
Zane walked through a storm and fell into a cave. He saw a dragon chained up and whimpered out of fear.

Pixal: Zane? Are you still there?

Zane looked up to see where the voice was coming from, but saw his falcon.

Pixal: If you can hear me, wake up. You need to wake up.

He woke up, chained to a wall. It was just a dream. He sighed in relief.

Zane: It was only a dream.

Pixal: It's amazing you dream. I've always wondered what it's like. You've always been special.

Zane: Where am I? Who are you?

Pixal: I'm Pixal, a friend. And you're in danger and have to get out of here. Your memory drive is out of sorts and your Elemental Power-

Zane: Elemental Power?

Pixal: You're a Nindroid, Zane, a ninja. And your friends are here to save you. But they can't do it all. You have to remember who you are.

Zane: Friends?

Pixal: Remember, Zane. You saved your friends and then rebuilt yourself. There are things about you that you don't understand. That you have yet to discover. But if we're ever going to get out of here, you have to remember.

Suddenly Zane remembered.

Zane: Pixal. We are compatible?

Pixal: Yes, Zane. Yes, we are.

(Can they just stop being so cute. My heart can't handle it.)

At the Samurai X Cave, Nya was rebuilding the Destiny's Bounty. Pyther was watching as Wu handed Nya tools and held a flashlight.

Nya: So I've been thinking about Kai's and Cole's wedding, and have come up with two different color combination. First there's red and black which is their colors, but then it would look like some kind of funeral. More light, please.

Wu snapped awake and turned the flashlight on.

Wu: Right. Looking like a funeral.

Nya: Then there's gold and silver to give it a royal vibe. But then it would look like they're snobs. Socket wrench.

He handed her the wrong tool.

Wu: Young minds are...complicated.

Nya: Sensei, these are needle-nose pliers. I asked for a socket wrench. And could you at least try to impart some wisdom?

Wu: No way. I'm not sticking my finger into that beehive. Misako, any word?

Misako: Nothing. It's been days and still no word from Garmadon or the ninja. I'm worried.

Wu: As am I. It's time we broaden our search.

Nya: Well, then it's a good thing I made a mobile base in case the Destiny's Bounty was ever out of commission. I call it the D.B. Express! Mm, not married to the name.

Misako: Find my family, Nya.

Pyther: Can I come with you? Please.

Nya smiled gently.

Nya: Sorry Pyther. But it's best for you to stay with Wu and Misako.

Pyther pouted as Nya jumped into the D.B. Express and drove away.

Wu: Wherever they are, at least my brother is there to guide them.

Misako: This is my husband we're talking about. And that's what worries me.

Pyther looked at the entrance.

Pyther: Hope my dads are okay.

At the palace, an Anacondrai Cultist was serving the Elemental Masters food. Garmadon was next in line.

Krait: Next! Nu-uh. Nothing for you.

Garmadon: There's a valuable lesson here, son. If you turn your back on your first evil Sensei in an effort to go straight...

Anacondrai Cultist: Next!

Garmadon: may not be served creamy biscuits.

Lloyd: Well, I know what we are being served. A whole bunch of baloney. This isn't a fighting tournament. It's an alibi for Chen to steal everyone's powers. But we still don't know why.

Kai: Isn't it obvious? Chen wants to destroy New Ninjago City. I don't know what it is, but that place has had a string of bad luck.

Cole: I'm not so sure. From what Sensei G's told us about him, I have a feeling it's something far more sinister.

Jay was in his morning robe looking like he just came up from the bed. Cole looked at him confused.

Jay: And may I remind us, we still don't know where Zane is, which is why we all need to take care of our first rounds to give us more time. Don't look at me. I've already moved on.

Cole: Your opponent got himself kicked out.

Jay: Hehe, either way, it's my day off. Extra creamy biscuits. And don't skimp.

They started walking away from the line.

Cole: Taking a day off? Well usually I would agree, but you never know what will happen.

Jay: Come on, just one day. We can focus on other important things.

They sat down by a table.

Cole: Like what?

Jay: Your wedding vows.

Kai: For ones, that is a good idea. You need to relax a little Cole.

Cole smiled at Kai.

Cole: If you say so.

Chen talked through from the intercom.

Chen: The tournament of Elements continues. Fun time! Would the following Masters please make their way to their assigned arena? Speed, Gravity, Smoke, Nature, Mind, oh, and last and hopefully not least...

Jay: Huh, maybe we all got the day off.

Chen: ...Fire!

The ninja was surprised by this, but knew they couldn't do anything about it.

Chen: Remember, only one can remain.

Griffin meet Gravis and won. Then Neuro and Bolobo fought and Neuro won. Lastly it were Kai and Ash left to fight over a pit of lava.

Chen: Kai, Master of Fire, versus Ash, Master of Smoke. Fight!

They ran on the bridge and dropped the Jadeblade on a rock under them.

Lloyd: Come on, Kai, you can do it.

Ash kicked Kai so he almost fell of. But he managed to grab on. Cole and Skylor was worried about him.

Kai: Ninja, go!

He used hid Spinjitzu and knocked ash back.

Lloyd: Come on, Kai. Use your power.

Kai: Fire!

Clouse was about to use his Dark Magic on Kai and Ash's battle, when Chen stopped him.

Chen: No Magic. I'm enjoying this.

Kai broke the bridge with his Fire. He and Ash was now on the rocks. They fought a little until Kai grabbed the jadeblade. His friends and the masters cheered.

Chen: Winner! Loser! Master of Fire moves on.

Back in the palace, Chen laughed as he watched his Kabuki perform for him. Clouse talked to him.

Clouse: Master, it was the ninja who snuck into our ceremony, yet we allow them to move forward. I beg you, let me use my sorcery and put an end to this.

Chen: We'll use your Magic in time, but not now. Not when there are other ways to whittle them down. Perhaps it's time to switch things up.

The two laughed. Later the ninja approached the Elemental Masters, who where gathered around the bracket. They seemed a little worried about something.

Jay: What's all the commotion?

The ninja gasped when they saw Cole and Jay on the same bracket.

Cole: No, he can't do this.

Lloyd: He already did.

Cole: We gotta fight each other.

Jay: I can't fight my best friend, I don't wanna hurt him, or worse!

Cole: Same here. Our powers are strong and can lead to injuries.

Clouse appered.

Clouse: Is there a problem, ninja?

Cole: You cheated! You changed the brackets.

Clouse: Oopsie.

He laughed and walked away.

Lloyd: What do we do? They can't fight each other. We came here to become whole, not fall further apart.

Garmadon: You can't undo what's been done. My only advice is to be at peace with it.

Jay: Peace? One of us has to lose! Oh, my gosh. I can't live with that guilt. Please tell me this is just a dream.

He shook Lloyd.

Lloyd: Don't listen to my dad. We find Zane, then none of us have to battle. Your fight isn't until tonight so we still have time to figure out what Chen's up to and stop this.

Kai: I think I know just the person who can help. And I think he already knows.

At night, the ninja went to see Neuro.

Lloyd: We need your help, Neuro.

Neuro: You think I can get close to Chen to read his mind, so you can find your robotic friend and not have to fight.

Kai: Don't forget-

Neuro: You still need to know what Chen's up to because he's hiding something.

Jay: That's really impressive, Nerdo.

Neuro: It's Neuro, Master of the mind.

Lloyd: We want you to help.

Neuro: But why would I help? You're competition. The sooner you're out, the better for me.

Lloyd: If you want what's best for you, just look into my head and you'll see what this tournament is all about.

Neuro did, and saw Lloyd's memory of Chen stealing Karlof's Metal.

Lloyd: It's only a matter of time before Chen steals your power too. So are you in?

In the dungeon, Zane struggled to free himself.

Pixal: Zane, you're built differently. You have to search deep within yourself.

Zane activated a saw to cut through the chains.

Pixal: Yes, that's it! You're remembering.

They suddenly heatd cultists talk.

Cultist #1: Tonight's fight is gonna be epic. Who do you got? Jay or Cole?

Cultist #2: I'm a Cole man. Never liked the color blue. What's that grinding sound?

Zane put his saw away before they could check on him.

Cultist #2: Heh, guess I was just hearing things. C'mon, let's go.

They left.

Pixal: It's not safe. I suggest you break out when everyone's at the big fight.

Zane: You mean, we must break out.

Pixal: Yes. Of course.

Neuro went inside the Kabukis' changing room and heard Chen laugh.

Chen: Not so tight.

Clouse came up behind him.

Clouse: This floor is restricted.

Neuro: Clouse. I was just leaving.

Clouse: I saw you speaking with the ninja. It'd be a shame if the other fighters were to find out you were...helping them.

Neuro: Of course not. I'm the Master of the Mind.

He used his Element on him.

Neuro: I'm smarter than that.

He left. That night, Jay and Cole prepared for their fight.

Jay: I can't do this. He's my best friend. But what happens if I don't?

Neuro arrived.

Lloyd: You're cutting it close. So did you see into his head?

Neuro: I'm sorry. I couldn't get past Clouse.

Jay: Just great. Now I might have to live in guilt for winning over my best friend. Just fucking great.

Neuro: But I did see something. For a brief moment, I saw inside Clouse's mind. The powers he's collecting, they are for a spell.

Lloyd: A spell for what?

Neuro: I don't know. But it's in his spellbook on page 149. I'm sorry it's not enough to stop the fight. I wish I could've done more.

Lloyd: That's okay. You've done what you could.

On the other side of the arena, Kai tried to comfort Cole.

Cole: I can't do this Kai. What happens to him if I win. Or what happens if we don't fight? He's my best friend.

Kai took his hand through the bars.

Kai: I know. This isn't fair. But you two can try to make it a tie. Anyway, I know you won't hurt Jay. And you'll never disappoint me.

Cole: A kiss for good luck?

They kissed through the bars. The battle was about to start. Lloyd, Kai, and Neuro went back to the audience.

Garmadon: You tried your best, the rest is up to them.

Lloyd: I hope they figure something out.

Chen: Let the tournament continue! Jay, Master of Lightning, versus Cole, Master of Earth. Fight!

Cole and Jay started to fight but didn't go full out. Just so it looked like they were fighting. Chen got some popcorn.


Zane managed to break his cuffs and started sawing the bars leading to Pixal's room.

Pixal: Hurry, Zane. Before they come back.

Zane: I'm through. Now let's get out of here.''re...

He looked around and saw that Pixal was broken apart.

Pixal: Scrapped. I know, but I couldn't tell you. Not when you needed to get out of here. Sadly, this is where my journey ends, but not for you. Zane, you must go alone. Find your friends. Stop Chen. I know you have it in you and don't worry about me. I will always be a part of you.

Zane saw her neural drive and smiled.

Zane: You're right. You will always be a part of me.

Pixal : Zane, what are you-

He took her neural drive and inserted it into his head.

Pixal: Zane, you've taken my neural drive and inputted it into your processor. You're ingenious!

Zane: Not ingenious. Upgraded. I'm sure there will be other surprises about me we'll find out together, but until then, let's both get out of-

Pixal: Zane, behind you! Initiate evasive-

Clouse tased Zane so he blacked out.

Clouse: Next time, maybe it would be best to tie up the Nindroid with chains thick enough that he couldn't cut through.

Jay and Cole continued their fight. Cole accidently hit Jay on his cheek, making a cut. He stopped.

Cole: Jay. You're okay?

Jay: Yeah. But we need to keep making it look like We're fighting.

Cole: No, let's stop using our powers. We'll accidentely hurt eachother. So lets stop with that.

Jay: Agreed. But how are we supposed to stop fighting? We can't both win.

Cole: Well, maybe we can draw it out till they call it a tie. Quick, attack me. But not hard.

They fought without their Elemental Powers.

Chen: Ah, what is this? Pattycake? I'm bored. Release the Condrai Crushers!

Condrai chrushers appered surrounding Jay and Cole.

Cole: I got your back.

Jay: And I've got yours.

Both: Ninja, go!

They used spinjitsu and made one crash into a wall.

Garmadon: Ah, they fight together.

Lloyd: Yeah, their friendship is stronger than anything.

Kai: Exactly.

Jay and Cole worked together to defeat the Condrai Crushers.

Chen: Enough! I know what you are trying to do. If neither of you will win, then both of you will lose!

He activateed the trap doors.

Cole: We can't both lose. Chen's right, there can only be one.

Jay: And it should be you. You and I both know I'm lucky to have even made it this far. You take the Jadeblade.

Cole took the Blade and looked at Jay.

Cole: Look after Kai for me until Chen 's defeated.

He threw the Blade to Jay.

Chen: Winner! Loser! Master of Lightning moves on.

Jay looked at Cole with a saddened look.

Jay: Cole no!

Cole: Don't worry about me I'll be okay.

Chen dropped Cole in a trapdoor.

Chen: About time. Phew.

Jay went to the others and looked at Kai.

Jay: I'm sorry Kai. It should have been me.

Kai put his hand on Jay's shoulder.

Kai: Cole sacrefice himself for you. It wasn't your fault. I'm not mad.

Garmadon: Cole may be gone, but he did not lose. Let what he did here today be a lesson for us all, know thine enemy, but more importantly, know thy friend. He fought like a true ninja.

Nya traveled on the D.B. Express, following the falcon.

Nya: Why did you call me here?

The falcon screeched. And Nya looked at her raidar.

Nya: Zane's beacon. Coming from somewhere off the coast. But that's impossible. Sensei Wu, come in. This is Nya, do you read? I think I may have found the ninja.

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