Once bitten, twice shy

On the bounty, the ninja had a lesson with Nya about the snakes. There she showed them a skeleton from a fangpyre. She told them about that it was possible to cure someone from it's venom without the anti venom in the staff. Just by raising ones heartbeat. Both Kai and Cole looked at eachother with a smirk, knowing that it worked against the hypnobrai.

The lesson continued, where Kai and Zane was focusing while Cole was drawing and Jay was daydreaming while looking at Nya.

Then all of a sudden, Nya stopped and smelled the air.

Nya: Excuse me, but does anyone know what the smell's coming from? It smells worse then rotten egg.

Jay then panicked and knew that it was him who smelled. The lesson ended and the ninja walked out, but Jay stayed.

Jay: Ugh Nya. About the smell. I was trying a new cologne, and I thought it would smell good but I thought wrong.

Nya: It's okay. That happens to everyone.

Jay: No, I was trying to impress you. Sensai told us that our hearts was the key to unlock our true potential.

Nya: Impress me? But I'm so...

Jay: Fantastic. If you want, I can take you to a nice restaurant.

Nya: Like a date?

Jay: Yes.

Nya: Ofcourse. I would love to. But I have to go before the smell takes over. See you then. Bye.

Jay was so happy that he jumped around and accidentely pricked his hand on the fangpyre skeleton. He didn't care much and walked away. But a small drop of venom dropped down on the floor. A fly drank it and got turned into a snake.

Meanwhile in the realm of madness. Sensai Wu was face to face with Garmadon.

Garmadon: Hello brother. What took you so long. So you took the katana from our youth. Funny you didn't have the courage to cross the temple wall. Yet you have the courage to come here.

Wu: Why did you come to this place?

Garmadon: A place as wicked as me. I feel at home here. In Ninjago I couldn't physically control the golden weapons, but this place has dark magic that can make the Impossible. Possible!

Garmadon turned around and showed his four arms.

Wu: You came all the way here just to posses the golden weapons?

Garmadon: Yes! And I wont let you or your pety ninja to stop me!

He then summoned one weapon in each hand and the two of them started to fight. Wu managed to block Garmadon's attacks. Soon they fell into a big mud lake. Mud monsters started to rise up and was going towards Wu. He tried to stop them with spinjitsu, but that didn't help.

Wu: Brother I didn't came here to...

Garmadon: You will regret coming here to stop me. Mud monsters attack.

The mud monsters was close to Wu and trapped him in themselves.

Garmadon: You don't belong here you fool. You should have known better then trying to stop me.

Wu: I didn't came to stop you. I came to warn you. And tell you that your son is in danger.

Garmadon: Lloyd?!

Garmadon ran to Wu and helped him out.

Garmadon: What has Lloyd gotten himself into?

Wu: He have opened a can of worms I'm afraid I'm never gonna close.

Garmadon: You mean we never gonna close.

He helped Wu stand up.

Garmadon: You can tell me more later. Now we gotta get home. How did you find me?

Wu: Travelers Tea. But I used it all, and know we have no way back.

Garmadon: There is one way, but we gotta go through the mountain of madness. A long and dangerous road.

Wu: I couldn't had it any other way.

Garmadon: Let's go before it's really gets dark.

In Ninjago, the snakes arrived at the location of the first fangblade. Which was the mega monster amusement park.

Skales: Maybe we should wait intill it's dark, so we don't get attention from the ninja or samurai.

Pythor: Don't worry, I'm sure we'll fit right in.

And he was right. Because some people who worked there, was dressed as snakes. So people thought that they where it to. A family even took a photo with Pythor.

The bounty

Jay was infront of the mirror, practicing a speach for Nya.

Jay: Did I ever tell you that I was the first on to learn spinjitsu? No no! Invented spinjitsu and some other moves like the karate double chop.

Hi punched the air and looked at his left hand to see that it was looking like a snakes's.

Jay: Oh No. The prick from the fangpyre fang. No, this isn't happening. It's just a rush. It gonna go away. Nothing is gonna stop you Jay. This is your time to shine.

He walked out to the bridge with a nice suit, gloves and scarf. The others just looked at him.

Cole: Where are you going, mister fancy?

Jay: Haven't you heard. I'm taking Nya to a really nice restaurant.

Kai: You better change your plans. The bridge just picked up evidence of snake activity, at mega monster amusement park.

They looked at the picture and saw a snake they knew.

Jay: Hey, that's Pythor!

Zane: Pythor wouldn't be there for fun and games. There must be a fangblade hidden inside the park.

Jay: We can't let them get it. Oh but my date.

Kai: Jay! If they get all four, then they can release the great devourer. What's more important?

Jay was sad, but he then got an idea. Just then Nya came back from being the samurai and was in her room. She heard Jay knocking on the door.

Jay: Uh Nya, are you there?

Nya: Don't come in, I'm getting ready!

Jay: I just wanned to talk about our date.

Nya hid her weapons and changed into her normal clothes. She then saw on her bracelet that the Serpentine was at the mega monster amusement park.

Jay: Maybe we should cancel.

Nya: Oh you're canceling?

Jay: No no. I just wanned to know if you would rather go to mega monster amusement park?

Nya: Really? That would be perfect. But aren't you a little overdressed.

Jay: Ofcourse, I can go and change.

Nya noticed her helmet and kicked ut into her closet.

Jay: What was that?

Nya: Oh nothing. I get dressed too, that would be fun.

Jay: Maybe we can take my stormglider there.

Nya: Sounds fun.

Nya walked out in a beautiful dress and Jay was stunned. She then took her helmet and laid it in her purse before heading out.

Wu and Garmadon meanwhile, were walking to the mountain of madness.

Garmadon: So what kinda trouble did Lloyd do?

Wu: The worst kind I'm afraid. He have opened the serpentine tombs. And now Pythor has united the five tribes and are searching for the silver fangblades to release the great devourer.

Garmadon: The snake who bit me and turned me evil. Why would Lloyd do that?

Wu: To be like you.

Garmadon: I never wanned him to be. Thank you for watching over him.

Wu: Ofcourse. We might be enemies but we were once brothers.

Jay and Nya were at the restaurant. And Jay was talking about himself. Many thing that might not be true, except for a story of wing of metal hi built. He noticed that Nya was in her own thoughts.

Jay: Are you okay? You seem kind of distant.

Nya: Uh, yeah. It's just that the portions are so big. Maybe we should split our dish.

Jay: Heh. So about that Samurai. Oh, man. I really hate him. He's such a show off, you know? If you ask me, he's nothing without his big, clunky exo-suit.

Nya: Really?

Jay: Yeah. Nothing can compare to two good old fashioned feet and fists, don't you think?

Nya rolled her eyes but Jay didn't see that.

Nya: Yeah, sure.

Jay: You know, sssomebody once told me...

Jay looked in his spoon and saw that he got fangs. He was panicking.

Nya: Jay. Are you okay?

Jay: Excusse me. I just have to use the resstroom.

He ran into the restroom and saw that he was turning green. Then he removed his gloves and saw that his hand was changed too.

Jay: Oh, gosh. I'm turning into a snake!

Meanwhile, a group of visitors were riding an attraction that was meant to be scary, but for them it was lame. They then saw the snakes digging and thought that they where part of the attraction. But some venemari spit on them, so they saw everything in the attraction as scary.

The three other ninja soon arrived.

Kai: Where is everybody?

They then saw the riders scream and run out of the attraction.

Cole: Wait a minute, that ride was never scary.

Kai: Venemari.

Zane: Should we get Jay?

Cole: Let's not bother the two lovebirds. I think we can handle this.

Kai: Excuse us, coming through.

Cole: Nothing to see, folks.

Zane: This is ninja business.

Nya was still waiting for Jay and then saw his bracelet light up.

Nya: (Sighs) Sorry, Jay. Duty calls.

She left the booth. Jay was still in the restroom.

Jay: Huh, I don't look so bad. I just gotta go out there and tell her the truth.

He then saw that he got a tail

Jay: No, no, it's okay, Jay. Lots of girls like tails.

He walked out of the restroom and to the booth, but Nya was gone

Jay: She left? Nya?

Just then a man in the restaurant yelled Snake and pointed at Jay. All the guests then attacked him, thinking he was one of the snakes. He tried to stop them, but it didn't work.

Just then Pythor found the first fangblade and laughed.

Pythor: Ah. The first fangblade is ours!

Out of nowhere, a fireblast hit Pythor but he was unharmed.

Kai: What's the problem? To hot for you?

Cole: Nice line firefly.

Kai: Thanks babe. Now, let's teach these snakes a lesson.

They attacked the snakes. Suddenly Zane tried to use his true potential, but accidentally froze himself and his teammates.

Pythor and the snakes laughed at this and ran out. Just when they came out, Nya in the samurai suit took the fangblade and ran away. But her rockets didn't work so she got tackled to the ground.

Pythor: Let's see who the mysterious man is.

He took of the helmet and saw that it was Nya.

Pythor: Correction. The mysterious woman. Who's gonna save you now?

Inside the restaurant, the crowd was still hiting Jay. But he managed to escape to the rest room, and trick them that he was someone else. He ran outside and saw Pythor.

Jay: Hey!

The Serpentine saw his tail and laughed.

Pythor: What happened? Snake bite your tongue?

Jay then heard Nya, and saw her tied up in the rollercoaster.

Nya: Jay! Help!

Pythor: Turn it on. See you later ninja. Let's go, boys.

Jay jumped onto the rollercoaster.

Both: What happened to you?

Jay looked ahead and saw that if they didn't do anything fast, they would be gone.

Jay: Oh No! We have to get out of here.

Nya saw his tail.

Nya: Were you bitten? Take off the scarf.

Jay: I rather not. I wanned to tell you, but didn't wanna ruin our date.

Nya: Aww, that's so sweet of you. Hey, weren't you the first in your 'Lil Scouts group to get your knot badge?

Jay: No I wasn't. I made that up, just so I could impress you.

Nya: You did? Hold on.

Jay: What? Do you have an idea?

Nya: No, hold on!

They where going fast and Jay's scarf flew off, revealing his face that now looked more like a snake.

Jay: Aah! Don't look at me Nya. I'm a moster. Although I hate the samurai, where is he when you need him? SAMURAI!

Nya: Jay, the Samurai isn't coming.

Jay: Why not?

Nya: This might not be the best time, but I haven't been totally honest either.

Jay: About what?

Nya: I...I'm the Samurai!

Jay: You're the Samurai!? Aah! We're running out of track.

Nya: Jay, if anything horrible where to happen. I want you to know, that you don't have to pretend to be something you're not. Because I like you best when you're you.

She kissed Jay on the cheek and he turned back to normal.

Nya: Your face. You're back to normal.

Jay: It's just like you said. You must have raised my heart rate.

They were almost at the end of the tracks.

Nya: Jay, whatever happens next, just remember. You are the best as you.

Jay stood up and started to glow.

Nya: What's happening?

Jay: My True Potential.

With his new power he, teleported infront of the coaster cart and stopped it. He then returned to normal.

Jay and Nya meet up with the others and told them everything.

Zane: You really tricked is all. I would've never guessed you were the Samurai.

Cole: I wish I had a sister like you. But Kai, why didn't you tell us this before?

Kai: Because that would be against sibling rule number 18. Siblings keep eachother's secrets. Plus, I'm not a search platform

Jay: You wanna know what I have learned today?

Nya: What's that?

Jay: No matter who you are. It's important to be yourself.

Cole: Yeah, that's cute, but you wanna know what I've learned? The Serpentine now have the first Fangblade.

Zane: But we are all getting stronger. One day, we're all gonna reach our True Potential and stop Pythor once and for all.

Jay: And we figured this all out without Sensei. Pretty good for four ninja and a samurai.

Kai: I wonder what Sensei is doing now.

Well Wu and Garmadon had just reached the mountain of madness.

Garmadon: We're here. The Mountain of Madness.

Wu: So the only way back to Ninjago is up there?

Garmadon: The worst is yet to come.

They then walked up, not knowing the danger they will meet.

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