* How are you able to use it?
Krolia: Because it used to be mine... before I gave it to your father.
Kat: *eyes widen* Your my....
3rd pov
As Lotor, Allura and Zera were searching the room some more, Lotor looked through Honerva's logs and notices that her personality had changed along with M/n distancing off to work on a project for Allura's father. Though Allura and Zera may have an idea that Honerva and Haggar aren't separate people, but the same person whose mind has been warped but Lotor isn't inclined to believe that fact.
Lotor: There must be something else in this room, something we missed.
Zera: That maybe so, but my scans can't seem to pick up anything Altean tech related.
Allura: And I've looked all over. I can't find anything related to Altean alchemy.
Lotor: Perhaps we are not using all the tool at our disposal.
Zera: What do you mean?
Lotor: Allura, close your eyes and just... let yourself feel the energy around you.
As Allura does so, everything around her started to be known to her and feels one particular energy calling out to her, though also feel that its trying to call out to another. Allura opens her eyes and moves a box aside to reveal a small stone with blue markings.
Allura I was drawn to this. But I also felt this stone was also calling out to another, but I couldn't tell but who.
Lotor: Wait a tick. I know I seen something about this before.
Lotor activates his wrist computer as he goes through some files, until he found a picture of a stone like structure.
Lotor: Here. These are ancient ruins from an Altean outpost now beneath the seas of Planet Entuk. There, found a mosaic depicting Altean explorers following a map projecting from what they called a "compass stone." Supposedly, it can lead to the magical realm of Oriande, which houses the secrets of Altean alchemy.
Allura: Oriande? I thought that was a folktale.
Zera: Sounds like a spirit realm sort of place, somewhere that most would believe as legend.
Lotor: My research has led me to believe it is quite real. We need to get this stone working.
with this in mind, Allura tried everything she can to get the stone working and showed the map to Oriande, but she wasn't having much luck doing so with even trying to open it with her bare hands.
Allura: It won't open.
Lotor: You just have to concentrate.
Zera: He's right, when Y/n was trying to get his grip on activating his Hunter class powers on command, he had difficulty in doing so at first. But over time he managed to do it on command, its probably a similar way you have do as well, Allura.
Lotor: I know you have the power within.
Allura: What if I don't? My father had an ability few Alteans possessed. Coran doesn't have it, Honerva didn't have it. And I'm unsure if M/n even had any such abilities. *sighs* The truth is, I may not have his abilities either.
Lotor: You must. There must be away to carry on the tradition of Altean alchemy.
Allura: That tradition died along with my planet 10,000 years ago. *tears up* I'll never be the alchemist my father was.
As a tear goes down Allura's face and a drop of her tears lands on the compass stone, which begins to light up and show the three individuals the map to Oriande which brought a smile to not only Lotor's face, but also Allura's as well.
Lotor: Allura... you've done it.
Allura: Is that...
Lotor: Oriande.
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I know not a lot of moments for the reader in this chapter, but I will make a chapter that takes place during this chapter and it will be a spicey one. Now please leave a comment on what you guys think in this chapter and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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