All of nothing

In Ninjago city was venemari snake running away from someone. He ran into an ally way, but got stopped be the ninja using their power. So he tried to ran away, but ran into Cole.

Cole: Going somewhere?

Snake: Uh-oh!

Jay: Thought you could walk through town and not be noticed? Where's the last fangblade?

Snake: I don't know what you're talking about.

Kai: Don't play dumb. The last fangblade. When Pythor finds them all, he plans to unleash the Great Devourer.

Snake: Oh, that fangblade. Haha, you're too late. Pythor's probably already digging it up. If I were you, I'd start preparing for the worst, because when the great devourer has awakened, there will be nothing it won't eat!

Zane: Don't that mean it'll eat you too?

The snake then realised that fact.

Snake: Ah! Please, you have to stop him. He's crazy. I don't wanna unleash the Great Devourer. I'm a snake, not food!

Kai: Is it really too late to stop Pythor from getting the fangblade?

Snake: You're days behind him. There's gotta be something else you can do!

On the bounty, everyone was now locating the location for the last fangblade. They soon found it.

Nya: The venemari was right. By the time we cast sail across the other side of Ninjago, Pythor will have already beaten us to the last Fangblade.

Jay: Oh, come on, guys. This is the last one. We gotta get it. We gotta think of something.

Cole: Hmm.

Lloyd: Hey.

Kai: What is it Lloyd?

Lloyd: We just have to get one Fangblade to stop him. What if we take the other three? Pythor would never risk having them all on him. He's probably hidden them somewhere while he goes for the fourth.

The thought about it.

Cole: It's so simple.

Kai: Ha, that was very smart Lloyd.

Jay: It can't be that easy.

Zane: My algorithms suggest taking the other three would be far more dangerous. Pythor would undoubtedly have them protected by his top generals.

Kai: Then that means, we have to give them everything we got.

Garmadon: Even if you could steal the other three, you don't even know where they are.

Wu: He's right. For the past few weeks, there have been almost no Serpentine sightings. How are they moving around? It's like they're ghosts.

Nya: Or snakes. Bridge, give me a sonar sweep of Ninjago.

The map didn't locate anything.

Kai: I don't think that's gonna work Nya.

Nya: But what if they aren't traveling above ground? They're snakes, right? Snakes burrow. Bridge, now give me a sonar sweep of Ninjago but twenty feet below surface.

The computer showed them serpentine activity.

Kai: All the tombs have been interconnected.

Cole: To make one massive underground fortress.

Jay: And all this time, right under our noses.

Zane: Or rather, feet.

Kai then saw the right place.

Kai: There, that's the most protected area. The Fangblades must be held there.

Wu: Then what are we waiting for? Nya, set the course.

Nya: Already on it. We'll be there by sunrise.

Soon the ninja were training on how to face the serpentine without the flute.

Wu: There is no room for error. The Serpentine have shown that they have great powers, and to combat them, you must turn their greatest strengths into their greatest weaknesses. Kai, how will you defeat the Hypnobrai?

Kai had a blindfold on.

Kai: Their hypnotizing powers are useless if their opponent can fight without relying on his eyes.

Wu: Good, Jay, the Fangpyre is fast and his bite sharp.

Jay: But if he can't bite through your skin. He can't turn you into one of them.

Wu: Yes. Cole, the Constrictai are strong. And they will not let go.

Cole got a tight net around him.

Cole: But instead of fighting back, one must try to loosen up. And a little soft shoe doesn't hurt.

Wu: Zane, the venom of the Venemari can make you see things. Cloud your perception.

Zane: Then I will use my new Falcon Vision.

He waved at the Falcon who squawked back.

Wu: Very good. I have trained you well. You are all ready.

Kai: What about you, Sensei? Will you fight? We need all the help we can get.

Wu: My concern is that my old bones cannot keep up, but I will be there in spirit.

Nya then spoke trough the communicator.

Nya: We're arriving at the Mountain of a Million Steps. You all might want to see this.

Everyone looked over at the mountain.

Jay: Look at all those piles of dirt.

Kai: Wonder what those snakes are up to.

Lloyd: Wait for me.

Wu: This is not your fight. The Green Ninja is too important for a future destiny. You shall stay with me.

Then Nya came in her samurai meck with a seat for Sensai to sit.

Nya: Well, he's gonna have to look after himself, because we made room for you.

Kai: Well, you said you were concerned that you couldn't keep up, so Jay and Nya added to the design so you could come along. Well, what do you think?

Wu: I think...shotgun! Haha!

Garmadon: I will stay back with Lloyd. I don't enjoy saying this but...good luck.

They then climbed down a rope. But soon noticed that it was empty.

Jay: I thought you said this place would be heavily guarded, Zane.

Zane: Forgive me. Even Nindroids make mistakes.

Cole: Hey, check this out.

Cole pointed at the wall where there was some paintings of the ninja. They weren't that nice.

Jay: Pfft. That doesn't even look like me.

Kai: Ugh, they're gonna pay for that.

Cole: I mean, at least give me a decent mustache.

He touched it and a secret passage was revealed. Cole claimed that he meant to do that, but it was just luck. Inside, the ninja saw all the serpentine and the generals was talking.

Fangtom: So, what happens when the Great Devourer is unleashed? Will it really eat everything?

Skalidor: I hope so, if only to teach them on the surface a lesson for locking us underground for so many years.

Acidicus: Who knows if the legend is even true? I for one am curious to see what happens.

Skales: Keep alert, Pythor should be back soon.

Kai: There's too many to deal with at once. I say we travel by shadow.

Nya: Right behind you.

Wu: And I'll be right behind you.

The bounty.

On the bridge, Garmadon was downlouding files when Lloyd came in and saw it. He turned around when Lloyd spoke.

Lloyd: You're stealing? Dad, my friends are risking their lives to save Ninjago, and you go behind their backs to gain an advantage?

Garmadon: I'm sorry, but I can't help it. Ever since the Devourer bit me, evil runs through my blood.

Lloyd: You left me for so long. Where did you go?

Garmadon: Son, there are places in this world with nothing good. Dark places.

Lloyd: Is that where Sensei found you?

Garmadon: You know how I've always wanted those Golden Weapons. Well, this place allowed me the power to possess them.

Lloyd: But why didn't you take me with you?

Garmadon: Every boy has a choice to grow up to be whoever they want to be. But I never had that choice. Because I was bitten. But you still have a choice. You don't need to be like me, Lloyd. Your uncle has a plan for you, and even though it may be to stop me one day, we have to follow our own destiny. And after I help the ninja stop Pythor, I'll need to leave again.

Lloyd: Then why don't you just leave now!?

Garmadon: Lloyd.

Lloyd: No, really! Go back to whatever evil place you came from.

Suddenly Nya spoke from the communicator.

Nya: All right, Operation Stealth was a total bust. We're gonna need reinforcements. Anyone there?

Garmadon tried to answer but Lloyd stopped him.

Lloyd: We don't want your help, and we don't need you here. Maybe it would've been better if you hadn't come at all.

Garmadon: If...if that's the way you feel.

Garmadon walked away, and Lloyd tried to do something to help. While in the fortress, the ninja were surronded.

Nya: Lloyd, can you hear me? Ugh, I'm not getting anything.

Wu: Forget them. We need to fight back. Ninja, show them what you've learned.

Cole got caught by Skalidor.

Skalidor: Always wanted to make you my main squeeze.

Cole: Must relax. Think loose.

He got released and preformed triple tiger sashay on the snakes.

Skales and other hypnobrai surrounded Kai and tried to hypnotize him.

Skales: You're surrounded, young Fire starter. Perhaps you can now do our bidding.

Kai quickly closed his eyes.

Kai: Ugh. Must not look. Ninja, go!

He did spinjitsu, knocking Skales and other hypnobrai down.

Fangtom tried to bite Jay on his armor. But just hurt their teeth.

Jay: What's wrong? Don't like the taste of defeat? Well, get used to it.

Nya looked at him.

Nya: Looking good.

Jay: Thanks. You look great too.

Zane: Don't mean to interrupt the lovebirds, but we do have Fangblades to capture.

A venemari spat on him and he started to hallucinate. So he switched to falcon vision and saw through the falcons eyes.

Kai: Look, the Fangblades.

They ran forward, but got their hands trapped. Soon Pythor came

Pythor: Oh, can this get any better? Seriously, they fell right into my trap.

Kai: Oh, this isn't good. Where's Lloyd when you need him?

Lloyd was in the bridge and tried pushing buttons. He then ran and changed into his green ninja suit.

Lloyd: The Green Ninja is here to save the day.

Nya: Lloyd? Lord Garmadon? Is anyone there?

Lloyd: It's me, Nya. I'm here. But my dad left. How are you guys holding on? Nya? Hello?

Nya: We're fine, but we're a little held up at the moment. Our weapons have been taken, and we're locked in a cage.

Cole: And Pythor's returned with the last Fangblade.

Zane: Lloyd, where did your father go?

Lloyd: I told him to leave. He was trying to steal secrets.

Kai: Not surprised.

Lloyd: My dad's going back to where he came from. But don't worry, I'll save you.

Wu: You're not ready, Lloyd. Your destiny is too great to risk.

Cole: I hate to break it to you, Sensei, but if we don't get out of here before Pythor unleashes the Great Devourer, I think this will be the end of all our destinies.

Lloyd ran to the weapons cabinet, but when he opened it they fell on him.

Pythor: Together, we have taken back the four Fangblades. Together we will unleash the Great Devourer! So to the city of Ouroboros!

Snake1: We spent so much time digging this underground fortress, it'd be a shame not to use it a little bit more.

Snake2: At least let us celebrate in capturing the ninja.

Skales: Give them this victory, and tomorrow we will return the blades to Ouroboros.

Pythor: Fine, but I don't want anyone here to let down their guard, you hear me? Then tonight, we celebrate with a Slither Pit!

The snakes started to have a snakepit while Kai watched.

Kai: Ugh, so all we can do is just wait? This is killing me.

Wu: Patience. Lloyd will figure something out.

Kai: Just because we don't have our weapons, doesn't that mean we can't use our powers. We just need to focus.

He put his hand out and tried to use his element.

Wu: The chamber was built out of Vengestone. Our Elemental Powers are rendered useless. Patience.

Kai then saw that Jay was using a bottle of hair oil to play checkers. He got an idea and took it.

Jay: Hey, that hair oil was just about to be kinged.

Kai: Yeah? Well, I'm just about to get us out of here.

He started to spread it on his suit.

Cole: Whoa, Kai. You should warn us before doing that.

Kai: Sorry about that, but. I don't think we need our special powers to get out of here. Just a little ingenuity.

He slipped through the bars.

Jay: He made it.

Zane: Look at that.

Cole: Great job princess. But now what?

Kai: Now, we quietly do a little ball and chain.

Kai climbed the chain and made the cage go back and forward. The snakes was too busy with the snakepit to even notice.

Nya: It's working, keep going.

Cole: Come on, everyone. Let's see if we can throw our weight around.

They all started to run in the cage.

Jay: Come on, more speed.

Kai: Next one and I've got it. Push.

But when he jumped Pythor caught him.

Pythor: Uh, uh, uh. Trying to escape, are we?

Kai: Okay, this wasn't that thought through.

Pythor put Kai back in the cage and chained the team's wrists to the bars.

Cole: It was a great idea Kai.

Zane: Yeah. But now we can't even play checkers.

Jay: I was gonna be kinged, Kai.

Nya: Don't worry, Sensei. I have faith in Lloyd.

Lloyd was climbing the mountain and tripped a couple times. But he stood up and kept going. Soon Kai the saw him.

Kai: Hey, look up there. It's Lloyd.

Lloyd: Come on, Lloyd. You're the Green Ninja. You can do this.

He took a step and fell down the stairs.

Lloyd: I really gotta grow into this thing. Well, so we meet again, Pythor. Unhand the ninja, or suffer humiliation against the Green Ninja!

Everyone just laughed at him.

Pythor: Oh, yeah? You and what army?

Lloyd: Uh, how about my army of fists?

He punched the air but almost fell again. Everyone continued to laugh.

Garmadon: Or how about this army?

He appered with the skeletons.

Lloyd: Dad!

Garmadon: Lloyd, you helped me realize that I do have a choice. And if there is anyone who is going to threaten Ninjago, it better well be me.

Pythor: The Skeleton army? But why would they fight beside you? You betrayed them and Samukai long ago.

Kruncha: Because everybody hate snakes!

Pythor: Attack!

Kruncha: Attack!

Both army's ran towards eachother. Pythor pulled a lever and the ninja's cage started to drop into acid.

Jay: Hey, we're moving.

Cole: Yeah, the wrong way.

The skeletons and snake fought. Kruncha and Nuckal even got a punch at Skales.

Lloyd freed the ninja and they grabbed their weapons.

Lloyd: Told you I'd save you.

Kai: Go, ninja, go.

They used spinjitsu and fought Snakes. Pythor tried to slither away, but Cole took the fangblades. So Pythor disappeared.

Cole: Where did he go?

Kai: Who cares? We have the Fangblades. Let's get out of here.

Ninja: Ninja, go!

Nuckal: Don't worry about us. We'll keep fighting the good fight.

Kai nodded at them.

Kruncha: I never thought I'd be saying this, but go, ninja, go!

On the bounty Lloyd saw that his dad was packing.

Lloyd: You're leaving?

Garmadon: Now that you are safe, and the ninja have the Fangblades, there is nothing else I am needed for.

Lloyd: I need you. I know you have to leave, but know this: when we meet again, I'm gonna do everything in my power to defeat you.

Garmadon just smiled.

Garmadon: I wouldn't have it any other way. Oh, and, son? You're a good boy. Soon, you'll be a great man. Although we're now on opposite sides, I'm still very proud of you.

They both hugged eachother. Lloyd then walked over to a closet.

Lloyd: Wait, I can get you one of Jay's gliders. You probably don't need it, but it...

He saw that Garmadon was gone.

Lloyd: Might help. So long, Dad.

The ninja were celebraiting in the bridge. Lloyd came in and Nya walked to him.

Nya: He left, didn't he? Here have some Snogfruit Punch. Cole made it, and it's actually not bad. To Lloyd's dad!

All: Lloyd's Dad!

Lloyd: To Dad!

Wu: Tomorrow, we arrive at Torchfire Mountain to destroy these Fangblades once and for all. And it couldn't have been done without your father. I'm going to miss him.

What they didn't know, was that Pythor was on the ship with them.

Pythor: You're going to miss more than him when I get through with you, ninja.

He laughed an evil laugh.

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