Chapter 11: postmortem

A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter for this story, now lets get to it.

Y/n's pov

I slowly open my eyes to find myself in a medical room, which means that Lotor must have killed his father, seeing I was still alive.

Y/n: *mutters* I wonder where is every-

I failed to notice that to my right, Narti was sleeping next to my bed holding my hand and Kova was sleeping on my chest, which was just a cute sight to see and I used my left hand to gently pet Kova's head. Which the alien cat wakes up with a purr and lovingly rubs himself on me, then goes to Narti and wakes her up, by lightly bumping his head on hers. Once the Galra girl was awake and sees me, She lunges at me in a hug.

Narti: 'Your awake!'

Y/n: Yeah, I'm okay. But I have to ask, is Zarkon...

Narti: 'Dead. Yes, Lotor killed him at the moment you stopped Zarkon from taking out the others.'

Y/n: Wait... what? How, I was completely drained of energy.

Zera: *appears next to Y/n and Narti* Well, I have a recording of the fight. But something seemed to appear in your hand in a flash of white light.

Y/n: Really? Can you show me?

Zera: That will have to wait, since both Lotor and Allura would like to know that your awake.

Y/n: Okay, but what about the other Paladins?

Narti: 'From what I know, there at a planet that it's people have advance technology.

Zera: { Allura, Lotor. Y/n is awake.}

Allura: {That's great, have him meet up at the castle's bridge.}

Zera: they would like to see you, now. can you walk?

Y/n: Yeah, I can.

I got up from the bed, then head oof to the castle of lions bridge with Narti having her arms wrapped around mine and Kova on my shoulder. After some minutes, we got to the bridge to see Lotor sitting on the steps, while Allura has her arms crossed and seems to be waiting for someone.

Y/n: Sup guys, hope we didn't take too long.

Allura: No, your fine. I'm just waiting for the other Paladins.

Lotor: Also, what about you Y/n? That fight with my father did took a lot out of you.

Y/n: I feel like I'm at a 100%. Nothing like good old fashion rest can't fix.

Lotor: *smiles* That's good to hear. there is much to discuss.

Y/n: Like how the throne for a new Emperor of the Galra being up for grasp?

Lotor: Quite so, though... there is something that is a mystery. Zera, can you show us the recording?

Zera: Of course.

My ghost shows the holographic recording, more specifically the part were a white light appeared around my hand. Even though the light obscures it, I think I can make out a shaped similar to my hand cannon. Then plays out to where I shot Zarkon and Lotor finishing him off, which I'm left speechless on what I saw.

Lotor: This light, that appeared seems to gave you a weapon.

Allura: But neither of us could make it out. what about you, Y/n can you make it out?

Y/n: Not much, but I can tell from the shape within the light. It seem to take on the form of a hand cannon, similar to my father's hand cannon.

Allura: I see... *turns to Lotor* Are you alright?

Lotor: I'll be fine.

Narti: 'He's probably taking it pretty rough.'

Y/n: 'True, I mean the man literally just killed his own father. Even Zarkon wasn't the kindest guy as emperor, but for Lotor he was his father.'

Allura: What you did was for the greater good. And for many of us, proof of your intentions for peace.

There was a brief silence in the room, until the door opens to reveal Coran and the Paladins on the other side of the opened door, though Lacy seemed to be bit tense upon seeing Lotor and Narti with Kova on her shoulder.

Lacy: Look, it's Prince Lotor and the Galra girl with the cat, just hangin' out on the bridge.

Pidge: Guess that is a thing that's happening.

Coran: I suppose we'll have to get used to it. Like my Zarbloovian intestinal eel.

Shiro: What's going on Allura?

Lotor: the death of my father has created a power vacuum within the Galra Empire. the most formidable Galra leaders will gather for what is called the Kral Zera sometime in the next two days to decide who will take the throne. We must be there.

Lacy: So, you want us to fly you into the middle of the meeting with all of the most powerful Galra leaders?

Allura: Lotor, we appreciate all that you've sacrificed, but this sounds far too dangerous.

Shiro: We've been in more dangerous situations with much less to gain. Putting Lotor on the Galra throne is what we've been discussing.

Pidge: Yeah, but no one told us that would mean flying into a war zone.

Allura: We can't plan an operation this important so quickly.

Shiro: We don't have a choice.

Y/n: He's got a point. If Lotor is not on the throne, one of the other Galra leaders would take it and most likely continue the war.

Lacy: I'm with Allura. We need time to think this over.

Shiro: Lacy, this is not your call.

This made Lacy's eyes widen a bit, at the tone Shiro gave her which even I was surprised, since Shiro is usually calm and level headed.

Shiro: Allura, the Coalition wouldn't be where it is right now without Lotor. We need to listen to him.

Pidge: Well, I'm with Allura, too. This is too dangerous to pull off at the last minute.

Coran: Agreed. So it looks like it's four-to-two, in the Princess' favor.

Y/n: Umm... Do me, Narti and Zera have say in the vote?

Coran: Um...

Shiro: Look, this isn't a vote. I'm the leader of Voltron. I'm making this decision.

Allura: Like when you armed Y/n with your bayard without consulting the rest of us?

Shiro: That's right. I trust Y/n with my bayard as I would my life. Making that decision resulted in the removal of Zarkon.

Allura: I understand that, but you put the entire operation in jeopardy.

Shiro: I put an end to Zarkon's reign. Now is time to finish the job.

Lacy: Shiro, we're all on the same side here.

Shiro: I told you to stay out of this!

Y/n: *defends Lacy* Calm down. Getting angry will lead you no where, Shiro.

Lotor: While you all waste time squabbling, sinister forces are conspiring to fill the Galra power void. If I do not return to claim the throne, there is no telling who will.

3rd pov

As the group continued to talk about Lotor claiming the Galra throne, they did not know that Haggar was seeing and hearing the whole conversation through the purple orb, which now focuses on Lotor himself.

A/n: I wasn't sure if Honerva at this point was still going by Haggar or not, do let me know in the comments.

Haggar: My son.

As the elder woman reaches for the image of her son, a masked Galra warrior armed with a sword, cuts through the orb and attacks Haggar, but the elder woman avoids the blade with ease and gets some distance between her and the masked Galra warrior. Soon two more entered the room after dropping form the ceiling, as the three warriors charged at Haggar in attempt to end her, the said woman disappears before the blades could touch her.

This leaves the three warriors to look around the room, only for Haggar to descend from the ceiling and attack the three warriors.

-meanwhile with Acxa, Ezor and Zethrid-

As the three former Galra generals were in a cell after being captured by Galra forces, the only thing that they can do now is wait, while the three Galra ladies were wondering how Y/n and Narti were doing.

Ezor: What are they planning to do with us? We tried to help Emperor Zarkon, wasn't our fault that he got killed.

Acxa: It doesn't matter. We won't live to see the new regime. *places her hand on her stomach* Whoever comes through that door will likely be our undertaker.

Ezor: What about Y/n and Narti? I'm sure they'll find a way for them to help us.

Acxa: True, but how will they? We did everything to keep them out of the Galra's hands.

Zethrid: Whoever comes through that door next is gonna get a face full of fists!

Just as she said that, the door unlocks which prompts the three girls to stand and be ready for a fight. But when the door opens to reveal Haggar that opened the door, which Acxa, Ezor and Zethrid gained confused expressions.

Ezor: Are you here to kill us?

Haggar: No. I'm here to recruit you.

-back with the Castle of Lions-

Alien woman: {Ryner hailing Castle of Lions.}

Coran: Ryner, what was that?

Ryner: {A meteor-like object struck the forest outside the city. we're detecting high levels of an unknown toxin emanating from the impact site.}

Shiro: I'll check it out.

Y/n: I'll come with you. With my helmet this Toxin shouldn't even affect me.

Shiro: Okay, but don't do anything reckless.

Y/n: *smirks* please, being reckless is part of the fun.

-back on the planet-

meanwhile the crash site spews a purple mist, that starts affecting the trees and roots of the forest with purple glowing lines on them. These roots start to converge on the meteor that glows and merges with the roots.

Lacy's pov

I was in the training room, brushing up on my marksmen skills with my bayard and I was using the assault rifle mode. But I wasn't hitting anything, I then dodged a shot from the training targets and turn my bayard into a sniper rifle. I focused on my aim and slows down my perception of time, once I had my target and fired my rifle and shot it down. But the other targets started to take shots at me, which I turn to face them and fired the rifle again, but I missed and get hit by one of the other targets.

Lacy: *growls in frustration*

I bring up my shield to block the shots from the targets, but they proved too much for me to get a decent shot, as the shots kept coming makes me even more frustrated. Until something snapped and my bayard glowed, which leads me to swing it and some how cut one of the targets in half. Before I knew it, my bayard had took the form of a sword and with it I started to cut down every active target with ease.

Lacy: *inspects the sword* Whoa.

????: I haven't seen that for 10,000 years.

I glanced over to see Allura in the training room and staring at the newly formed sword, that's in my hands.

Lacy: Allura?

Allura: It's can Altean broadsword. My father used one just like it.

Lacy: I have no idea how I did this.

Allura: I think your bayard has shown you, what we've all been noticing. You have greatness within.

Lacy: Huh, I don't think Shiro has noticed.

Allura: Shiro has been quite difficult lately. Even with Y/n here to lessen the seriousness. I'm not sure what to do, we seem to constantly be at odds.

Lacy: You guys are on a lot of pressure. Having Lotor and Narti around doesn't help.

Allura: Sometimes it feels like it was easier to fight the Galra, rather than try to work with them.

Lacy: You both have the coalition's best interests at heart. Don't forget that, Shiro isn't your enemy.

Allura: Your right. I need to stay focused on the big picture. Thank you, Lacy. Speaking with you has actually made me feel better.

Lacy: *pouts* What do you mean "actually"?

This made us both laugh, which is nice to be able to laugh like this between friends, though just less discussions about cute guys or hot guys.

Allura: Oh and lacy, if you're going to try to control a sword this powerful.

She helps me with going into a swordsman stance, but then I felt Allura's foot kick one of mine off the ground and knocking me to the ground, while Allura takes the sword.

Allura: You're going to need to work on you're stance.

3rd pov

-back on the planet-

As the mist and roots starts to draw closer to the Ryner and her people's city, Shiro who pilots the black lion with Y/n inside, flies over the forest and gets movement on the scans.

Shiro: I'm detecting movement up ahead.

Y/n: I'm not liking this. What ever that mist is, it's probably made by the Galra.

Shiro: I got the same feeling. Coran, me and Y/n are going in for a closer look.

As the black lion flies further ahead, something big begins to move on the ground and once both the Paladin of the black lion and the Guardian see what's moving, it makes their eyes widen.

Y/n: What in the name of...

Shiro: Coran, we might have a big problem here.

Coran: {How big?}

Y/n: Like big, very, very big!

What they were seeing was some kind of large plant-like structure, that fires a purple blast at the black lion, which the mentioned lion dodges the blast and evades several more being launched at it.

Shiro: Coran! Send out the team! Y/n, I'm going to drop you at the city and try to get as much people to safety as possible.

Y/n: Roger that.

Shiro pilots the black lion back to the city, which Y/n jumps out of the said lion and pulls out his hand cannon and blade. As this a happens Y/n fires and slashes at the roots that try to grab the civilians, while the Galra ship still in space is close to the planet and watch as their plan is working. Y/n managed to safe as many as he could and had them be within the Castle of Lions shields, While Matt and his father Samuel run up to Coran wondering what's going on.

Matt: What's happening out there?

Coran: the forest appears to have come alive and is attacking the city. Luckily Y/n managed to save most of the civilians and are in the safety of the Castle's shields.

Samuel: Where are the Lions?

Coran: I've already sent them to assist Shiro. He's battling something in the forest.

Shiro is seen doing everything he can to avoid the shots from the plant-like structure, then his lion fires a beam from the mouth and hits its intended target, but he doesn't stop there as Shiro pilots the lion for another pass. But this time, he fires a couple of single shot blast and follows up with a beam attack. At this moment the other Lions piloted by Lacy, Allura, Pidge and Honk arrived to Shiro's location, then fires beams at the plant-like structure.

As the beams hit, the plant-like structure is knocked back and let's out a snarling like sound from it's mouth. Which Pidge can see from her lion and got curious on this plant creature.

Pidge: Ryner, what are we looking at here?

Ryner: {I don't understand. That monster resembles one of our tree-mechs. It's as if the forest is being corrupted.}

Shiro: {Must have something to do with whatever is emanating from that impact site!}

Pidge: *taps on her map* It looks like some sort of invasive plasma. Coran, have my dad and brother analyze the data I'm sending!

Coran: {On it.}

The lions scatter to avoid the shots from the plant creature and quickly form Voltron, the creature then fires another shot at Voltron, but the said formed robot dodges the shot and forms it's shield, Voltron then dive bombs the creature as it charges another shot. But Voltron's shield then collides with the charging shot, this nullifies the charging shot and sends out a shockwave that knocks both the creature and Voltron.

The creature growls at Voltron, while Voltron lands on the ground and prepares to end the creature for good.

Shiro: Let's finish him!

Hunk: *tries to move his controls* {I can't move my leg, I mean, my Voltron leg!}

Allura: {Neither can I! These vines are restricting our movements.}

The Paladins then see the roots moving and wrapping around Voltron, which keeps the large robot in place and wide open for assault.

Shiro: Pidge, can you get free?

Pidge: {Negative. They're everywhere.}

Lacy: {Red's stuck too!}

Then once the roots have wrapped around Voltron, then becomes a solid dome containing Voltron and the Paladins inside. Seeing this the creature undoes it's cannon and moves passed the cocooned Voltron, which Hunk hears the sounds.

Hunk: Wait. What's that sound?

Shiro: {Sounds like it's heading the other way. And I think I know why. Ryner, is that ion cannon of yours operational?}

Ryner: No, it's still not finished. At best it could managed perhaps one shot.

Shiro: {Well make it count, cause that thing's headed right for you.}

The city's ion cannon starts to power up and charging up a shot, while Ryner typing away at the controls to lock on to the creature. Once the target was locked on and the ion cannon was almost fully charged, but then it starts to lose power and the charging sequence drops down fast.

Ryner: No! We're losing power! What's happening?

She looks up to see the roots now breaking into the building, with the controls disappearing from Ryner, who looks on in disbelief.

Ryner: The Ion cannon! All of our systems, they've been compromised.

Y/n and Narti arrived to Coran, Matt and Samuel's location, just as Pidge radio's in on them for info on the roots and what's corrupting them.

Pidge: {Matt! Dad! These vines...

Matt: Their like a computer virus. From the data you sent, it appears the plasma substance is self replicating organic wetware. Which creates a single expanding system, giving it the ability to interface with nature the way the Okari do.

Pidge: {It's like a computer and a virus rolled into one.}

Y/n: That's not good. The way I'm seeing it is, we're basically dealing with a semi-A.I.

Coran: Quiznak! Now Voltron is offline.

Samuel: If the plasma mass has the properties of a computer, there must be some way to hack into it and shut it down.

Matt: Conceivably, if we could just figure out how to interface with it.

As the Paladins try to figure out a way to expel the virus from Voltron, the Galra flag ship hovers over the trapped Voltron and uses a tractor beam to bring it up to the ship. While Coran, Y/n and Narti see the Galra ship on screen, which Coran starts to get worried of their situation.

Coran: It's the Galra! This is their doing.

Narti: 'How did they managed to do something like this?'

Y/n: I'm not sure, but if we don't find a way to stop it. Who ever is on that ship, could capture Voltron and the Okari homeworld.

-with Matt and Samuel-

As the father and son pair reached to the control room where Ryner is, while the said female Okari is trying to interface with the virus. But seems to it wasn't working like she hoped.

Ryner: I'm trying to interface with the Virus to stop their growth, but I can't comunicate with the nano-cellulose.

Matt: We don't need to stop it. We just need to reroute it.

Ryner: Grab a headpiece, show me.

Matt and Samuel put on a headpiece and follow Matt's lead, to interface with the virus by placing their hands on the vines. Which then starts to turn from purple to green, while at the same time the Paladins used their bayards together and caused a flash of white light. Lacy however was then taken to a different plain with the other Paladins following suit, but then they noticed that Shiro wasn't with them in this plain.

Allura: Shiro! Shiro!

Paladins: Shiro! Shiro! Shiro! Shiro!

Just then Shiro starts to appear in the place of the purple circle and caused a pillar of light to shoot up, each five colors of the lions the Paladins represent. Just as Pidge, Hunk and Allura glowed their respective colors and disappear, Lacy starts to hear Shiro calling her.

Shiro: Lacy! Lacy, listen to me!

Lacy: What?

But she couldn't get anymore words out as she was taken out of the plain, and Voltron's eyes start to glow then in a flash of light blue light, the vines that trapped Voltron start to break and with the said robot now freed from it's bindings. Lacy wakes up just in time to see and have Voltron avoid the ion cannon's blast, that destroys the Galra ship and it's crew on board meaning Matt and Samuel plan worked.

Matt: Yes! We did it!

Ryner: Now, Voltron! You must stop that beast!

Shiro: {Let's finish this fight!}

The plant creature then enters the city and stops to charge up it's cannon, that is targeting the Okari ion cannon and fires a shot, but Voltron quickly intercepted the shot and used it's shield to block the beast's plasma shot. Voltron then drops the shield and forcibly pushes the plant creature out of the city, the creature then turns the cannon into vines and wraps them around Voltron.

Shiro: Pidge, what's it doing?

Pidge: {The virus! It's trying to absorb Voltron!}

Hunk: {I can't see anything!}

Shiro: Are any of our lions free?

Pidge: {It's got me!}

Allura: {Me too! Lacy!}

As the creature creates the cannon again and charges a shot at Voltron, Lacy moves her lion and charging up a blast of her own, then thrusts it into the beast and fires her lions blast into the creature. This action obliterates the plant creature and puts an end to the virus threat.

Y/n's pov

After the fight was finished, the Okari then start to rebuild and remove some of the vines, Matt, Pidge and Samuel seem to have their little family moment and Shiro appears to have patched things up with Lacy. Especially after what happened hours ago, leaving me with Narti on our own platform.

Y/n: man, that could have gotten bad.

Narti: 'That is true, but I'm glade the Paladins were able to put a stop it.'

Y/n: Yup. glade we don't have to deal with a pseudo A.I. Now we get to enjoy this beautiful sun set. 

Nart: [This is now my chance.] 'Y/n, can you face me for a moment?'

Y/n: Sure, what is it-

When I faced Narti, just straight up kissed me and I was surprised at first but I leaned into the kiss. After some time we briefly separate and I glanced at Shiro and Matt, who were smirking and giving me a thumbs up, then Narti whispered into my ear.

Narti: *whispers to Y/n* Just so you know, Acxa and Ezor talked me and Zethrid into joining you little harem. And kept me in charged of keeping an eye on any other girls.

Y/n: Wait did you just-

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and Yeah I teased you guys on having Narti being able to speak, now do let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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