Chapter 12: Kral Zera

A/n: Hello my fellow readers, here is the next chapter of this story. Now I'm sure you have heard that the Voltron show on netflix will be leaving soon, so for the time being do expect more chapter coming out for this story, if there is a way to watch Voltron legendary defender once it leaves netflix, I would like to know. Now let the chapter begin!

Y/n's pov

Lotor: I'm telling you Branko's Wanton attack was only the beginning. Without an Emperor, more and more high-ranking officials will start lashing out and consolidating their power at the Kral Zera.

Things haven't been going like Lotor was hoping, hell even I know a scattered army with no leader is bad news, even in times of war certain high-ranking officers would jump at the chance to be leader if given the opportunity.

Hunk: Uh, just gonna jump in here. What exactly is the Kral Zera? Is there food there? It sounds awful fancy.

Lotor: It's the coronation ceremony for a new emperor or empress. It is held on one of the first planets we, the Galra, conquered. Planet Feyiv, a sacred land.

Shiro: Okay, so who all will be at this Kral Zera?

Lotor: Allow me to show you. May I, Princess?

Allura: Go ahead.

Lotor then goes to the computer and brings up a Warlord, a commander, a quartermaster and finally brings up Zarkon's witch Haggar. This was the same hooded woman that was watching through Kova's eyes using Narti as a conduit, which made my lover shutter from remembering that she almost died thanks to Haggar. But thanks to my blocker I used on Narti and Kova, this witch won't be spying on anyone through them, so I put my hand on Narti's shoulder who also placed her hand over mind.

Shiro: We've met.

Lotor: she's the most dangerous of them all. Because she's not Galra, and therefore not eligible to rule.

Y/n: Meaning she'll need someone else to with enough power to do so.

Lotor: Quite so, she might have a puppet already. someone she can control and manipulate. If the Galra were smart, they'd be working together against her. If Haggar's puppet takes over, then stopping Zarkon's reign will all have been for naught.

Shiro: Then we can't risk any of them assuming control. We should help Lotor take command of the Galra Empire.

Allura: Shiro, we've already discussed this. It's far too risky.

Lacy: Yeah, why don't we let them fight amongst themselves for a while before we do anything.

Shiro: You know what we went through on Olkarion, and that was just one rouge commander vying for the throne. When the Galra lash out, everyone in the universe suffers.

Pidge: How would we even get Lotor there without stirring up a huge fight?

This was a good question, I mean a regular commanded by Lotor might work but Lotor was betrayed by the Galra under Zarkon's orders, but due to Lotor still being Zarkon's heir by blood he should be eligible for the throne.

Lotor: I'll be bringing Voltron.

Y/n: Um, Lotor... not that I don't trust your judgment, but isn't that more risky to bring Voltron?

Narti: Agreed, especially many members of the Galra had fought and lost to Voltron.

Hunk: They got a point. Because Voltron never gets into fights.

Allura: Shiro, we can't allow that to happen.

Shiro:... I'm sorry to hear that.

This was tough to take in, I'm sure Allura and the other Paladins know the severity of not helping Lotor to take control of the Galra, which Shiro leaves the room more than likely disappointed at the rejection of helping Lotor.

Y/n: *sighs* 'This is not going to be good.

Narti: 'agreed, my love.'

3rd pov

In the far distance of space a small Galra fleet that was under the command of Warlord Ranveig, is commanding his crew to set course.

Ranveig: The Archivist has made the summons. Set a course for Planet Feyiv. It is time for me to burn with the glory of the Kral Zera and take my place on the Galra throne.

Little does the Warlord know, is that he was being by Kat and two members of the Blade of Marmora in the ships vents, which this does make Kat curious.

Kat: *low tone* Kral Zera? Planet Feyiv? What's going on?

Ilun: This is our time to strike. We will bring the Galra Empire down.

Ranveig was not the only one going to Feyiv, other Galra ships that were being commanded by key Galra officers were also going to the planet with intentions of seizing the throne for themselves. On the mountain structure held a purple flame that is lit and with a small group of Galra waiting in the middle, with some note worthy high-ranking officers of the Galra Empire some being more calm and patient and others more tense.

female Galra1: Avert your gaze. The throne is for real fighters.

male Galra1: I've conquered more worlds than You've ever seen. With just the swipe of my finger.

Just then Ranveig's ship descends onto the planet, which Keith, Ilun and Vrek on board the ship to see the structure below them,

Ilun: When we get down there, set one explosive on each load-bearing beam 

As the ship is close to landing, the same male Glara looks at the throne in the distance and sees the figure known as the Archivist standing at the top.

male Galra1: The Archivist.

 Archivist: Through 33 rulers, during times of peace and times of expanse, this flame has burned for over 13 millennia. From our first, Brodar, to Virg the Great, and longest and most powerful of all... Zarkon. But his time has passed.

As soon as he said that, the purple flame dies out and this is the sign of a new ruler to seize the throne and lite the flame once again.

Archivist: Our next ruler must ascend the steps of destiny and relight the Kral Zera.

All the members remain silent and unmoving, that is a until a Galra officer walks up to the large cauldron that holds purple flames and torches within them, as he was about to pull one out the officer was stabbed in the back. And it was none other than Ranveig, who tosses the body aside with little to no respect of the man he killed.

Ranveig: Fool! Only the strongest may lay their hands on the torches. That is why I will assume command. I have been on the frontlines of the expanse, where iron meets soul, spreading glory of the empire. not huddled in the center overseeing already-conquered worlds, growing fat on the victories of our forefathers.

As he stated he takes a torch and holds it high in the air with pride, but that is until a certain witch makes herself known, with Axca, Zethrid and Ezor but they weren't alone.

Haggar: Warlord Ranveig speaks the truth. That is why Sendak, the purest of the Galra, should light the flame. He was Zarkon's right hand for millenia, and he will lead the empire for 10,000 more years.

This brough some matter of shock to the other officers, but also sceptic of the partnership between Sendak and Haggar.

male Galra1: The witch and Sendak. Perhaps we should put our differences behind us. The only way we could stop those two is working together.

female Galra: Why would I partner with the weak?

Ranveig: *chuckles* Sendak, who disappeared while the empire crumbled? Sendak, who needs a witch to speak on his behalf?

Sendak: Enough! Victory or death!

Ranveig: Now you will know why Zarkon put me in the most dangerous territory of the universe.

He says drawing his weapons, while Sendak readies his large mechanical arm for combat and without much stalling both Galra warriors charged at one another, with Ranveig swinging his dual scythe weapons to hit Sendak with. The said Galra blocks the attacks with his large mechanical arm, but the two warriors were equal in skill as when one would try to attack, the other would either block or dodged. Though Sendak did caught Ranveig off guard by launching his massive mechanical arm, but Ranveig dodges it and blocks some of Sendak's kicks with the ladder landing on the ground and recall his mechanical arm.

Which Sendak got back and was just in time to avoid a strike from Ranveig, then gets ahold of the Galra warrior and launches him with his arm into a wall, Sendak then walk towards the wall while Kat, Ilun and Vrek proceeded to head towards the load-barring beams to place the explosives on as quickly as possible.

-castle of lions-

As Allura was going over her controls in the bridge, Pidge contacts her from the green lions hanger as her father was looking for Shiro.

Pidge: {Hey, Princess, do you know where Shiro is?}

Allura: let me check.

She searches through her controls to scan for Shiro's signal anywhere on the ship, but only ends up finding no signal on the ship whatsoever.

Allura: He isn't on the ship. His lion is gone, too. Not only that I haven't heard from Y/n nor do I have him and the Galra girl "Narti" anywhere on the ship as well. Where's Lotor?

-back to Planet Feyiv-

As the fight between Sendak and Ranveig continues, that is Sendak managed to get the upper hand on Ranveig and knocks him into the ground aiming his mechanical arm at the downed Galra Warlord.

Sendak: You are defeated. The empire is mine.

At the same time Kat and the other two members in the group had finished setting the explosives with Ilun setting up the last one, and armed it by timer.

Ilun: Activating timers on the explosives.

Back on top where Sendak grabs one of the torches from the cauldron and begins to make his way up the stairs, then he turns and raises his torch to boast his rule.

Sendak: I will strengthen the empire, as no one else can.

????: Stop!

Every Galra officer turns to another high-ranking Galra that goes by the named Trugg, steps up wanting to challenge Sendak as the empire's new Empress.

Trugg: You cannot light the troch without facing my blades.

She says and pulls out two short Galra styled axes and charges at Sendak, as the ladder aims his mechanical arm and fires energy shots at Trugg, but the said female Galra evades the shots and  jump in the air preparing to swing her axes down on Sendak. But the said Galra charged a shot and fires it at Trugg, this not only hits Trugg but also knocks her down to the ground and makes her lose her two weapons.

This leaves the spectators in silence not making an attempt to challenge Sendak, but then the roar of the Black Lion was heard and makes itself seen by the other Galra officers, then the mechanical lion lands on the ground making the Galra shield themselves from the powerful wind being blown at them and Sendak's torch gets snuffed out by the wind. While kat, Ilun and Vrek exit the place, but Kat stops and turn to see the Black Lion

Kat: Shiro. Ilun, Vrek we have to stop! Shiro is out there!

Ilun: {It's too late. My bombs are armed and timer is set. The operation is a go.}

Back with the ceremony to crown a new Emperor or Empress, the Black Lion to reveal someone that the Galra are surprised to see and only made Sendak irritated to see once more.

Sendak: Lotor.

Lotor: Halt! You're true emperor has arrived.

While Haggar merely glanced towards Lotor, while Axca, Ezor and Zethrid look towards the person they once worked for inside the Black Lion, as the said mechanical lowers to the ground to allow Lotor to exit, to revealed that his is armed with a sword.

Sendak: You? Lead the Galra Empire? What could possibly make you think that you could be our emperor?

Lotor: My father's blood is not just in my veins. it's also on my sword. The emperor fell to me and so will anyone that stands in my way.

Sendak: you think treachery makes you qualified to lead us?

Lotor: I will light the flame, not for defeating my father and not even for being the strongest Galra here. But because I did something no one else could do. I returned the Black Lion to the Galra. Stand aside, Sendak.

this leaves the area in silence as the Galra watch Lotor and Sendak stare down at one another, that is until Sendak spoke.

Sendak: Time to prove yourself through honorable rite of combat.

Lotor: No, time to end this.

Haggar: Enough! Lotor, you cannot lead the Galra.

Lotor: You think you can stop me, witch?

Haggar: The blood that so bolsters your claim is also what quells it. You are not full Galra. You are a half-breed. Your mother was Honerva.

Lotor: Everyone here knows my lineage, but that will not keep me from the throne.

Inside the room of the load-barring beams, kat is at work of trying to disarm the explosives to at least make sure Shiro isn't killed in the explosion. As Lotor is not backing down to seize the throne, and to put an end to the endless war.

Lotor: Now I'm taking what's rightfully mine. I am lighting that flame, and my first act as emperor will be to reunite you with my late father!

Sendak: You're not getting to the top of these steps!

The two then charged at one another and clashed their weapons with each other, while Lotor fights Sendak for the throne, three certain people watch from within the Black Lion.

Y/n's pov

Me, Shiro and Narti watch from inside the Black Lion and see lotor face off against Sendak, which this is already a big gamble since if Lotor does win, will the other Galra even work for him and I do see Axca, Ezor and Zethrid next to Haggar watching the fight.

Narti: 'I know you're worried about them, but I'm sure they will be fine.'

Y/n: 'I know, but still I can't help but be worried for them.'

As the fight went on, both Sendak and Lotor reached the upper part of the stairs and when Lotor jumped over Sendak and swing his sword, but that was until someone in a Galra styled ninja attire tackles Lotor away from Sendak. Who gets caught in an explosion as more followed at the top of the steps.

Y/n: What the hell?!

Shrio: What's going on?!

then we felt the ground shake through the Black Lion as the Galra ships started upon us within the Black Lion.

Shiro: I got to draw their fire. Y/n, Narti you two go down there and back up Lotor.

Y/n: On it.

Narti: Roger.

We quickly exit the Lion just in time for the Galra turn on everyone around them, So me and Narti had to do everything we can to defend ourselves, I used a both my sword and hand cannon to deal with any Galra that tried to attack me. While Narti was fast enough to avoid attacks and skilled enough to disarm or knock out Galra troops, we did this while making our way to Lotor and the Galra ninja while also seeing Galra flag ships firing at one another.

Y/n: Damn, this is bad.

Lotor: This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I knew they would turn on each other.

Narti: Watch out!

She jumps up and kicks Sendak back who tried to attack Lotor when he wasn't looking, while Lotor and the Galra ninja jumped back, Lotor then joins Narti to fight Sendak and I aimed at the said Galra with my hand cannon. But I then notice another Galra with a sword charging at the Galra ninja, who used a knife to block the attack and jumped back and I fired my hand cannon at the Galra, who turned and used his sword to block but this lets me move in and clashed by energy sword against the Galra's.

We struggled to overpower the other, but the Galra grabbed my shoulder and shoves me towards the Galra ninja, but I didn't collied with them as I managed to gain my footing and to my surprise that the Galra ninja was someone I did not expect.

Y/n: Kat?!

Kat: Y/n?!

But we returned our attention to the attacking Galra and worked together to fight her, while I put my hand cannon away since I would need to reload it.

3rd pov

back with Lotor and Narti, who are fighting Sendak the two Galra half-breed avoided an attack from Sendak, who primarily focused on Lotor.

Sendak: Killing you would be too merciful. Once I'm emperor, I 'm going to keep you as my slave!

he then send an attack at Lotor, who avoids it then Sendak blocks an attack from Narti and tosses her aside to charge at Lotor once again, while both Y/n and Kat worked together to fight the Galra officer, who managed to knock Kat's weapon that can form into a sword once in her hands. But since it got knocked out of it's owners hands it reverts to a knife and the Galra officer was about to swing down her sword, but it gets blocked by Y/n's energy sword though the Galra officer did a low blow move by kneeing the Human in his stomach and knocking him to the ground on his back.

As the Galra swung their sword down the first time, Y/n blocks it with his weapon and readies for a second one, but as luck was on his side Axca one of Y/n's lovers fires her blaster at the Galra officer's weapon knocking it out of their hands. This gives Y/n an opening to flipped up back to his feet and also kicks the Galra officer in the chin and knocking them to the ground, once back on his feet Y/n turns to Axca for only the Galra female to see his eyes through his helmet's visor and winked at her. Which the said Galra female give a warm smile back and a light blush on her face, then leaves to regroup with Zethrid, Ezor and Haggar.

Axca: Should we get Sendak?

Haggar: Leave him. The empire has fallen.

While during the arial battle, Shiro was having a hard time taking on the fire fight in between the Galra forces turning on one another and avoiding many shots from the flag ships.

Shiro: There's too many. I can't handle them all myself.

As luck was on his side, a portal opens up an the other Lions of Voltron comes out of it to join the fight and assist Shiro

Lacy: [Looks like you could use some help!}

Hunk: {We got your back, Shiro!}

Shiro: Okay team. Let's form Voltron!

As the Paladins merge their Lions together and form the massive robot, that is Voltron they are able to take on the many flag ships with ease with either Voltron's sword or the many ranged weapons it has, while from the ground Sendak sees the Galra ships be decimated by Voltron and leaves himself distracted as Narti rushed him from behind and used a sword to destroy the orb. that connects Sendak and his mechanical arm, while giving a certain Galra half-breed prince an opening.

Lotor: Sendak!

As Lotor was about to strike down Sendak, the said Galra was crafty enough to store a flash bomb to blind Lotor and making him unable to go through with his attack, once on the ground Lotor regained his vision only to see Sendak got away. Though Lotor saw this as his victory as he went to the cauldron and grabbed a torch to light the flame, once at the top and Voltron lands on the ground to witness Lotor lighting the flame as the Kral Zera lights up in a purple flame with the Archivist bowing down.

Archivist: The flame is lite. Bow to your emperor.

As the other Galra troops on the ground sees this, they were quick to bow before their new emperor as Y/n, Narti and Kat sees this marking a new age for the Galra Emprie.

To be continued

A/n And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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