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𝙧𝙤𝙝 𝙝𝙮𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙖

i felt sick. but not actually sick.

more like, uncomfortable with the situation. it didn't sit well with me at all.

i sat on a bench in front of han river and sighed. "what can i do anyways?"

i always said that. in the end, i somehow get involved and get situations worse.

i shouldn't this time. my foolish judgement will lead my parents to doom once again. i doomed everyone i got involved with. every time.

i lightly kicked the sand under my shoes and shivered because of the cold, but i was glad that i was alone.

but my peacefulness didn't last for very long.

my phone suddenly went off, scaring all the living shits left inside of me. i yelled in frustration, and yanked out my phone from my coat pocket.

"god, nam joohyuk-" i scowled.

"hyeona," i heard joohyuk's voice in the other end. it sounded extremely weak and sick.

"are you dying?" i asked. "why would you call me? to say your last words of goodbye?"

"if i was dying i wouldn't call you first!" he yelled in a hoarse voice. "can you like, get me medicine?? please?"

"ask taekwon!"

"he's out and won't answer his goddamn phone even though i'm laying on my deathbed!!"

"hey, are you really okay?" i asked.

"if you get me some medicine i might be." joohyuk said. "my room is 410. hurry before i cough my lungs out." he coughed violently into the phone, fake or not, and ended the call.

"wAit-" i groaned and nearly chucked my phone into the river. "does he expect me to just waltz into the boys dorm?? oH MY GOD!"

i kicked the sand violently. "i hope you do cough your lungs out!! my day is already bad enough." i scowled and stood up, stomping to the nearest pharmacy.


i went to the pharmacy and bought all kinds of medicine, and wrote down the total so i could make joohyuk pay me back the right amount when we were done.

i went to my room and put on the biggest sweatpants and the most boy-ish hoodie i owned.

i was putting on a black cap, sunglasses, and a mask when yuhwa stepped in the room and looked at me weirdly.

"i thought you were a boy for a second." she said. "are you planning on robbing a bank or something??"

"if i look like a boy, that's even better." i said, without saying anything else, and exited the room.

when i reached the main entrance of the boy's dormitory, i cursed at myself.

"why am i even doing for that idiot anyways??" i hit my head, and slumped my shoulders. "it's too late to turn back now anyways."

i pushed open the door and walked as quickly as i could down the halls, avoiding any contact whatsoever.

there were a lot of dudes around. half of them were hAlf fucking SHIRTLESS. my virgin eyes. my virgin eyes.

i barely crashed into some guy on my way too, and he said, "wAtch wHeRe you'Re gOinG yOu scRawnY kiD."

i was about to slap the living shit out of him, but i ignored and continued walking.

when i reached room 410 i banged on the door and kicked it. "open this fucking door." i warned.

the door swung open, and i dropped the bag of medicine and covered my eyes. i have the reflexes of a god, i swear.

joohyuk stood there, clearly confused and half naked, as well. "who the hell are you-"

i kicked joohyuk in the knees and shoved him inside, slamming the door behind me. clearly suffocated by the mask i was wearing, i tore off my whole disguise and glared at the eight foot giant in front of me.

"tell me, why the hell does every man in this goddamn dorm waltz around half-naked?? are you all gay?? do you think the girls at my dorms walk around in their underwear?! nO!!" i barked.

joohyuk grimaced and took a step back, turning around and showing off his back muscles to me or something.

turns out, he was just putting on a shirt. when joohyuk finished, he turned around. "you're one scary girl. i didn't think you'd actually-"

"yOu sounded like you were gonna DIE if i didn't!" i shrieked.

SORRY-" joohyuk croaked, but went into a coughing fit soon after.

"you better be." i crossed my arms and threw myself on the couch. "are you okay??"

joohyuk sniffled. "no. i feel terrible."

"well so do i!"

"i already said i was sorry!!"

"tAke the goddamn medicine already then!" i yelled. i took in a few deep breaths. "fuck, i need to chill."

"yeah you do." joohyuk said, digging through the bag. he pulled out an object from the bag, crinkling his nose and looking at it. "why did you get me a pregnancy test??"

i looked at him. "it's for you."

"why the fuck did you buy it though??"

i shrugged. "i figured you'd need it in the future."

"you should've just kept it for yourself then."

i looked at him wildly. "what's that supposed to mean? do you want me to push you out the window?"

"i'm good. and kidding." he said, flopping down on his bed after taking the medicine.

"you're so fucking strange." i grumbled.

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