Chapter 10: Facing Zarkon

A/n: Hello my fellow readers! here is the next chapter to this story, now let go on with the chapter.

Y/n's pov

We all regrouped at the Castle of Lions, and due to this dire situation Shiro finally gave me back my father's gun, While we do have a plan in case things go south and I was in the shuttle with Shiro, Pidge, Matt and Lotor. While Narti and Kova were still in the castle of Lions, but I managed to convince Allura to let her free which she was one tough cookie to crack.

Once we were reaching the planet's surface, I made sure to keep my hand cannon and sword with me since this is Zarkon we're talking about here, once the shuttle made a full stop and landed on the ground. We got out of the shuttle and look around to see that Zarkon or any Galra Empire member to be anywhere in sight.

Matt: Are you sure this is the place?

Y/n: Yeah, cause I've got a bad feeling about this.

Shiro: This is the place.

Pidge: So, where's Zarkon?

I remember from the time Zarkon contacted the Castle of Lions after trying to find Matt's and Pidge's father, only to discover that Acxa, Ezor and Zethrid got to him first, even though me and the girls had a brief glance with one another. I can tell they were only doing this to win back favor of the Galra Empire and to cover mine and Narti's tracks if we left any, while the others didn't know me and Narti have a plan if it comes down to us having to fight the girls.

Pidge: I uh? There.

We turn to the sky and see a purple shine making its way to us, which is revealed to be a ship slowly descending down to the ground across from us, then the doors open to reveal Zarkon waiting by the doors still with the mask on hiding his face. Then I remember Lotor's words when he was trying to form an alliance with the Paladins, which was tough at first but Luckily Allura is willing to go with his plan, but is still rather rocky with some trust issues.

Zarkon: Show me Lotor!

Shiro: Show us Commander Holt first!

We look pass Zarkon to see that Ezor and Acxa have Mr. Holt standing between them, while Ezor holds on to the older man's arm in case he tries running, which at the sight of Mr. Holt Pidge tries to go to her father. But Shiro stops her by placing his hand on her shoulder.

Pidge: Dad!

Zarkon: Now, where is Lotor?

3rd pov

-In Zarkon's ship-

Within a chamber of Zarkon's ship, Haggar stands in the center of a glowing floor then starts screaming with everything around her going white, now finding herself on all fours and turns to a bed. With the image then showing herself in the bed pregnant, with a younger looking Zarkon and two Galra with them.

younger Zarkon: Can you save the child?

Galra: We will try, sire. There are many complications.

Haggar then hears sounds of a baby crying, which she turns to see a Galra style baby carriage that holds a baby with white hair, then the cries were replaced with laughter and Haggar looks around to see a child Lotor with ominous glowing yellow eyes. The child runs which Haggar follows only to stop to see the adult Lotor with his back facing her, Lotor then urns with the same glowing yellow eyes which makes a bright light which returns Haggar to reality.

Haggar: My son... Lotor.

-back at the planet-

The shuttle doors opens to reveal Lotor with Y/n behind him, to give off the image that he is part of the Resistance and Voltron, while in space just near by of the planet the Castle of Lions waits on stand by. Which Allura, Lacy, Hunk and Coran watch the exchange on the monitor, waiting for any backstabbing from Zarkon to happen.

Hunk: Everything's going according to plan.

Lacy: I still don't like it. This whole thing is making a deal with the devil.

Coran: I hate being so far out of range!

Allura: Zarkon's fleet is also out of range. These are the terms we agreed on.

Back on the planet, both groups have revealed the individuals they wanted and all the leaves is for the two groups to hand them over to one another.

Shiro: Send us Commander Holt!

Zarkon: Release him.

Ezor: Move.

Samuel then begins to walk off the ship, Which Shiro then nods to Y/n to let Lotor walk to the other side, Which Y/n does so and lotor calmly walks towards the side of his father and former Generals.

Shiro: Stay alert. If Zarkon is going to try something, now would be the time.

Y/n: [You don't know how right you are, Shiro.]

As the exchange was going on between Zarkon and the Paladins was making those in the Castle of Lions on edge, with each step both Samuel Holt and Lotor took and eventually walked past one another. Lotor gave a brief glance at Samuel as if he was eyeing him, what Shiro, Pidge and Matt are unaware of is that Zarkon is eyeing Y/n and his armor, Then Pidge with some tears in her eyes runs to her father while Shiro tries to stop her.

Shiro: Pidge!

As Pidge got closer and tries to go in for a hug, she goes through her father revealing that it was actually a hologram, once everyone in the group saw this Pidge turns towards Zarkon and Lotor's former Generals glaring at the Galra leader. Then Zethrid brings out the real Samuel Holt, but then from where Y/n was vanishes which makes Zarkon eyes widen and the real Y/n uncloaks with Narti.

Both Yn and Narti land in front of Ezor and Zethrid which caught both of them off guard, Y/n then summons arcstrider staff to hit Zethrid's hand to release Samuel, and follow up with an electric shock wave to knock Zethrid back while Narti knocks Ezor back with her tail. then Narti wraps Samuel's arm around her and activates her jet pack to head back to the others, while Y/n high jumps over Zarkon to land in front of Lotor.

Y/n: Nice try, Zarkon.

Y/n then uses his staff to break Lotor's cuffs and hand him his energy sword, which Lotor activates it's f/c blade and strikes at Zarkon, only for his father to jump back out of the way from the attack. Once Zarkon landed and looks at Lotor who has Y/n's sword ready with father and son staring down at one another.

Zarkon: So, the time has come. This ends today.

Zarkon and Lotor then charges at one another with Zarkon throwing a punch and Lotor swinging Y/n's sword, which both clash with one another and create an electric bubble around them that explodes around them. Once Narti made it back to Shiro, Pidge and Matt with the brother and sister's father, while Y/n runs back to the group and deactivate his arcstrider staff in the process.

Shiro: *looks at Y/n* You two planned this.

Y/n: I just went with my gut feeling. Zarkon isn't the type to hold his end of the deal, plus I could't have done it without Narti's help.

Matt: *to Narti* Thanks.

Narti: *nods*

Y/n: Now get Samuel out of here and to the Castle of Lions.

Narti, Shiro, Pidge, Matt and Samuel got on the shuttle while Y/n stays on the planet to help Lotor, while back at the Castle of Lions the others see Zarkon's fleet mobilizing just has the shuttle is leaving the planet.

Hunk: Pidge, Shiro, Matt and Mr. Holt our on the shuttle.

Coran: Zarkon's fleet's mobilizing as well!

Lacy: Everyone, get to your lions. We need to protect our team and make sure they get to safety.

With that Hunk, Allura and Lacy were quick to get inside their lions and leave the Castle of Lions, to give covering fire for the shuttle while the shuttle that Acxa, Ezor and Zethrid close the shuttle doors and activating the thrusters. meanwhile Lotor and Zarkon our fighting with each other, with Lotor using Y/n's sword and Zarkon using his fists, which he sends a punch making Lotor get knocked back, but stays on his feet and charges swinging Y/n's sword at his father.

While the older Galra blocks the strikes, then goes for another punch that makes Lotor roll out of the way, once Lotor turns back to his father only to see him about to crush him with his arms until he was hit with a fire shot from another direction. Lotor and Zarkon who recovers turn to see Y/n with his hand cannon, with a fiery orange aura around him which then fades and holsters his hand cannon.

Zarkon: Who or what are you.

Y/n: That is a question, you won't be able learn.

He then activates his Spectral Blades and charges at Zarkon, who sends a punch at the hunter only for the young hunter dodge the punch, and sends a series of slashes at Zarkon which does weaken his armor. Then Y/n backflips sending a shock wave to knock Zarkon back and turn invisible, Lotor then follows up with a series of sword strikes with Y/n's sword that Zarkon then blocks and throws Lotor back.

Zarkon then starts throwing large boulders at Lotor, but the said Galra prince uses Y/n's sword to cut the boulders into pieces and creates a dust cloud around the area, while Zarkon stands patiently until the dust clears.

Zarkon: *to Lotor* You want the throne? Even with the power of that sword, you're too weak. You'll always be weak. You have Altean blood running through your veins, poisoning your very being. Finally, my darkest shame can be wiped from the universe forever.

Lotor: You speak to me of weakness? You've become nothing more than one of the witch's monsters. Does she control you as well? Tell me, what does it feel like to grow weaker and weaker? Does the memory of power haunt you? Is that why you strive for Voltron so desperately? All see it clearly. Without that lion, without the Bayard, strapped to your waist, your nothing.

Zarkon then tries to reach for his bayard, only to find it missing from his belt and is then given another shot from a purple glowing arrow that explodes on him, he turns to see Y/n coming out of his invisibility with a glowing purple bow. Y/n stands to face Zarkon with the Black Bayard in his hand, with Y/n smirking under his helmet.

A/n: I'm not entirely sure if Zarkon had the Bayard still, since Lotor was using it against his father, so I went with this creative idea cause I wasn't sure if Shiro gave Lotor his Bayard to fight Zarkon with.

Y/n: Looking for this?

Zarkon growled in frustration and one of the purple fluids in the tubes, that is built in of Zarkon's armor then gets injected into him with purple lines appearing on his body.

Zarkon: You want to see my power? The strength of the Empire flows through my veins, and you two will fear its wrath!

Zarkon charges at his son, who readies with Y/n's sword for a counterattack, while said hunter was about to strap the Black Bayard to his belt. Until it glowed and changes into a sword with a single bladed edge, which confuse Y/n since he is pretty sure he wasn't a Paladin of the Black Lion. But shakes his head and runs to help Lotor, who swings Y/n's sword at his father only for Zarkon to get a sudden increase in speed and dodge the strikes.

Lotor looks around to find his father quickly, but the said Galra leader appears behind Lotor going for a kick, but Y/n get's in front of Lotor to block the kick but he wasn't able to stop the force behind it. Which both Y/n and Lotor gets knocked back and barely able to recover from the kick.

Y/n: Damn, did this guy get some kind of space steroids?

He get's up and blocks another kick from Zarkon, making Y/n get pushed back slightly and Lotor jumps up for a downward spin with Y/n's sword, but Zarkon blocks with his hand and Y/n jumps back to avoid another clash bubble forming around the father and son. Lotor is caught off guard when he saw his father grabbing the blade, and throws him away from him while Y/n quickly gets out his hand cannon and fires some shots.

Which hits the Galra leader and turns his attention to the hunter and lunges at Y/n with a punch, which Y/n uses the Black Bayard in its blade form and clashes with Zarkon, making the two move pass each other with their backs facing one another.

Acxa's pov

Acxa was piloting the Galra shuttle to leave the planet, while Ezor and Zethrid were in the other seats wiping out any data on Y/n and Narti.

Ezor: Looks like the plan is working like a charm.

Zethrid: You tell me. *rubs the back of her neck* Y/n could have warned me that the shock wave form that pole would make me feel numb.

Acxa: He had to make it look real, I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you too much. *feels around her stomach area* [Was that... no probably just my imagination.]

3rd pov

Once the lions made it to the planet, they see Galra ships chasing the shuttle with Pidge, Shiro, Matt and Samuel inside, Lacy commanded Allura and Hunk to give covering fire for the shuttle to escape. Which they started to take out both Flag Ships, cruisers and fighters with blades, laser fire and crashing through other ships, While the fight between Lotor and Y/n against Zarkon continued with both the hunter and Galra prince with teamwork only to be blocked by Zarkon. Who then kicks Lotor into a rock and punches Y/n into three rocks and land on his back, Which Zarkon comes up and tries to punch Y/n again only this time injecting more purple fluid into his body.

Y/n gets up and dodges out of the way just as Zarkon's fist hits the ground, Y/n then brings out his hand cannon again and activates his gunslinger power and fires more shots, which forces Zarkon to block the shots and Y/n runs at him to get a good cut on Zarkon's back by jumping overe him.

Y/n: [Good, with my light powers I was able to weaken the armor.]

Zarkon: *pants* Don't think this is over!

While the battle in the sky makes things difficult for the shuttle, just as they pull up to leave the planet, Shiro, Pidge, Matt and Samuel look to see a Galra ship charging a shot that is aimed right at them. But it was unable to fire, thanks to Coran giving covering fire for the shuttle with the shield up and firing on the Galra ship.

Everyone: {Coran!}

Coran: {Thought you could use a little help.}

With the combined efforts of Lacy, Allura, Hunk and Coran they managed to destroy all of the Galra fighters and cruisers, clearing a safe path for Shiro, Pidge, Matt, Narti and Samuel to enter the Castle of Lions

Hunk: {We did it!}

Allura: {Nice work!}

Lacy: Shiro, Pidge the sky has ben cleared of all Galra.

Shiro: {Got it, heading to the Castle now.}

Back with Y/n and Lotor, who have been fighting Zarkon and having a hard time fighting him with Lotor getting knocked into a rock and Y/n on the ground having trouble to get up, both of their armor having some scratches and burns. While Y/n and Lotor lost both of their weapons, Lotor slowly gets up to see the Black Bayard on the ground, while both of Y/n's sword and hand cannon are also on the ground away from their owner.

Zarkon then lands on the ground and grabs the Black Bayard, which then turns into a large cannon that forms in his hand, with it pointing at his own son while Lotor looks right at his father standing above him.

Lotor: Your fleet has been destroyed. *grunts* It's over.

Zarkon: It's over for you.

Just as he was about to fire the cannon, shots from the Lions that barely misses Zarkon while the said Galra leader points the cannon at the Lions protecting the shuttle, Y/n looks up to see what Zarkon was doing and couldn't reach or either of his sword or hand cannon in time. Then everything around him goes slow motion, and Y/n reaches his hand out pointed towards Zarkon then both his eyes glowed white and a light appeared in his hand to take the form of a hand cannon. Lotor get's up and quickly grabs a large piece of metal form the ground.

Lotor: No!

Just as Zarkon was about to fire the cannon, Y/n fires the glowing hand cannon to hit Zarkon's left shoulder, which force Zarkon to miss the shuttle and Lions then Zarkon sees his own son lunging at him with the piece of metal. Which Lotor then stabs the piece of metal into his father's face killing Zarkon, once and for all The Black Bayard then reverts to its base form and the glowing hand cannon then reverts and disappears from Y/n's hand, which Y/n's eyes then go back to their usual color and the hunter falls unconscious.

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope, you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think, in the comments and I'll catch you guys later.

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