My dinner with Nadakhan
The NGTV helicopter flew to Djinjago.
Gayle: Ninjago News Air Traffic control, Gayle Gossip with breaking news. For weeks, everyone has been stumped as to why prime real estate of Ninjago has simply vanished into thin air. Well, consider the mystery solved. They are in thin air. Directly above us are the missing remains. I'm staring at it right now, folks. Literally, chunks of Ninjago reassembled into what looks like...Hold on, I think I see someone flying towards us. Maybe they can provide more clarity.
Instead, they were attacked.
Gayle: More breaking news. Literally, my news chopper is breaking apart. The people of this floating island do not provide more clarity. They provide more cannon fire! Dangerous cannon fire! This is Gayle Gossip signing off, hoping I can still land this thing.
Jay was cleaning the deck.
Nadakhan: Looks like you missed a spot.
He spilled Jay's bucket of water.
Jay: (Sighs.) I'm not gonna say it.
Nadakhan: Say what? That you can wish it all away? Well, you can. You've already made your first two wishes, you have one left.
Jay: My friends will come for me.
Nadakhan: I hope so. The more of you my Djinn Blade collects, the stronger I become. Creating a world from scratch takes a lot of hard work. Djinjago would get done a lot sooner if everyone pitches in, if you know what I mean.
He threw the sword at Jay's direction. The souls within screamed for help.
Nadakhan: Care to say hello to your friends? Wish it. Wish it all away and join them. Wish it and you'll never have to pick up another scrub brush again.
Jay: If I didn't have this Vengestone ball and chain, I'd zap you clean off this ship.
Nadakhan: Hmm. I can see why she once liked you. You're stronger than you appear. But I know it's all an act. Deep down, you're scared. You know you're weak. You make jokes to mask that you're afraid. That's why you didn't do anything when she wanned to take a break, why you can't do anything when she falls for me. Believe me, aboard my ship, you will break. I will make sure of it. And when that time comes, I will be there, so you can wish it away.
Jay: Still not gonna say it.
Nadakhan: When he's done swabbing the deck, make sure he swabs the entire hull.
Flintlocke: The bottom of the ship, Captain?
Jay cleaned the hull and almost fell.
Nadakhan: You're not afraid, are you, funny man?
Jay: Ha! I love it!
Nadakhan groaned and left as Jay just laughed. On the Island had Lloyd just came back after flying over the Endless Sea.
Cole: You okay? Did you see any land?
Lloyd: Just water. I tried to reach the mainland, but it's too far. We won't be able to get off this island on our own.
Cole laughed.
Nya: What's so funny about our predicament?
Cole: Oh, I was just thinking about what Jay might say to that.
He raised his voice.
Cole: "You're telling me we went through all that trouble to get the venom to stop Nadakhan, and now we have no way to get off this island!?" (Normal voice) Heh, gone one day and I already miss him spazzing out.
Nya: Me too. After he lied to us, I was so hard on him. And now he's captured and all alone. Some friends we are.
Lloyd: Hey, Jay's strong. We'll get him back. It's like what Wu once told me, if you want something bad enough, you find a way to make it happen.
Cole: He's right. If we can't fly off this island, we'll build our way. I've seen enough movies to know it's possible.
Lloyd: And if we've built a rocket of an asteroid, what's one raft a little-
Nya: Across an endless sea filled with unknown creatures that wanna eat us? Uh, that was my Jay impression. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get building.
Flintlocke showed Doubloon a blueprint.
Flintlocke: The Raid Zeppelin ain't made for speed. It's made for power, you understand?
Clancee was watching over Jay and talked a little.
Clancee: And before we each met Nadakhan, we were castaways. In one way or another, he brought us together and made us whole. Take D-Dogshank for instance. It's not easy being the second prettiest girl at the b-ball. She wished to stand out. Heh. Inevitably she did, but it ain't for being pretty. Oh, then there's Doubloon. A two-faced thief caught trying to steal N-Nadakhan's gold. He tried wishing his way out of his sentence, but cap was so impressed with his agility, he went ahead and actually made him two-faced. Oh, then Monkey Wretch wasn't always a monkey, but always a headache. Wished to be the greatest mechanic of his kind. T-t-too bad for him that kind was the mechanized primate variety.
Jay: (In his head) If only I could get a message out to my friends.
Clancee: But I never made a wish. No, no, no. Not I, heh. Couldn't think of anything to w-wish for, even if I tried. Got everything I need right here.
Jay watched as Flintlocke and Doubloon left.
Clancee: Never fit in with the rest of the Serpentine, so I'm happy enough to have a family.
Jay: Ow! Oh, my back! Ugh! Oh, that's it. If only I could wish this pain away.
Clancee: Huh? What did you say?
Jay: I've finally reached my breaking point.
Clancee: J-Just hold on.
He started to leave.
Clancee: Captain! Captain! You need to come here! We broke him! We finally broke him!
Jay ran over to the blueprint and quill. He flipped the paper over and started to write.
Jay: "Friends, if you find this, I am doing fine. Please"-Ugh, stupid quill. How did anyone ever write with these things? "Don't worry about-me. Worry about stop-stopping Nadakhan. Your friend"-
Nadakhan: I told you not to take your eye off him!
Jay put the letter in a bottle and ran away.
Nadakhan: You let him escape? Find him!
Jay was chased by the crew but then jumped onto a Raid Zeppelin.
Jay: Haha! Bye-bye!
Nadakhan: What are you staring at? Get him!
The Pirates continued to chase him. Jay escaped by jumping onto something.
Jay: Haha!
The Sky Pirates laughed.
Nadakhan: You seem to have landed on a sky mine. One shot from Flintlocke and kaboom.
Jay: (Sighs.) All right, I surrender.
He dropped his message into the sea.
The Pirates held him hostage again.
Flintlocke: You hungry?
Jay: Does it matter?
Flintlocke: Captain would like to see you for dinner.
He removed his ball and chain.
Flintlocke: Ain't a request. It's an order.
He led Jay by gunpoint to Nadakhan.
Nadakhan: Mm. Please, please, eat something. You must be famished. But I must warn you, don't try anything foolish. I aim to have manners around the dinner table.
Jay: Don't think you can butter me up like a bread roll and expect me to make my last wish.
Nadakhan: Mm. No, no, no, I would never dream. Please, eat. I simply want your company.
Jay started to gobble up the food.
Nadakhan: Though we are from different worlds, we share something in common. Hmm? An affinity for a special someone.
Jay: Mm. Sorry, pal, I don't know who this lost love of yours is, but she ain't Nya. She's too good for the both of us. And she makes up her own mind.
Nadakhan: Maybe. Hmm. But I have made up my own mind. All my life, I've been blessed with the ability to grant wishes for others, but cursed to have none of my own. Though born unto a king, everything that is mine, I've had to work for. This food, this ship, this crew.
Jay: That accent?
Nadakhan: (Grunts.) Truth be told, I don't care about a new world nor winning Nya's heart.
Jay: Then why are you doing all of this?
Nadakhan: Oh, I don't need her heart. I only need her marriage. Because when a Djinn prince becomes king on Djinn land, he is bestowed the greatest gift of all.
Jay: Love?
Nadakahn: (Chuckles.) No. Infinite wishes.
Jay: You never loved Delara. You only loved what she could give you.
Nadakhan: And after I take your friends, and take your home, Nya will be mine, and no one will be able to stop me. I will be more powerful than anyone can ever imagine.
Jay tried to shock him, but Nadakhan restrained him.
Nadakhan: Too slow, junkyard boy.
The ninja continued building their raft.
Lloyd: One more round of palm ties, and I'd say she's secure enough for sea.
Nya: Why is it all sea vessels are shes?
Cole: I don't know. Because it takes a lot of paint to make them look good?
Cole and Lloyd laughed but stop when Nya glared at them.
Lloyd: Oh.
He turned his laughter into coughing.
Cole: I kid, I kid. Lighten up, water lily.
Nya: (Scoffs.) I get it. My personal mission to rid the world of it's prejudices is wearing thin.
Lloyd: Hey, uh, did anyone take my ties?
Cole: Not me.
Nya: I didn't touch them.
Lloyd: Huh. I could've sworn they were right here. All this sun must be baking my brain. I'm going back into the jungle to collect some more.
He left.
Cole: You know, I think the real reason sailors name ships after women is because we name them after the most important people in our lives. Mothers, wives, sisters, the people we trust to protect us when life gets choppy. (Sigh) Like Kai if he was a girl.
Nya: But Jay didn't trust me. Why didn't he tell me he saw a future with me? Even if I never believed it, if he told me, all of this could've been avoided.
Cole: He didn't want to force you. Sure Jay made some bad choices, but it's like Lloyd said, if you want something bad enough, you find a way to make it happen.
Nya: After all we've been though, I understand that you'd be the one sticking up for him. You're a good friend.
Cole: Wrong. I'm his best friend.
Nya: Huh. Where's my hammer? It was right here.
Cole saw something on the ground.
Cole: Whoa! Did you see that?
Nya: See what?
Cole: There's another. There's two of them. I think I know why things around here go missing. Get off the ground!
They jumped on their raft.
Nya: I see them now.
Cole: (Whispering) I think we need to be quiet. I think they're attracted to noise.
Lloyd came back screaming.
Lloyd: Hey, guys! Look at how many palm fronds I found!
Nya: (Whispering) Lloyd, get off the-
A worm creature emerged.
Lloyd: Are you kidding me?
He Airjitzud onto a tree. The creatures destroyd the raft.
Nya: There goes our raft.
Cole: Just another day at the beach.
Lloyd: This way! To higher ground!
Cole used Airjitzu, and Nya managed to do it too after almost getting eaten.
Lloyd: Hey, you just did Airjitzu for the first time.
Nya: You want something bad enough, you find a way to make it happen.
They looked at the creatures.
Lloyd: We need to get off this island.
Jay mopped the deck while seagulls flew overhead and left poop after themselves.
Jay: Ugh. So that's why they call it the poop deck.
Monkey Wretch screeched at Clancee.
Clancee: That's your side of the story, Monkey Wretch. The way I see it, I can use my free time as I like.
Flintlocke: Clancee's right. Just because there's a new low man on the totem pole, don't mean Clancee has to give up swabbing the deck.
Clancee: Thank you, Flintlocke. It relaxes me. I told you I was in the right.
Clancee and Monkey Wretch left.
Jay: (Sighs.) The crew listens to you.
Flintlocke: Nadakhan is a good captain. My job is to just make sure his ship runs smoothly.
Jay: But how do you make sure everything runs smoothly when your captain doesn't tell you everything you need to know?
Flintlocke: Oh, yeah? Like what?
Jay: It's nice of you all to help him make this world...
Flintlocke: Djinjago is for all of us.
Jay: Maybe. But how long do you think he'll keep you around when he gets infinite wishes?
Flintlocke: Everybody knows, Nadakhan don't get no wishes and ain't nobody can wish for that.
Jay: That's not what he told me. After a Djinn prince marries on Djinn land, he gets it all. And I've seen how he looks at Nya, reminding him of his Delara. But what do I know? Heh, I'm just the low man on the totem pole. You've helped him build so much. I'm sure he'll need you around when he can wish for anything. But listen to me. The crew listens to you. If you're gonna stage a mutiny, now is the time. Before he's all powerful. Don't let him take advantage.
Nadakhan appeared.
Nadakhan: What lies is our little canary whistling now, hmm? Perhaps another ploy to escape?
Jay: It's true. He's the one that's lying. He told me everything at dinner.
Flintlocke: Right, and I have trouble shooting water in an ocean.
He and Nadakhan laughed.
Nadakhan: Oh, we're being too hard on our guest. Perhaps it's time we involve him in some of our on-ship entertainment?
Flintlocke: You don't mean Scrap-N-Tap, do you?
They laughed again.
Jay: Uh, what's Scrap-N-Tap?
He was transported to an arena. Monkey Wretch confronted him.
Jay: Heh. Uh.
Nadakhan: The rules are simple. May the best one win. Let the scrap begin!
The Pirates cheered.
Jay: Take this thing off and let's make this a fair fight.
Nadakhan: Fair? Haha. We're pirates!
Monkey Wretch attacked him. Jay's ball and chain landed on him.
Jay: All right, you had your fun. I'm tapping out. Who's next?
Nadakhan: Oh, no. The loser doesn't tap out, only the winner does. You have to stay in until someone else loses. Who's next?
Jay lost to Doubloon.
Nadakhan: This may go on all day, unless you want to wish it all away. Just say the words and it'll all be over.
Jay: Bring it on.
Nadakhan: Next.
Dogshank approached him. When all the Sky Pirates were asleep, Clancee went to Jay's cell. During the battle, Jay's eye got seriously damaged.
(Just so he have the eye patch during the rest of the season. Because why not)
Clancee: Well, you have to eat.
He gave him food.
Jay: I'm not hungry.
Clancee: You f-fought really well. You held your own like a real pirate. You should have this to look the part.
He dropped something and left. Jay picked it up and looked in the water.
Jay: An eye patch? Just like what I saw in my future. It's all coming true.
He put it over his damaged eye.
Flintlocke: Psst. You always talk to yourself?
Jay: (Sighs.) Only when I thought I was by myself. What do you want now?
Flintlocke: Maybe you're right. Maybe he doesn't need us after all of this. But the only way we're gonna stage a mutiny is if we can get his sword away from him. You think you can handle that?
Jay: (Scoffs.) What am I supposed to do? I'm the one locked up down here.
Flintlocke: Wait until he's asleep and make your move. We'll be right behind you.
He dropped a key and left.
Jay: Flintlocke? Flintlocke? Ha!
He escaped, entered Nadakhan's room, and grabbed what he thought was the sword. It turned out to be fake and the lights turned on.
Flintlocke: I told you we'd be right behind you.
All the Sky Pirates laughed.
Nadakhan: Well, I was wrong, he did fall for it.
Clancee: Yeah. Even I'm not that pinheaded.
Jay sighed and groaned.
Nadakhan: If we're all up, I guess we have time for another round of Scrap-N-Tap.
The pirates cheered.
Nadakhan: That is, unless you want to wish it all away. Huh? Go ahead, make your wish.
The ninja finished the raft.
Lloyd: All right, we've finished the raft.
Cole: Now all we gotta do is get it to the water.
Nya: Leave that to me. While you were working on that, I was working on this.
She pulled a rope and a catapult fired coconuts. The worm creatures were attracted towards it.
Nya: They're distracted! Go!
Lloyd: It's working!
The catapult malfunctioned.
Cole: Aah. Coconuts? It stopped working.
The ninja used the raft as a shield.
Cole: The raft isn't gonna protect us much longer! We can't get to the ocean!
Nya: Then I'll bring the ocean to us.
She used her Water power and they made it.
Cole: You did it!
The raft started to break.
Nya: Yeah, but the raft is too damaged. It's falling apart.
Cole: Oh, no! I can't touch water!
Lloyd: We gotta go back.
Cole: Oh, we're never gonna get off this island!
A helicopter approached them.
Ronin: Anyone need a lift?
Lloyd: Whoa! It's Ronin! Oh, I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful sight.
They jumped in.
Commissioner: Oh, by golly, we found you.
Nya: But how?
Simon: We learned you chartered a boat. Following storm patterns, we looked-
Tommy: Uh, detective work, ma'am. We're detectives. We detect things.
Cole: Wait. Did you come all this way to arrest us?
Commissioner: Arrest you? Oh, gosh no. We came to rescue you. After you saved our city from the Sky Pirates, we finally realized who's side you're fighting on. I was wrong to distrust you, Lloyd. That's on me.
Ronin: But saving one more is on us. We got a message from Jay.
He showed them a bottle.
Ronin: What say we get him back?
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