Near some mountain was Garmadon balancing rocks on top of Lloyd.
Garmadon: We underestimate the importance of balance. When it's there, we're at peace. When something is off, everything falls. Ninjago is no different. It put too much faith in technology, allowing the Overlord to return, and because of your friends, now the world is without power. When one relies on something too much, we become weak, vulnerable, imbalanced. In order to find your full potential and unlock your true power, you must find your own balance.
Lloyd: I'm already the Golden Ninja, how much more power do I need?
Garmadon: You've only scratched the surface! You have the potential to move mountains. Power of the First Spinjitzu Master!
Lloyd: The ninja destroyed the power substation, essentially destroying the Overlord and his Nindroids. Why can't we go back?
Garmadon: Essentially? Until the Overlord is fully erased from the system, we must not go back, but forward!
Garmadon put a big rock on top and Lloyd fell.
Garmadon: If you can't move mountains, I guess we'll have to move over mountains.
Lloyd: Oh yeah?
Garmadon: And this next one looks particularly steep.
Back in Ninjago city had three construction workers found Cyrus Borg in Borg Tower.
Worker #1: Are you all right, Mr. Borg?
Cyrus: Yes, yes but how long have I been out?
Worker #1: Quite a while, sir. We've been without power for a few days.
They were in his office and Cyrus noticed that the hard drive was gone.
Cyrus: The hard drive, It's missing! Have the ninja returned with the Techno Blades? Please, it's very important!
Worker #2: Uh, no. There's been no one else inside the building.
He then noticed that Wu wasn't there.
Cyrus: Wu . . . He was right here! Where did he go? And who would take the hard drive when the Overlord virus is still on it? Oh, so many questions, so few answers.
In a secret base was a stranger starting up the hard drive with Overlord.
Overlord: Where am I?! The ninja destroyed all of the power. How have you saved me?
The stranger pointed at a tank of weird snakes.
Stranger: Electro-Cobrai. Though extremely rare, they're extremely useful.
Overlord: Who are are you? What do you want from me?
Stranger: Nothing but a small favor after returning you to power. You do still want to become flesh, if I'm not mistaken?
Overlord: Yes, of course, but I need the Golden Ninja.
Stranger: You'll get your hands on him in time. Our power is limited, we must be wise with our next move. Ninjago is vast, the Golden Ninja could be anywhere. And still, the ninja have the only weapons that could erase you.
He activated what was now Tech Wu.
Stranger: The old man knows everything about the ninja. All of their secrets. All of their hideouts. He will find them in no time.
Overlord. Yes, yes!
On Ed and Edna's junkyard were the ninja looking for spare parts.
Cole: We've been digging for so long, I think I forgot what we're looking for!
Kai: A jiggly compact compress converter. Or was it a compress compact jiggly converter? Whatever it is, if it can get us back to New Ninjago City any sooner, it's worth finding.
Piles of junk fell down on them both. Kai dogged but Cole got crushed.
Kai: Are you okay Cole?
Cole: I'm okay firefly. Just flattend.
Jay: We shut off the power thinking we could just waltz in but no. We didn't stop to think we were a bajillion miles away. Hey! A compact converted jiggly compressor!
Ed: Ah! Great find, kiddo. Now all we need to adapt that hover-copter's power supply to solar power is an upside down rotter derottermabob and a whiz bang automated amplifier!
Kai sighed.
Kai: I'm starting to think they're just making this stuff up. I'm gonna look how it goes for Nya and Zane with Pixal.
Cole: Go ahead. I stay here.
Kai left and Cole started to talk with Jay.
Cole: Okay, so how are you gonna get me ready to propose to Kai?
Jay: First of you gotta feel deep down and feel the love come out. Then you do a majestic pose. And lastly you go down on one knee and say. Hey baby. Will you marry me?
Cole just blinked.
Cole: Okay. That was kinda weird. If I did that then Kai would think I was joking. Ugh. I'm never gonna get it right.
Jay: Ofcourse you will.
Ed then walked to him.
Ed: An advise from a married man. Never think negative thoughts.
Jay and Ed: Have faith in the power of posetive thinking.
Cole just sighed.
Ed: And also you gonna need a good look. I have the perfect thing follow me.
Cole and Jay followed him.
Kai just walked inside the caravan where Nya, Zane and Edna were trying to fix Pixal. Nya opened up Zane's chest and took out half of his power source. He flinched in pain.
Nya: You sure you want to do this? Modifying your original design could have ... unintentional consequences.
Kai: And it can be dangerous. Who knows what can happen to you.
Zane looked at Pixal.
Zane: She risked her life for me. It's the least I could do to get her back.
Nya put the half she was holding inside of Pixal and she woke up.
Pixal: Where am I? What happened?
She saw that Zane had half of his power source.
Pixal: You gave me half your power source. My processor does not compute.
Zane: You are the only one who knows Borg's system. You are vital to the mission. And, you are vital to me.
He grabbed her hand and they both smiled at eachother with a blush.
Edna: Ooh. Robot love.
Kai and Nya nodded in agreemend.
Lloyd and Garmadon came across a gap between the rocks.
Lloyd: Hey! Who needs bridges when you can manifest a Golden Dragon to—
Garmadon stopped him.
Garmadon: You rely too much on your Golden Power. Let this be a lesson. Center yourself and move the mountain with your mind.
Lloyd: What? Move that? Are you kidding?
Garmadon: Find your balance. Concentrate.
Lloyd tried to make a bridge of rocks but failed.
Lloyd: This is pointless. Especially when I can do this!
Lloyd summoned his Golden Dragon and maked a Golden bridge.
Lloyd: I'm not the First Spinjitzu Master, and I never wanted to be. I'm the Golden Ninja!
Garmadon: I know. I was once like this too.
The Junkyard
Jay and Ed walked inside the caravan.
Jay: Ladies, gentleman and Zane. Let us introdos. Cole Brookstone.
Cole walked on wearing a brown pokadott suit and had his hair slicked back. The others just stared at him shocked.
Kai: Cole, why are you wearing that? And what's with your hair?
Cole: Well baby. I just wanned to try a new look. What do you think.
Kai looked a little uncertain.
Kai: Well it's different. But if you like it then I'm okay with that.
Cole looked at Jay and Ed who gave him a sign to ask Kai.
What they didn't see was that tech Wu was starting up the nindroids outside.
Cole: Well Kai, I wanna ask you something. Well you are the best thing that happened to me so I wonder wi...
Just then Min-Droid activated the crane and grabbed the caravan. All inside fell down.
Kai: What was that?
They looked out and saw the machine's activeted.
Ed: The machines haven't worked since the outage. What's powering it?
Kai looked outside.
Kai: Nindroids! Better question is, what's powering them?
Min-droid started to swing them around.
Pixal: They're after the Techno Blades.
Cryptor laughed and started to shoot at them. One of the blasts almost hit Edna.
Jay: Yeah, well they nearly hit my mother!
Edna: Ooh, don't worry about us, sweetie. We prepare for every type of situation.
She and Ed put on jetbacks.
Jay: You make one for me?
Edna: Uh, sorry, honey. You hardly ever come to visit.
Ed: Yeah, good luck, kiddo. And watch over the junk while we're gone, will you?
They flew off and bubbles came out of the jetbacks. One of them landed in Cryptor's eye which caused him pain.
Jay: What are we gonna do?
Cole: I don't know it's your home.
Kai: We may not have our Elemental Powers, but we still have our Spinjitzu!
He turned to Pixal.
Kai: Are you gonna be okay?
Pixal: I may not be built to fight, but my protective reflexes should suffice.
Nya: Great! Cause you're gonna need 'em!
Min-droid swung them and let go.
All: Ninja, Go!
They used spinjitsu and jumped out. But Zane couldn't use it. The caravan fell and almost hit Cryptor. Zane and Pixal rolled out.
Zane: I couldn't do Spinjitzu!
Pixal: Your heart. Dividing it must have inhibited your fighting ability.
Zane: I guess I have poor timing.
Cryptor started to shoots at Zane and Pixal.
Jay: We have to help Zane!
Cole: Let's go!
They ran to Zane but Tech Wu caused them to fall into a hole.
Jay and Cole: Whoa!
Cole: We're trapped!
Jay: And in the worst thing ever.
Tech Wu activeted the press and the walls started to close in on them.
Jay: I'm too cute to be squashed!
Cole: Hey, someone stop this thing!
Nya was beating up Min-droid.
Nya: Bad Nindroid, bad Nindroid!
Kai saw Jay and Cole being trapped.
Kai: They're trapped!
He ran to stop the press but Tech Wu appeared infront of him.
Kai: Sensei, what have they done to you?
Wu: Yaahh!
He attacked Kai and she dogged. But he couldn't get close to the press.
Kai: Nya, you have to stop the press!
Nya: I'm on it!
Cole: Someone stop this thing!
Nya tried override it but it didn't work.
Nya: I can't override it!
Jay: Well you'd better, because if you don't, Cole and I are gonna get real close. I've heard of close best friends, but this is to much.
Cole tried to stop it with his strength the best he could.
Cole: I can't do this forever!
Nya opened up the wires and saw a red and a green wire.
Nya: Seriously!? A red or green wire. I have to cut one of these wires to shut it down, but cut the wrong one and it may crush you guys instantly!
Jay: Ooh that's so cliche.
Cole: Choose red. It's always red.
Jay: Not always. Sometimes it is different colors like black and blue.
Cole: No time for that.
Cryptor shoot at Zane and Pixal. He managed to knocked Zane back. Min-Droid used the magnet to grab him.
Pixal: Zane!
Cryptor activated more nindroids and they all laughed. Kai was fighting of tech Wu and tried to reach him.
Kai: Sensai, please snap out of this. This isn't you.
Wu: Yaahh!!!
Min-droid moved Zane over a crusher.
Cryptor: Junk him.
Pixal: No!
She knocked the nindroids down and saved Zane last minute.
Pixal: That was never in my program. Your heart improved my fighting ability!
Cryptor: Hahaha! He needs a little girl to protect him?
Pixal and Zane linked arms and kicked the nindroids.
Zane: Our shared reflexes. . . .
Pixal: Work as one!
They started to spin and forming spinjitsu.
Zane: As if we were made. . . .
Pixal: To fight together!
Pixakand Zane: Ninja, go!
They used spinjitsu and knocked the nindroids down.
Jay and Cole were still stuck in the press.
Jay: Cole, if we don't make it. I actually didn't really hate your cooking.
Cole: Thanks. And your jokes are actually really funny.
Nya: Red or green? Wait a minute.
She cut both wires and saved Cole and Jay.
Cole: Nya, you did it!
Jay: Which color did you choose?
Nya: Both. Wonder why I didn't think of that from the start.
Jay: Ah. That would've been more simple.
Nya: Come on!
Kai was still fighting tech Wu and got knocked back into a pile of scraps, so he got knocked out. Wu was about to deal the finishing blow when the others came.
Cole: Kai!
Nya: Is that Sensai Wu?
Jay: What happened to him?
Cole: He must have got turned evil! We must help Kai.
Wu: Yaah!
Jay: But he's our Sensei!
Nya: Not anymore.
Cole: More like Tech Wu.
Jay: Bad Sensei, bad!
They ran and fought Tech Wu but he was to strong. Just then Zane and Pixal appeared in the crane.
Zane: Sorry, Sensei.
He grabbed Wu with the magnet.
Jay: Ha! I always knew those two had a magnetic attraction.
Nya: Really?
The stranger saved Wu with his bow.
Jay: Woah! Who is that?
Wu: Grrr. . . .
Stranger: Enough. The Overlord will be pleased.
Wu: Grrr. . . .
They soon disappeared.
Jay: Uh! Seriously, who the heck was that guy?
Nya: Or gal.
Zane: Whoever it is, he turned our sensei against us.
Cole: And if we want to save him, we'll need to find out who this stranger is.
Pixal: Perhaps I could have that answer for you in a few moments.
She showed them a white scale.
Cole: What is it?
Pixal: Hmm. . . .
Jay: It's a scale from a serpentine.
Nya: Pixal, can you analyze it?
Pixal: The sample is far too small, but given time, I should have an answer.
Zane: Then we should waste no more time and get back to the city. I'll use my Falcon Vision to warn Lloyd of our findings.
Nya: I thought taking the power out would give us the upper hand, but now that they have it and we don't. I guess the power has only shifted.
Jay: Don't worry Nya, we'll get Sensei back.
Just then Cole realised something.
Cole: Wait! What about Kai?
They ran over to Kai who was still unconscious. Cole held up his head as he slowly opened his eyes.
Kai: What happened?
Cole sighed and hugged him.
Cole: You're okay.
To everyone's surprise, Kai pushed him away.
Kai: Don't hug me. I don't know who the hell you are.
Everyone were shocked.
Cole: You don't remember me?
Kai glared at him and shook his head.
Jay: Do you remember anything about being a ninja?
Kai: A ninja? I'm a blacksmith. Why would I be a ninja? And where am I?
Pixal scanned Kai.
Pixal: The massiv blow to his head has caused him amnesia.
Zane: Can we fix it?
Pixal: Maybe, but we gotta head to the city.
Nya: Then let's go.
She grabbed Kai's hand as they started to walk towards the city. Cole just looked at Kai heartbroken. He didn't even remember him.
(Did this instead of the original. Thought this was better.)
Lloyd and Garmadon was climbing up the mountain.
Lloyd: Wish you still had four hands? It would've come in handy.
Garmadon: Your potential is great, not your sense of humor.
Lloyd: Heh, heh, heh. Still won't let me use the Golden Dragon?
Garmadon: Still won't. If you want to harness the power of the First Spinjitzu Master, you must focus on your balance, and find your center.
Lloyd then saw a Ravture.
Lloyd: Uh, dad?
Garmadon: A Ravture youngling. Don't touch him. It needs to learn to fly on its own. Keep climbing. Slowly.
The Ravture fell but Lloyd saved it.
Garmadon: What have you done? It's going to know someone has touched its young!
Lloyd: It? Who?
Garmadon: He's dad.
The Ravture dad came flying towards them.
Lloyd: He was going to fall. I was trying to help.
Garmadon: Unless you speak ravture, there's no use trying to explain. Hurry! We need to climb to shelter! There!
He started to climb to a safe place. The Ravture chick was close to falling but Lloyd saved it again.
Lloyd: You're not gonna fall on my watch!
Garmadon: Your compassion is not helping.
The Ravture dad attacked Garmadon and made him fall.
Lloyd: Dad!
He managed to grab a branch.
Garmadon: I take it back. I do want my four hands.
Lloyd made an Energy ball.
Garmadon: No! Do not use your power as a crutch. It will only weaken you. He's circling back.
The Ravture dad grabbed Garmadon.
Lloyd: Dad! No!
He saved Garmadon from the Ravture, but he fell.
Garmadon: Son!
Lloyd focused all his powers and saved his dad.
Garmadon: You just moved a mountain, son.
The Ravture chick fell.
Lloyd: No!
Lloyd was about to use his powers to save it but it started to fly.
Garmadon: You're not the only one that's grown up.
Lloyd made stairs in the mountain.
Lloyd: After you.
The falcon came flying to them.
Lloyd: Hey, the ninja have sent a message.
The ninja started to speak.
Nya: Lloyd, we've some bad news. We've had a run in with a mysterious someone who has found a new way to power Nindroids.
Jay: And he turned Sensei Wu evil. He had a black beard!
Cole: Kai has lost his memories. We're gonna try to help him.
Nya: We have a suspicion this person may have stolen the hard drive containing the Overlord and has reawakened him.
Zane: And now that the hard drive has gone missing, we can't reboot the system. Our Techno Blades are useless.
Nya: But the stranger left a clue: a white scale. That's right, we think he may be Serpentine. We're headed to New Ninjago City to help Kai and get to the bottom of this. We thought you should know so you can keep your distance. Hope you're faring better than we are. We'll stay in contact if we learn anything new. Over and out.
Lloyd: Whoa. Serpentine? And is Kai gonna be okay.
Garmadon: Kai is very strong, he'll remember. But now. We must not go back, but forward. Hiroshi's Labyrinth: miles of jungle so dense, all who enter are never found. We must not rest.
Lloyd: Okay. Let's get lost.
In the stranger's base was Overlord mad.
Overlord: You failed. Not even you could stop all of them.
Stranger: I wasn't trying to stop them, I was luring them into a greater trap. Plus Wu took down one of them.
The stranger turned on a recording of Garmadon and Lloyd.
Garmadon: Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Miles of jungle so dense, all who enter are never found. We must not rest.
Lloyd: Okay. Let's get lost.
Stranger: Attacking the ninja was merely a ploy to scare them into sending a warning message to the Chosen One. I intercepted their SOS and now we know where the Golden Ninja is. The Falcon is now our beacon. He will lead us right to him.
Overlord: Ha ha ha! Whoever you are, I like you. Soon the power will be mine!
They laughed that they had the upper hand.
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