Darkness shall rise

In Ninjago city, people were cleaning up after the devourer. The ninja were helping by fixing a lamp post.

Cole: Finally. All fixed up and serpentine free.

Kai then used his powers to get the post to stand still. But it drained his powers very much. After the ninja gave their weapons to Garmadon and he stole them. Their powers was starting to disappear.

Kai: All done.

He then fell backwards in exhaustion. Cole caught him.

Cole: Take a little rest, you used the last of your powers.

Kai smiled and sat down.

Jay: Just great. We don't have our weapons. Our elemantal powers are gone. Our dragon's hurt. Our tank need to be fixed. And we don't have a place to live because our ship is destroyed.

Kai: Atleast we can do spinjitsu.

Zane: No one ever said that being a ero was easy.

Kai: He's right. Our good deeds might not make us rich. They can make us richer in another way.

Jay: I don't feel rich. But i still feel great pitching in. By the way, where's Nya? Wasn't she suppose to help?

Nya and Wu soon arrived on a bike.

Nya: And I have. I have found a place for us to live.

Jay: Really? But the list for living in Ninjago city is a mile long. How did you do it?

Nya: I know a guy that knows a girl. And that she knows this girl that knows this guy. And this guy knows a girl who's a real estate agent and she could help you. If you catch my drift.

She gave him a paper.

Jay: And where are you going?

Wu: We need some parts to fix the tank. And the dragon ointment I ordered have finally arrived. It will take a day, but when we're back he ill fly again. Punch it Nya.

Nya: Ay Ay Sensai.

They soon drove of, leaving the ninja behind. Jay looked at the paper he got.

Jay: Patty Keys. Real estate Queen. This is exactly what we need. Ones we get a roof over our heads, we can finally start to probably train Lloyd.

Cole: Good. Because we know that lord Garmadon won't take any breaks. And the serpentine is still out there.

Speaking of the serpentine. They were by the destroyed bounty.

Skales: Serpentine, we've been exiled for the last time. Fear not, I will lead you.

Snake1: Lead us? To where? The City of Ouroboros has been destroyed. We have no home.

Snake2: You want to lead us so badly, why should we trusssst you?

Skales: Because I was the one who told you in the first place not to awaken the Devourer. But no, you listened to Pythor.

Just then, a familiar voice spoke up.

Garmadon: You want a home... I'll give you a home.

Skales: Lord Garmadon!

All the snakes turned to see Garmadon behind them with the four weapons in his hands.

Garmadon: Forgive me, I haven't been myself lately. But now that I have the Golden Weapons, it's time that I got back to my roots. If I'm going to rule Ninjago, I know I can't do it all by myself. The Skeletons served their purpose, but I've always been partial to snakes. If you want someone to follow, follow me.

Skales: You are to follow me, not him!

Garmadon: You want a home, I give you a home.

Garmadon then used the weapons to rebuild the bounty.

Snake1: The power of the weapons...

Garmadon: I give you the black bounty!

Everyone cheered exept for Skales.

Skales: Imbeciles! Don't you remember he was just helping the ninja? Now you blindly follow him because of his wizardry? He's not even a Serpentine. Rule with me, and we rule as brothers!

Garmadon put the sword of fire to a snakes throut.

Garmadon: Rule with me... or else.

Serpentine: All hail Lord Garmadon!

The black bounty then sailed away leaving the four generals behind. And Skales was not happy. On the black bounty, the serpentine was wondering what Garmadon's plan was.

Snake1: Your eminence, excuse my ignorance, but why is it we fly in the opposite direction of the ninja, when you have the Golden Weapons in your possession?

Garmadon: Because they have my son, and it is written that he will one day defeat me. What good would turning Ninjago into my own image be, when that victory would be fleeting?

Snake3: Then we destroy Lloyd.

Garmadon got mad and ordered the others to lock him up.

Garmadon: No one will touch my son! But by getting rid of Sensei Wu and those pesky ninja, Lloyd will never reach his full potential. The prophecy will never be fulfilled, and Ninjago will be mine...forever!

(To be honest, even if he's evil. It's still cute that he cares about his son.)

Snake2: Uh, but why are we flying in away?

Garmadon: Because we are flying to the Golden Peaks, birthplace of the Golden Weapons. Even they have secrets yet to be unlocked. And once I uncover their full potential, nothing will stand in our way.

Meanwhile in Ninjago city. The ninja were guided by Patty Keys to an apartment which didn't look so great.

Patty: This one bedroom one half bath is a cozy dream. Who needs extra when everything is arms reach. Now wait until you see the lighting.

She tried to turn on the light, but it didn't work.

Patty: Who needs light when you have this view.

She showed them the window that on the other side, showed a brick wall.

Lloyd: Why does it smell like old people?

Patty: Look doll. I'm trying to work around your budget. This is all you can afford.

Cole: This looks promising. Remember what Sensai said. Our main objective is to train Lloyd, not lack around. If this is what we can afford, then it is.

Jay: Whoa whoa. Let's not make a decision yet. If it is to train Lloyd, then we should find a place where he can train properly.

Kai: He's right. If Lloyd's gonna save Ninjago from his father one day. He should atleast have his own bedroom.

Zane: Technically, that does not matter. The only...

Jay interrupted him.

Jay: We're just thinking about the about the children.

Patty: I do have another place that you might Love.

Patty took the ninja to an apartment that looked better.

Patty: This is the eight room hero suite. Floor to cealing windows. Digital wall television. Latest game console.

Cole: It looks like it's out of our budget

Patty: It might cost more, but you deserve it. Did I also mention that there's a dragon keep on the roof?

The ultra dragon was allready making himself at home.

Jay: Maybe we can get a hero discount. I mean, it was actully we that saved the city.

Patty: I thought it was Garmadon who did that.

Kai: We can get day jobs. To pay for the extra expensives.

Zane: We always said we could use extra responsibility.

Kai: Buy we got to train Lloyd.

Patty: Did I mention the training room that comes with it.

She showed them the training room, and they all agreed that it would be great.

All: We take it!

Now they were working hard to earn money. Jay was delivering pizza, Cole was a guard at the bank, Zane was in a sushi restaurant and Kai was helping to teach kids kendo. It was going great at first, and they fild a jar with the money they got. But then it went bad. Jay didn't deliver a pizza in time, Cole thought an old lady had stolen some money but was wrong, Zane had to put on speed to entertain the customers and Kai got hit very much by the kids that ganged up on him.

So they all was exhausted when they came home. Cole put his feet in cold water.

Cole: I can't feel my feet.

Kai held ice packs again his bruises.

Kai: These bruises are gonna take months to heal.

Zane was oiling himself.

Zane: My gears have locked up several times. I didn't even know that they could do it.

Jay layed on the floor.

Jay: I don't even have energy to play video games.

Lloyd walked up to them.

Lloyd: But I thought that you would train me when you got home.

Cole: Sorry kid. But we can't until we have paid the rent. How close are we Jay?

Jay: Is this jar getting bigger? We're not even close.

Zane: And the rent are due tomorrow.

Cole: I can work double shift.

Zane: And I can work over time.

Jay: I can maybe deliver more pizzas.

Kai: And I can teach all classes at the same time. I'm might become a human piñata, but it's worth it.

They all looked at him shocked.

Kai: Don't even ask.

Cole: Okay, then we have a plan. Tomorrow we pay rent.

Lloyd: And what about me?

Cole: You can go and get more ice for me and Kai okay.

The serpentine generals was trying to think of a plan, but it didn't go great.

Meanwhile, Jay made himself ready to deliver a pizza.

Pizza boss: 21st and union. Be there in time or you pay.

Jay: How long do I have?

Pizza boss: Five minutes.

Jay: But I never make it in five minutes.

Pizza boss: Then I guess that you pay. Now hurry Up.

Jay drove away faster than he ever did before. But he had to stop to help a lady that was getting robbed. After he did that, he came to the adress. But there was no house. He then heard the generals speak.

Skales: So, after you rob the bank, we embark on phase two. Ingenious!

Skalidor: But boss, when are we going to get pizza? I'm hungry.

Jay: Rob the bank?

Acidicus snuck up and grabbed Jay, making him startled enough to drop the boxes into the manhole.

Skales: Oh, pizza!

Acidicus: Where do you think you're going? We haven't given you your tip.

Jay got tied up at the train station while the snakes drove of.

Jay: Oh, come on, Jay. You gotta warn the others. You can figure a way out of this. 

He then saw the map of the train road that leed to the bank. And he started to jump after the train.

Jay: So that's the Serpentine master plan. Wicked! Guys, I'm coming! Ugh, hopefully Cole can stop the bank robbery.

Well by the bank Cole was sleeping but woke up when his boss came.

Bank boss: Everything okay?

Cole: Nothing out of the ordinary, boss.

Bank boss: Thanks for taking the double shift.

He then headed inside.

Cole: My pleasure. And now... (Yawns.) ...for a little more beauty rest.

He fell asleep. And just then Fangtom, Acidicus, and Skalidor came up from a tunnel into the bank, setting off the alarms which woke Cole Up

Cole: Aah!

Acidicus: Take it all.

Fangtom: Shouldn't we wait for Skales?

Acidicus: No, you fool. He's carrying out the rest of the mission, remember?

Fangtom: Oh, yeah.

Acidicus: Let's get out of here.

They grabbed bags of money and jumped through the hole. Just then Cole opened the vault door. He didn't see anyone but he heard them.

Acidicus: Let's take the subway.

Cole: Subway?

Meanwhile Kai's class was outside training. He then heard the alarm.

Kai: Trouble? Cole needs my help.

He tried to run off, but his boss stopped him.

Kendo boss: Where do you think you're going. The class isn't over yet.

Kai: Sorry master, but I gotta help my friends.

He then ran away.

Kendo boss: Fine, just go. You know what? Huh. You're fired!

Zane was frying an egg and over heard someones conversation.

Man: It's true, at the bank. I hear they stole all that money, and no one's doing anything about it.

He didn't focus on his job and accidently dropped the egg on a kids head, so he cried.

Zane: Uh, uh, I'm sorry.

Suchi boss: You're fired!

His left side of his face started to fall down.

Zane: It must be my hard drive overheating. I mean...never mind. I'm going.

Cole was talking to his boss, trying to keep the job.

Cole: I'll make it up to you, I swear.

Bank boss: Hmmm, no. Why don't you go home and get a good night's rest, and go ahead and sleep in. In fact, sleep in all day for all I care, because you're fired!

He turned around and saw Kai and Zane.

Kai: Ugh, looks like we're all in the same boat.

Cole: Eh, that's okay. I hated that job anyway. Let's go. They're getting away.

Kai: Which way did they go?

Cole: I overheard them saying something about the subway.

Zane: Good call. Let's go!

All: Ninja, go!

They changed into their ninja outfits.

Cole: Has anyone seen Jay?

Jay was still jumping.

Jay: Hello? Anyone? Boy, I think I may have picked the wrong track. I hope I see someone soon.

Kai, Cole and Zane reached the train and jumped on. The generals heard them.

Acidicus: Sounds like we have company, boys.

Skalidor: But I only heard three. Aren't there four?

Fangtom: No, stupid. We caught one of them.

Outside the train.

Cole: Ugh, isn't there an easier way to get inside?

Kai: Not without a ticket.

Just then he got grabbed by Skalidor. Which made a hole in the train.

Cole: Kai!

Zane: I think thats our way in.

Cole: Let's go.

They jumped inside and saw Skalidor holding Kai in a tight grip.

Kai: Let me go, snake!

Cole: Let him go!

Skalidor: Welcome to the part...

Kai punched him in the face.

Acididcus: Care for a drink?

He sprayed his venom on Zane so he fell back on Cole.

Zane: Ugh!

Cole: Sorry about that.

Zane: That's quite alright. Venom can't hurt me.

(Sure, and the thing in episode 11 didn't happen. Sure, we say so Zane.)

Fangtom then hit him in the face with his staff.

Zane: But that stings a little. Let me have this dance, snake.

He grabbed him and threw him at the ground.

Cole: One down, two to go.

But Fangtom punched him and then tried to bite him.

Kai: These Serpentine are a lot harder to defeat without our weapons.

Cole: Just keep fighting. We not gonna let these fools get away with this.

Fangtom: Get away? We aren't trying to get away. We're just trying to distract you long enough so that Skales can kidnap Lloyd.

Kai: What?

Fangtom: We could care less about the money. We just wanted the boy. Who's the fool, now?

And they were right. In the apartment was Lloyd sitting, playing video games.

Lloyd: Whoa. Ha! Haha. Ugh.

He then saw Skales outside the window and screamed.

Skales: Hello, little boy.

Lloyd run to the door as Skales went through the window.

Lloyd: Help, me!

Security System: Door is locked.

Lloyd: Ugh, I know. I want it open!

He looked back at Skales who was now inside.

Lloyd: What do you want with me?

Skales: You seem to be the only thing your father cares about. But with you as my hostage, he'll have no other choice, but to let me lead the Serpentine!

Lloyd: Aah!

Skales: Let's train.

Wu: Hello? What's going on in there?

Lloyd: Help!

Back at the train, the ninja were still fighting the Serpentine.

Cole: We have to save Lloyd.

Kai: Okay, I'm done with this. If I just had a weapon.

Zane: Who needs weapons, when you can make your own?

He took a piece of a pipe and used it as a shuriken.

Cole: Ha! Smart thinking, Zane!

He took a pipe and threw it at Kai, who then hit Skalidor.

Skalidor: Unh! Uh, uh, uh...this was all a big misunderstanding.

Kai: Oh, really?

Cole: Guys, I think I found Jay.

Jay was on the tracks and saw a light.

Jay: Ugh, finally. The way out, hehe.

He then saw that the train was going his way and jumped the other way panicking. The ninja reached the driving seat.

Cole: Where’s the driver?

Zane: The train appears to be automatically controlled.

Cole: So it's not gonna stop?

Jay then tripped and was panicking more.

Zane tried to use the breaks, but couldn't budge it. Cole helped but still couldn't budge it. Meanwhile Kai was looking after the serpentine and heard that the others needed help.

Acidicus: I’m sure they could use your help, but what do I know?

Zane: Ugh, we're not strong enough!

Kai then ran to help them.

Kai: I’m coming!

The serpentine took the chance and escaped. The three ninja managed to stop the train in time.

Jay: Haha! Hey, there you guys are! Ugh. Um, I could use a little hand here, hehe.

They all hurried back to the apartment and started to look for Lloyd.

Kai: Lloyd?

Zane: He's not here.

Kai: Oh, we shouldn't have left him.

Cole: We shouldn't have taken those jobs in the first place. What were we thinking? Losing Lloyd was by far our greatest loss.

Wu: But it could be your greatest lesson.

They turned around and saw Sensai Nya and...

Ninja: Lloyd!

Kai: You're okay!

Lloyd: I wasn't going to be, until Nya and Sensei showed up at the last moment.

Nya: I go away for a day, and everything falls apart.

Kai: I guess you could say, we learned that we don't need all the fancy stuff. We just need each other.

Wu: You want us to help you clean up?

Kai: Well, we are a team.

Wu: Nya, I think it's time for another road trip.

Cole: Hold on, I got a better idea.

They moved to the apartment that wasn't that great.

Cole: It's not much, but this one-bedroom, one-half-bath is a cozy dream. Who needs extras when everything is in arm's reach?

Lloyd accidentally bumped into Jay with a chair. Which made him drop a big box on Kai's foot.

Jay: Oh s-sorry Kai. It wasn't my fault.

Kai: Ow. It was your box. You got three seconds. One. Two. THREE!

He then started to chase Jay around. Nya and Cole chuckled.

Nya: Ha, feels like home to me. At least we get to stay in Ninjago City for a little while.

Zane: And now without the distractions, we can put all of our energy into training Lloyd.

Lloyd: Who’s there?

Zane helped Lloyd with the chair. Kai had given Jay a lesson and stopped chasing him.
He held his arm that hurt very much.

Kai: I know the Serpentine Generals got away, but you never told us what happened to Skales?

Wu: Oh, he found a home, too. But it’s not quite as roomy as here.

Well Skales was in prison where all bad guys end up.

Skales: Mark my words. This won’t be the last you see of me!

Guard: Lights out!

Skales: Oh, very funny! You'll rue the day you made a fool of me!

Guard: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Meanwhile, Garmadon was at the golden peaks and was going to combined the golden weapons to make a mega weapon.

Garmadon: The Golden Peaks, birthplace of the Golden Weapons.

The golden weapons flew into the air and fused into a mega weapon.

Garmadon: Yes, it's working.

When it was done, he took it and stumbled to the ground.

Lasha: Your eminence, are you okay?

Garmadon: Yes. In fact, I've never felt more powerful! Now, to destroy the ninja...once and for all!

He laughed over his success. While in Ninjago, Wu was meditating and felt something wrong.

Wu: I fear there is a great disturbance in the force.

(Now Ninjago has become star wars. Just kidding.)

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