The invitation (Season 4, chapter one.)

In a jungle, Lloyd hid from nindroids. He attacked a few and entered a cave. There he dogged lasers but accidentely stepped on one. Nindroids started to attack him.

Lloyd: Ninja, go!

He used Spinjitzu on the Nindroids. Soon he entered a hole in the floor with a rope and tried to reach the golden armor, but it disappeared. Wu and Cyrus walked in.

Cyrus: You got closer than I thought you would. But then again, I didn't think you'd be quite so rough on my security droids.

Lloyd: If I can't steal the golden armor, I'd be surprised if anyone else could. It's secure, but where is the real one?

Cyrus: Some secrets are best kept safe.

Wu: Lloyd, where are the other ninja? I asked for all of you to take part in this test.

Lloyd looked away.

Lloyd: Uh, they, uh, they really wanted to be here, but they, uh...all had other plans.

Cyrus: I understand perfectly well. The loss of Zane has affected us all. I haven't even heard word from my assistant Pixal since his memorial. It's heartbreaking.

Wu: If we dwell too long on what's missing, we fail to see what can be gained. The absence of Zane will either tear you four apart or bring you closer together. The choice is yours.

Lloyd: I'll do what I can, but it won't be easy.

Wu: The greatest lessons never are.

In a recording studio, jay walked onto a stage for a game show.

Crowd: Most Ultimate Extreme Ninja Challenge Ever!

Jay: I'm Jay, Ninjago's most lovable ninja, here before the Gauntlet of Humility to see who will be Ninjago's next hero, and whose dreams will be gone, in a flash!

He used his lightning to reach a platform.

Jay: I'm here with Cathy, tireless mother of four, pillar of the PTA, and returning contestant. Tell me, Cathy, after being humbled by the Gauntlet the first time, what makes you think this'll be any different?

Cathy: Because ninja never quit!

Jay chuckled.

Jay: Okay, Cathy. Start the doomsday clock!

Cathy made it across the obstacle course, but fell. Jay ran to her.

Cathy: Heh, I got further than last time!

The crowd cheered. After the show, Jay made it back to his dressing room. He looked at a picture.

Jay: Ninja never quit, huh, Zane?

Lloyd: The team needs you now more than ever.

Jay turned around and gasped when he saw Lloyd.

Jay: How did you get in here?

Lloyd: I'm a ninja, and you are wearing makeup.

Jay: Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's concealer, a time-honored tool of the ninja. And what do you mean "team?" Without Zane it's not the same. Sure me, Cole and Kai are still close friends. And I'm going to be their ultra best man on their wedding. But being a team after what happened, it won't work.

Lloyd: You don't belong here, Jay. This isn't you. You're the Master of Lightning, not the Master of gameshows. You know where I'll be if you change your mind.

Lloyd was gone and went to find Cole chopping wood in the Blackwood Forest.

Lloyd: The team needs you now more than ever.

Cole: I thought I was good with a scythe. Turns out, I'm even better with an axe. Ugh, I'm tired of fighting, Lloyd. Tired of Serpentine, tired of Nindroids, tired of everything ninja related. Out here, no one knows who you are. No one expects anything of you. And now me and Kai can focus on our life together without worrying about someone wanting our help. Now we're just normal citizens.

Lloyd: But what would Zane expect? You're the Master of Earth, Cole. you don't belong in trees. Your feet should be on the ground. You can't hide who you are.

Cole: Sorry, Green machine, this is my life now.

A worker was on top of a pile of logs, but it was about to fall.

Worker: Oh, oh, cracked stem! She's falling hard!

Cole stopped it by using his Earth. Everyone cheered.

Man #1: Who is he?

Man #2: Not one of us.

Cole paked up his things and left.

Lloyd: If you change your mind, Cole, you know where I'll be.

He left and looked for Kai that started to work for a dojo.

(No it isn't Dareth's)

She was just teaching a class of 11 year old boys. Both human and snakes.

Kai: Good keep it up. Now remember the importend thing isn't the attack. It's the defanse. Without it you would be defeated very fast.

Class: Yes Sensai Kai.

Kai looked at the clock.

Kaya: Okay everyone. That's it for today. I see you again next week.

Afterwards Kai changed into his normal clothes.

Boss: I gotta say Kai. I'm impressed by your work.

Kai: Thanks. Being a ninja really helped.

Boss: Yeah. Plus you're the only one who wants to train the serpentine too. It's sad the others still see them as monsters.

Kai: Yeah. But they've changed. That's something we should be proud of.

They both smiled before Kai headed home. He was meet by Lloyd.

Lloyd: The team needs you more then ever.

Kai: Oh. Hi Lloyd. I know that we should assemble the team again, but without Zane.

He looked down on the ground.

Lloyd: I know Kai. But we need to do it. Without the ninja Ninjago is unprotected. You know it's true. If you change your minds, you know where I'll be

Kai then looked up and Lloyd was gone. He walked to Zane's statue and smiled at it. Suddenly he heard steps behind him. Quickly he turned around. But no one was there.

Kai: Show yourself. I know you're there.

Suddenly the person made themself visible. It was a young snake. An Anacondrai.

Kai: Pyther, you know not to sneak up like that.

The young snake smiled a little.

Pyther: I know. But I can't help it.

Kai smiled gently.

Kai: It's okay. Let's go home.

Yeah, after Zane's memorial. Kai and Cole found Pyther. Apparently he was the second last Anacondrai. His egg managed to survive many years. And hatched, just one year ago. And he was forced to survive by his own. Kai and Cole took him in as their adoptive son.

(Didn't see that coming did you. Anyway, Pyther looks like Pythor. But still purple and younger with clothes.)

They headed to their apartment where Cole already was.

Cole: Hi firefly, hi sport. How was your day?

Kai: Good. The students are doing great.

Pyther: I almost talked to other kids. But I chikend out.

Cole smiled gently and hugged him.

Cole: It's okay. Atleast you almost did it. That's progress.

Kai noticed Cole's worker bag.

Kai: I guess the tree buisness didn't go well.

Cole: No. The others found out my powers, and now I will stick out.

Kai: Did Lloyd talk to you too?

Cole: Yeah. He's right but without Zane.

Kaya: I know. But I think Zane would want us to go on and assemble the team. If it was me I would have wanned that.

Cole smiled and embraced Kai in a hug.

Cole: You're right. As always you know how to convince me.

They kissed as Pyther crinched.

Later Kai and Cole went to Chen's Noodle House. Pyther stayed home.

Chen: (On a recording.) There's only one Master Chen's, Ninjago's number one noodle house.

They walked inside looking for Lloyd.

Lloyd: Kai, Cole back here.

They walked up and saw Jay.

Kai: Hi Jay.

Jay: Hi guys. Guess the runt tricked us all.

Cole tried to take food from the conveyor belt, but Lloyd stopped him

Lloyd: We talk first, then eat.

Cole: Okay. Make it quick.

Lloyd: I know without Zane things have been different, but we have to move on. The reason I brought you all here is because… maybe we should add someone new to our team.

The others looked at him shocked.

Kai: A new ninja?

Jay: Are you crazy!?

Cole: Come on, Zane's irreplaceable!

Lloyd: I cared for him too but now it's time to care about this team.

Kai: Lloyd, I know you mean well, but we can't just replace Zane. That isn't right.

Just then three thugs came in.

Jay: Oh. Don't look now, but we've got trouble.

They forced the Restaurant Owner to open the cash register and put him on the conveyor belt. They laughed.

Thug: Check it out.

Cole: All right, now they're our problem.

They walked up to them.

Cole: Excuse me, it's not polite to touch someone else's food.

Kai: I'd listen if I were you. He's no fun to be around when he's hangry.

They attacked eachother. Kai jumped up on the conveyor belt and kicked food at the thugs.

Kai: We still make a good team.

Cole grabbed the food Kai kicked off the conveyor belt.

Cole: Yeah, mmm. Everything's better on a full stomach.

Eyezor shattered a plate.

Cole: Hey, I was gonna eat that.

He put Eyezor one the conveyor belt. Kai defeated the others easily.

Lloyd: How can you walk away from this?

The thugs ran away from the back door.

Cole: Hey, let's get them, guys.

They ran after but they where gone.

Kai: Oh, where did they go? Huh?

They saw a table with a note and fortune cookies.

Lloyd: What's this?

Jay: Uh...

They saw a picture of Zane on the letter. It made them gasp.

Kai: It's Zane.

Cole: What does it say?

Lloyd: It says he's alive.

Everyone gasped.

Kai: I don't think those thugs were delivering a message to the Noodle House. I think they were delivering a message to us.

Jay: What do you mean it says he's alive?

Lloyd: Hey, I'm just telling you what it says.

Kai: Why would these thugs lead us here?

Cole: You know, this has to be some cruel joke. And I'm not laughing.

Lloyd pointed at the fortune cookies.

Lloyd: Look. I think this was meant for us too.

Jay: Fortune cookies? Very peculiar.

Lloyd: Should we?

Cole ate one.

Kai: Uh, honey. You do realize there's a fortune inside, right?

Cole: Oh, so that's why they're called that.

Lloyd started to read.

Lloyd: Listen to this. "Master Chen has personally invited you to participate in his Tournament of Elements."

Cole: Wait a minute. Are you saying that Mr. Chen, the same guy filling my belly with delicious goodness, is actually Master Chen?

Kai: "Secrecy is of the utmost importance. Tell no one, or suffer the consequences."

Jay: "If you ever want to see your friend again, meet on the pier at midnight and leave your weapons behind.

Their fortunes exploded. Same with the one Cole ate. He burped.

Cole: Uhh. At least I know I was invited.

Everyone laughed.

Lloyd: You don't think...

Kai: It could be a trap. A lie to lure us in.

Jay: Yeah, but what if it's not? What if Zane's alive?

Lloyd: The Tournament of Elements. I'm starting to think this Master Chen makes more than noodles.

Kai: You can forget bringing in a new ninja, Lloyd. Let's go see about an old one.

At Garmadon's monastery, Garmadon saw Nya and Wu working on something.

Garmadon: Hm, are you planning on fixing the Bounty?

Nya: Yeah, but we could use some help.

Garmadon left. Lloyd was getting ready for the Tournament in his room.

Music: Kick back, whip around, and spin, and then we jump back, do it again.

Lloyd was about to take weapons but stopped and thought about the fortune.

Lloyd: "Leave your weapons behind."

Music: Ninja, go! Ninja, go! Come on, come on,

Garmadon knocked and came in.

Garmadon: I was just on my way to help Nya and Wu restore the Bounty. Would you like to join? Guess you could say it's all hands on deck.

Lloyd: Uh, sorry. The guys and I are going fishing. Team building exercise.

Garmadon: Hm, good to hear the team's back together.

Lloyd: Dad, our Elemental Power...are there others out there with powers like us?

Garmadon: Why would you ask?

Lloyd: No reason. It was just on my mind.

Garmadon noticeed a takeout box with the Noodle House logo.

Lloyd: See ya. Early bird catches the worm.

Garmadon noticed that Lloyd didn't take his fishing rod. He looked back at the box.

Garmadon: Chen.

Kai and Cole soon arrived by Nya. Pyther was with them.

Kai: Hey sis. We boys are heading out for some days. Can you look after Pyther?

Nya walked up and nodded.

Nya: Ofcourse. I'll take care of him.

Pyther smiled before turning to his dads.

Cole: Listen to aunt Nya. Okay?

Pyther: I promise dad.

Kai: Good. See you in a few days.

They hugged Pyther before heading off. He looked at his aunt.

Pyther: Can I help you with the Bounty?

Nya smiled.

Nya: Ofcourse. I'll teach you about mechanic.

The ninja soon arrived at the docks with other Elemental Masters.

Kai: Sensai was right about it being more elemantal masters. Wonder what powers they have?

Lloyd: When I asked my dad about it, he got really suspicious. Like there's something he's keeping from me.

Cole: The fortune cookie said, “tell no one or else there'd be consequences.”

Lloyd: Relax, we're cool. We don't know yet if this is a trap. Wherever they take us, we have to stick together.

A man soon walked up to them.

Clouse: Master Chen will be charmed to see you've accepted his offer. A Master of Spinjitzu shall fare favorably in his Tournament.

Jay: Hey, we're not here to fight. We're here to save a friend.

Clouse grabbed Jay's nunchuks.

Clouse: Don't be so petty, Master Jay. Everyone here has something to fight for.

Jay: Chopsticks. I'm a big eater, heh.

Jay gulped when Clouse threw his nunchuks into the Sea. Suddenly they heard Garmadon.

Garmadon: Lloyd, wait! If you get on that boat, you may never return.

Lloyd: What are you doing here, Dad?

Garmadon: Master Chen is a dangerous man who should never be trusted. Whatever he promised you, do not believe him.

Clouse: Lord Garmadon. It's been a while. It's Sensei now, correct? I can't remember.

Garmadon: Clouse. I see Master Chen still has you running his errands.

Lloyd: I have to go, Dad. This is about Zane. It's about family. If we're ever going to be whole again, I have to get on that ship.

Clouse: Last call. Are you in, or out?

Garmadon: I can't stop you, son, but I can join you.

Clouse: Sorry, no more room in the ship.

Garmadon: No room?

He kicked a thug off the ship.

Clouse: I stand corrected. There's room now.

Garmadon: Don't worry, I'm not here to compete. Only to look out for my interests.

Clouse: Let's ship out!

The ninja watched the other Masters display their powers.

Lloyd: You know him. You said his name's Clouse.

Garmadon: Don't be fooled by his attire. He is a Master of Dark Arts and Master Chen's number two.

Cole: Huh, I thought Master Chen's number two was an eggroll and fried rice.

Lloyd: Why haven't you or Wu ever told us there are others with powers like us?

Garmadon: Because there are some things we don't want you to know. You were led to believe you were special, yet you never questioned where your powers came from.

Jay: Uh, are you implying that I'm not special?

Garmadon: Everyone on this ship is a descendant of an original Elemental Master.

Lloyd: Elemental Master? Who were they?

Garmadon: They were the First Spinjitzu Master's guardians, each endowed with an Elemental Power that has passed down through generations.

Kai: If that's true, then so is my sister Nya. But she hasn't shown any signs of powers.

Garmadon: Power lies in all of you. It only needs to be awoken. The fighters here serve no master and have managed to unlock their own True Potential. For instance, that pale man. A distant relative to the Master of Light. Watch closely and you'll see how he's stayed hidden all these years.

Mr. Pale disappeared. Griffin Turner ran by.

Garmadon: Then there's Griffin Turner. Grandson to the Master of Speed.

Griffin: Hey, you can't lay a hand on me. I'm faster than fast. Swifter than swift.

Jay: Uh, Master of Speed? Pfft. That's not an Element.

Garmadon: So asks the Master of Lightning.

Cole: Oh, snap, he got you there.

Kai noticed a girl in an orange cloak. Her name was Skylor.

Kai: And what powers does she have.

Garmadon: I don't know. Most of these people I have not seen. But they will all be gunning for you. You are ninja. You serve with honor. Here, that means very little.

Kai then saw Karlof pulling on Skylor.

Kai: Well, maybe honor means something to me.

He walked up to them.

Kai: Hey! Leave her alone.

Skylor: It's okay. I can handle myself.

Karlof: This none of his business. Karlof cold. Karlof just want her cloak.

Kai: You're not so tough as you think

Karlof: You say Karlof not brave.

Kai: Oh, you are brave. But take this from someone with a sister. Girls don't forget things. So this one will most certainly wanna kick your butt extra hard. If I was you, I would leave her alone.

Karlof just left without saying a word. Skylor walked up to Kai.

Skylor: I'm sorry if I was cold to you earlier.

He reached out her hand and Kai shook it. He then felt something tingle in his hand. Skylor walked away.

Clouse: We're here. Welcome to Chen's Island.

He hid behind a crate and pulled out a walkie-talkie.

Clouse: Master Chen, Garmadon has returned. He says he will be looking out for his interests.

Chen: Interesting. You worry too much, Clouse. Everything will work out. Just wait and see.

He hung up.

Garmadon: I swore to never return.

Jay: You know, you should never swear. It's a sign of weak verbal skills.

Lloyd: If Zane's on that island, we'll find him. We have to.

On the island Chen walked up to Zane's cell.

Chen: I hold all the cards.

He laughed evilly. Zane meanwhile opened his eyes.

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