The rise and Day of the great devourer

Wu was sitting in his room meditating and saw through the smoke, the ninja fighting snakes. Aswell as him and Pythor. Just then the great devourer came into frame. The vision ended and he sat up in shock.

Meanwhile, the ninja were in the dining room with the fangblades.

Nya: How is it that torch fire mountain is the only place to destroy the fangblades?

Kai: The fangblades are made originally from the great devourer's teeth, so that is the only place hot enough to destroy them.

Jay: Can someone pass the salt.

It was a stormy day and the the bounty sweyd from side to side. Which made the salt come to Jay by itself.

Jay: Thanks.

Cole then came in looking green, and ready to throw up.

Cole: Please. No talk about food. How much longer untill we're there?

Jay: Not long. Het Cole you're looking kinda green. Do you want a mucus salt sandwich?

Cole then ran to throw up and Kai followed to help him.

Jay: Speaking of green. Who would have thought that little Lloyd would be the green ninja.

Nya: I know. He was such a brat at first. It's hard to belive he's going to become the greatest ninja that ever lived.

Jay: Where is he anyway?

Well, Lloyd was in the training room and it didn't go so well for him. He fell to the ground and then Pythor showed up laughing.

Pythor: What a joke. You have always been a boy that chases stupid dreams.

He picked Lloyd up and tied him to a dummy with tape over his mouth. He then turned invisible.

A bus was driving by the torch fire mountain. Alittle kid saw the bounty and told his mom. But she didn't belive him and just thought it was his imagination.

The ninja were standing on upper deck with the fangblades in their hands. Wu stood and just watched into thin air.

Kai: Sensai are you okay?

Wu: I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. But I have been thinking that one day, you don't need me anymore. And that my time is over.

Cole: Sensai, that's crazy. You still have a long time.

Wu: I have seen through the smoke vision, and couldn't see tomorrow.

Jay: Maybe that's a good sign. Like we destroy the fangblades and everything's gravy.

Wu: Let's just get rid of them for good.

The ninja walked onto the plank, but then something was wrong with the generator so the ship tilted to the side. Sensai was sliding to the edge of the plank, and the ninja went to save him. He lost grip and fell, but the ninja managed to catch him. Meanwhile, Lloyd became free and ran to the communicator.


The ninja were shocked when they looked around to see Pythor with the fangblades.

Pythor: Sorry that I can't stay. But I got this devourer thing going on. Toddelo.

He walked away, but Lloyd stood infront of him.

Lloyd: Where do you think you're going?!

Pythor: A little cliche don't you think.

Lloyd: Cliche?

Pythor: You wouldn't understand.

Lloyd then attacked him and then Nya came in her samurai meck so Pythor backed away. Lloyd took this chance and hit him. Pythor then jumped of the bounty and landed on a serpencopter.

The ninja were still hanging and lost grip. They soon fell into the volcano. But luckily, Nya saved them.

Meanwhile, the serpentine was kicking people of the bus and then drove of. The ninja made themselves ready.

Lloyd: Can come with you?

Kai: Sorry, but we need someone to drive the ship.

Lloyd: But you saw me hit him. I kick butt and face.

Kai: Patient Lloyd. Your time will come.

Wu: Patient. Looks like the student have become the teacher.

They soon chased after the snakes. The ninja summoned their vehicles. Skales then saw the ninja and Pythor told the fangpyre snakes to turn the bus into a snake bus. They had a hard time coming onboard the bus. Cole almost got crushed by the tail. And then they got shot at by two serpentine. Kai then got chased by two snakes on bikes. He took out a normal sword, and made one of the snakes fly away while another jumped onto his bike. But he just hit the brakes and the snake flew of.

Kau: Never mess with a ninja and his bike.

They all soon worked together and managed jump on the bus. Pythor ordered the driver to go faster. But when he said that he couldn't, Pythor threw him out. The ninja split up and fought their way to the front. Jay did spinjitsu into one of the carts, throwing some snakes out in the process. Kai was on the roof and fought two snakes. One flew of, while the other almost got in a hit on Kai. But he doged it and hit him.

Zane was in a cart and froze the snakes in there. Wu and Nya didn't have any trouble, except for that Nya couldn't duck and smashed into a sign which sensai scolded her for. Cole was in the cart before the last, and got Skales and other snakes out of there by summoning his vehicle. The others came into the cart.

Kai: Okay. Only one cart left. Who's first?

Just then Wu jumped to the cart and disconnected it. The others just watched.

Wu: My destiny is to fight Pythor alone. Your is to look after Lloyd.

He walked into the cart and Pythor left the steering wheel before they started to fight. While that happened, the ninja were just waiting. Just then Lloyd came and hooked the carts with the anchor. And they were on the way to Ouroboros.

Wu and Pythor were still fighting. But that stopped when they crashed into Ouroboros. Sensai was knocked out, and Pythor hurried to put the fangblades on their place in the statue. He then slithered to the center and saw that green venom started to spill from the statue.

Pythor: It's working! Awaken, great one! Awaken the insatiable appetite of the beast that will eat all of Ninjago!

Wu soon arrived.

Wu: What have you done!?

Pythor: Don't you see? Releasing the great devourer is the only way to get back at the people of Ninjago, for locking my kind underground for all those years. We should have been the ones ruling the surface, not you!

Wu: You are playing with a power that cannot be controlled. It will consume everything, even the Serpentine.

Pythor: Unleash, Great Devourer, and be free to do my bidding, for I have awakened you!

The ninja reached Ouroboros.

Kai: Okay, Lloyd. Put us down right after that truck.

He did so and the ninja ran. Lloyd ran after them.

Lloyd: Wait up!

The statue crumbled, but there was nothing inside.

Pythor: No, no. It isn't inside the statue? Then where is it?

He looked down on the ground, and it crumble. That's when he saw that the devourer was under the ground. He tried to run away, but Wu stopped him.

Wu: You shall stay to see what you have done.

Pythor: Aah! Let me go, you fool! Don't you see? It's underneath us!

Wu grabbed Pythor and stood still.

Wu: This is our destiny.

The ninja stopped in shock.

Kai: Oh no! We're to late. The devourer is awakened.

Wu: You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go, ninja! Go!

Kai: No, Sensei!

Wu just nodded as the devourer rised from the ground. It then swallowed Sensai and Pythor.

Everyone stood in shock and felt the despair. Just then, the devourer turned to them.

Jay: If we stand still, then maybe it won't see us.

Well that didn't work because it roared at them.

Kai: Everyone run!

They ran back to the ship.

Nya: Fire up the engines.

Lloyd: There's no wind. And we only have reserved fuel.

Nya: Use it.

They took off, but the devourer was on their tail.

Jay: Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

Nya: Working on it. Blasters on full.

The ship went faster, but the devourer was still the same distans from them.

Kai: Nya, we gotta go faster. That thing is gaining on us.

Nya: We're going as fast as we can. I'll try to make it to Scattered Canyon.

Zane: Probability of us making it that far is less than 8 percent.

Nya: Never tell me the odds!

The devourer was ready to attack.

Cole: It's coming in for another attack. Port side.

Lloyd: We're losing speed. We'll drop to the ground pretty soon.

Nya: Throw everything overboard.

All: What?

Nya: We need to lose some weight.

The ninja then began throwing out the things to make the ship lighter. And the devourer ate it.

Jay: Man, he sure is hungry. Does anyone else think the Devourer looks bigger then before?

They soon noticed how it grew.

Cole: The more it consumes, the bigger it gets. Don't throw anything else overboard.

Kai took Sensai's teapot and held it tight.

Nya: Phew. We made it to Scattered Canyons. Hold on!

Cole: Ah, we lost him.

But they didn't, the devourer jumped up and ate the engine. The ninja had no choice than to leave the ship. And when they did, the devourer bit the ship so it split into two and then it slithered away.

All: No!

They looked at their ship with sad eyes.

Cole: It's gone.

Kai: I can't belive it's gone.

Zane: There's no time to rest. We need to warn people before it becomes bigger.

Jay: Bigger? Bigger!? That thing, in one big bite, crushed our entire ship! We need to save as many as we can. Uh, uh, we'll find some kind of refuge, somewhere safe to hide. Ooh, the Serpentine Tombs. Yeah, they're underground. Sure, we'll be without sunlight for months, but they're perfect.

Cole: So you'll just give up?

Jay: You know as well as I do, we have no chance at stopping that thing!

Kai: Hey, stop it! Listen to yourselves. Is this what Sensei Wu would've wanted? Us fighting? Running and hiding? Giving up?

Lloyd: But he's not here anymore.

The others looked down sad. Kai sighed.

Kai: I know. But his teaching lives on. Sensei once told me, it's not the size of a ninja in a fight, it's the size of the fight in the ninja. All this training, all of these battles we've had with skeletons and Serpentine. We've persevered through so much, we can't just give up now. A ninja never admits defeat. A ninja always pick themself up when they're down. Which is exactly what Sensei Wu would want us to do right now.

The others smiled a little.

Zane: But how do we destroy a snake of that magnitude?

Jay: Yeah, it's not like we have an extra flute lying around to charm it. Or wait, haha, how about one of our awesome Dragons? Oh, I forgot. They took off and left us. Or what about out Golden Weapons? Which will do nothing against a snake that size.

Cole: Jay's right. We would need a weapon so big.

Kai: Or maybe an idea that's even bigger! Ha! Jay, for once you're not an idiot! You thinking what I'm thinking?

Jay: First of. Ouch. Second. Probably not, but go ahead.

Kai: There's no time. I'll fill you guys in on the way.

Jay: Wha-Where are we going?

Kaya: We're going to destroy that snake once and for all.

Meanwhile the serpentine were going into the fangpyre tomb.

Fangtom: Why did we listen to Pythor? Unleashing the Great Devourer was a horrible idea. It's all your fault!

Skales: How was I supposed to know he was mad?

Fangtom: You were his right-hand man. You should've known better. The Devourer will eat us all.

Then the devourer approached them and all snakes jumped inside.

Skales: Out of my way, coward.

Fangtom: You're the coward.

At Ed and Edna's Junkyard.

Cole: Don't get me wrong Kai, but I don't see how this will help.

Jay: Looks like my parents are gone.

Kai: Good, better for us.

He took out a blueprint on a vehicle.

Jay: It's so awesome.

Kai: Zane, do you still have a recording of the Sacred Flute in your memory bank?

Zane: It might've been destroyed earlier, but I have its exact tone recorded and ready for playback.

Kai: Good. And there should be enough spare parts around here to build this. But we're gonna need to create our biggest tornado of creation yet. This is gonna be dangerous and we can't have anyone around.

But the postman rolled up to the front.

Cole: Ugh. What's he doing here?

Postman: Aah! You ninja are always sneaking around, giving people heart attacks. You're too quiet.

Kai: Sorry sir. We didn't mean to scare you. But you need to get out of here, now.

Postman: Uh, well, now, I too have a job to do, and that's delivering the mail, which I plan to do.

Jay: Look, dude, my parents aren't even here. You really should be on your way.

Postman: Them, too? Uh, let me guess, are they at the "Take Back Ninjago" rally too?

Jay: Uh, "Take Back Ninjago" rally?

Postman: What, you guys haven't heard? Everyone's getting together for a rally in the city. You know, to raise awareness about all the Serpentine problems that have been surfacing lately.

Lloyd: Whoa, would you look at that. You guys are inspirational.

Postman: Wait a minute, you know what? You guys are right. Wherever you guys are, trouble is always around the corner.

What he didn't know, was that the devourer was slithering behind him. But he then turned around and screamed when he saw it. He then hid.

Kai: It's now or never, guys! Ninja, go! Fire!

Cole: Earth!

Jay: Lightning!

Zane: Ice!

They did the tornado of creation and every junk piece flew into it. When it was done, they had created a ultra sonic rader.

Kai: Zane, now!

He played the recording, but the Devourer dodged it.

Cole: Zane, what was that? This isn't target practice. You're supposed to hit him, not give him a haircut.

Zane: May I remind you, we just magically whipped up this heap of junk?

Kai: Well, I hope one of us created a reverse feature because...reverse!

The devourer went for an attack.

Jay: How's this for reverse?

They backed up and dogged.

Zane: I need your help holding him in place.

Jay used a grapple hook and caught the devourer.

Kai: Now, Zane. now! Take the shot.

Zane: Charm your way out of this.

He hit the snake and it was screaming in pain.

Cole: It's working!

Kai then saw a green Dot on it's forhead and understod what it was.

Kai: It's got a weak spot.

Cole: What?

But before he could answer, the devourer used it's tail to hit the rader where Zane was. Soon it started to slither away.

All: Zane!

Cole: Is everybody okay?

Lloyd: Where's Zane?

Zane: Right here. That was close.

He had lost the left side of his face.

Kai: Too close.

Jay: Perfect. Now that was a total failure.

Kai: Not total. Did you guys notice on his forehead? It has a weak spot.

Jay: Oh, great, let me make a note of that. Giant snake has a itty-bitty weak spot that'll be totally impossible to get at because the thing is too ridiculously huge to do anything to stop it!

Nya: Are you done?

Jay: Ah, yes.

Nya: Because things just got worse. Look.

They all saw the snake slither it's way to Ninjago city.

Zane: It's heading toward Ninjago City.

Jay: That's where my parents are.

Cole: So is everybody else.

Kai: If it consumes the biggest city in all of Ninjago, there will be no stopping it.

In the city were all people chanting.

Crowd: Hey, hey, what do we say? We want snakes to slither away. Hey, hey, what do we say? We want snakes to slither away. Hey, hey, what do we say? We want snakes to slither away. Hey, hey, what do we say...

In the metro, the workers noticed something on trail nine. And it was shown to be the great devourer. Everyone in the city was screaming. The devourer was then going after Jay's parents, who had a hard time starting their car.

Ed: Oh, boy. Oh, gosh. Oh, golly. Oh, gosh.

Jay: Mom? Dad? Leave my parents alone! Lightning!

He shot the devourer in the face and saved his parents.

The other ninja used their powers. Cole even threw a car at it. But it didn't work.

Jay: Uh, I think we only made it mad.

While the ninja were fighting the snake, Nya helped people to evacuate. She arrived at a building and helped people outside safely. One of these people were a little girl named Harumi with her parents. They thanked Nya before heading far away from the snake.

(Yep. Added Harumi, but just to change her story. She's not gonna appere again.)

Meanwhile Garmadon was in Mystake's tea shop.

Garmadon: Traveler's Tea.

Mystake: Only a fool requests Traveler's Tea.

She then saw that it was Garmadon.

Mystake: But you are not a fool. Uh, let me go get some in the back.

Garmadon then heard the news.

Reporter: And I am here live, caught in the middle of an epic ninja versus snake battle. People, I have never seen bravery like this before. But I fear the ninja are no match for a beast this size. People are recommended to flee or run away, waving their arms wildly while screaming like little children.

The ninja were on the ground and the devourer lunged at them. But the Samurai mech stopped it by holding its mouth open with a light post.

Jay: Samurai to the rescue. Again.

Lloyd: It's breath smells worse than Cole's chili.

Cole: Hey!

Kai: Get out of there, sis!

Nya: I can't! I'm stuck!

Just then a dragon with four heads attacked the devourer. Lloyd and Nya fell out of it's mouth.

Cole: Rocky! Our Dragons are back.

Zane: It appears Dragons go through a metamorphosis when they reach adulthood. They too have found their True Potential.

Cole: Ha! They couldn't have come at a better time. Go get them, Rocky! Go!

The ultra dragon blasted the devourer with all four powers.

Cole: Can Dragons get any cooler? Seriously.

Kai: Yes! It's running away.

Just then the devourer hit the ultra dragon with it's tail, and it fell to the ground.

All: No!

Cole: No!

Nya: What now?

Lloyd then saw his dad.

Lloyd: You came back!

Garmadon: Give me the weapons. I am the only one who can handle the power of all four weapons at once. It's the only thing that'll defeat the Devourer.

Jay: Uh, I thought we were supposed to do everything in our power not to let him possess the weapons.

Zane: I've ran every other scenario through my servers. It appears to be the only way.

Garmadon: Give me the weapons.

Kai had an inner fight with himself. He knew that Garmadon was right. But should they really give him the weapons?

Zane: Kai?

Garmadon: Only I can destroy it. Or prepare to watch...

Kai said and threw his sword to him.

Kai: Just do it. When you have a chance to make the blow, it has a weak spot near his forehead.

The others gave him their weapons aswell.

Jay: Uh, I don't think this needs to be said, but we're gonna need these back.

Garmadon: I'll do my part. You just make sure he stays in one spot.

He then laughed and ran away.

Jay: Stays in one spot? Stays in one spot!? How are we supposed to do that?

Kai: Don't forget that we're ninja.

He then started to taunt the snake.

Kai: Come on, you overgrown worm. Take the bait. Come and get me. Whoa!

He ran untill he came to Cole.

Cole: Nice run firefly. Now I'll take it from here. Whoo-hoo!

He leaped over buildings into a Construction site. The Devourer reached it, only to find Jay waiting for it.

Jay: Looking for me?

It tried to get him, but he jumped into a chack and used his true potential to go up on the roof where Zane was.

Zane: What took you so long?

Jay: Save the humor, Zane. Now's not the time.

Zane: Instead of a fire escape, how about an ice escape!

Zane created a ice slide and they slid down.

Jay: Haha, nice one, Zane.

They flew of and almost landed in the devourer's mouth, but the ultra dragon caught them last minute.

Jay: You think it's working?

Kai: We're about to find out.

They then saw that they had managed to make the Devourer bite it's own tail. They cheered.

Cole: We did it! Now, where's Garmadon? He's not gonna hold on for much longer.

Lloyd: Look!

The sky became engulfed in dark clouds, and they then saw that Garmadon was on the roof of a skyscraper.

Garmadon: You are the reason evil runs through my blood. You bit me once. Now feel what it's like to be bitten back.

He jumped down towards the devourer.

Lloyd: Go get him, Dad.

Garmadon: Vengeance will be mine!

He hit the devourer and destroyed it. And when he did, it's venom spread throughout the city. All the people cheered.

Jay: He did it.

Cole: No, we did it!

In the fangpyre tomb, the serpentine heard cheering.

Skalidor: Is that cheering?

Fangtom: The Great Devourer must have been destroyed.

Skales: Someone has to lead now.

Jay walked over to his parents to see if they where ok.

Edna: Ooh, our little ninja.

Cole went to greet the ultra dragon.

Cole: Hey, there you are, you big lug. It's good to have you back.

Lloyd and Kai looked after Garmadon.

Lloyd: I don't see my dad.

Kai: He should be around here somewhere.

Zane: Your analysis is incorrect. He is not here.

Cole: Then our Golden Weapons are gone too. Well, isn't that convenient?

Nya: Look, his footsteps.

Kai put a hand on Lloyd's shoulder.

Kai: I have a feeling you'll see your father again soon.

Lloyd: I know, but that's what I'm afraid of.

Cole then saw a familier person.

Cole: Ah, Sensei Wu!

Nya: Wow.

Jay: Ha! Would you look at that. He survived!

Wu: I can't tell you how glad I am to see you. The Devourer left a bad taste in my mouth.

Kai handed him his teapot. He drank some tea and smiled.

Wu: Ah. Much better. And still hot.

Lloyd: It's good to have you back, uncle. But my father left, and he took the Golden Weapons.

Wu: Ah, very true. The ability of the weapon is truly great, but the ability to better oneself makes you limitless.

Jay: I couldn't have said it any better myself.

Kai: Besides, we have what is most important. You.

Wu: The pupils have become the masters.

Lloyd: Am I really gonna have to fight my father one day?

Wu: One day. But today, we can feel good that Ninjago is saved, for tomorrow you will train for the day. Good will finally face evil and a final outcome will be decided for all of time.

Kai: But don't worry. We're gonna teach you everything we know.

Jay: And make sure you're prepared for that fight.

Cole: Because as we all know, good will always stand up to evil.

Zane: And ninja will always stand up for what is right.

Ninja: Go, ninja. Go!

The devourer was gone, and know Lloyd's journey to be the green ninja had just began.

(A/N. Season one done. Now over to season two. So see you soon.)

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