The corridor of elders
A boy gasped as he watched the villagers run in fear.
Chen: Haha! Run! Haha! Run away! Oh, watch your step. I feel sorry for them, Zugu. They rely so heavily on the ninja. They don't know what to do when they're not here. Doesn't anyone here want to fight?
A girl threw an apple at him.
Girl: Hey!
Zugu threw a boulder toward her and she ran away.
Chen: Haha! Onward, my slithering soldiers, until there is no village left unturned.
Kai was stuck at the entrance of the Anacondrai Tomb. Nya tried to reach him on the radio.
Nya: Chen has-Kai Village-Everyone-
Kai: I can't read you, Nya. Repeat.
Jay was in Birchwood Forest.
Nya: Attacked first-Nothing-Stop them!
Jay: You're breaking up. Where do you need us? We're all scattered, and there's not time to play fill-in-the-blanks.
Lloyd was trapped at the top of a mountain.
Nya: Hurry-too late!
Lloyd: Tell us where we need to go. I can't use my Dragon power, so if anyone is close-
The radio died out.
Lloyd: Nya? Nya? Can anyone hear me?
The radio buzzed again. Lloyd started to drive the noodle truck.
Nya tried to communicate with the others, but failed.
Nya: They're attacking Jamanakai Village. You have to stop them. All communication is cut.
Skylor: If our fighters don't know where to go, who's gonna stop my father?
Chen appered on screen.
Chen: Hello. As you can see, I've taken control of the airwaves, just as I'll take over Ninjago.
Garmadon: You'll pay for this, Chen.
Wu: Brother, enough. What do you want?
Chen: A truce.
Garmadon: Ha! Like the one the real Anacondrai wanted during the last war? The truce that you destroyed by deceiving both sides?
Chen: I will honor my word and no one will get hurt, if you and everyone you know leave Ninjago and never comes back.
Garmadon: We're not leaving our home.
Wu: Wait. Let us think about it.
Garmadon: How can you even entertain him?
Wu: Our ninja are gone. We need more time.
Chen: You should listen to your brother, Garmadon. He's always had a way with words. Hehe. It convinced Misako, didn't it? What's wrong? You look a little purple. Oh, that's right. Once a snake, always a snake.
Skylor: Haven't you hurt enough people, Father?
Misako: What is he talking about?
Chen: Oh, he hasn't told you? The letter he wrote that made you fall in love with was written by Wu.
Misako gasped.
Garmadon: I...I was trying to tell you.
Wu: How could you, brother?
Chen: Oh, and about that truce? Deal's off. I actually only wanted to drop that delicious little bombshell. Toodaloo!
He ended the transmission.
Wu: Of all the things...
Garmadon: Brother, don't let anger cloud your judgement.
Wu: Don't tell me what to do. You're no Sensei, and you've never been one!
Skylor slitherd betwenn them.
Skylor: Don't you see what he's doing? He's divided the ninja, now he's dividing you.
At Chen's camp, Pythor was trying to run away from the swamp rat on an exercise wheel.
Pythor: Wretched contraption. I can't run forever, you filthy rodent. What's the point in being friendly with the ninja if they're never around to save you?
Pyther looked around.
Pyther: You got this Pyther. Just like dad and papa taught you.
He wriggled his hand fast, suddenly the rope loosened up letting him get free.
Pyther: Yes I did it.
Pythor: Good. Now can you help me!?
Pyther went to Pythor and picked him up.
Pythor: Thank you.
He then saw a book.
Pythor: The Book of Spells, finally. Time to find me a spell to make me big again.
Pyther: Don't think so.
Cyrus soon was heard from the radio.
Cyrus: Another village has fallen, and the ninja have yet to be found. It's only a matter of time until they take over Ninjago City.
Pythor: Hmm. News, always a downer.
Cyrus: How the Anacondrai returned is a mystery.
Pythor: Not a mystery. They're frauds. A true Anacondrai would never stand for this.
Cyrus: If you hear this message, find shelter or find help.
Pythor: Hm. A true Anacondrai would never stand for this. I am a true Anacondrai.
Pyther: Me too.
Lloyd and Neuro met up with each other.
Neuro: They're heading west. I tried to stop them, but I'm just a mind reader. I couldn't help anymore.
Lloyd: But you can help me. Can you send a message to all of the fighters at once?
Neuro: I can try.
He did just so, and they all met up at the Samurai X Cave.
Neuro: Thank goodness you got my message.
Kai noticed how Skylor had her legs back. She was still purple and had scales.
Kai: Look at you.
Skylor: It's good to have legs again. But my father's antics sadly have not.
Wu: Tea?
He gave it to Misako but skipped Garmadon.
Lloyd: He knows about the letter?
Garmadon: The message was delivered.
Griffin: So why were we asked here? We should be fighting snakes.
Wu: Because anyone can fight. Only one side can declare victory.
Nya: In the time it took you to get here, Chen has taken over the entire Eastern seaboard and is moving inland. With each village destroyed, they grow stronger.
Karlof: That's a lot of red. Karlof not like red.
Gravis: How are we supposed to stop them? Most of us have lost control of our Dragons, not to mention we're outnumbered ten to one.
Zane: Actually, 62.4 to one.
Lloyd: Look, I'm scared like the rest of you. It may look like we've lost, but it's not over. When we thought we lost Zane, it nearly tore us apart. But we didn't quit. We let it fuel us. We grew stronger.
Wu: There's hope. The Corridor of Elders.
Shade: Corridor of Elders?
Wu: I know we don't stand much of a chance taking on his entire army at once, but after he's controlled the East, he'll move West tomorrow and have to pass through Echo Canyons. Our best tactical position is to make our stand where it bottlenecks: here, at the Corridor of Elders, the monuments honoring our ancestors. It's the narrowest channel, but our greatest chance.
Garmadon: If we can't stop them here, the rest of Ninjago will fall like dominos.
Karlof: Karlof not like to lose. Karlof fueled!
Wu: Then we have one day to save tomorrow.
Everyone cheered and the ninja split up to get more people. Kai was a doomsday's comix.
Kai: I wish I could say we're not facing an army unlike we've ever seen, but we have, and we know what they're capable of.
At Mega Monster Amusement Park, Anacondrai Cultists chased citizens and caused the mascots to faint.
Jay was at his parents Junkyard.
Jay: Right now, our cities and villages are falling, which is why we're asking everyone to rise up.
Zane was by his statue.
Zane: We all may have different backgrounds, but we all share the same future.
Cole was at Kryptarium prison.
Cole: You may wonder why we're asking you to fight for Ninjago. We aren't. We're asking you to fight for each other.
And lastly Lloyd was by the bank.
Lloyd: We're asking you to fight as one.
The Cultists made their way to the Canyons. Chope, Kapau, Eyezor and Zugu were carrying Chen in the Roto Jet.
Kapau: Uh, maybe Master Chen knowing our names isn't such a good thing.
Chope: Yeah. Tell me about it.
Chen: I'm hot and this skin doesn't breath like my old one. How much further?
Zugu: The Corridor of Elders is just up ahead.
Chen: Good. Maybe we can stop for a break.
They sighed.
Chen: And you four can carve my image into the walls in my honor.
The ninja and the elemental masters were on the other end.
Jay: Huh. There's so many of them.
Lloyd marked the ground.
Lloyd: We fight for each other. We fight as one.
Everyone cheered.
Chen: The ninja.
Lloyd: Hold the line.
Chen: Charge!
The cultists were charging at them
Lloyd: Hold the line. Hold!
The Cultists fell through the hole.
Chen: Trapdoor? That's my signature move. Ugh, destroy them!
Lloyd: Now!
Zane coverd the hole with Ice. Everyone went to attack. Even the citizens helped.
Karlof: Unh! Push them back!
The cultists slitherd back.
Chen: Not backwards, forwards! You're Anacondrai! Crush them!
They charged to the other side and the ninja and the elemantal masters held them back.
Cole: I'm slipping!
Kai: Ugh. Don't let up.
Lloyd: Push!
Chen: Push harder! They can have the ground. We'll take the skies.
Shade saw them and used his powers to take control of a Blade-Copter.
Zugu: Push!
Lloyd: Hold the line!
Jay: Unh! Oh, they just keep coming.
Zugu: Push!
Kai: Unh! Don't give up! Ninja never say quit!
Nya appered in the new bounty.
Nya: The new girl hates feeling left out. Now!
Wu and Garmadon shot nets on some cultists.
Chen: Ships aren't supposed to fly. Sink it!
Ninja: Ninja, go!
They used spinjitsu to and knocked back some cultists.
Wu: Misako, Nya, drop it like it's hot.
Nya: Aye, aye, Sensei.
Skales was about to get hit by a condrai chrusher.
Skales: No!
The Bounty destroyed it.
Skales: Never thought I'd be happy to see that ship again.
Misako destroyd more vehicles.
Chen: Break through the line!
Zugu: We can't. The canyon's too narrow!
Chen: Then make it bigger!
They shot down a statue.
Karlof: Watch out!
Gravis used his power to save them.
Lloyd: We have to stop them!
Kai: We don't have enough people.
Cole: We can't hold them all!
Nya: They crossed the line.
Pythor and Pyther came riding in. They used a spell to turn the swamp rat big enough to ride on.
Pythor: Come on, Rodrigo! They need our help! Hiya!
Pyther: So awesome.
They went up to Lloyd.
Pythor: I have something your father needs to see.
Lloyd looked suspicously on him.
Pythor: Oh, come on. You can trust me because if anyone is going to take over this world, I'd rather it be me. Take me to your father, and he can end this once and for all.
Pyther: He's not bluffing.
Lloyd: Let's go.
Pyther picked up Pythor and the book before Lloyd picked him up and went on the bounty's anchor.
Pythor: Haha! Be free, Rodrigo! You've earned it.
The rat ran away. Chen landed.
Chen: Now nothing can stop me.
Skylor threw him out of the Roto Jet.
Skylor: Sorry, but I have a few daddy issues.
Lloyd reached the bounty.
Lloyd: Pythor says he has something that can end this war.
They looked at Pythor in Pyther's hands.
Wu: They've crossed the line of no return. No amount of power can stop this now.
Pythor: But the might of a true Anacondrai can.
Garmadon: Do you see what's happening? This isn't about you. Making you big solves nothing.
Pythor: But if the generals you banished to the Cursed Realm so long ago saw this mockery, they would stop this travesty at once.
Misako: No one comes back from the Cursed Realm.
Garmadon picked up the book
Garmadon: Unless he that cursed them takes their place. I could unleash the spirits of the Anacondrai Generals.
Pythor: If you banish yourself. Magic has its rules, you know.
Lloyd: We're not cursing you. We're not losing you to bring them back.
Garmadon: If we do nothing, we lose Ninjago.
Misako: We don't even know if they'll help.
Garmadon: We do know that the real Anacondrai wanted peace as much as us. It was Chen who started both wars. I never thought I'd say this, but Pythor is right.
Wu: I cannot allow this, brother.
Garmadon: Who are we fooling? There's not enough time for me to make up for the pain I've caused in my life. But if I could save Ninjago...
Lloyd: You want my blessing to walk out on us again, fine. But don't expect me to stick around to watch you go. My real family needs me.
He jumped off the Bounty.
Garmadon: Lloyd, wait!
The bounty got hit with a missile.
Pythor: If this is going to happen, I suggest we do it now.
Pyther: We don't have much time.
Lloyd got several flashbacks about his father and took his anger out on the Cultists.
Zane: What's gotten into Lloyd?
Kai: I don't know, but it's too late. We can't stop them now.
Garmadon handed Wu the book.
Garmadon: Read it, brother. You know as well as I, the ninja don't need two Sensei. Only one can remain.
Wu: Very well. "Komodo, nicktu, demic tara."
The spell started up and Garmadon was floating in the air.
Garmadon: Misako, will you ever forgive me for the letter?
Misako: I already have.
Garmadon: Tell Lloyd I'm sorry.
Lloyd: You can tell me yourself.
He climbed onto the Bounty.
Lloyd: If anyone should be sending you off, it's me.
He took the book.
Lloyd: "Kenji, suveris, toto-demada, cursono, neeboro"
Everyone gasped when they saw the portal.
Lloyd: "actu, cursono, neeborro."
Garmadon: I yearned to make the world in my image. I never realized I already had, in you.
Lloyd: "Sono, hokido, bo-rock!"
Garmadon screamed as he was being sent to the realm.
Misako: Is he...?
Wu: We shall see.
The Anacondrai General spirits cursed the Cultists. Sending them to the cursed realm.
Kai: The spirits of the Anacondrai Generals.
Cole: They're cursing Chen's army.
Chen: Arcturus! What are you doing? W-we're on the same team!
Arcturus: You will never be one of us. Because you are a liar, a cheat, and an impostor!
Chen: I can't be cursed! Aah! Save me, Skylor!
Skylor, now a human again, watched him go in the portal. Everyone cheered.
Kai: All right! Hahaha. Yeah, we did it, guys. We did it.
Misako saw Lloyd frowning.
Misako: The war is over. It had to be done.
Arcturus came up to them.
Arcturus: Thank you, Pythor. You should be rewarded for your courage and bravery. You have made your ancestors proud. Finally.
Pythor: Oh, what can I say? Everyone can change.
Arcturus: And young Pyther. You've shown that the next generation serpentine can live in piece. We're proud of you.
Pyther: Thank you.
Arcturus then returned Pythor to his normal size. He gasped.
Pythor: That's more like it. Haha!
Pyther: I kinda wanned him like a pet. But okay.
Arcturus: And thank you, Master Lloyd. Because of your friends, you have done what we never could: united the Serpentine and your kind as one. Because of you, the balance is restored. And because of your father, our spirits can be free. You will have our eternal respect as the greatest warriors to ever battle for Ninjago.
The generals went into another realm. The ninja and elemantal masters talked.
Griffin: Haha! You showed them!
Cole: You mean we showed them. Thanks for fighting with us.
Karlof: Huh. Smarter than fighting against you.
Everyone laughed.
Jay: Anytime you need your help, just holler.
Neuro: Same goes for you. I imagine we all have homes and villages to get back to. Thank you, ninja.
Zane: Thank you, friend.
Kai went up to Skylor. He noticed that Skylor had her powers back.
Kai: Uh, we could use a new ninja in the team if you wanna join.
Skylor: Heh. Flattering. But now that my father's gone, someone's got to run the family business. Don't worry, no more underground crime. Just noodles.
Dareth then appered.
Dareth: Please, you have to tell me.
Skylor: Yes, I will put the puffy potsticker back on the menu.
Dareth: Oh, finally. All is right in the world.
She and Kai laughed.
Skylor: Keep in touch. Friends?
Kai: I'd like that. But how about, best friends.
Skylor: I like that.
Suddenly Cole and Kai heard a familiar voice.
Pyther: Dad, papa!
They turned to see Pyther slither towards them.
Both: Pyther!
They all embraced in a big hug, everyone smiled at the small family.
Later everyone started to clean up the corridor of elders.
Karlof: This is Corridor of Elders, not Corridor of Trash. Help me clean up mess.
The ninja formed a circle around a campfire. Wu poured tea in their cups.
Kai: To the Anacondrai, the greatest warriors of their time.
Jay: Yeah. Now it's our turn to make our ancestors proud.
Lloyd: Because we're proud of those who were here before us to show us the way. Goodbye, Father.
Wu: His loss will affect us all.
Misako: Not his loss, his life. He made us stronger, and he brought us together.
Lloyd: I am Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon.
Wu: Student of Sensei Garmadon.
Lloyd: He made me who I am today. He was my father. He was my adversary. But in the end, he was my friend.
Zane: Because of him, we will live to see tomorrow.
Kai: And for every tomorrow, we'll live to honor him.
Lloyd throwed the book in the fire.
Jay: And because of him, we'll be ready for whatever comes next.
Cole: Skeletons, snakes, Nindroids, and Anacondrai wannabes. If they can't stop us, what can?
Lloyd: That's for tomorrow to decide. Today, we say goodbye to a legend.
Pyther smiled as his dads hugged eachother and him.
A ghostly figure soon emerged from a portal.
Ghostly Figure: Morro!
(A/N. So that was season 4. So I'm gonna do a little bonus chapter before season 5. And it's gonna take place some weeks after this season and a month before season 5. See you then.)
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