Child's play

In Jamanakai Village, some kids were playing footballs and had fun. Lloyd was looking down at them from the bounty, and was kinda sad he didn't have time to do that kind of things. His thoughts then got interrupted.

Kao: Lloyd! Consentret!

Lloyd faced the ninja.

Zane: Now when the bounty is ours again, we can train you more properly. But you have to focus. One more time.

Lloyd: Ugh. But we have been training all day.

Cole: It's all to get you ready to face your father. Now in position.

They started training, but Lloyd just yawned. He knocked Kai, Jay and Zane down. But Cole swept across the deck and knocked Lloyd down.

Lloyd: That was fun. Are we done now?

Jay: Come on. You're better then this. What's on your mind?

Lloyd: Well, the latest issue of starfarer just came in at doomsday's comics. And it limeted edition. So it's gonna sell out if I don't go and get one. The last comic ended with Fritz Donegan, being surrounded by the imperial sludge. And if I don't find out if he comes out okay. I might have my own doomsday!

Kai: The fate of Ninjago rests on your shoulders. As the green ninja, you have a big responsibility to hold. I'm sorry, but you don't have time for that.

Lloyd groaned.

Lloyd: Other kids gets to have fun. All I do is training.

Just then, Nya ran up.

Nya: Guys! It's been a break in by Ninjago's museum of history! And the cameras picked up you now who!

(Voldemort? He's here!?)

Cole: Garmadon!

Jay: We have to stop him before he uses his mega weapon for another of his evil plans.

Lloyd was going to ask if he could follow. But the ninja just glared at him with a big 'No!' on their faces.

Lloyd: Yeah yeah yeah. I can't go and it's safer if I stay here and train.

The ninja nodded before they jumped inside the ultra sonic rader.

Kai: We get back as soon we're done.

Nya: We'll be waiting for your safe return.

The ninja then drove of.

Lloyd: To old for comics, and to young to fight. When are they gonna make up there minds?

Nya: Come on pint size. Show me what you got.

Lloyd yawned.

The ninja snuck into the museum and saw the serpentine. Skales looked at a painting with a serpentine on.

Skales: Boy, did they get that wrong!

Acidicus: Why would we come to a museum, if we weren't going to steal anything from it?

Fangtom 1: Because Master Garmadon...

Fangtom 2: ...has another plan to destroy the ninja.

Skales rolled his eyes.

Skales: "Master Garmadon?" Ha! He's no master of mine, since his so-called Mega Weapon has failed every time. I don't see why we don't call our own shots.

Garmadon: Because this time, I will not fail.

Skales jumped at Garmadon's sudden apperance. The other general's bowed.

Acidicus, Fangtom, and Skalidor: Yes, Lord Garmadon.

Skales bowed reluctantly.

Skales: Yes, Lord Gramadon.

They then stood infront of a skeleton.

Garmadon: Behold, Dromaeosaurid Theropod Grundalicus, otherwise known as the Grundle. Although now extinct, in its time it was the most fearful and dangerous creature in all of Ninjago, with claws that could slice through steel, heightened senses that could detect its prey from miles away. It could track the stealthiest of ninja, and once it had picked up your scent, there was no hiding from it.

Kai then whisperd to the others

Kai: The Grundal? I've read of them. There were no way to escape them.

Jay: Boy. Then am I glad we live in an age where we don't have to deal with those things?

Skales: Thanks for the history lesson, but what are we gonna do with a pile of bones?

Garmadon: I am going to make it so the beast shall walk again.

Skales: Yeah, right. Well, show us, then.

Garmadon then turned his mega weapon towards the monster.

Garmadon: Rise, Grundal, and feel the strength of the Mega Weapon! I wish to create the power to make you young. Turn back the clock so that you are no longer extinct...

The bones started to shake as energy came out of the mega weapon.

Garmadon: ...but hungry, hungry for the ninja.

Jay: Oh, no. He's bringing it back?

Zane: Not if we have any say in the matter.

The ninja draw their weapons and stood up. Garmadon noticed them.

Garmadon: The ninja. Stop them!

The serpentine threw their weapons at them, but missed.

Garmadon: Rise, Grundal. Rise!

Cole: We can't let him finish. Go!

He then jumped onto the skeleton, followed by the others.

Garmadon: Stop them!

Zane: This is not a solid plan, Cole.

They soon fell, but Kai threw his sword at the mega weapon, so it fell out of Garmadon's hands. The bones stopped shaking, and nothing happened.

Garmadon: Not again. Not again!

Skales: And you said it wouldn't fail.

Garmadon: Retreat!

He took his mega weapon and ran.

Jay: We stopped them.

Kai: It didn't work.

Garmadon: Curse you, ninjas!

The ninja then saw the generals stealing a golden sarcophagus. They chased them, but somehow couldn't ran as fast as them. The generals tried taking the sarcophagus through a manhole, but it didn't fit. So they left it and jumped into the sewers.

The ninja then came around the corner. Jay then spoke up, but with a high-pitched voice.

Jay: I can't believe we couldn't catch up to them. I'm usually faster than that. It's as if my legs were half the size.

Kai looked at the sarcophagus, and thought something was off. Hee spoke up, also in a high-pitched voice.

Kai: I don't remember that thing being so big. Did it grow?

Zane also had a high-pitched voice.

Zane: Or did we shrink?

Kai then noticed their reflections in a window across the street, and pointed it out to the others

Kai: Uh, guys.

They looked and saw that they were no longer big. They took off their hoods in shock.

Jay: We've shrunk!

Kai: We're...we're kids.

They all screamed.

Jay: Oh, this is bad. This is so bad on so many levels!

Cole spoke in a high-pitched voice.

Cole: Oh, it's impossible! We must be dreaming, Zane. Tell me we're dreaming!

Zane: Nindroids don't dream. Perhaps Garmadon succeeded in turning back the clock, but instead of reviving the Grundal, it only affected us.

(Nindroid's don't dream? Then what was it you did in episode 4? That was a dream. Don't create plotholes!)

Jay: Yeah, but Nindroids don't turn into kids. Explain that, genius.

Zane: I've extended my logic parameters, but nothing is coming up. This does not compute.

He then started to twitch as sparks came out of him.

Cole: Okay, fine. I get it. We're all in this together. Oh, but I can't be a kid again, I hated being a kid. You can't drive, nobody listens to you. Oh no, bedtimes!

Jay: Don't worry, I told Nya we'd meet back at the Bounty. I'm sure Sensei will know what to do.

Just then sirens was heard, and a police car drove up to the ninja. Two policemen walked out.

Officer1: Well, well, what do we got here? Looks like we've caught our culprits to the museum heist. Who would have thought it was just a bunch of brats? What have you got on, Apple Dumpling Gang? Pyjamas?

Jay: These aren't pajamas! We're ninja.

Officer2: Yeah, yeah, and I'm Santa Claus.

Kai: Please sir. You have to belive us. We're the ninja but, Garmadon somehow turned us into kids.

Officer1: Sure thing little boy.

Cole then tried to do spinjitsu, but lost balance and fell.

Officer2: Easy, kiddo. You're coming with us to the precinct.

The officer grabbed Cole and Kai by the neck.

Kai: Look officers, this has been a grave misunderstanding. My friends here and I are simply trying to help out.

Officer2: Hey, you can tell all the stories you want when we return to the museum tomorrow to explain why you stole this.

Kai: But we didn't steal it.

Officer2: Zip it.

The ninja were thrown into the back seat.

Officer2: You have the right to remain silent.

Officer1: Kids.

The next morning were Wu and nya worried, while Lloyd was just reading a comic book.

Nya: Oh, they should be back by now.

Wu: Oh, I fear something horrible has happened to them.

He turned to Lloyd and spoke.

Wu: Lloyd.

Lloyd quickly switched the comic to a lesson book. 

Wu: You're in charge of the Bounty while Nya and I have a look around town.

Lloyd: Uh, yeah. Sure thing.

When Wu and Nya walked away, Lloyd started to read the comic again.

Lloyd: Okay, Fritz Donogan, looks like it's just gonna be you, me, and the imperial sludge.

At the museum were the ninja on their knees and apologized for stealing.

Kai, Jay, and Cole: We're sorry for stealing.

Zane: But we didn't. I don't understand.

Kai whisperd to him.

Kai: The quicker we get out of here, the faster we can figure out how to return our bodies back to normal.

Zane started to kneel.

Zane: I'm sorry for stealing, too.

Curator: Thank you, little boys, for returning the sarcophagus. You did the right thing. But, what about the bones?

The ninja where confused.

Jay: What bones? We didn't steal any bones.

Curator: The Grundal bones.

The ninja then saw that the bones was gone.

Jay: The Grundal bones? They're gone! You don't think-

Kai: It just walked out of here.

Zane: Theoretically, it is possible that if Garmadon successfully reversed the years on us, he reversed the years on the Grundal and brought it back to life.

They all gasped and Jay turned to the officers.

Jay: You guys have to believe us. The Grundal's been brought back to life and it's on the loose. It's sole existence is to hunt ninja and as long as we're here, everyone's at risk.

They just laughed and put the ninja on a bench.

Officer2: Well, we'll keep a good look out for anything that goes bump in the night, okay? Now, you four sit still until we call your parents to come pick you up.

The officers laughed and walked away.

Cole: We've gotta get out of here, right now.

Kai then saw a group kids with backpacks with clothes sticking out. He got an idea.

Kai: Follow my lead, boys.

They got up and took some clothes from the group of kids. The officers returned and saw that they were gone.

Officer1: Huh?

Officer2: Where are they?

In the hallway were the ninja moving behind the kids, with the clothes they took. Jay felt that what he wore was emberesing.

Jay: Oh, this is so humiliating.

Zane: I'm afraid if we can't use our Spinjitzu, we'll be no match for the Grundal.

Kai: Then we have to get back to the Bounty.

The group walked outside. And the ninja ran as principal Noble called after them. But then something jumped down from the roof. It was the Grundal. Everybody screamed but, the Grundal ran and searched for the ninja.

The ninja were in a phone booth and called the bounty. Lloyd was playing video games when the phone rang. He answerd and put it on speaker.

Lloyd: Destiny's Bounty.

Jay: Lloyd, it's Jay! Let me talk to Sensei!

Lloyd: Jay? Where are you? Why haven't you returned? Sensei's out looking for you.

Jay: Apparently, you need parental permission to take the bus, and we can't seem to get out of the city!

Lloyd: Uh, what?

Jay: Oh, never mind, it's a bit complicated. Just meet us at Buddy's Pizza in ten minutes. And bring our weapons.

Lloyd: Weapons?

Lloyd walked inside Buddy's Pizza and was looking for the ninja.

Cole: Really? Of all places we could meet, you pick this place?

Jay: What? I like their pizza.

Then he heard someone whisper.

Kai: Psst, Lloyd.

Lloyd didn't recognize him.

Lloyd: Beat it, brat. I'm on a mission.

Kai: Lloyd It's us.

Lloyd then saw that it was the ninja. He gasped and dropped the weapons.

Lloyd: Whoa! What happened? You're, uh, uh, small!

Everyone in the restaurant turned to look at them. Lloyd just chuckled and picked up the weapons.

Kai: Keep it down. We're trying to lay low. Your father's mega weapon not only managed to turn us into kids, but also unleashed a creature whose sole purpose is to hunt down ninja.

Cole: Typical Garmadon.

Jay: And now, every time we try to tell someone, they won't believe us, because we're kids.

Lloyd laughed

Kai: What's so funny?

Lloyd: Well, I guess you now know what it feels like to be treated differently.

He put the weapons on the table.

Zane: Look, this is serious. If we don't turn big so that we can use our Spinjitzu, we don't stand a chance against the Grundal.

Lloyd: Well, what about me? I know Spinjitzu.

Kai: Yeah, but you don't know the Grundal. I know that I've read about it's weakness, but now I can't remember. Curse this kid brain. We must find someone who knows about the Grundle too.

Lloyd then saw a kids comic and got an idea.

Lloyd:  I think I know just the guy.

He then lead them to doomsday's comics.

Cole: You brought us to a comic book store?

Lloyd: Trust me. If there's anyone who knows how to defeat a monster that doesn't exist, I know just the person to talk to.

Kai then stopped him.

Kai: We're not coming to pick out your comic, Lloyd! This is serious business.

Jay then found a comic from his childhood.

Jay: Oh, look. A first edition "Daffy Dale." I used to love that nut growing up.

The others just glared at him.

Jay: So juvenile.

Lloyd guided them to the owner.

Lloyd: Fellas, meet Rufus McCallister, AKA Mother Doomsday.

Rufus: Well, if it isn't Lloyd "Hemorrhoid" Garmadon. Sorry if you came looking for the latest "Starfarer," I'm all sold out.

Lloyd: Wh-Sold out?

He caused other costumers to look at him.

Lloyd: Oh, actually, Mother Doomsday, we need help.

Rufus: Well, color me intrigued.

Lloyd: We have a problem. There's a Grundal on the loose and we need to know how to deal with it.

But Rufus missunderstod.

Rufus: Oh, a theoretical question.

Lloyd: Yeah, theoretical. Can you help?

Rufus walked out from behind the register.

Rufus: Dromaeosaurid Theropod Grundalicus. Phew! Although extinct, there has been a plethora of film, television and comics exploring the mythology around the primordial predator. Supposedly, they always get their prey.

Kai: He knows his stuff.

Lloyd: Can it be stopped?

Rufus: First thing you need to know is that it's thick shell-like hide, is invincible to swords, scythes, nunchucks, and throwing stars. So your cheap imitations will do nothing to slow him down.

Cole: Swell.

Rufus: Second of all, it's nocturnal and will only hunt at night.

Jay: Oh, good. It's still daylight, so we can relax for a bit.

Rufus looked at him confused.

Jay: Uh, I meant theoretically.

Rufus: And the only way to defeat it is with light. Like a vampire, with enough of it, it could potentially destroy him. If I had my weapons of choice, may I recommend the Illuma-Sword?

He showed them four Purple swords.

Rufus: These are authentic replicas, that would come in handy were you to live long enough to actually face a Grundal.

He then pointed at a case with four ninja suits.

Rufus: And if swords are your thing then maybe I can interest you in an authentic ninja gi. Signed by the very ninja that saved the city.

Kai: Uh, we'll just take the light swords.

He tried to take one put rufus stopped him.

Rufus: Not so fast. This "Starfarer" combo pack can only be won in the Fritz Donogan Trivia Battle Royale. You have what it takes to be the best?

The ninja looked at Lloyd.

Jay: You can do this, Lloyd.

Lloyd: Sign me up.

Nya and Wu came back to the bounty and saw that Lloyd wasn't there.

Nya: Great. Now Lloyd's missing. What's next?

The phone then rang and the voicemail played.

Lloyd: Sensei, we're at doomsday's comics, My dad have turned the others into kids and we're about to face a real life Grundal. If you get this message, this isn't a prank. Come quick!

Nya and Wu looked at eachother worried.

Wu: Oh, dear. Well, there's only one person who could help return the ninja back to normal.

Nya and Sensai drove to Mystake's tea shop.

Wu: Hello, Mystake. We need a special tea.

Mystake: They're all special, you old fool!

Nya: But this one can turn someone older.

Mystake: Ah, you seek Tomorrow's Tea. I only have one in stock in back. Follow me.

In the back room was she looking for it.

Mystake: It should be here.

Nya: It's gone?

Mystake: Just misplaced. I know it's here somewhere.

Wu: We need to find that tea before it's too late.

At night inside doomsday's comics, was the trivia rolling and it was only Lloyd and one more left.

Rufus: It's down to the final two. This question is for Lloyd.

The crowd was chanting.

Crowd: Lloyd! Lloyd! Lloyd!

Rufus: What is Fritz Donogan's famous catchphrase?

Lloyd: "Fair? Fair is not a word from where I come from."

Rufus: Correct! We're all tied up.

Zane looked out the window and whispered to the others.

Zane: It's getting dark. The Grundal will be on the prowl soon.

Kai: Don't worry. I got faith Lloyd can win those Illuma-Swords.

They then heard how Jay ate cotton candy loudly.

Kai: Do you really need to eat cotton candy now?

Jay: It makes me feel young. Deal with it.

Rufus: Final question. The first person to answer this will win. In the latest issue of "Starfarer," how did Fritz Donogan escape the imperial sludge?

Unfortunately for Lloyd, he didn't know the answer.

Lloyd: But I haven't read the latest issue.

Fritz Donogan Fan: By reversing the polarity of the ship's gravity transducer.

Rufus: We have a winner!

The ninja became dissapointed. Just then the lights went of

Rufus: Who shut off the power?

Kai: Oh no. It's here.

Rufus: What's here?

Jay: You know that theoretical discussion we had earlier?

The Grundle was now on the glass roof.

Rufus: Not the...

Just then the Grundal crashed through the glass roof.

Rufus: Grundal!

Everyone tried to escape, but the door was blocked.

Jay: We're doomed!

Rufus: Doomed as Britts Subskian in "Phoenix War" page 15.

The Grundal swung it's tail around looking for the ninja. Just then, the ninja split up and grabbed both the suits and the illuma-swords.

Cole: Hey, McNasty, I thought ninja were on your menu!

The Grundal turned to them. All four ninja waved the swords at the Grundle, making it back away.

Jay: It's working!

They then started hitting it with the swords, which broke them. The Grundal hit them so they landed by the register. They screamed as the Grundal came closer. But Lloyd showed up.

Lloyd: Not to worry, I'll take care of this.

All: Lloyd!

Lloyd used his powers to create light. The Grundal backed away, but the hit Lloyd with it's tail, so he got knocked out. It was getting closer to the ninja. They could smell it's breath.

Kai: Oh, gross!

Cole: This is the end, isn't it?

Just then Nya kicked open the door and she and Wu ran inside. She yelled at the crowd.

Nya: Everyone out!

They ran out. Sensai held up the tea and threw it to the ninja.

Wu: Use this!

Jay catched it.

Jay: What is it?

Wu: It'll turn forward the hands of time, turning you old and reducing the Grundal back to dust and bones. But be careful, there's no turning back.

Jay: Grundal, prepare to be extinct!

Cole then stopped him.

Cole: No, wait. What will happen to Lloyd? He'll grow old, too.

They all looked at Lloyd.

Lloyd: Just do it.

Jay: You'll miss out on the rest of your childhood, dude.

Kai: We can't do that to you. It's not fair!

The Grundal then knocked the ninja out and the tea landed in Lloyd's lap. He picked it up.

Lloyd: Fair? Fair isn't a word from where I come from.

He threw it at the Grundal that backed away in shock.

Wu: He used it!

The Grundal spun around as its skin dissolved away.

Nya: And it's working!

The Grundal turned back to bones and died. The ninja got up and was back to their normal ages.

Cole: What happened? We're not kids anymore.

Nya: It worked!

Rufus: They are the real ninja.

Wu: But what about Lloyd?

Lloyd then stood up and was now older. He had got a deeper voice. Everyone was shocked.

Lloyd: I'm...older.

Wu: The time for the Green Ninja to face his destiny has grown nearer.

The other ninja came up to Lloyd as he smiled.

Lloyd: I'm ready.

They walked out from the store, but Rufus stopped Lloyd and held a comic book.

Rufus: Here you go, Lloyd. You can have my copy of Starfarer. You deserve it.

Lloyd: That's okay.  I already know how it ends.

He then catched up with the others.

(And now some wise words from Sensai Wu.)

Wu: There comes a time when we all must grow up. When that time comes, it's important not to forget the lessons of our childhood, because our childhood is the greatest training one can ever have.

Yes, the time until the final battle has grown shorter, but the Green Ninja has grown stronger.

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