The surge (Season 3 chapter 1)

(A/N. Okay, so it's been One and a half year since the ultimate battle and the ninja are around 20, as Lloyd 15 and Nya 17. It's my canon in this fanfic. Hope it's okay.)

Kai starts to narrate.

Kai: The ultimate battle. The battle that would end all battles. It feels like ages ago. After the Golden Ninja defeated the Overlord, much of Ninjago City was in ruin. It was a time to reflect on our past, and build for our future.

People were cleaning up after the ultimate battle and were lead by a man in a weelchair.

Cyrus: Great work, people. Together, we can do it. Transportation group, align with engineering.

Kai: Ninjago City soon became New Ninjago City. And it became the center of great technological advancements. But without an enemy to fight, the age of the ninja came to an end.

The scene switched to a bathroom where Jay was seen holding a camera in a mirror reflection, while Kai was heard scatting in the shower. The scatting stopped as Kai noticed Jay.

Kai: Hey! How about a little privacy, you-?

The clip stopped. Kai was in a classroom wearing a suit and operating a film projector.

Kai: Whoa! This isn't supposed to be in here. Lights please!

Students were giggling as he couldn't turn off the projector. The film roll rolled out.

Kai: Ugh! Seriously?

A student then ran inside.

Student: Come quick! Mr. Zane's on the fritz!

Students were laughing as Zane was shorting out.

Zane: Up. No, down. Whoa!

Cole and Kai came in.

Cole: What's going on here?

Sally: Brad got an ultra remote from New Ninjago City and it's controlling Mr. Zane.

Cole took the control.

Cole: How do you turn this thing off?

Zane: Hurry up, Cole. My liquid spirit level is making me less level.

Cole ended up smashing the remote, and Zane stopped.

Zane: Ah.

Brad: Mr. Cole is the worst.

Cole: I heard that.

A bell ringed and the kids ran out, bumping into Cole on the the way.

Cole: Unh! Ah, recess. My favorite time.

Darkley's Boarding School was bought by the ninja and renamed Wu's Academy.

The ninja were in the teacher's lounge. Kai wasn't there as he had to stop a fight. Jay opened the fridge.

Jay: All right! Who took my pudding cup? My name was clearly written on it.

Cole: I didn't see "Motor Mouth" on it.

He threw the empty cup into the trashcan.

Jay: I'm telling the headmaster.

Wu was drinking tea.

Wu: Leave me out of it. I'm on break, too.

Zane: Relax, Jay, you can have mine. And I kept it cold for you.

Jay took it and started to eat.

Jay: Oh, give me. Mm. Is anyone else chapped that Lloyd gets to be the Golden Ninja and fly around accepting awards while we're stuck here being teachers with no powers? Ah. I miss our elemental weapons.

Nya then walked in.

Boy: Hi, Miss Nya. I like your dress, Miss Nya.

Nya: Why is that when I teach, I get the feeling that none of the boys are listening?

Jay: Hi, Miss Nya. I saved you some pudding.

Nya: What did we talk about?

Jay: Oh, right. Boundaries.

Just then Kai walked in looking tired.

Kai: Brad and Gene really likes to fight. They should be okay for now.

Cole walk walked up to him and gave a quick kiss.

Cole: Happy anniversary.

Kai smiled.

Kai: Happy anniversary.

Cole then put his hand in his pocket looking for something.

Cole: Uh, Kai. Can I ask you something?

Kai: Sure, what is it?

Cole: Well we've been together for two years now and I...well...was...wondering....if

Just then a student came running in.

Student: Mister Kai. Brad and Gene are fighting again.

Kai's eyes twitched.

Kai: I just stopped them five minutes ago. Sorry Cole, I have to stop a fight. But we talk later okay.

He then kissed his cheek and walked out. Cole then looked at the little box in his hands. He was planning to propose to Kai, but it didn't go well. The others looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

Cole: I screwed it, again.

Jay: You're just to nervous. You're gonna nail it I know it.

Cole: I know, but what if he don't want to marry me. What if he say no?

Nya sighed.

Nya: Don't be stupid. Kai loves you with all his heart. Ofcourse he wants to marry you.

Cole nodded and put the box back in his pocket.

Nya: Anyway did you guys hear the news?

Jay: There's trouble? Danger?

Zane: An emergency?

Cole: Oh, a new menace?

Nya: No. We got clearance for a field trip.

They groaned.

Nya: Not just any field trip. A field trip to tour Borg Industries.

Jay: Ah! Not the Borg Industries. As in home to super genius reclusive savant Cyrus Borg? Inventor of the hover car and everything else cool in this world?

Zane kicked him to shut him up. The ninja, Wu, and their students were then all outside, in the school bus.

Brad: Why can't we take the ultra dragon? Or the ultra sonic rader?

Cole: Because they don't have one of these. Pretty cool, huh? I'm on a microphone. I am the MC. The Mighty Cole.

Brad: Mr. Cole is the worst.

Cole: I heard that.

Kai: What mister Cole means, is that it's much safer in the bus then on the dragon or rader. And you all better behave. Am I clear?

All students except Brad said yes.

Kai: Brad!

Brad: Yes mister Kai.

Kai nodded and sat next to Cole.

Kai: So we really are going back to the city. We haven't been there since-well, you know.

Wu: Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We only have today. Or else this offer expires. Get a move on, Nya.

Nya: Aye, aye, Sensei.

They drove of. Cole looked over at Kai that seemed to have fallen asleep. Understandable as he always had to split up fights. He gave Kai a small kiss on his cheek.

They soon arrived at New Ninjago city that was full of technology. On a tv was Cyrus speaking.

Cyrus: Welcome to New Ninjago City. The future is what we make it.

Nya: Wow. You leave town a short while and-Ahh!

The bus crashed into a post truck. Kai woke up.

Postman: Ugh! Who here still uses wheels anymore? Get with the program!

Cole: Don't worry, we'll free you up. Time for some old-school muscle tool.

He went outside the bus and lifted up the postman's van, freeing him from the bus. A robot then appered.

Robot: Stand back, pedestrian.

Cole: Who you calling pedestrian?

Zane: It appears our help is not welcome.

Wu: Well, I prefer traveling the old-fashioned way-on foot. Besides, it's not like we can't find where we're going.

They walked inside Borgs tower and were meet by a female droid.

Pixal: Welcome to Borg Industries. I'm P.I.X.A.L., Cyrus' Primary Interactive X-ternal Assistant Life-form. I'm sorry to hear about the traffic accident.

Cole: Wow, news travels fast.

Pixal then looked at Zane.

Pixal: Everything in New Ninjago City is fully automated and interconnected. Your antiquated bus should be ready shortly. You are Zane, a droid like me. What does Zane stand for?

Zane: I stand for peace, freedom, and courage, in the face of all who threaten Ninjago.

Jay: She means your name, tin head.

Zane: I guess I'm just, Zane.

Pixal: Permission to scan?

Zane: Uh... Permission granted?

She scanned him.

Jay: Heh, check it out. Zane has an admirer.

Pixal: Your hardware is outdated and your processor is slow and incompatible with ours. Peculiar. All droids must recharge our batteries, yet curiously. I'm unable to locate your energy source. What powers you?

Zane: I, uh... I don't know.

They both had a small blush.

Pixal: Mr. Borg would like to see the ninja on the 100th floor. If the others would follow me for the rest of the tour.

Kai turned to the students.

Kai: Okay students. Now listen to miss Nya and mister Wu. And don't cause them trouble. Am I clear?

Students: Yes mister Kai.

Brad said it quiet.

Brad: yes mister kai.

Kai: Brad!

Brad: Yes mister Kai!

Kai nodded and they walked to the elevator. Zane was just standing there.

Cole: Hey, Zane, you with us?

Zane snapped out of his thoughts and catched up with them.

A computer scanned them in the elevator.

Computer: Black Ninja, Blue Ninja, Red Ninja, White Ninja. Golden Ninja not identified. Wait for action.

Pixal brought the students to a room filled with vr games.

Pixal: Mr. Borg believes technology is the key to making our dreams come true.

Brad: Whoa! Cool beyond cool.

Boy 1: Awesome.

Brad: Uber-mega. I'm, like, wow!

Brad: Awesome.

Pixal: Even now, he is working on a Digiverse where the gamer will be digitally scanned in to take gaming to another level.

Nya: Can these be used for training?

Pixal: Yes. With them, training different sports and martial arts will be possible at home and still feel real.

Wu and Nya looked at eachother with an approving smile.

The ninja arrived at the 100th floor and walked inside.

Cyrus: I would've guessed ninja to sneak in a window, not use the elevator.

Jay: Ah! Oh, my gosh. Are you-? Are you-?

Cyrus: Cyrus Borg? Yes. Unfortunately, when my parents gave me a name like that, my future in technology was predetermined.

He walked from behind his desk on robot spider legs. The ninja got shocked.

Cyrus: Ah, yes, these. Sadly, I've been disabled all my life. But it's nothing my mind couldn't fix. Speaking of which, my deepest condolences, Zane. I heard about your father. Oh, he was a brilliant mind. He would have fit right in.

Zane: Thank you. But loss is inevitable.

Cyrus: Today maybe, but not tomorrow. Technology making the impossible possible. The only limit to our potential is that which we don't dream.

Kai: If I may ask sir. Isn't this the same place the Overlord was destroyed? Who dreamed up the idea of building a corporate headquarters here?

Cyrus: Ah, what better way to send a message to evil that we won't cower to anyone. I see. Or better yet, I don't see the Golden Ninja.

Cole: Oh, his hands are a bit full, but we can tell him to stop by when we see him.

Cyrus: No, no, no. I'm glad it's just you four. I wanted to give you a gift.

He walked over to something that was covered in a green cloth.

Cole: A gift? Won't say no to that. It wouldn't happen to be cake, would it?

Cyrus unveild a statue of himself in gold. It then talked.

Statue: The future is what we make it.

Cole: Ha. So no cake.

Kai: Oh, wow. A statue. Of yourself.

Jay: I know. How cool is that?

Cyrus went to Kai and whisperd.

Cyrus: Please, protect them with your life. All of Ninjago depends on it.

Kai: Protect? Protect what?

Cyrus: You were right, I should never have built here. You must go. He's listening.

A camera seemed to glare at Cyrus.

Statue: The future is what we make it.

Cyrus: Uh, I'm sorry to cut this short, but there's things to invent. I hope you can show yourselves out.

The ninja lifted the statue and went inside the elevator.

Cole: Ah, okay. Of course.

Statue: The future is what we make it.

Kai: Guys, something weird is up with Borg.

Jay: They're called artificial limbs, Kai. You don't have to be rude. We're his guests.

Kai: I mean he was acting suspicious. Like he was scared. He said we had to protect "them" with our lives.

Cole: "Them" who?

Kai: I don't know, but-

Statue: The future is what we-

Just then the ninja dropped the statue and it broke.

Jay: Oh, great, now look what you've done.

They soon found new ninja suits and some weird weapons.

Zane: It's hollow. There's something inside.

Cole: Huh. Why would he give us new ninja outfits? Guys, Kai is onto something.

Kai picked up the weapons.

Kai: And what exactly are these?

The computer scanned the weapons.

Computer: Techno Blades located. Apprehend. Will the assailants stand down and drop the Techno Blades?

Jay: First you call us pedestrians, and now we're assailants?

Zane tried pressing buttons.

Zane: Nothing works. Perhaps a malfunction?

Kai: Guys, these must be the Techno Blades. We have to protect them with our lives.

Computer: Have it your way. Goodbye.

The elevator began to drop, hurtling the ninja to the top of the elevator.

Jay: Let the elevator have the Techno Blades, Kai! I think it's made it's point!

Cole: We have to get off this thing!

Kai: Going up?

He broke the top of the elevator.

All: Ninja, go!

They jumped out and then onto another elevator. Down on the entre were two security guards standing.

Security Man #1: Ah, I'm bored.

Security Man #2: Really? Well, me too actually.

The elevator crashed and exploded behind them.

The ninja were now inside the other elevator.

Cole: Looks like we just quit our day job.

He handed out the suits.

Jay: Oh, my gosh! Our students!

The students, Nya and Wu were at the factory line with Pixal

Pixal: And this factory line where..

Her eyes turned red. And the other machine's turned towards the group.

Pixal: This will be the end of your tour.

The machines soon attacked, but both Nya and Wu blocked the attacks. Wu started to fight Pixal.

Nya: Stay back and stay together.

Brad then saw an exit.

Brad: This way. There's a way out!

The students followed him but got stuck on the conveyor belt.

Nya: No! Do not break formation! Why don't boys ever listen to me?

She kicked off a robot that was trying to harm the students.

On an other floor did the ninja jump out of an elevator, now with their new ninja suits and Techno Blades.

Jay: Heh. I gotta say it. I love the new threads.

Three robots showed up.

Jay: Oh, yeah? Two can play at this game!

He aimed the sword at them but nothing happened.

Jay: What's with these things? How do we use them?

Zane: Here, let me try.

He tried to cut some wire but nothing happened.

Zane: It's not sharp. Why even call it a Blade?

A robot fired at the ninja but missed and hit the window behind them instead.

Jay: Oh, snap.

The window broke and pulled the ninja outside the building, but Cole managed to grab a rope and the others held onto him.

Cole: Ready to crash the party, guys?

They hit a window but it didn't break, instead they slid off and fell.

They screamed but they got stopped by an aerial work platform. The window cleaning robot on there threw the window cleaner at Jay

Jay: Ow!

It turned to them but Cole kicked it of.

In Borgs office was the Overlord on the screens.

Overlord: You fool. You tried to give them the only thing that could defeat me and thought I wouldn't notice? I'd get rid of you if I didn't still need you. Don't think to ever betray me again.

Cyrus: Of course not, I promise. I promise!

Overlord: A promise isn't good enough.

He controlled Cyrus's robot legs which made him back up, as four robotic arms grabbed a hold of him and put on robotic components on Cyrus.

Cyrus: No! No! Don't. Let me go! No, please, no more.

The ninja were slowly lowering the platform by using the rope while Kai explained to them what Cyrus said to him.

Kai: And that's when Borg said HE was listening.

Jay: Do you really think it's the Overlord?

Cole: But how? We all saw Lloyd defeat him.

Zane: Defeat, yes. But can he be destroyed?

A Hover-Copter pulled up to them.

Jay: I don't know, but we can.

Zane then got a feeling.

Zane: Cole, throw me.

Cole: Excuse me?

Zane: Throw me!

Cole threw him. He then used the Techno Blade to hack the copter.

Kai: What just happened?

Jay: The Techno Blade must've hacked the tower-copter's system! Zane controls it!

All: Cool!

In the factory was the group still trying to escape. And Nya guided them through them robots.

Nya: Run! Jump and kick!

Wu then saw the window.

Wu: Everyone get to the window.

The students jumped on the conveyor belt. But it was taking them through a garbage incinerator.

Nya: How do we stop it?

Nya tried to stop it but couldn't. The ninja then pulled up on the NinjaCopter, carrying the aerial work platform with them. Zane shot the breaker and the conveyor belt stopped just in time.

Kai: We need to get everyone to the bus. I have an idea.

Cole: Come on, kids. Jump on board.

Pixal grabbed Nya's foot.

Pixal: This will be the end of your tour.

Nya kicked Pixal off and ran.

She jumped on the NinjaCopter. Zane looked at Pixal saddened.

Nya: Come on, she's one of them. We have to go!

Zane took off and flew them to the bus. Nya and the students got inside.

Kai: Get to the academy as fast as you can, sis. We need the Golden Ninja.

Nya: What about you guys?

Wu: We must protect the people.

Every machine in Ninjago were going crazy and attacked the People. A security mech then tried to tip over the school bus. The students screamed.

Cole: I'm on it. Ninja, go!

He used Spinjitzu to jump over the bus and pulled out the power chords on the mech.

Cole: No one calls me pedestrian!

Brad: I always said Mr. Cole was my favorite.

The students cheered.

Kai: Alright, so these Techno Blades can hack into their systems.

Jay: So, what do you say we do a little hack-attack?

Wu: Zane, Kai, you take to the skies. I want Cole and Jay on the ground. And I'll do what I can for the people.

Cole: Heh-heh! Anyone else feeling all tingly inside?

All: Ninja, go!

They used Spinjitzu. Zane took Kai to another Hover-Copter for him to hack, but a jet flies by.

Kai: Oh, that one seems better.

He used hid Techno Blade to hook onto it and then hacked it at the same time.

Kai: Yeah! Ha-ha! Okay honey let's see what you can do.

He pressed a button and flew fast. Just then a hologram of Cyrus came on.

Cyrus: So you've figured out how the Techno Blades work.

Kai: What?

Cyrus: You must know, they are far, far more important than you think.

Kai: You better explain.

Cyrus: This is a prerecorded message, but I can tell you that a few weeks ago, we discovered a virus laying dormant in our system. The Overlord.

Kai: Overlord?

He then spotted more Hover-Copters chasing him.

Cyrus: You have to get the Techno Blades out of the city. Because once he knows you have them, he'll never let you leave. I've also given you new outfits to help block the facial recognition software.

Kai: Great to know. Something else i need to know?

The Hover-Copters fired at him, but he dogged and shot rockets at them.

Cyrus: Had I known this would happen, I would never have built where the Overlord was destroyed. Goodbye, ninja, and good luck.

The call ends. Security mechs started to shot at Kai.

Kai: Can you guys handle that?

Jay: On it!

He jumped on a tank and hacked it. He then started to shot at the security mechs.

Jay: Ha! I love it! Hey, Cole, need a hand with those security mechs? Or maybe just some old-fashioned artillery fire?

Cole: I think got a handle on it. Yeah!

He jumped and hacked one of the security mechs before he started to destroy the other mechs.

Cole: Stomping robots to robot stomper!

At the academy was Nya running and tried to find Lloyd.

Nya: Lloyd! The ninja are in trouble!

She ran into a room where Dareth was.

Dareth: Oh, hi, Nya. Can you believe it? I'm watching my favorite game show with the jujitsu dogs, you know, when bang, the cable just dies on me.

Back in the city were the ninja still fighting.

Kai: We have to get the Techno Blades out of the city.

Zane: But what about Sensei? We can't leave without him.

Kai got Wu's position.

Kai: There! I'll pick him up and meet you guys at the intersection of Wilfert and Fleming.

Wu was helping people escape down the sewer. Security mechs then surrounded Wu. Kai came flying but the mechs started to shot at him.

Kai: I can't find a place to land.

Wu then jumped over a security mech and hit a fire hydrant. He then used the blast of water to launch him upward so that he could grab on to Kai's Fighter.

The ninja meet up just as more security mechs surrounded them.

Cole: There's too many! We'll never get out!

Kai: Keep fighting. They'll have to run out of batteries at some point.

Zane: Well, I'm not so sure about that.

Just then Lloyd arrived and used his Golden Power to stop the mechs, leaving behind Golden Power in the form of mist. The ninja cheered.

Lloyd: Robots versus ninja? Heh. Dare I ask?

Cole: All right!

Kai: You are a sight for sore eyes.

Overlord then came up on the big screens.

Overlord: So you couldn't help yourself. The Golden Ninja, we meet again.

Lloyd: Overlord. I defeated you once, I'll defeat you again.

Overlord: Oh, I don't want to fight. I just want your power.

The mechs absorbed Lloyd's power and went after the ninja. Lloyd tried to fight them, but Wu stopped him.

Wu: No, Lloyd, your power is only making them stronger.

Lloyd: But how do we fight?

Kai: We don't. We need to get you and the Techno Blades out of the city.

Cole: I don't think he'll let us leave.

Wu: I have an idea, but I don't have much time to explain. Listen close.

They huddled as Wu told them the plan.

All: Ninja, go!

They used spinjitzu to reach their respective vehicles.

Kai: I hope this works.

Zane: At 4.2 percent chance of success, I'd say our hope is slim.

Jay: That's why it's called hope, Zane.

Overlord: The Techno Blades, find them!

Computer: Searching for Techno Blades.

Jay and Cole where fleeing the city.

Jay: Cole, jump on!

Cole jumped on the thunder raider, and used the jets on his mech to help the thunder raider gain speed.

The computer scanned a rolled up cloth Wu was holding.

Computer: Techno Blades, 92 percent confirmation.

Overlord: Sensei. The Sensei has them.

Wu ran away but got surrounded by Hover-Copters. He then revealed that there were nothing in the cloth.

Overlord: No, No! No! Where are the Blades?

The Overlord rewinded the footage and realized Wu gave the blades to Kai.

Overlord: That old fool will pay dearly!

The ninja were now outside the city.

Lloyd: We have to go back for him.

Kai: We will, but only when you are safe.

Cole: He wants these weapons, and for some reason, he also wants you. Remember, this was Sensei's plan. They can't break him.

Zane: Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has yet to come. We need to worry about today.

Jay: You said it, Zane.

Zane: We will come back to New Ninjago City. And when we do we'll be ready.

Kai: But for now, we find some place safe to hide. They'll be looking for us.

Back at Borgs tower was Pixal uploading the schematics she scanned from Zane into a computer. She replaced his arms and head then finished uploading.

Pixal: Upgrade complete.

The factory immediately began working as the Nindroids were made ready to take down the ninja.

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