Grave danger

The ninja used R.E.X. to travel under the Endless Sea.

Zane: We're almost to the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Cole: Yeah. Can't believe we're almost there after all we've been through.

Kai looked out nervously.

Kai: I can't believe I'm underwater.

Cole: Don't worry, you're not alone with the water. Now when I think about it. Just how thick is this glass?

He tapped the glass a couple times. Wu appeared on screen.

Wu: We're heading to your location now. With Morro already ahead of you and able to foresee the traps protecting the tomb with the Sword of Sanctuary, it's going to be up to you four to find the Realm Crystal before he does.

Jay: Hehe, Cole's a Ghost, Kai can't swim, we have no magical sword or Elemental Powers.

He laughed nervously.

Jay: What could go wrong?

Pyther: You're probably just jinxed it.

What they didn't noticed was a Leviathan watching them.

Misako: I may not know the three tests you're about to face, but I discovered a riddle that makes reference to it that may help: "A Spinjitzu Master can. A Spinjitzu Master cannot. To move forward, don't look ahead, to find his resting spot."

Cole: Huh. That's food for thought.

Jay then saw the Leviathan and gulped.

Jay: Speaking of food, we're about to be some! Pyther was right. I jinxed it.

Kai : We have to go faster. Much faster.

Cole drove faster but the Leviathan cracked R.E.X.'s glass.

Kai: Why did the tomb have to be underwater?

Cole: Hold on!

The Leviathan chased them.

Jay: Ugh! What kind of weapons is this thing equipped with?

Zane: We don't need weapons. Aim for that rock!

Cole: On it.

He drove through the rock and the Leviathan got stuck. Everyone cheered.

Jay: Yeah! All right! Thatta Boy, R.E.X.! Thatta boy!

Morro was in the tomb and reached the second test. He looked at the Sword's reflection and sighed. The ninja then arrived at the tomb's entrance.

Cole: If you wanna hide a tomb, this looks like a good place. We're here.

Jay picked up a cloth left behind by Morro.

Jay: Argh! There goes any hope Morro couldn't find this place.

Kai: Hey, stay positive. We're about to risk our lives going through traps we know nothing about. All we have to rely on is each other. At least feel luck we got this far.

Jay: Oh, I'm sorry. You're right. What was I thinking? (Sarcastic tone) Hey, there goes any hope Morro couldn't find the tomb! We're not alone! Yay! Now we're gonna have to fight him again! Sure we got our tails handed to us last time, but you never know in the future, because ninja never quit! (Normal tone) Better?

Kai just rolled hid eyes.

Kai: I'll take it.

Zane then pointed to a statue.

Zane: Look!

Cole: The First Spinjitzu Master. Creator of all Ninjago.

Kai: Whoa. Hey. Aren't we forgetting something?

R.E.X.: Destination reached. Auto return initiated.

Jay: Auto return? No, no! Bad, R.E.X.! Bad!

They chased after R.E.X., but it submerged underwater.

Zane: Our Aeroblade weapons were in there.

Kai: Ugh, not to mention our only way back.

Jay: Hey, stay positive! Who needs a way back when we gotta go that way?

Kai: No sword, no powers, no problem. We can do this, guys. As long as we got each other, right?

Cole: Brother and spouse sharpens brother and spouse.

They went to the first test and saw doors with symbols on each.

Cole: This is the first test.

Jay: Ooh! Why did it have to be tests? Why can't the tomb just be protected by Dragons? We're good with Dragons.

Kai: I think we're supposed to pick a door, but which one?

Jay: Um, what was it Misako said?

Zane: "A Spinjitzu Master can. A Spinjitzu Master cannot. To move forward, don't look ahead, to find his resting spot."

Kai: A Spinjitzu master can. Can what?

Jay: Sixteen doors, for Sixteen Realms?

Cole: Well, could be. But let me guess, pick the wrong door and we'll be in a realm of hurt.

Jay: Oh, I wish we had the Sword right about now.

Kai: We can figure this out.

He thought to himself.

Kai: ("A Spinjitzu Master can." Can..)

Jay looked over one of the doors.

Jay: The symbol above this door, it's a tornado. This could be the one, right?

Kai: You could be right.

Jay reached for the door but Zane stopped him.

Zane: Jay, wait!

Pixal scanned the small statues on the doors.

Pixal: Picture recognition analyzing. Pattern discovered.

Zane: Step away from that door, Jay.

He pulled him away.

Jay: W-what is it?

Zane: We're inside a zoetrope.

Cole: A zoe-what?

Kai: A zoetrope. The engravings in rapid succession creates a moving image.

Cole: Uh, I don't get it.

Kai: "A Spinjitzu Master can." Do Spinjitzu!

Zane: Exactly.

He did Spinjitzu and saw the figure create a form.

Zane: He's creating some sort of shape.

He stopped and pointed to a door with the corresponding image.

Zane: That one. That's the door out.

Cole: I don't know, Zane. Isn't that the same door we came in? Are you sure?

Zane: Are you sure you want to doubt a Nindroid?

Kai: Open the door. Let's find out.

Jay opened it and found the second test.

Cole: But...that's wasn't here before. How can it be the way, if that's the way we came in?

Kai: Well, welcome to the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Jay: Hey, hey! Nice one, Zane. Who needs the Sword of Sanctuary when you've got a Nindroid?

Misako, Wu, Pyther and Nya landed the Bounty above where the tomb was located.

Misako: These are the coordinates Ronin's ship had directed them to.

Wu: Then the tomb is right below here.

Pyther: Hope they're okay.

Nya: That's not all that's here. Morro's friends must have paid a visit, but I don't see Ghoultar. The ninja must have already taken care of-

She gasped when she saw Soul Archer looking at them.

Nya: They know we're here. Should I arm the cannons?

Wu: No. Getting into unnecessary battles only distracts us from preparing for the necessary ones still ahead. We wait, but just in case, how is your Water training coming?

Nya: Uh, who knows? I can move water but it's not like I can control it. Whatever.

Wu: "Whatever?"

He turned to Misako.

Wu: Ronin's indifference is rubbing off on her.

Misako: That girl has always put too much pressure on herself. If she's moving water, perhaps it's working.

The ghosts.

Bansha: Why don't we attack?

Soul Archer: Look at where we are. We can't risk losing our boat. Let's see who flinches first.

Kai noticed a golden staff.

Kai: The Staff of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Cole: Wait! This is the second test, remember? Zane, what do you think?

Zane: Pixal can see no pattern. For this riddle room, I'm at a loss.

Jay: Think about it. The first test was a "A Spinjitzu Master can." So this one's "A Spinjitzu Master cannot." Though, saying it out loud, I don't like the sound of that.

Kai: Hmm.

He tried stepping on a tile that activated a trap. Everyone dogged it.

Cole: Is everyone okay?

Zane: Oh, that was a close one.

Jay: Every step, uh, a trap.

Zane: How does one reach the staff if it becomes more difficult with every step to get there? If I'm correct, this riddle room poses quite the conundrum.

Cole: So if a Spinjitzu Master can't do it, how are we supposed to reach the staff?

Kai: Maybe if we don't touch the floor?

He used Airjitzu, but activated another trap. He went back.

Kaya: Guess not.

Cole: Let me try.

He too activeted more traps making the floor fall.

Jay: Not that one!

Zane: Just stop!

Jay stepped back and accidentally hit a tile.

Kai: Oh, no!

Cole got hit but it didn't affect him.

Cole: Wait, I'm a ghost. What am I worried about?

The wrecking ball pushed a button and water started leaking out.

Cole: That! That, I can worry about!

Kai: Okay, I better go back.

He jumped back and more floor fell.

Jay: Will everyone please stop moving!?

Soul Archer was still spying on the crew.

Bansha: Still no movement?

Soul Archer: They are waiting, like we are.

Bansha: Why are we waiting!? We should be attacking when they least expect it. I thought we weren't afraid of anything.

Soul Archer: Very well, but now is not the time. We'll need to be strategic about it. Patience.

After no more traps were active, the ninja were each standing on their own tiles.

Kai: This test is really hard.

Cole: Exactly. If one take a step they trigger one more trap, I don't know how much more we can take.

Jay: The clue clearly said this is a test a Spinjitzu Master cannot do. So why are we not listening to the clue!?

Kai: It must be one way to reach it.

He then got a thought.

Kai: Unless...

Cole started to understand.

Cole: It's a trick? What if the reason we can't do it is because we were never meant to reach the staff? What is the first rule of being a ninja?

Zane: A ninja never quits.

Kai: Exactly, and that's why we can't do it. Because a ninja would never give up.

Jay: What are you trying to say? We just quit? Are you insane?

Cole: This time, trust me.

He looked Kai who nodded. They jumped off their tiles.

Zane and Jay: Cole! Kai!

Cole: Whoo-hoo! Haha! Come on down and enjoy the ride!

Kai: Come on!

Zane: They're alive!

The ninja jumped down and fell down on a slide.

Kai: Okay. Just try to stay together!

Jay: Stay together? I'm just trying to stay in one piece! Aah!

They flew around and slide. Kai came to a loop and fell.

Kai: Oh, great. Aah!

He landed on top of Zane.

Kai: Sorry.

The ninja grabbed on to an ice stalagmite.

Zane: No, no! Aah!

He and Kai fell.

Jay: Uh-oh. Aah!

He and Cole fell as well.

Kai: Oh, no!

He accidentally grabbed two icicles.

Kai: Huh?

He saw Jay using them as ski's.

Jay: Whoo-hoo! I love skiing! Haha!

Kai did the same.

Jay: Yeah!

Cole: All right!

They fell through a wall, leading them to the third test.

Zane: Is everyone okay?

Kai: What did we get ourselves into?

Jay climbed up a wall.

Jay: Oh, it's a maze! I'm great at mazes!

Kai looked at his reflection, but noticed he looked older.

Kai: Huh! Whoa! If my reflection means anything, I'm starting to think we won't be breaking out of this maze any time at all.

Zane: My reflection. Is I look older, but our attire is different. I don't believe these reflections reveal our inability to escape, but a mere glimpse of our future selves.

Cole: Misako said "To move forward, don't look ahead." Is that what it means?

He walked over to Kai and they saw their reflections being old.

Cole: Look. In the future I'm not gonna be a ghost anymore. But how?

Kai: Must have figured out how to return you to normal.

They then saw an older Pyther hugging them.

They smiled and looked at eachother.

Jay: Hey, guys, guess what. I get an awesome eyepatch! And there's something else.

He gasped when he saw Nya with a wedding ring on her finger.

Cole: What, Jay?

Jay: Me and Nya is getting married in the future.

Kai: Congratulations.

Cole walked away and saw something weird.

Cole: Wait a minute. Who's this?

He took a closer look, but it was Morro.

Cole: It's Morro! He's in the maze too!

Morro: All you ninja do is talk. Blah, blah, blah. I'll stop you from talking!

He swung his sword at Jay who ran away.

Jay: Aah! He's attacking an unarmed man!

Kai: We're coming for you

They started to follow him.

Pixal: This is not the way.

Zane: Not that way.

He ran another way and tackled Morro before he hit Jay. Jay grabbed an icicle and started to fight Morro.

Jay: Zane's here, but Cole, where are you?

Cole: I don't really know. But I'm coming!

He went through a wall and collided with Morro.

Cole: Huh, why didn't I do that sooner?

They started to fight Morro with icicles. Kai then noticed that more icicles form when one of them is sliced off.

Kai: Huh. Come on! Catch me if you can!

He leed Morro to a pile of icicles and trapped him.

Morro: No! You can't trap me. I'll find you, ninja. Just wait, you'll see!

Jay: Quick, how do we get out of here?

Cole: "To move forward, don't look ahead."

Jay: Don't look ahead? What does that mean.

Kai then saw another reflection. But this one was different.

Kai: Guys look.

The others turned to see their reflections. It was how they looked before Wu found them.

Cole: That's us. But past us.

Zane: Don't look ahead.

Jay: Look back.

Kai slowly approached the wall and walked through it. The others followed.

(Yes. I changed that too. But come on. Having them go through a wall with their past reflections are better then looking down.)

They soon arrived at a chamber.

Jay: What? What is it?

They then saw a skeleton.

Kai: It's him. The First Spinjitzu Master.

They bowed in respect.

Zane: The Realm Crystal.

He grabbed it.

Kai: How does it work?

Morro: How it works is you'll hand over the Crystal, or say goodbye to your friend.

They turned around and saw Morro holding the sword at Lloyd's throat.

Lloyd: I'm sorry. I couldn't stop him.

Morro: So what'll it be?

Zane: If we hand him the Crystal, he'll usher the reign of his master, cursing Ninjago and every realm.

Cole: But if we don't, when has he never made good on a threat? Look at Lloyd. He's too weak to protect himself.

Jay: Ugh, either option totally stinks. What do you think, Kai? What do we do?

Morro: Looks like the decision is up to you, Kai. So choose.


Misako tried to look for the Ghosts' ship, but couldn't find it.

Wu: Why so concerned?

Misako: Their ship went behind that rock five minutes ago but still hasn't passed.

Pyther: Maybe they gave up?

Wu then knew what's happening.

Wu: Raise the sails. Now!

The ghosts' ship was speeding towards them. Soul Archer fired his bow.

Wu: Nya! If that arrow ghosts the Bounty, there won't be much to stand on.

Nya blocked it with a wall of water.

Wu: Hurry, Misako. I said raise the sails!

But Bansha was possessing Misako.

Bansha: Not Misako, only Bansha!

Pyther: Oh fudge.

Morro was still awaiting an answer.

Morro: Stop stalling! Give me the Realm Crystal, or else!

Kai: We're not stalling! We're thinking!

The ninja huddled together.

Kai: He's right, I'm stalling. What are we gonna do?

Cole: Ugh, this guy really chaps my hide. I swear, when this is all over...

His anger made the ground tremble slightly.

Kai: Our powers. Now that Morro's out of Lloyd's body, they're starting to come back.

Jay: Yeah, but like Lloyd, they're weak. And we're in no position to fight back.

Kai: Leave that to me. Be ready.

Morro: Time's up! You leave me no choice.

Kai secretly heated up the Crystal.

Kai: Wait! We'll give you the Realm Crystal!

Morro laughed as he chaught it, but dropped it into a river thanks to the heat.

Morro: The Crystal! What have you done!?

He pushed Lloyd into the stream with Wind.

Ninja: Lloyd!

Nya blocked several more arrows while Wu fought Misako.

Nya: I can't keep this up!

Wu: Bansha is controlling her, and I can't remember how to stop the spell.

Nya: How's this for a refresher?

She sprayed water on her, breaking the spell.

Misako: Uh, what just happened?

The Ghosts' ship crashed into a rock.

Pyther: Take that!

Inside the tomb were Kai and Cole chasing after Lloyd, while Zane and Jay went after Morro.

Kai: I can't get to him. I can't swim!

Cole: And I can't touch the water!

Zane froze the Sword before Morro could stab Jay.

Jay: Nice one, Zane!

They fought Morro.

Cole: He's gonna drown!

Kai: Ugh, this is crazy. What am I doing?

He dived in and had struggle staying at the surface.

Cole: Kai!

Lloyd: Help!

Kai turned to Lloyd. Getting flashbacks from when he saved him at the fire temple. He didn't think and started to swim to Lloyd. He grabbed him and started to swim to the edge. But the stream was to strong.

Jay used his Lightning, but Morro dogged and it hit Zane instead.

Jay: Oh, no. Kai's got Lloyd, but who's got Kai?

Kai tried to reach the edge.

Cole: Oh, come on.

Zane: You have to grab them, Cole! Before they both go over!

Cole ran and pulled both of them up last second, but he then saw the Crystal fall into the waterfall.

Cole: No! Huh?

Morro used his Wind to grab the Crystal.

Cole walked over to the others who was with Kai and Lloyd. He looked at Kai.

Cole: You did it. You swam.

Kai: I guess. I can't belive it.

Jay: But Morro's getting away. Let's go after him.

Everyone but Jay and Lloyd: No!

Lloyd: I'm sorry.

Morro reached his boat and saw that it was about to sink.

Morro: Ugh! Must I do everything!?

Soul Archer: You have the Realm Crystal. Let's get out of here.

They traveled to another Realm.

Nya: They took the Realm Crystal.

Misako: But what about the others?

Nya saw them and gasped.

Nya: They made it! All right!

Wu: I knew they could, thank goodness!

Misako: My son. They've saved him!

Wu: Yes. Yes, they did.

Lloyd turned to the ninja.

Lloyd: You all sacrificed so much to save me.

Kai just hugged him.

Kai: Heh, I promised to look after you, didn't I?

Lloyd: But now Ninjago's gonna be cursed.

Zane: Yes, but now we have you.

Jay: And now our powers are back.

Cole: As you get strong, so will we. And they haven't even seen us at full strength.

They shot their elemants into the air. Ready to fight Morro.

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