Third person's POV
-in a daydream-
"We're ready to go in the performance round in the Jubilife City Pokémon Contest, let's give it a big hand to our first Coordinator, from Twinleaf Town, Dawn!" a voice announced as a spotlight pointed at Dawn who's wearing a long sleeve turtle-neck yellow-ish green dress and the audience applaud.
Dawn shows a Pokéball in hand "Piplup, here we go! Spotlight!" Dawn yells while throwing a Pokéball as Piplup appears "Alright, Piplup, Bubble Beam!" Dawn tells her Pokémon.
Piplup spins as fires out a barrage of blue bubble from its beak and the bubbles surrounded the Penguin Pokémon in a circular matter before turning into a rain of blue glitter. But Dawn panics when she noticed that Piplup looks dizzy and sees the bubbles hitting the crown much to her fear as Piplup falls face first into the floor
-end of daydream-
Dawn now in her normal clothes rubs the back of her head as she sees Piplup faceplanted on the floor as Meloetta goes to help the dizzy Penguin Pokémon.
"You two were so close, only thing that can help Piplup is to master Performing without suffering dizziness" Dawn hears Volo telling her while handing out a hand.
"Thanks, Volo" she thanked the blonde as she gets up.
"Pipio!" Piplup thanked Meloetta who smiled and nod.
"Yeah, nice try though" Ash said while he, Gary, Pikachu, Umbreon and Brock hold out signs with a big red X on it.
"No one ever said it was easy" Brock agreed.
"Hey, Volo, what about you?" Gary asks looking at Volo.
Volo looks back "I'd already practiced, I can't spoil anything to my future competition" he responds with a wink "and besides Piplup is inexperienced with this, but its willing to give it it's all with Dawn by its side" he then explains.
"How about we take a break and eat lunch?" Brock suggests.
'I remember this episode is a Piplup focus, it's where it meets a Poliwag, Wooper Quagsire and Golduck defending it against a Trio of Ludicolo' Volo thought as he went of to eat with our heroes.
Volo then notices that Piplup's waddling away as Volo silently follows Piplup, obviously leaving a note letting the other know his intentions he looks at his two Pokémon who nodded and follows the blonde.
Volo follows and finds Piplup leading the Pokémon that he expected Piplup to meet, and he then follows behind.
"Volo, wait for us" he hears Ash calling.
"Don't lose the pace" He responds without looking back.
Our heroes then found Piplup talking to Ludicolo. Volo frowns since he know the meaning this is happening.
'Damn Team Rocket and your twisted fake stories' he cursed "Ludicolo" Volo stated before Dawn could even ask what the mentioned Pokémon were, as she pulls out her Pokédex.
"Ludicolo, the Carefree Pokémon. When Ludicolo listens to happy music, its power grows stronger, and it just has to dance."
"So what's Piplup doing, anyway?" Dawn asked.
"Looks like Piplup is upset about something the three of them did" Ash assumes.
Piplup and the Ludicolo were having a conversation making the Ludicolo pushing the Penguin Pokémon with shooting a Water Gun from their mouth. Piplup got mad and tried to use Peck only to be pushed back by the Carefree Pokémon Screech attack
"I think Piplup's trying to help out the other Pokémon by acting as their leader" Dawn stated.
Meanwhile Team Rocket was hidden in their submarine and were watching the Pokémon interact.
"Piplup, then the twerps must be hovering close by" James informs.
Jessie looks surprised hearing such information "Come on details" she demands as Meowth chills while eating some berries that they stole from Golduck and its crew.
"Looks like Piplup befriended Golduck and its crew" James explains.
"It's perfect they'll tangled with the looney Ludicolo, and wear themselves out, then we'll grab Golduck!" Jessie said.
Piplup attends to use Peck again but this time Ludicolo dodge as Piplup landed on Team Rocket's lence.
"Hate to be one saying this, guys, but I have a feeling this situation happening has Team Rocket written all over it" Volo said running ahead.
"Good thing I'm not the only one who thinks that way" Gary agree as he the other follow behind the blonde.
Volo looks at Meloetta "Meloetta get Piplup out of there, use Psychic!" he instructs the Melody Pokémon.
Meloetta's eye glow blue as Piplup and the Submarine gets outlined with blue light and they all got pull out of the water, much to Team Rocket's panic.
"Cut the act Team Rocket, what lies you've told these Pokémon!?" Volo yelled.
"Listen, is that a voice I hear? "
"It's speaking to me loud and clear."
"On the wind!"
"Past the stars!"
"In your ear!"
"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace"
"Dashing hope, putting fear in its place"
" A rose by any other name is just as sweet."
"When everything's worse, our work is complete"
"And it's James!"
"And Meowth, now that's a name!"
"Putting the do-gooders in their place..."
"...we're Team Rocket..."
"...In your face!"
"Mime, Mime, Mime!"
"Whatever you guys are doing here it can't be good" Ash stated angrily.
Gary sighed disappointed instead of surprised "They're Team Rocket what do we expect?" Gary question unimpressed.
"You're so selfish is stealing all the Pokémon will be good for us!" Jessie explains
"Think of someone else for the change" James adds as Mime Jr poses with James.
"Very hypocritical of you" Volo said as Piplup swims back to the shore.
"Why thank you" James responds.
"Bitch it wasn't a compliment" everyone takes a back when Volo cursed.
Everyone feel a chilly tension that even the Wild Pokémon were intimidated by it.
"Togekiss" Togekiss taps on its trainer's arm making the male snap back to reality.
Piplup jumps towards Team Rocket trying to fight off with Peck, but the effort was futile as Piplup falls back in the water. Pikachu jumps in to join the fight as Team Rocket gets back inside the Submarine before Pikachu could hit them with Thunderbolt.
"Ash, stop is futile" Gary informs.
Volo then notices the Submarine turning "Meloetta turn invisible, Togekiss fly away!" he said as his Pokémon did what they're commanded to.
Two metalic ropes were shoot out from the submarine capturing everyone except Piplup, Togekiss and Meloetta. Togekiss and Meloetta tried to pull them off as Piplup continues on using Peck on the Submarine.
"I know Piplup promised it'll help them out and all but I hope it isn't a mistake" Dawn said.
"Where's your believe?" Volo asked.
Dawn looks at Volo confused "huh?" she questioned.
"I said..." he looks at Dawn with a glare "Where's your believe?" she startles seeing his glare "here a simpler version, don't you believe in Piplup?" he then ask.
Before Dawn could even answer our heroes look and they see Piplup getting beaten down by fish-like drowns that resembles a Remoraid. Piplup struggles to get up as Dawn and Volo notices the tear welding up in its eyes.
"Piplup..." Dawn mutters before she runs up to Piplup "Piplup, you got to get up! You promised you help everyone, so you can't stop now!" Piplup looks up at its trainer "Yes! You...You can do it!" She yelled.
Volo smiled "YES! There's the believe I'm talking about!" he cheered.
"Toge!" Togekiss smiled at the Dawn and Piplup.
"Etta!" Meloetta also smiled.
Piplup stood up and then jumped into the air high as the Mecha Remoraid surrounded it but then Piplup spun around with Bubble Beam and this time it got it right Togekiss flies and Piplup lands on Togekiss's back and then hops back on the ground once Togekiss flies towards to the ground
"You show them Piplup, but you're not done yet!" Dawn said.
Piplup did the spinning Bubble beam again but this time on the water around team Rocket as they were beginning to sink in the water by a whirlpool.
Piplup spins around with Bubble Beam again and the spinning Bubble Beam got around the Magikarp Submarine causing a whirlpool to surround it as the rope line broke. Team Rocket and panicked as their sub shook. Meowth desperately panics.
"Now that they've stopped going gaga and we've taken over, any other bright ideas?!" Jessie questions the talking Pokémon.
"Since we're all going down the drain, I suggest we DANCE!" Meowth said while striking a pose hiding his panicked state.
Their submarine was going down "Who do you think you are, a Ludicolo?!" Jessie then questioned as the spin around dizzy while them and their submarine sunk down the whirlpool.
Dawn catches Piplup in her hands "Piplup!" she calls as she spins and hugs Piplup while laughing happy.
"Piplup!" Piplup sounds happy
Volo smiles at the two before looking back at the lake "Togekiss, when I tell you, use Aura Sphere on Team Rocket when they get back up" Volo instructs.
And as he in the water bubbling began to happen, and Team Rocket's Magikarp Submarine came back out and they came out from the hatch groaning
"Sometimes air's as good as food" Jessie stated.
"Especially when you haven't been breathing much" James agrees.
Ash and Pikachu looked mad at Team Rocket "Ash!" Volo calls the Kantonian.
the two of them nod at each other before looking back at Team Rocket.
"Pikachu, now! Thunderbolt let's go!" Ash yells.
"Togekiss Follow Behind with Aura Sphere!" Volo adds
Pikachu fires Thunderbolt to Team Rocket as they screamed in pain upon getting shocked later Togekiss shoots a Aura Sphere from its mouth hitting Team Rocket. Then their submarine exploded and what rained down were the stolen berries as the heroes and The Pokemon watched amazed and awe
"Golduck?" Golduck questions a it catches one of the berries
"Man, this is weird. How did Team Rocket managed to get all of these berries?"
"One word, stealing" everyone looks at Volo "Golduck assumed that the Ludicolo stole the Berries from them when it was actually Team Rocket who stole them and they come up with a fake story making the Ludicolo looking like the bad guys, which is obvious Ludicolo aren't the type of Pokémon who steal" Volo explains.
Golduck now nods in understanding "Golduck" it then turns to the Ludicolo Trio "Golduck" it apologizes.
Ludicolo Trio waves Golduck off assuring the Water Psychic Type Pokémon "Ludicolo".
One of the Ludicolo shook hands with Golduck while the heroes watched with smiles. Then we see Team Rocket and the villains coming out of the water soaked and wet
"And to think I loved swimming as a girl" Jessie said while panting before looking up "hm?" she questions.
Team Rocket notices the Ludicolo Trio, along with Golduck and it's crew looking angry at them. They act nervously
"You're probably wondering where we got those berries, we were actually holding them for you for safekeeping, really!" Jessie said with a smile while hiding her fear.
James laughs Sheepishly "You can't blame us for wanting to have a snack."
Golduck and one of the Ludicolo looked to each other with a sinister smile of agreement and then both and their groups fired Water Gun sending Team Rocket and the villains blasting off.
"I'm starting to enjoy this ocean breezes the blue water in my hair. If only I could hear the romantic swell of violins, I would truly be at peace!" Jessie dreamily speaks.
James then goes next to his comrade "How touching. Sadly, this is not the time to be cracking up."
Jessie looks madly agitated at James "Oh YEAH?! If I want to crack up, I'll do it when I feel like it without you keeping me on a schedule!!" she yells.
"And you wonder why we're a team" Meowth then said.
"We're blasting off again!" they all yelled
"Wobbu, Wobb!"
Team Rocket vanishes with a ding as Golduck and its group, and the Ludicolo Trio all celebrate.
-scene change-
We find the stolen berries all gathered up in a huge pile, we then see the Water-type Pokemon all waving farewell to our heroes.
"Take care everyone!" Dawn tells the Pokémon
"See you!" Ash joins.
they all make their leave after a while of walking Ash decides to break the silence
"Wow, if wasn't for Piplup none of this would have gotten straightened out!" Ash started the conversation.
"You said it, Ash" Gary agrees.
Volo smiles at Piplup "Yeah, Piplup's a hero for today!"
Dawn smiles at Piplup proudly "Piplup, you were awesome!"
"Piplup!" Piplup sounds happy.
Dawn then runs ahead with Piplup following behind "Piplup, come on! Let's try that move of ours one more time!" she states as Piplup humbly agrees "Now Piplup use Bubble Beam!"
Piplup spins around with Bubble Beam and did it perfectly as the Bubble Beam all popped and sprinkle rain came down
"Whoa, cool!" Gary looks with awe.
Volo smiled "Beautiful"
"Wow, that's it!" Ash adds
"Hey Dawn, Piplup's looking strong for sure!"
Volo smiles at Brock "you can say that again" he agrees making Brock blush and looks away not understanding why he is feeling moved by the blonde's words.
Pikachu looks impressed "Pika, Pika!"
Dawn looks up with awe while clapping her hand together I think we're both ready for our Pokemon Contest now!" she then moves her hand close to her mouth "Great, Piplup! You're looking GOOD!!" she shouts at her Pokémon
Piplup lands "Piplup" Piplup stands proudly.
"Hey! Race you to Jubilife City!" Dawn said while laughing as she and Piplup run ahead.
"Not if I get there first!" Volo said with Togekiss and Meloetta following behind. and so did the others
So, it was the result of coming to the aid of some Pokemon in need that ended up putting Piplup's Contest skills over the top and into competitive form. And, armed with that knowledge and some impressive moves, our heroes journey continues.
To Be Continued...
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