The last voyage

Zane and Wu were looking over the ocean with a periscope and saw dark clouds.

Zane: Hmm, most peculiar. Yesterday there was just ocean, but now there is an island.

Wu: The dark island, Zane. And what I find more peculiar is after Ninjago City was attacked by the Stone Army, today they have vanished.

Zane: Do you think they are on this dark island? Garmadon may be responsible.

Wu: I fear that too. But what's most important is we have to find out what is on that island.

Zane: Perhaps my falcon can have a look.

The falcon flew off and in the meantime, were the others trying to repair the bounty. Let's just say, that Jay got splashed with oil.

Jay: Ugh, useless pile of junk.

Nya: Oh, it's worse than I feared. The rotors on the starboard booster are completely destroyed. The port boosters are shot from the strain. Oh, sorry guys. She's not getting airborne anytime soon.

Cole: So if the Stone Army attacks again, we're sitting ducks.

Jay: Uh, ducks can fly, Cole. Weren't you listening?

Kai: We couldn't even stop the stone warriors not a single one. They're impossible to beat.

Cole put his arm around his shoulder as Wu walked to them.

Wu: We mustn't give up hope, Kai.

Lloyd: But the Stone Army is indestructible. You saw it. At best, all my powers could do was slow them down.

Misako: That's not entirely true. There is a way to defeat them. And it is told within the scrolls.

They walked inside and Misako showed them the scroll.

Misako: The prophecy reveals that the power to defeat the Stone Army lies within the Green Ninja.

Lloyd: I tried. I gave them everything I had.

Misako: Yes, but you are stronger than you think. Look. The true power of the Green Ninja can only be unlocked when his four protectors find their own pure elemental powers.

Cole: Are we the protectors?

Jay: Pfft, silly question. Of course we are. Haha, right?

Zane: If we are the protectors, then we're doomed. Our elemental golden weapons no longer exist. We cannot tap into our elemental powers without them.

Misako: But the powers do exist within each of you. And there is a way to unlock your powers on your own. We must go to the Temple of Light.

Nya: Temple of Light? What's that?

Misako: The gold in the golden weapons was from the golden Peaks, but they were forged in the Temple of Light, a powerful place I thought only existed in legend.

Wu: It's on the dark island?

Misako: I think our only choice is to find out.

Cole: So we get our powers back? All right!

Nya: But there's still one big problem. The bounty can't fly.

Misako: It's a ship, right? Can't it sail?

Jay: Silly question. Of course it can. Haha, right?

Everyone then prepared for the trip, and everyone who knew the ninja came to say goodbye.

Edna: Now promise me you'll eat your vegetables.

Jay: Mom!

Edna: Oh, I mean it. You get sluggish when you don't get enough vitamins. Ed, tell him if he's gonna save the world, he has to eat his vegetables.

Ed: Uh, do what your mother says.

Cole was with his dad.

Lou: I don't know what to say.

Cole: You don't have to say anything.

Lou: You're right. I don't have to say anything. But I do have to sing.

They soon started to sing.

The royal blacksmiths: Who's gonna save Ninjago's hide? Who's gonna make a dad swell with pride? Cole is! Cole does! Cole, Cole, Cole.

Everyone applaud.

Cole: That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard, Pop.

He hugged him while Kai and Nya talked to Dareth.

Kai: Now, Dareth. We're entrusting you with protecting Ninjago and tending to the Ultra Dragon. Are you up to the tasks?

Dareth: I won't let you guys down, my lotus flower. By the way, what's my elemental power?

Kai thought.

Kai: Brown?

Dareth: Wow that's so cool.

Kai rolled hid eyes and he and Nya walked away.

Nya: You think he's gonna screw up?

Kai: Oh yeah.

Lloyd was on the ultra dragon.

Lloyd: You need to stay here, big guy. These people need your protection.

Zane felt sad that he didn't have anyone to say goodbye to.

Wu: Is there anyone you would like to say goodbye to?

Zane: My only family is my falcon. And my only memory of my father was nearly erased. I will miss Ninjago, for it's all I know, but I am excited to see what the future has in store.

Wu: Well, my Nindroid friend, there are a few people who would like to say goodbye to you.

He pointed at a group of fan girls and Rufus was there too.

Rufus: I love you, you stupid Nindroid.

Wu: Pupils, it's time we set sail.

They all waved.

Jay: Goodbye!

Cole: See you!

Kai: So long!

Dareth: Take care my lotus flower!

Kai's eye twitched.


Dareth: He still loves me.

Everyone cheered

Edna: Jay! Did you make sure to pack clean underwear?

Jay: Yes, mom!

They soon were far away from land.

Wu: We still have a long journey ahead of us.

Cole turned to Zane.

Cole: Still no word from your falcon?

Zane: Not yet.

Kai: I wonder what's on the island?

Zane: An entirely new ecosystem?

Cole: Never before seen creatures?

Jay: Oh, vegetables that taste like dessert?

Kai: I hope the Stone Army are there. They may have gotten the best of us once, but never again.

Cole: You said it firefly.

Jay: Hear, hear.

Lloyd: I wonder if this is the end of our destiny.

Kai: If it is, there isn't anyone else I'd want on by my side.

Cole wrapped his arms around Kai and kissed his head.

Cole: Me neither.

Jay: Hear, hear.

Just then Zane's falcon vision turned on.

Zane: My Falcon has arrived at the Dark Island!

They went to the bridge. Zane plugged himself onto the computer so everyone could see what he saw. He looked around and then a stone warrior shot down the falcon, knocking Zane back. Everyone gasped.

Zane: He's...he's gone.

Wu: We don't know that.

Nya: Oh, Zane. I'm so sorry.

Kai and Nya helped him up.

Kaya: Well, he was our friend too, so we're not gonna let him go in vain. If the stone army wants a fight, they got one.

Misako: Well, that's going to have to wait because right now, we're sailing straight for a storm. All hands on deck.

On the dark island were some stone warriors collecting Dark Matter.

Garmadon: This is foolish. I have an unbeatable army to conquer Ninjago and yet we waste time playing in the mud?

Overlord: What you call "mud" is concentrated evil. A Dark Matter that with one drop could make a man's heart turn as black as night. Have patience, Garmadon. The Celestial Clock ticks backwards to doomsday and cannot be stopped. Your time will come, but we must prepare. We must build a superweapon the likes of which has never before been seen.

Garmadon: Hmm. A superweapon? I like the sound of that!

Back at the bounty all the ninja (well except for Jay) were trying to stabelies the ship.

Cole: Hold the line!

Lloyd: The winds are too strong!

Zane: We need everyone's help, Jay!

Jay: But I don't wanna get wet. I...I only have one pair of underwear.

Kai: Jay, this is no time to be making jokes. The Bounty can only take so much.

Jay: You think I'm trying to be funny?

He then heard laughter.

Jay: Okay, laugh all you want, but we'll see who laughs last when I have to go commando.

Kai's eyes soon widend.

Kai: That laugh.

The people on the bridge heard it too.

Nya: Ugh. It sounds like some of us are getting a kick out of this.

Misako: That's not laughter.

Wu: What is that sound?

Just then weird starfishes came from the sea. But they had very sharp teeth.

Misako: Starteeth.

Lloyd: Uh, guys, why is the sea laughing at us?

Jay: And why do I have a feeling we're not gonna get the joke?

A starteeth jumped onto the boat.

Cole: Hey, what's that?

He let go of the rope.

Zane, Kai and Lloyd: Whoa!

Jay: I'm coming! I got it!

Kai: About time, Jay!

He got splashed by water.

Jay: Oh, perfect!

Cole: It looks like some sort of a, hmm, fish.

He picked it up, revealing its sharp teeth.

Kai: Cole! Throw it into the water, quick!

Misako ran out.

Misako: Wait! We must not let the Starteeth on board. They devour ships and won't stop until we sink!

Cole got bit by the one he was holding.

Cole: Ow! It bit me!

The Starteeth bit the rope, unstabilizing the mast.

Kai: We have to get them off!

Lloyd: Faster! Or we'll sink!

Jay started to remove some.

Jay: Get off there!

Some started to hang on his back.

Jay: Oh, my! Aah! Get them off! Get them off!

Kai: Use your Spinjitzu!

He used spinjitsu and they flew right onto the sail. The others used spinjitsu too and made the starteeth fly of the ship.

Kai: Sink your teeth into this!

Jay then saw them eating on a chain.

Jay: They eat through metal too?

Lloyd: Uh, guys, I think we have a bigger problem.

The Starteeth were eating through the side of the ship, where the ninja were unable to reach.

Jay: Oh, I should have brought an extra pair of underwear.

The next day, the ninja were scooping out water from under the ship.

Kai: Ah, this is hopeless! Now that we have no rudder, we've been drifting aimlessly and we'll never get to the dark island.

Misako: We only know what is foretold will happen. Not when it will happen.

Just then Zane dropped his bucket.

Wu: What is it, Zane?

Zane: I sense something.

Cole: Is it the falcon?

Jay: Is he all right?

Zane: No. It's...something else. Brace yourselves!

Everyone groaned as they crashed onto a small island with a lighthouse.

Lloyd: Who would build a lighthouse way out here?

Zane: It's not a lighthouse. It's a prison.

They walked up to the door. Then they heard growling.

Jay: Oh, I should have brought an extra pair of underwear.

Wu: Mysterious. We better keep going.

Jay saw a camera over the door.

Jay: Uh, should we smile?

Just then a man opened the door. And hugged Zane. Zane himself was shocked.

Julien: Zane! Is it really you? You found me!

Lloyd: Uh, do you know him?

Julien: Of course I know him, I built him for heaven's sake!

Zane: But my memory tells me that you have passed.

Julien: Ah, you found your memory switch.

Another growl was then heard.

Julien: Hurry, it can't know that you're here, or else there'll be dues to pay.

Jay: "It?"

Julien: I'll explain everything inside, including why it is that you thought I was dead.

Nya: Well, the Bounty's sailing days are over.

Wu: Come, Nya.

Everyone walked inside.

Julien: Locking, barricading, hand checking. I think we're safe. This way.

He lead them all upstairs.

Julien: Please, please have a seat. You must be thirsty.

Zane: Seat, where?

Julien the pulled a lever revealing a table

Julien: There of course.

Nya: Wow, that's pretty smart.

Cole: A technical wizard.

Dr. Julien pressed a switch and everyone quietly watched as a robot served them Tea. Jay being himself, decided to mess with it and it ended up with him getting tea on his groin. As he jumped in pain everyone laughed. But Zane didn't, because he found pictures of himself and Dr. Julien from his past.

Zane: Father, I don't understand. I-I saw you pass.

Julien: Yes, you did, and believe me when I tell you, I thought I was kaput, but as you know in Ninjago, the past is the past.

Misako: And the future...

Wu: the future.

Julien: Yes. But after I turned off your memory switch, what you didn't see is bonehead Samukai reviving me with a special elixir. He wanted me to create state-of-the-art war machines for their army. He said if I did, then I would be able to see my son again. And to make sure I didn't escape, he chained a Leviathan to keep guard.

Lloyd: A Leviathan? That's what we heard in the ocean?

Julien: Yes. When Samukai didn't return, I thought I would never see you again. But as so much time has passed I started to question if you would ever want to see me again. I was afraid if you found out what horrible things I've created, you would think I was a...a monster.

Zane: We will get you out of here, Father. Now that we are together, perhaps we can invent a way off this rock.

Jay: Could you repair the rocket boosters on our ship?

Julien looked at the ship.

Julien: That sailing ship has rocket boosters?

Nya: Well, the rotors and gears are shot.

Julien: Eh, pish posh. No matter! I'll have your ship airworthy by dawn!

The Leviathan then growled.

Cole: It's an earthquake!

Julien: No, it's much worse! He's here. Everyone hide!

Everyone ran and hid. The Leviathan looked inside and saw the tea bowls.

Julien: Aha, if it isn't my old chum. Hehe, just marching to the beat of my own drum. You know, doing whatever I can to pass the time. Since I'm so, you know, heh, alone.

The Leviathan went back to the water.

Kai: If we're gonna make something and get out of here, we're gonna have to hurry before it comes back.

Everyone started working on the ship. Later Cole saw Kai in deep thoughts.

Cole: What is it Kai?

Kai: It's about what Lloyd said. What if our destiny ends at the dark island.

Cole wrapped his arms around him.

Cole: Don't worry we will make it. And atleast we'll be together.

Kai smiled at his boyfriend.

Kai: Together to the end.

They both kissed. Inside the house was Julien just finishing eating some of Zane's cooking. He burped.

Julien: Excuse me, but I must say, I have never had such a meal in all my life. Where did you learn to cook? I never programmed that into you.

Zane: I guess I just picked it up. Father, if I wanted you to make a change in me, would you?

Julien: A change?

Zane: An alteration.

Julien: Heh, but Zane, you're perfect. I could never make you any better than you already are.

Zane: But I see no reason for me to have a memory switch. I happen to like my life and don't want to ever forget you again.

Julien: Don't worry, my son. We will both never forget. I'm glad you found me.

Zane: I'm glad you made me.

The Leviathan growled

Julien: Everyone aboard! It's coming!

Kai: It's here!

Jay: Get us out of here, Nya!

Nya: I hope she's ready! Come on!

The Leviathan grabbed the Bounty before it could fly away.

Wu: Lloyd! Use your Elemental Powers!

Lloyd: As you wish, Sensei! Release us, you monster!

He used his powers and the Leviathan let go.

Wu: Well done, Lloyd!

The Leviathan grabbed them again. Zane then spotted the chain that held it.

Zane: It's chained!

He jumped up on the railing.

Julien: Zane! What are you doing?

Zane: The Leviathan won't let us leave. I think I know a way I can help.

Julien: But you can't jump in. These oceans are filled with Starteeth.

Zane: I know.

He jumped in.

Julien: Zane! No!

Zane swam down and put some starteeth on the chain. They started to eat and the chain snapped. The Leviathan let go of the ship.

Kai: It let us go.

Julien: What happened?

Lloyd: Zane released the Leviathan, and now it's letting us go.

Julien: But where is my son?

Zane jumped up.

Zane: I'm here, Father!

Julien: Zane! Zane.

They hugged eachother.

Wu: How did you know if you freed it from captivity it would let us go?

Zane: Because no one deserves to be held captive. Not even a monster.

The Leviathan swam away happy to be free.

Zane: Farewell, creature from the sea. Enjoy your freedom.

Now the ninja were on they way to the dark island. Ready for new adventures and dangers.

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