Spy for a spy

The eliminated Elemental Masters were working at the factory. Cole whistled happily.

Karlof: Why you whistling? Yesterday Cole was sad. Not today. What changed?

Cole: Things are looking up, Karlof. We came here to find a friend, and I found him. All I gotta do now is get Zane and bust him out.

Karlof: Not so easy. Chen's made it nearly impossible to escape this place.

Cole: I'm still working out the details, but Zane's a Nindroid, a walking computer. If I can get to him, he'll solve anything Chen throws at us in no time.

Karlof: Karlof wished he had friend like that.

Cole: But first order of business, I gotta let the others know I'm busting him out.

He put a piece of paper in a fortune cookie.

Karlof: You put message in cookie?

Cole: I know, right? That's why it's called a fortune cookie.

Karlof: Well, if you get out, don't forget about Karlof.

Cole: Yeah, sure. Of course.

He turned to an Anacondrai Cultist.

Cole: Special order for the banquet's ready.

Karlof: I hope you have the good fortune for it to end up in the right hands.

Cole: You and me both, Karlof. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get out of here.

Zugu: Aah.

He tried to grab a cookie, but the Cultists stopped him. Cole saw that Zugu had keys he could use to break Zane out.

Nya, Pyther and Dareth watched as Chen's Kabuki went inside the palace.

Nya: All right, Dareth. Let's move in.

Pyther: What about me?

Nya: You stay here. You're still in trouble young man.

Nya then stepped forward, but Dareth stopped her.

Dareth: Wait a minute.

He lead them back to the D.B. Express.

Dareth: Have I ever told you that I am master of disguise?

He opened a makeup kit.

Nya: Is that makeup?

Dareth: No, no, this is the master of disguise kit.

Nya: No, no.

Dareth: Get ready to go undercover.

He put makeup on Nya.

Dareth: Oh, yeah. Oh, that. Oh, perfect. Oh.

Nya coughed.

Dareth: Presenting Miss Kabuki. Yeah!

Nya: What? How did you manage to change my clothes?

Dareth: A true ninja never reveals his secrets. You should know that, Nya. Hmm.

Pyther: Looking great aunt Nya.

The Kabuki served the fighters food.

Chen: Try the horned wasp eggs. Delicious!

Lloyd: Uh, I think I'll pass.

Chen: Oh, lighten up, Green Ninja. This isn't a trick. This is a feast to celebrate the eight of you making it to the second round.

The Kabuki laughed.

Chen: And I must congratulate the Master of Shadow's defeat over Master of Poison. She was a bit hard to swallow, am I right?

The Kabuki laughed again.

Chen: Laugh harder! Hahahaha!

They forced a harder laugh.

Kai: You can relax, Lloyd. Even if there was a fight, now that we told the others about Chen's dirty plot to steal our Powers, we're safe in our secret alliance.

Griffin: I tried to enlist Shadow, but that dude's throwing some serious shade.

Garmadon: Well, if you plan to stop Chen, you'll need everyone on board. Each fighter that loses gives him strength. Soon he'll be too powerful for even all of you combined to overcome.

A Kabuki retrieved the fortune cookies.

Chen: Ooh, fortune cookies! Bring them to me!

Clouse: But they are for your captured-I mean, honored guests.

Chen grabbed the one Cole made.

Chen: I'm not gonna eat them, Clousey Clouse. Just read the fortunes. They're my favorite part.

Clouse took it from him.

Clouse: Might I warn you our guests are fond of whispering, and I don't think it's about your food. I've heard word they have allied themselves. The ninja have told them about our secret ceremony.

Chen: Do they know about the spell?

Clouse: Not yet, but we must get ahead of this.

Chen put the cookie back, which the Kabuki brought to the Masters.

Chen: It has come to my attention that there are rumors floating about that I am stealing everyone's power. I am.

The Masters gasped.

Chen: But it's all for this staff.

He claps, and the Kabuki waved their hand fans.

Chen: No, no. Not you, staff. I mean my real staff.

Everyone gasped as the staff was brought to him.

Chen: The Staff of Elements. It holds the power of your fallen foes, and soon it'll hold all but one. For the last standing in my tournament will win this prize and be the greatest fighter ever in the history in Ninjago!

Everyone whispered.

Lloyd: You lied. What about the spell?

Clouse: Spell? What spell?

Lloyd: Don't believe him, it's just another trick. Neuro read Clouse's mind and saw it. Tell them what you saw, Neuro.

Clouse glared at Neuro.

Neuro: I-I don't remember. Truthfully, I'm a bit more interested in knowing more about that staff.

Griffin: And why should we be so quick to believe everything you say? How do we know you're not lying to get the staff for yourself?

Skylor read Cole's message and gasped.

Clouse: It worked. Their alliance is crumbling.

Garmadon: So much for the alliance.

Lloyd: They believe him over us?

A Kabuki started fanning too close to Jay.

Jay: If we're gonna convince anyone, argh, we need proof. Ugh. We need too, oh, find that spell. Would you cut it out!?

Nya: Jay, it's me.

All: Nya?

Nya: Lower your voices. I'm undercover. And to be completely honest, a bit out of my element. And I heard what happened to Cole. That was big of you both. And i'm sorry Kai.

Jay: We're best friends to the end.

Kai: Is it just you, sis? And it's okay.

Nya: Dareth's also on the island. And one extra.

Dareth spoke on a communication device.

Dareth: What up, ninja?

Pyther: Hey dad.

Kai: Pyther? Why is he here?

Nya: He snuck his way in. Anyway, we're also in contact with Wu via mobile base.

Kai: If you're undercover, that means you can get close to Clouse's spellbook. All we know is that it's on page 149. I think he might have it in his quarters. And Pyther. You're in trouble young man.

Pyther: Oh man.

Nya cut the communication.

Nya: I'll look into it. And it sounds like you have your work cut out for you too.

Jay: How so?

Nya: How do you think they found out about your little alliance? Someone in your circle of trust is a spy.

All: A spy?

Nya left before Clouse could see her. Skylor walked up to the ninja.

Skylor: Do you know that servant girl?

Kai: Uh. Just talking a little. Something importent you wanna say?

Skylor: My fortune tells me Cole and your friend Zane will be breaking out.

She handed Kai the message.

Skylor: You're lucky this didn't end up in the wrong hands.

She left.

Kai: He found Zane, I can't believe it. Thanks, Skylor. It's good to know there are some people here we can trust.

Skylor smiled before looking away a little.

Jay: A spy? Who do you think it is?

Lloyd: I have my suspicions.

He looked at Shade.

In a nearby cave, Dareth passed the time by playing air guitar. Pyther just rolled his eyes and read a comic book.

Dareth: Yeah! Haha.

Nya contacted him by the communication device.

Nya: Dareth. Dareth, are you there?

Dareth: Ah.

He stopped the music.

Dareth: Loud and proud, Nya. Talk to me.

Nya: Tell Sensei our objectives are set. I'm gonna find the spell and get proof Chen's up to no good while the ninja sniff out the spy in their alliance.

Dareth: Aye, aye, Samurai X. Brown Ninja out.

He messaged Wu.

Dareth: Breaker, breaker. Come in, Wu. The falcon has landed.

Pyther looked at him before turning invisible. He then snuck out and headed to the palace. Dareth didn't even notice.

In the factory Cole saw Zugu being distracted.

Cole: It's time.

Karlof: But shift not over for hours.

Cole: It is for me. Hehe. I've been waiting to do this for a long time.

He climbed on a machine and started eating the noodles. Everyone cheered.

Zugu: Get him!

Cole fought guards and threw boxes at them

Cole: Let there be food!

He jumped on an egg roll machine and kicked the food at them.

Cole: Ha! All you can eat. Eat it, guards! Whoo-hoo!

He then swung on noddles.

Karlof: Go, Cole, go!

The noodles broke and he fell in Zugu's arms.

Zugu: Got you.

Cole burped in his face.

Cole: Now I feel better. You got any cake?

He got thrown into the dungeon.

Cole: It was all worth it! For these.

He pulled out Zugu's keys.

Zane freed himself from chains, but the Titanium Dragon woke up, scaring him.

Cole: Zane!

Zane woke up, revealing it's just a dream. Cole freed him.

Zane: Cole? You've returned.

Cole: Of course I did. I made a promise. Now come here, you shiny new tin can. Ah.

He hugged Zane.

Cole: Can you feel the love?

Zane: No. But the longer we stand here, the shorter time we have to escape.

Cole: Ha! You know you and Kaya were always the smart ones. Let's go.

Meanwhile, Zugu noticed his keys where missing and sounded the alarms. Nya snuck into Clouse's quarters and found the book.

Nya: Page 102, 122, aha. Page 149. Oh, this would change everything.

She gasped when she heard footsteps.

Zugu stopped Clouse before he enterd the room.

Zugu: There's been a breach in the factory. Master Cole has gone missing.

Nya teared the page off and hid.

Clouse: Release my pet. She'll make sure he doesn't escape.

He found his book with Kabuki makeup on it.

Clouse: Hmm.

He left. Cole and Zane where trying to find their way out.

Zane: Not that way. That will only take us back to where we started.

Cole: Unh. Maybe you should be leading.

They heard a growl.

Zane: I am not familiar with that sound.

Cole: I am. We need to move!

He started to run.

Zane: I thought I was leading.

Cole: Trust me, you'll wanna keep up.

Zane then saw the big serpent. They ran until they reached a dead end.

Zane: This isn't a wall. It's the body of a large serpent.

Cole: Come on, we have to find another way. Argh. Another dead end.

Zane: The serpent's strategy appears to be to surround us and coil inward. Very clever.

Cole: Yeah, well, my strategy is not to be eaten.

The snake cornerd the duo.

Cole: It was nice knowing you, Zane. I think this really is our dead end. I don't suppose you can freeze him?

Zane: Chen took my powers like everyone else. Pixal, calculate escape scenarios.

Cole: Pixal? You got a girl stuck in your head?

Pixal: Calculating escape routes. Activating explosive shurikens.

Zane aimed the shurikens on the ground, making them fall into a hole too small for the serpent to go through.

Cole: Heh. I'm gonna like the new you.

Zane: We must move quickly.

Cole: Lead the way.

The Elemental Masters werr in Kai's suite.

Shade: Like I said, I ain't joining your little alliance. I'm gunning for that staff.

Lloyd: Hey, this isn't about an alliance. This is about finding out who is the spy. No one leaves this room until we find out who is passing information to Chen.

He looked at Shade.

Shade: Why are you looking at me, Greenie? I'm not your spy.

Neuro: Perhaps I can help.

He used his Mind on him.

Neuro: I don't know who, but someone here isn't who they say they are.

Skylor: How do we know we can trust you? Maybe I should use your power and see inside your head.

Neuro: I'd like to see you try, power hoarder.

Kai stepped between them.

Kai: This is what Chen wants, for us to fight. But we don't have to. There has to be a more civilized way around this.

Garmadon: There is. Everyone who's ever worked for Chen has the Anacondrai tattoo on their back. Find the tattoo, find the spy.

Lloyd: Anyone object?

Skylor: I'll go first. I don't want you to think I would betray you.

She showed her back that didn't have a tattoo.

(Changed that too. Like I said. She wants them to trust her. So why not go first."

Neuro showed his back without the tattoo too.

Neuro: Can I go now?

Lloyd: Not until we check everyone. Who's next?

Griffin: Let's get it on.

He showed his back.

Clouse brought the spellbook to Chen.

Chen: You're harshing my vibe.

Nya secretly watched them.

Chen: You better tell me they've caught the escaped prisoner.

Clouse: Sadly, Master, not yet. But I have far worse news to report. Someone has stolen the spell.

Chen: Do you need the page to do the spell?

Clouse: Of course not. But if it gets into the hands of the ninja, the fighters will know we've lied, then they'll rise up against us.

Chen: Then we must find that page! Argh! Kabuki paint, uh, it gets everywhere.

Nya got pulled in by a Kabuki.

Clouse: Hmm.

He noted the paint on the book.

Clouse: Master, I have a feeling a spy may well be in our midst.

Chen: A Kabuki servant? Well, well.

Clouse: The spy may have the page still on them. Guards! Search every servant in this room.

Dareth continued to sing.

Dareth: They call me Dareth the Man with the big, bad guitar sound. Oh, I said spin. Spin like a record, come on. Yeah, spin, Dareth, spin. Spin like a record, come on.

He accidentally hit a switch, broadcasting his music all over the island.

Dareth: Dareth the Man and the big, bad guitar band.

Chen: What is that racket?

Clouse: It's coming from the island.

Chen: It's coming from the spy. Find the signal, find the spy.

Clouse: You heard him. Search the island.

Nya tried to leave but Clouse stopped her.

Chen: As for you, stay put.

Nya: Dareth, what have you done now? Pyther is in danger now.

She blended in by entertaining Chen with the other Kabuki.

Back at Kai's suite, the ninja checked everyone except Shade.

Lloyd: Well, only one left.

Kai: Wait. Where'd Shadow go?

Jay: He disappeared through his own shadow.

Shade appered.

Griffin: There he is. Get him!

Shade: I ain't your spy, and I ain't your friend either. That staff will be mine.

Lloyd used his Energy on him, but a book case fell on Jay instead.

Jay: Aah! My leg! Ugh. Get the books of me

Garmadon tried to stop Shade.

Shade: You cast a long shadow, old man.

He then disappeared.

Neuro: It was Shadow. He must be the spy.

Jay: Ow! Oh.

He was freed from the book case, but suffered a broken leg.

Kai: Skylor, I just want you to know. I never thought you were the spy. You've been on our side all along. You really are a best friend.

Skylor was a little shocked before she smiled.

Skylor: Thank you. And don't worry. I won't leave you.

She then headed to her room.

Jay: What happened to our alliance?

Lloyd: What alliance? Atleast we have Skylor still.

Chen rested on a chair as the Kabuki and Nya comforted him.

Chen: Kabuki are always pleased to serve me. Isn't that right, Kabuki?

They laughed.

Chen: Now harder! Really get into it!

Clouse: Our spy tells me the Master of Lightning is hurt.

Nya gasped, accidentally hitting Chen with her leaf fan.

Chen: Ow! Too hard!

Clouse: The ninja are weakening, Master.

Chen: What about their spy? Have you found where the signals are coming from?

Clouse: We haven't found anything on the island yet, but we will.

Eyezor walked up to Chope and Kapau being distracted by Dareth's music.

Eyezor: What are you doing?

Kapau: I was, uh-I was headbanging.

Chope: Taking a break.

Eyezor: Have you checked out the waterfall?

Chope: Yeah.

Kapau: Uh, yeah, it's beautiful.

Chope: So serene.

Eyezor: I meant for spies, you idiots!

He chased them to the waterfall.

Kapau: Yes sir!

Chope: Right away!

Eyezor: Now, come on!

Dareth was still singing

Dareth: Whoo! Yeah! The Brown Ninja.

Nya: Dareth! Pyther! Do you read me? They're coming. You hear me? They're coming for you!

Dareth: Savages. Uh, where is that cloak button?

He tried to cloak the bus but it didn't go well

Eyezor: Check it out.

Everyone laughed.

Dareth: Now let's test what's under the hood.

He drove off but got followed. He screamed because he was loosing control.

Dareth: Somebody get me out of here!

He pressed a button and a little robot started to drive

Auto: Autopilot initiated.

Dareth: Ha! About time you showed up, little dude.

The then aimed at the cultists.

Dareth: All right, boneheads, I got a bone to pick with-Oh! Ooh, aah!

He shoot the cliff, knocking out several Cultists.

Dareth: Score one for the Brown Ninja.

The autopilot stopped driving when it saw a cliff up ahead.

Dareth: Bad Autopilot. Bad Autopilot!

He started to brake, but almost fell.

Dareth: Don't worry kid. I'll protect you.

That's when he noticed that Pyther was gone.

Dareth: I've been taken hostage by the savages! Pyther is already gone! You're on your own. Go on without me!

Chen heard it and grabbed Nya's arm.

Chen: So you're the spy! Ha! The spell!

Nya kicked him.

Nya: Oh, and by the way, your feet stink!

She ran off.

Chen: Get her! And get that spell!

Kapau and Chope patroled the tunnels.

Chope: They've ordered everyone after some Kabuki girl.

Kapau: What about the escaped factory worker?

Chope: Forget him.

Zane and Cole listened to them.

Chope: Chen will make sure the other workers pay for his actions. Poor saps.

Cole: "Poor saps?"

Zane: Hurry, the exit is just around the bend.

Cole: You go. I can't. A ninja doesn't save himself. He protects those who can't protect themselves. I have to go back. I have to go back and save them all.

Zane: And a ninja never leaves another ninja's side.

Cole: We'll get off this island one day, Zane. But it's either all of us or none of us.

Suddenly they heard someone.

Pyther: Dad. You're okay.

Cole and Zane turned around to see Pyther.

Zane: Another Anacondrai?

Cole: Yeah. Me and Kai found him alone. So we adopted him.

Pyther: Uncle Zane. So good to finally meet you.

Cole: What are you doing her young man?

Pyther nervously rubbed his head.

Pyther: I snuck onto aunt Nya's truck. And then snuck away to try to find you.

Cole: Well. You're in so much trouble young man.

Pyther: Not again.

Nya kicked Clouse and ran away. He then turned to the guards.

Clouse: Don't just stand there. Find her!

He followd her to the roof. And the two fought each other, but Nya escaped.

Clouse: Get her. And get that spell.

A "Cultist" later walked up to Chen.

Chen: My spy, have they found the girl?

"Cultist": No, but you may have bigger problems to deal with.

The Cultist reveald herself to be Skylor using Form.

Skylor: Cole's got the metal man, Father.

Chen: Thank you, my child. The Master of Form's power has proved to be useful to you. The ninja's time here is done. Tomorrow, we will end this charade. Tomorrow, we will break up the ninja forever!

They both laughed. Later when Skylor headed back to her room. She had had a face of shame for what she was doing.

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