One wish and a prayer
The remaining ninja entered Cliff Gordon's estate.
Jay: Ahem. Welcome to my humble abode.
Cole: Whoa.
Lloyd: Awesome.
Nya: Wow.
Fritz Donnegan animatronic: Fear isn't a word where I come from.
Lloyd: So how did you come across this place again?
Jay: I saved up. Yeah, that's it. Uh, I saved up every little bit and now ta-da, here's my secret hideout. Haha. Of course it can be our secret hideout.
Fritz Donnegan animatronic: Fear isn't a word where I
Jay shook it, disrupting the audio.
Fritz Donnegan animatronic: come from.
Lloyd: First we lost Wu and Pyther, then Misako. Now Kai. I don't know about you, but I'm starting to see a pattern.
Zane: Whenever one of us finds ourselves alone, we disappear.
Nya: Then we stick together from here on out. We need to take a look at that lantern. Jay, hit the lights.
Jay: Lights. Lights. Where would they be? Ah, found them! Ha-ah. Sorry, big house.
He pressed the wrong buttons.
Jay: Oh, no.
He closed the windows.
Jay: Haha.
The lantern lit up, showing the map.
Nya: Wow. So this is supposed to point the way to the only thing that can stop Nadakhan?
Lloyd: Not stop, slow. Remember, a drop of venom from a Tiger Widow can kill a normal person, but slow a Djinn down before he can disappear on us. If we need to trap him, we'll need this venom so let's figure out a plan.
Cole went over to Jay and whispered.
Cole: You saved up for this place? Baloney. Whenever money comes your way, you waste it on junk food and video games. What's really up? And don't think you can lie to me. I know you too well.
Jay: Fine. I made a wish with Nadakhan.
Cole: You've seen Nadakhan and haven't told us?
Jay: Shh. He came when I was alone. I wished to be rich and impress Nya, and instead I got a letter telling me I've inherited my dad's estate, only it turns out I'm adopted and my birth dad is Cliff Gordon.
Cole: Who?
Jay: The guy who played Fritz Donnegan.
Nya: So the Tiger Widow is on that island?
Zane: An island that doesn't exist according to my database.
Cole: How could you be so stupid to make a wish? You know everyone else who has faced him is now gone.
Jay: It's because back in the Spinjitzu Master's tomb, when everyone saw their future, and I told everyone I had an eye patch and saw me and Nya married....
Cole: I remember.
Jay: Well, when me and Nya took a break, I became worried that it won't come true.
Cole: What?
Jay: I know that in the future, we're still with each other. Although she's made it painfully clear we might not be. So when Nadakhan found me, I couldn't resist. But who am I kidding? Nothing I do would impress her. After two wasted wishes, I was barely able to escape without making my third.
Cole: You have to tell them.
Jay: I can't. Then Nya will know. And definetly break up with me. Please, I'm asking you as my best friend.
Cole: But if anyone else gets hurt-
Jay: Of course. If I'm lying, may I be struck down right now by the First Spinjitzu M-
The ground rumbled.
Jay: Aah!
Fritz Donnegan animatronic: Fear isn't a word where I-
The animationic tumbled, and the TV turned on.
Jay: Oh, it was just another quake. Haha. Boy, there's been a lot of those lately. Hahaha.
News Reporter: Another piece to the puzzle, gone. Ninjago is stumped yet again as another chunk goes missing, this time from none other than Ninjago City.
Lloyd: Sensei said he was worried Ninjago would fall apart without him. We need to get to that island now.
Zane: Go, see if you can find out what Nadakhan is up to.
His Falcon flew away.
The Sky Pirates traveled in Misfortune's Keep.
Nadakhan: You have prepared our crew well. Hmm. They are much improved.
Clancee: And look at me, cap'n. I'm no longer airsick. Oops. Spoke too soon.
He ran away to vomit.
Flintlocke: I've been biting my tongue, Captain. But when we attacked the city, I saw the other girl ninja. She looked like Delara.
Nadakhan: Really? I hadn't noticed.
Flintlocke: I believed that when I believe a pirate born to tell the truth. You should've told me. First you don't tell me your plan, now you keep this. We've sacrificed a lot to follow you, but trust is a wind that blows both ways.
Nadakhan chuckled.
Nadakhan: Which is why I am showing you this.
He flew their ship to the new Djinjago. Clancee saw the bounty.
Clancee: Oh! Look at that. We got their ship!
Nadakhan: That we do, Clancee. Heh. That we do. I know it doesn't look like much now, but this place will soon become Djinjago. With each ninja my Djinn Blade consumes, the more power I'm beholden to resurrect my home world. This is what you sacrificed for. Not some girl. For a home. I cannot do this alone, Flintlocke. I need you. I need our crew. Together, we can make this place ours.
Flintlocke: To Nadakhan!
Flintlocke, Clancee, and Dogshank: Nadakhan! Nadakhan! Nadakhan!
Nadakhan: We have some world building to do, and I have some ninja to find.
The ninja went to a dock.
Jay: I still don't understand why we don't take our Dragons.
Zane: Judging from the map, we won't have enough energy to sustain the distance.
The ninja looked at a drunk Ship Captain with seagulls around him.
Lloyd: We'd like to charter a ship.
Ship Captain: Ahem. One eye may be glass, but me other eye sees clear as a bell, a wicked storm's a-brewing, and there ain't no ships to chart.
The ninja looked at eachother confused.
Cole: Uh, oh, you're talking to me? Uh, well, then, let's find another dock.
Sailor: Hmm. All the others will be saying the same. Unless you own one of these beauts, the only way you're sailing out is on a wish and a prayer.
Jay saw one of the boats.
Jay: A wish and prayer, you say, hmm. That wouldn't happen to be Cliff Gordon's boat now, would it?
Ship Captain: Why, yes. Yes, it is. Why do you ask?
The ninja started sailing.
Lloyd: Ready about! Slacken a line! Now, now pay it out! That's well! Belay! Belay!
Cole: Full steam ahead! Let's use the wind while it's at our back.
The Sky Pirates were building Djinjago. Monkey Wretch spottee Zane's Falcon and grabbed it.
Nadakhan: Ah. The metal man's bird. Take it apart, until it talks.
Monkey Wretch started to disassemble it.
On the boat was Lloyd giving Zane a canteen.
Lloyd: Here, you'll need this.
Zane: Why do I need a canteen?
Lloyd: There may be no fresh water on the island. This way, we won't be without.
Zane: But I'm a Nindroid. I repeat, why do I need a canteen?
Jay was reading the book.
Jay: Chapter two of Cliff Gordon's Guide to Wooing Women. "Don't tell them the truth. Tell them what they want to hear."
Nya climbed up to him.
Nya: Whatchu reading?
Jay: Oh. Aah! Uh, this? Uh, it's a book about, um, uh...understanding the power of your feminine side. It's a real page-turner.
Nya: Really?
Jay: Uh, yeah, it's fascinating. It's really given me a new appreciation for-
Nya: Oh, no!
Jay: What? Did I say something wrong?
Nya: Storm. On the starboard bow!
Jay: Huh?
Jay looked at an electrical storm.
Lloyd: That's not just any storm, that's an electrical storm! Get ready, Jay, we're gonna need you.
Jay: Need me?
He was placed on top of the mast and got electrocuted several times.
Jay: This isn't what I had in mind!
Lloyd: You have to act as out lightning rod or else the storm will tear our ship apart!
Lightning traveled down to Zane.
Cole: It's because we have a Nindroid aboard.
Lloyd: Zane, you have to go below deck!
Jay: Zane shouldn't be alone! We all need to stay together!
He was electrocuted again.
Zane went below deck and picked up a Minidroid Chess piece. He noticed one moving.
Zane: Huh?
Nadakhan appeared and laughed.
Nadakhan: Your move.
Zane: My move?
Nadakhan: Yes. Surprised to see me?
Zane: On the contrary. After analyzing Jay's reluctance for me to be alone, the only logical explanation would be his fear of your arrival. Signaling to me that you have visited him before. Since Jay is still here, it's understandable that he has not yet completed all of his wishes, and I sense it is the last wish that has trapped the others into your sword.
Nadakhan: So you are the smart one. Then I take it you do not want to make a wish.
Pixal: Be careful, Zane. It is foolish to believe you can outsmart him.
Zane: Not now, Pixal! I do want my three wishes. But on my third wish, it will not be I who will disappear, but you.
Upper deck
Nya: With Zane gone, the lightning's subsided!
Lloyd: But now there's that!
He pointed to a hurricane.
Nadakhan: Well, what are you waiting for? Make your first wish.
Zane: For my first wish, I wish that you'll not twist my words, nor find a loophole, but understand the true intentions of the words that I speak, and carry out your will as I've thoroughly instructed.
Nadakhan: Very well, I understand you perfectly and shall take you at your word. Your second wish?
Zane: It is imperative that from here on out, whatever harm may befall me, will be done unto you tenfold.
Nadakhan: I have not heard that one before. Very good.
The others saw rocks heading their way.
Jay: Port side!
Nya tried to avoid it.
Zane: Now for my third wish-
Nadakhan: But for clarification, you said whatever harm may befall you.
Zane: What do you mean?
Nadakhan: What if said harm were done to say, someone else?
Zane: Now you are twisting my words. I-
Nadakhan: No, I am absolutely certain I heard you perfectly. No harm shall befall you.
Pixal: I warned you not to do this, Zane. You must not make another wish.
Nadakhan: By that definition, I could simply delete bits of information from your hard drive.
He deleted Pixal.
Zane: Pixal!
Nadakhan: There's no harm in that now, is there?
Zane: My third wish. My-My third wish.
Nadakhan: Yes. Your all-important third wish. Make it count. But know no matter what happens to me, the sweet little voice inside your head will be all but gone. Erased. Checkmate.
Nadakhan won the game of chess.
Zane: I wish...I wish for it all to go away!
Nadakhan then captured Zane into his Djinn Blade. The boat headed closer to the rocks.
Lloyd: Brace yourself!
They crashed and ended up on Tiger Widow Island.
(Okay. Just thought about it. But how did Cole not fall into the water?)
Lloyd looked around.
Lloyd: Where's Zane?
Nya: Maybe he's lost at sea.
Lloyd: Nindroids don't get lost.
Cole saw a chess piece.
Cole: It was Nadakhan. But don't ask me how I know, ask Jay.
Nya: What is he talking about, Jay?
Jay: Uh...(in his head) "Chapter two, don't tell them the truth. Tell them what they want to hear." (Back to normal) Look, there's Zane.
He pointed at the sea.
Nya: What?
Lloyd: Huh? Where?
Jay: There! There!
Nya: The only thing I can see is your stupid hand, Jay.
Jay: No, no, look! He's there!
Cole: Enough is enough! Jay has already been alone with Nadakhan. The mansion, the boat, he wished for them.
Jay: You swore you wouldn't say anything!
Cole: The reason he's here and the others aren't is because Jay never made his third wish. And if Zane knew that, maybe he'd still be here.
Nya: Why didn't you tell us?
Jay: I'm sorry. I just couldn't.
Cole: It's because when he saw his future, you were with him. And because of your break, he got worried that it wouldn't come true.
Jay: You told me we might never gonna happen. I thought maybe these wishes were the very thing that would bring us together. I had to try.
Nya: Well, I know who just nominated themselves to extract the Tiger Widow's venom.
The other three ninja walked of.
Jay: In my defense, I did just find out my parents are not my birth parents.
The others just continued to walk away.
Jay: Nothing? Really?
The Sky Pirates brought the floating land masses together.
Nadakhan: I see Djinjago is coming together.
Flintlocke: We're acquiring so much land, I wish we had more hands. I can tell you're getting stronger, Captain. Which one did you take?
Nadakhan: The titanium one. He put up a good fight for a ninja.
The other Sky Pirates laughed.
Nadakhan: But we mustn't become complacent. They are en route to Tiger Widow Island.
Flintlocke: Soto must have helped them. Do you want me to come with you to stop them?
Nadakhan: No, you stay here. But I may need a lady's touch.
Dogshank turned to him.
Dogshank: As you wish.
The ninja crossed a bridge.
Lloyd: The Tiger Widow's den should be just up ahead. Watch your step.
Cole: You don't have to tell me twice.
Jay: Just how am I supposed to extract this dangerous venom? Can I ask it nicely?
Nya: Well, maybe if Zane hadn't been captured, we would have a Nindroid around to tell you.
Jay: Ooh, that's a low blow. I mean, do we know anything about this Tiger Widow? Other than it was named to strike terror in the hearts of men.
Cole: Zane told me it's the last of its species. So it sounds like you've only got one chance at this. But I'm sure you'll be just fine-What are you doing now?
Jay rushed over to what seemed to be a hammock.
Jay: Resting my feet on this hammock. We've been walking for miles. If I have to face this thing alone, I'm gonna need to be well-rested.
Lloyd: Jay, I don't think that's a hammock.
Jay realizes it was a giant spider web that had a skeleton on it.
Jay: Aah! Get it off me! Aah! Get it off of me! Get it off of me!
He broke free and spat it out.
Nya: We have to keep moving.
Jay: Haven't I suffered enough?
All except Jay: No!
They reached the nest.
Lloyd: There it is. The nest.
Cole: Well then, what are you waiting for?
Jay: Well, I'm sorry if I'm not jumping down there right this instant. Do you see what I'm seeing? Of course not. Because all I see is my life flashing before me!
Nya: Now are you ready?
Jay: Whatever happened to sticking together? What if Nadakhan persuades me to say my final wish? Any number of bad things could easily happen to me alone down there!
The others simply gave Jay angry looks.
Jay: I have no friends.
Cole: Use your canteen to collect the venom!
Jay: Thank you, Mr. Helpful, but I got this!
He pushed past the spider webs.
Jay: Ugh. Ew. Here, Tiger Widow. Hahaha. I've come to ask nicely for your venom. Haha. I like tigers. Are you a little tiger? Or just a big scaredy cat? Hahaha.
He the saw the Tiger Widow, which turned out to be a giant spider.
Jay: Aah! It's so big! How do I get venom when his fangs only come out when he tries to bite me!?
Cole: Then let him bite you!
Jay: If I get out of here, I'm gonna bite you!
The other ninja looked up to see Sky Pirates heading them.
Cole: Sky Pirates!
Lloyd: Take cover.
Dogshank dropped a bomb and Nadakhan appeared behind Nya.
Nadakhan: Finally, we're alone.
Nya attacked but missed.
Nadakhan: Delara was filled with fire too. When this is all over, you will be mine.
Nya: Not fire, four arms. Don't ever forget, I'm a tall glass of water.
She shot water at him, but Nadakhan teleported away.
Jay saw the Tiger Widow secrete venom.
Jay: Ugh, disgusting! This is not okay!
It's fangs got stuck in his book.
Jay: I see the fangs!
Lloyd: Then hurry up and get the venom!
Jay: Oh, sorry for the delay! I've never had to milk the fangs of a giant spider before!
He shocked it.
Jay: Hahaha! You don't like that, do you?
Lloyd summoned his Energy Dragon and had an aerial battle with Flintlocke, Clancee and Monkey Wretch whilst piloting the Sky Shark. Dogshank jumped towards Nya.
Dogshank: Cute haircut. But you could use a trim.
She tried to hit her with her anchor, but missed.
Nya: Why is it some girls never get along? Can't we break that stereotype?
She goy stuck on a web. Dogshank broke it.
Nya: You freed me?
Dogshank: We fight like girls, not like cheaters. Let's see what else you've got.
Nya and Dogshank resumed their fight.
Nadakhan teleported around Cole as he tried to hit him. Cole tricked him into disappearing with a fakeout punch, then successfully hit Nadakhan.
Cole: I got him! Hahaha! I actually landed one on him.
Jay ran out of the nest after he got the venom. But the tiger widow chased him.
Jay: I got it! I actually got it!
Nadakhan: Get the venom!
Nya and Dogshank stopped fighting.
Dogshank: Until next time.
Nya: Next time, I won't play so nice.
Dogshank: Then it's a play date.
Nya meet up with the others.
Lloyd: Protect Jay!
They saw Jay with the tiger widow behind him.
Cole: That's one big spider.
Lloyd: Hurry!
They ran across the bridge. The widow was weighing it down.
Lloyd: The bridge isn't strong enough. Hold on!
The bridge broke. Cole caught Jay.
Cole: Gotcha!
Jay: Aah! Haven't I suffered enough?
The tiger widow started to climb.
Nya: Getting closer.
Jay: Oh, you don't say.
He tried to keep the Tiger Widow off him.
Nadakhan: You are certainly in a precarious position. Time is running out, but you have one wish left. You can wish it all-
Jay: Blah, blah, blah. You think I'm thick enough to fall for that trick? No way! I'd rather be eaten by a spider than listen to your beguiling voice.
Nadakhan: Then have it your way.
He made Jay let go.
Jay: No!
Lloyd, Nya, and Cole: Jay!
He grabbed Jay and took the canteen.
Nadakhan: Now say goodbye to the only thing that can stop me.
He spilled its contents.
Jay: No! No, no, no! No.
Nadakhan: And say goodbye to your friend.
He disappeard with Jay and the Tiger Widow fell.
Nadakhan: I'll be back for the rest of you. And since you can't get off the island, I'll know exactly where to find you.
He laughed as the other ninja managed to climb up.
Cole: Should we fly after them?
Nya: No. Save your strength.
Lloyd: But he has Jay and he just got rid of the only thing that can stop him.
Nya: No he didn't.
Lloyd: Huh?
Nya: He emptied the wrong canteen.
She showed them the canteen.
Cole: You mean-
Lloyd: We have the only thing that can stop him.
Nya: And better yet, they don't know we have it. Jay suffered enough. It's time they do the suffering.
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