chapter 1: Lotor's move and the Hunter's time

A/N: hey guys how are you doing I did some digging on Lance's personality in Voltron so Lacy is going to be a flirt type once she sees the reader and once pidge is going to well you know once she sees Zera now let the chapter begin

Y/n's pov

it's been what I could guessed had been months in space with Prince Lotor and his generals which all of them are women over the months of getting to know them the one named Ezor is the most friendly of the group and she can turn invisible along with impressive lock holds and martial arts on some cations she can be rather forward and be a bit of a flirt to me like one time when I was done taking a shower


as I was getting out of the shower I dried myself and put on a pair of pants but no shirt I was about to put a shirt the door leading out of the shower opened up to reveal Ezor in a more casual like clothes she stopped at where she was standing staring at me as I did the same then she started to look up and done my body

Ezor: I got to say I like what I'm seeing~

as she said that I quickly put my shirt on and got out of there as quickly as I can

Flashback over

since then she had always teased me about it always making me blush everytime now with Acxa it was mostly of a friends relationship but their are times when I mess with her making her go tsundere mode which was fun for me with Narti it was interesting since she doesn't talk much but my ghost Zera has helped me communicate through telepathy using Zera as a conduit for the communication link since I could talk to her we would have talk some things about each other now Zethrid she practicality is the one person I don't mess with she can be rather rash but is a chilled person when not in a bad mood as for Lotor we would have some time chatting amongst us guys which was good to have now we are in some kind of Galra battle arena as Lotor is disguised with his helmet on while Acxa, Zethrid, Narti, Ezor and I are in the stands watching while we wearing cloaks but for me I was wearing my hunter armor with both hood and helmet on but while also having a invisible Ezor sitting on my lap making me a blushing mess

Y/n: *whisper tone* Ezor do you have too sit on my lap?

Ezor: *whisper tone* no but I do it cause 1. it is more comfortable to sit and 2. well I could do this~

she then begin to move her butt near my crotch making me blush even more luckly I have my helmet on as this is happening I couldn't help but feel two glares being directed at us then we noticed Lotor finishing up his match with the beast like enemy he then took off his helmet getting some surprised reactions from the other Galra people

Lotor: Throk. you wish to challenge me? then come down and claim your crown

then the Galra name Throk was getting some looks and several Galra whispered to one another wondering if he will accept the challenge

Lotor: true Galra do not take the throne by stirring up insurrection in darkened chambers they rise through honorable rite of combat defeat me here and the throne is yours

this caused the Galra to cheer this was our cue for us to stand once I felt the weight on my lap lighten up I stand as Acxa, Narti and Zethrid removed their cloaks while I can be seen with my hunter armor on while having Ezor appear next to me with one of her arms laying on my shoulder we were staring at Throk to see if he will man up and accept the challenge or be a coward 

Throk: *stands up* I gladly accept your offer now all will see who is the rightful leader

Y/n: *whispers to Ezor* he's going to lose is he?

Ezor: *whispers to Y/n* yup

then both Lotor and Throk took their positrons in the arena with their swords as me and the others in the stands watch the fight take place

Throk: I have fought thousands of battles and left many enemies much more fearsome than you wasting on the battlefields

then both readied their swords then Throk made the first move by charging at Lotor swinging his sword like cleaver and followed up with a kick only for Lotor to block and dodge the attacks then Throk went for a stab but again Lotor easily dodged as Throk continued going on the offensive while Lotor was easily dodging and deflecting 

Lotor: you have flawless technique that I'll grant you still you realize at some point that your repetitive attacks are getting you nowhere

this pissed off Throk as he charged again but this time Lotor was parring Throk's attacks then send a jab to the torso then followed up with a swift spin strike cutting Throk's sword in half managing to knock down Throk to the ground

Lotor: *points sword at Throk* your tactics are stale and in the end your own aggression is your undoing

the crowd cheered at Lotor's victory while chanting his name then Lotor moved his sword away from Throk not only confusing Throk himself but many other Galra except the girls and me the only human in Lotor's group

Lotor: my father built our Empire on the bones of his enemies but the time has come to change the old ways and not inspire fear from those we rule but loyalty we must not waste our energy fighting to keep our subjects down but rather multiply it by allowing those worthy to rise and join our ranks *offers a hand to Throk* the Universe can no longer doubt our strength each ally gained only makes us stronger while those who continue to stand against us... will be crushed

with those words Throk accepted Lotor's hand as Lotor helped him up back to his feet and slightly bowed to Lotor

Throk: Lotor we pledge our loyalty to you *bowed and put his arm over his chest* Vrepit sa.

as me and the girls did the same motion by putting our arm over our chest to show that we pledge our loyalty to Lotor then one by one many Galra did the same as the rest chanted Lotor's name again 

3rd pov

in another room where Zethrid, Acxa, Ezor and Narti were standing waiting for Lotor while Narti was petting the cat like animal she has as they can hear foot steps coming their way as they turned and see it's Lotor they put their arms over their chest and bowed their heads as Lotor entered he sees that Y/n is not with them

Lotor: has anyone seen Y/n?

Y/n: I'm here it's just that my little light Zera wanted to show me some of the other light powers I have so I can get a feeling of them

Zera: sorry if you waited mister Lotor

Lotor: *smiles* its quite alright Zera just wanted to make sure he was fine

Ezor: well that went well

Lotor: the masses are easily manipulated

Y/n: true and your speech did pretty much get them remind me to take some rally speeches from you Lotor

Acxa: *giggles* you can say that again the only thing you can make people excited is with loot

Y/n: hey at least I wasn't wrong about the loot part *removes his hood and helmet off*

A/N: the helmet comes off similar to Peter Quil's mask

Lotor: have Throk transferred out to the Ulippa System immediately let him rot with the ice worms

Lotor walks away as the girls and Y/n talked amongst themselves then turned in for the night Y/n was looking at his gear to make sure it is still good to use then took a shower then off to bed

*next day*

as Y/n was waking up he sees Zera floating over him silently giggling at something he gets confused as he tries to get up but feels some weight on his chest so he looks down and remove the covers only to see Ezor sleeping on his chest snuggling up to him rather cutely

Y/n's thoughts: 'how does this girl keep getting in to my room without waking me up?!'

then Ezor starts to wake up as she opens her eyes to see Y/n's blushed face and e/c eyes making her smile

Ezor: why good morning handsome~ did you sleep well

Y/n: y yeah how did you get in here without waking me up?

Ezor: I have my ways

she then gets up as Y/n sees her sleep wear as it is just short top and short sport pants Ezor left the room leaving Y/n all dumbfounded

Zera: she loves you~

Y/n: I I'm going to get dressed

then Y/n puts his gear on and puts the last word in its holster and leaves his room with Zera to head to the bridge to get mission details to try and lure out the Paladins of Voltron so Lotor can test them in a fight

*scene change to the planet in the red paladin episode*

as Lotor's ship moves over a small village in the hanger bay Acxa, Ezor, Narti, Zethrid and Y/n stand near the opening as Y/n loads his hand cannon with on lethal rounds he puts his helmet and hood on ready to start Acxa looks at the others and nods while that happen Y/n was already getting a running start and jumps off swan diving down with Zethrid follow suit then Narti then Ezor and Acxa at the same time as they were free falling Ezor opens up her arms to decrease her speed same with Narti while Zethrid super hero lands it then Acxa used her rocket boots to decrease her speed as Y/n used one of his jump boosters to decrease his fall speed once he was close to the ground as everyone safely landed they look at Acxa

Acxa: Wzor find the leader Narti, Zethrid and Y/n take prisoners kill no one

with that they separate to do their objectives as Y/n was about to leave him and Acxa started to see blaster fire only for the shot to miss both of them as two groups were shooting at both of them Acxa dodged the shots as she flipped over them and landed going on three limbs as Y/n gets a nice view of her butt

Y/n's thoughts: 'nice'

then Acxa pulled out her blaster and started to shoot back but only to have them purposely miss then jumped from a nearby wall and jumped over the group while pulling out small spikes to use to trap the group while Y/n was casually walking towards the group shooting at him only for Y/n to lazily dodged then threw down a small device that produced smoke and camouflaging him the group stops firing as they see that he disappeared only for Y/n to stealthy move behind them and quickly pulled out the last word and shot three non lethal rounds at the group stunning them and knocking them out he dodged another barrage of blaster fire to see another group of four aliens he then double boost jump in the air and activated the nightstalker power by summoning a bow with purple aura around him then sending out one shot from the bow aimed at the center of the group as the shot landed four energy wires latched on to them trapping them in place once Y/n landed he pulled out the last word and fired four shots of non lethal rounds at the group knocking them out

Y/n: damn I'm good

in another part of the village two aliens were on the roof tops of one of the houses as they see Narti walking through the streets while not noticing her cat like companion behind them as she uses her telepathic link with the animal to see through it's eyes as one of the aliens was about to take a shot at Narti only to see she was no longer there confusing them as she is right behind them standing near her cat companion as the two aliens look behind them on shoots at her only for Narti to swiftly dodge the shot and rushed at them tail spinning one off the roof then grabbed the other one and pinning him to the ground

then three other people tried running only to get caught in a energy net shot by Zethrid she then turns to see a mammoth like animal coming at her with a rider on it Zethrid smirks dropping her weapon and grabbing the animal's feet before they could hit the ground using all of her strength to knock the animal on its side while also knocking down it's rider 

in the distance of the village a man is watching what is happening then quickly goes inside his office to grab a communication device as he picked it up he gets knocked back by some invisible force while losing his grip on the device as Ezor reveals herself as she grabbed the device before I could hit the ground

Ezor: what's this? some sort of communicator? you weren't trying to call for help were you? Prince Lotor would not like that

then the man desperately trise to take the device away from Ezor only for her to side step out of the way as the man kept on trying only for Ezor to dodge again and threw him to the ground as the man looks up only to see Prince Lotor, Acxa, Narti, Zethrid and Y/n right in front of him as Acxa has her blaster pointed at the man and Zethrid with the energy net gun in her hands while Y/n has the last word up with the barrel of the gun aimed at the roof as the man tries to continue Ezor puts her hand on his shoulder as the said man looks at her she wiggled her finger in a " I wouldn't do that if I were you" fashion

man: who... who are you?

Acxa: you dare speak to Prince Lotor?

Lotor: now Acxa that's no way to treat our new ally let him continue

man: we will not be enslaved again we are free

Lotor: according to whom? your savior Voltron? and where is your precious protector now? gone leaving you with nothing but a hollowed promise of freedom and now you must answer for what you've done

man: *gasp* please spare my people show them mercy

Lotor: mercy has never been the way of the Galra... until now

the man gets surprised as Lotor said that and looks at him as Lotor gets down to the man's level face to face

Lotor: how would you like to become a valuable part of the new Empire? join us... and you'll never need Voltron again

Ezor: *makes the man form a smile* smile! we're a team now

To Be Continued

A/N: and done so guys I was wondering do you guys want Zethrid be in the harem just asking and another thing which Assassin's creed character should be the reader's ancestors for my female sly x male reader x carmalita story and which point in time should they be in since sly 4 had sly's ancestors please leave your answer in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one                

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