The green ninja

It was dark at the bounty and snake like figures were walking around. But the ninja managed to defeat them with their powers. But it was just dummies they used to train.

Nya: Good, your powers have became stronger. But where is Kai?

Zane: He's meditating in his room. And didn't want us to disturb him.

Jay: Yeah, he's been distant lately. Wonder why.

Cole: Whatever it is, we better give him some space.

They then heard a familiar voice.

Wu: Hello, I'm home.

All: Sensai.

They turned around to see Wu.

Wu: It's good to be home.

Zane: It's good to have you back.

Cole: Did you bring anything.

Jay: Sensai you've missed so much. Zane's a nindroid, Nya is the mysterious samurai, Cole's a dancer.

Wu: Zane's a what?

Zane: You've been gone for a while. We catch you up later. The most important thing you should know is, that everyone except for Kai have unlocked their true potential.

Wu: Really? But where is Kai?

Cole: He's meditating, and wanned to be alone.

Just then everyone froze when Lord Garmadon stepped from behind Sensai.

Cole: Sensai behind you!

The ninja were ready with their weapons. But Wu stopped them.

Wu: Wait everyone! He is the reason I left. He'll be our guest as long as Pythor has Lloyd.

Cole: Sensai, you can't be serious.

Zane: He has four arms.

Jay: And he have been trying to get the golden weapons ever since he turned evil.


The three bowed.

All: Yes Sensai.

Garmadon: This isn't about the weapons. It's about my son.

Wu: From now on, you will obey me and respect my brother.

All: Yes sensai.

Just then Kai came out on the upper deck.

Kai: What is all the screaming about? Sensai, it's so good to see you.

Wu: The same with you Kai.

Kai then locked eye with Garmadon.

Kai: Garmadon.

Garmadon: Kai.

The others could feel the tension between them.

Wu: He's our guest and will help us save Lloyd.

A small sigh came from Kai. He looked at Garmadon.

Kai: I'll respect you as our guest. But if you think, that I'll forget what you did. Then , you're wrong.

He then walked away. Wu sighed, knowing that Kai wouldn't let that go. If someone had taken his only family, he would be the same.

Cole followed him while the other explained how the search for the fangblades went. He found Kai in their room meditating with candles around him. The flames of the candles raised for every breath he took.

Cole: Are you ok?

Kai sighed and didn't even look at Cole.

Kai: I know Garmadon cares about his son and want to help us. But what he did. It'll always gonna be in my mind.

Cole: Well, he did take Nya from you. So I can understand why you don't wanna forgive him.

Cole then noticed how the flames started to get bigger.

Kai: He took my sister! I thought I would never see her again. I felt so helpless, not being able to protect her. That my whole family would be gone!

The flames erupted and Cole jumped back as his arm got a little burned. He winched as Kai turned around and gasped.

Kai: Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry Cole.

Cole walked up to Kai and hugged him.

Cole: It's okay. Everyone stress sometimes. Just relax. I'm okay.

Kai took a deep breath as he and Cole hugged eachother. He felt a little better. And now he just needed to stand Garmadon living with them.

And let's just say, living with Garmadon was weird. For example. He brushed his teeth with a dagger, he ate something called condensed evil, that apperantly was low on fat, he changed the channel when someone else was watching, he was "sunbathing" in a storm. And when he was about to sleep, he did something weird with electricity. And when he played video games he just destroyed everything.

The others was annoyed but didn't really care anymore. Kai and Garmadon seemed to be civil to eachother. Probably because they had to.

Kai was in the bridge, checking the monitors. He looked to see if the falcon saw something. And it did. He saw the serpentine and they had Lloyd with them.

Kai: Everyone to the bridge. The falcon have detected the snakes and Lloyd.

Everyone was now in the bridge.

Nya: They're at the temple of fire.

Kai: Then a fangblade must be there.

Garmadon: And Lloyd.

Jay: It's the same place where Kai and Garmadon first fought.

Kai: And of I don't remember wrong. Then I say that someone tried to cheat.

Garmadon: Hey. I'm a bad guy. That's what I do.

Kai rolled his eyes and Garmadon did the same. The others didn't seem that concerned about it. They had bad history.

Nya: Since the last time we were there. The volcano had become unstable. The place is ready to explode. It's a highly combustible environment.

Jay: Oh great. Just what we need when fighting snakes. A highly combustible environment that's about to blow up.

Wu: We do what we must.

All: Yes Sensai.

Kai went to get the weapons, when Garmadon stopped him.

Garmadon: Listen. We don't like eachother for good reasons. But let's just leave that as we're saving Lloyd.

He held out one of his hands. Kai sighed.

Kai: Okay. Just while saving Lloyd.

They shook eachother's hands. The ship soon arrived at the temple.

Nya: The sensors says that the place is getting fragile by every minute. Just the smallest crack and the place will blow up.

Wu: Then we better mot use our weapons.

Kai pulled out his sword and gave it to Nya.

Kai: My sword is the most dangerous in there. So look after it till we get back.

Nya nodded and they went in. Inside, the serpentine was digging for the third fangblade. The ninja reached where they were. Jay soon pointed at someone familiar.

Jay: There's Lloyd!

Lloyd was in a cage looking sad.

Garmadon: Son.

A serpentine hit something of metal and Pythor pushed him away. There he saw that it was the fangblade. He grabbed it and looked at it closely. Soon he saw in it's reflaction and saw the ninja.

Pythor: The ninja, get them!

The ninja then fought the snakes and was not holding back. While they fought, Pythor and some snakes were going to the exit. He ordered the constrictal to dig trough the volcano.

Zane: They're making the volcano unstable.

Jay: It's gonna blow any minute. We gotta go.

Garmadon: Not without my son!

Garmadon then ran to Lloyd and hit some snakes on the way. But Pythor ordered the snakes that was carrying the cage, to dump it. And they did in the lava. Garmadon managed to save him and hugged him.

Pythor was about to leave, but a small rock hit him on the hand. This made him lose the fangblade that fell Into the lava. He had no choice but to escape.

The ninja ran to the other exit, but when almost everyone had entered. The ground under Lloyd crumbled and he fell. Everybody saw it and ran back. Without thinking, Kai jumped after him and managed to grabbed him. They landed on a small rock.

Cole: Kai!

Garmadon: Lloyd!

They wanned to jump after, but the others stopped them and dragged them out.

Kai looked around and saw that he and Lloyd didn't have a chance to get out. He had failed in protecting him. Lloyd looked at Kai with a concerned look.

Lloyd: Kai, are you okay?

Kai: I failed. I couldn't protect you. Now we're stuck here.

Lloyd got shocked before he grabbed Kai's hand. Kai looked at him and noticed his gentle smile.

Lloyd: It's okay. You can't protect everyone. The most important thing is that you tried. No one can protect everyone they care about. That's what makes you human. Atleast we're not alone atleast.

Kai smiled gently and hugged Lloyd tight. He might not have been able to protect Lloyd from getting hurt. But he could still protect him from being scared. Fire started to fly around them as Kai protectively hugged Lloyd as if he was his little brother.

On the bounty, everyone saw the volcano explode. And they knew that Kai and Lloyd was gone.

Nya and Cole: Kai!

Garmadon: Lloyd!

Nya hugged Jay crying, while Cole just fell on his knees. Suddenly they all saw how Kai's sword started to glow. They looked at eachother before noticing a ball of fire flying towards them.

Jay: Look, it's Kai. He's unlocked his true potential.

Kai landed on the deck and put Lloyd down. He then looked at everyone with before he returned to normal. Afterwards he fainted, but Cole caught him. Cole gently kissed Kai's forehead.

Later in the bridge, Lloyd was reunited with Garmadon.

Lloyd: Dad. Is it really you?

Garmadon: It is.

Lloyd: Dad. Why do you have four arms?

Cole: He's gonna be okay.

Everyone cheered. Zane then turned to Kai.

Zane: But how did you survive? And how did you unlock your true potential?

Cole: Yeah, what held you back?

Kai: What held me back was to not being able to protect those I care about. But Lloyd helped me calm down.

The others smiled as Lloyd felt happy to help. Suddenly Jay spoke.

Jay: Okay. So everyone has unlocked their true potential. But we still don't know who the green ninja is.

Kai: Actually, I know.

All: You do?

Kai: Yeah. The green ninja is someone who knows what to say to help someone in hard situations. And also that non of us four is meant to be the green ninja. We're meant to protect him.

Kai then looked at Lloyd and so did everyone else.

Lloyd: What? Why is everyone looking at me?

Nya: That means.

She and Kai held the golden weapons infront of Lloyd, and they started to glow. Meaning that Lloyd was the green ninja.

Wu: That makes sence. You four haven't only been chosen to protect the golden weapons, but also to protect the chosen one.

Garmadon the realized something.

Garmadon: That means.

Wu: That the battle lines have been drawn brother. Our family have sadly been more divided. Brother vs brother. And now, son vs father.

Everyone was quiet to let it sink in. Lloyd was now forced by destiny to fight his father. But Jay soon spoke.

Jay: I know this is heavy and all. But what happened to the fangblade!?

Well, what happened was that when Pythor and the other snakes where slithering back. He saw the fangblade in the lava and fished it up. He ordered a snake to clean it. Now they only had one fangblade left before they could release the great devourer.

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