A crooked path

At Steep Wisdom, the ninja were creating a defense system against Ghosts. Zane was putting up a sign.

Zane: There. That should keep customers away. "Closed for renovations."

Kai was setting a bucket of water over the door.

Kai: More like fortifications. If Morro and his ghouls show up here looking to steal the Sword of Sanctuary, they won't know what hit them.

Cole exited the shop and the bucket fell towards him. Kai quickly ran and used a board to shield off the water.

Cole: Thanks Kai. I for one would like to stick around long enough for Misako and Sensei to figure out the last clue.

Jay: We got Cyclon-Do, we got the sword, now they just have to figure out where the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master is.

Kai: Let's hope they figure it out soon. I don't know how long we'll be able to hold out.

Inside Steep Wisdom, were Wu and Misako  trying to figuring out the last clue.

Wu: We know the skull represents his tomb.

Misako: But from everything that was ever written about it, there's nothing in Ninjago that matches its description. Where is it? The clues are all right here, but what are we missing?

Wu: We mustn't give up. If Morro finds it first and takes the Realm Crystal, I'd hate to think what would happen next.

Meanwhile, someone stepped on a tripline and set off a bell.

Misako: The early-detection warning system.

Kai: Intruder!

Jay: Let him have it. Pull soldier!

Pyther put on a military helmet.

Pyther: Yea captain!

He catapulted water balloons that hit someone, but it was actually the Postman.

Postman: No wonder you're going out of business.

He gave Kai the letter and left.

Jay: No, you're the one going out of business. Heh, who sends letters anymore?

Kai: Guys, he's right. It says he's gonna shut us down unless we drum up some business.

Cole: Well, don't tell Ronin. If this place is worthless, he won't stick around and we need all the help we can get. Come on, we're gonna need more water balloons.

Meanwhile, Ronin whistled while he cleaned R.E.X. and Nya tried to control Water.

Nya: Come on, Nya. Become the water, reverse the flow.

The water droplets wouldn't go up. Nya sighed.

Nya: Ugh!

Ronin: Giving up already?

Nya: Course not. Sensei thinks if I get over my fear of failure, I'll be able to control the water. Sure, I made it rain when I wasn't even paying attention, but here I can't seem to stop a single drop. Ugh.

Ronin: Wanna know about failure, should've asked me. Heck, I made a career out of it. Word of advice. Don't try so hard. You can't fail if you don't care.

Nya: Don't try? What sort of backwards advice is that? Of course I'm gonna try hard. That's how one excels and—

Ronin: Speaking of backwards...

He pointed behind her, where the droplets were flowing backwards.

Nya: Oh my gosh! I'm doing it. I'm really doing it!

Ronin chuckled.

Ronin: Like I said, don't care so much. Usually when someone wants something too badly, they'll trip over their own feet.

Nya: Wow!

Ronin walked off but then froze.

Ronin: Huh?

Bansha was sending a message to Ronin.

Morro: Can he hear you?

Bansha: Oh, he can hear me.

Morro: Tell him it's time to pay his debt. Tell him to bring me the sword.

Ronin tried to look for the sword, but couldn't find it. The others came in.

Misako: Thanks for gathering on short notice.

Kai looked at Ronin.

Kai: Looking for something?

Ronin: Ha, just making sure the tea blends are in alphabetical order. Yup, A to Z, heh.

Jay: So you figured out where the tomb is?

Misako: Not yet, but we think we know how to locate it.

Ronin tried to sneak away, but Wu came inside.

Ronin: Oh! Hey, hehehe.

Misako: Zane?

Zane's falcon projected the skull image, and Wu turned off the lights.

Misako: To bring you up to date, the skull symbol refers to the tomb's entrance.

Wu: We also know my father's resting site, where the Realm Crystal resides, is protected by three deadly tests designed to keep anyone unworthy away, and only the Sword of Sanctuary can see past its riddles.

Cole: Yeah, but where is it?

Misako: We started to wonder if the scroll and sword combined held a secret. That's when Kai reminded us that there was a map on the back of the scroll a—

Kai: And if you use the sword on the map, the blade's reflection will reveal the tomb's location.

Misako: Exactly.

Cole: Which means we'll have to get our hands on that map.

Ronin snuck away and headed into a shed.

Ronin: Aah.

When he opened the sword's case, it was gone.

Nya: Something about what you said stuck with me.

She pointed the sword at him.

Ronin: Oh, yeah. And what's that?

Nya: That you don't care. If you don't, why are you here? Sure, this tea shop could potentially help you pay off your debt in time. Or, you could speed things up by just giving them the sword in return for your cursed soul.

Ronin: So, where does that leave us?

Nya: I don't need the sword to tell me where this is going.

He started attacking her.

Ronin: I need that sword. I don't wanna have to hurt you.

Nya: You know, I was thinking the same thing.

She looked at the sword to find Ronin was going to kiss her.

Nya: Ugh!

She kicked him.

Ronin: Aah! What did I do to deserve that?

Nya: You know what you were about to do.

Ronin tripped her with a garden hoe. Nya grunted.

Ronin: Like I said, try too hard and you'll trip over yourself.

He took the sword and ran off.

Nya: He's getting away with the sword!

The ninja approached him.

Ronin: Huh? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.

The ninja accidentely activated their own water traps.

Ronin: Haha! That was way too easy!

He ran inside where Wu and Misako were ready.

Misako: We're not gonna let you get away!

They fought each other, but Ronin had the upper hand with the sword. He sliced a few herbs, creating a dust cloud.

Ronin: Oh, now that's a nice blend. We should fight more often.

He whistled to summoned R.E.X.. Kai saw him and used airjitzu but couldn't get high enough. He landed.

Kai: He's getting away. To the Bounty!

Wu: Are we sure that's the wisest choice?

He summoned his dragon and held his hand towards Misako.

Wu: Care for a ride?

Misako: I thought you'd never ask.

(Just kiss already! Did I say that out loud?)

The chased after him.

Wu: He's fast.

Misako: You're faster.

Wu: Let's get him, boy! Hyah!

They eventually chaught up to R.E.X., but found it empty.

Misako: He's not aboard the ship.

Wu: It's a trick!

Kai: Then where did Ronin go?

Nya was at a river looking at her reflection. She turned to leave, but heard Ronin whistling on a small boat. She ran after him.

Nya: Stop!

Ronin: Yeah, right.

Nya: Why are you doing this?

Ronin: You know why. Giving Morro the sword is the only thing that'll save me.

Nya: He'll never hold up his end of the bargain. You can't trust him.

Ronin: I have to. It's my only shot.

Nya talked to herself.

Nya: Become the water. Become the water. Become the water.

The water started to go backwards.

Nya: Reverse the flow, Nya.

Ronin: You got to be kidding me.

He shifted his sail so that the wind could carry him forward.

Nya lost focus and fell down.

Ronin: Face it, Nya. You're not strong enough. You care too much. I'm sorry, Nya. I wish it never had to come to this.

Nya pounded the ground in rage. Ronin reached Stiix and found Morro's hideout.

Morro: Good evening.

Ghoultar: And good night.

Ronin: Heh, I like what you've done with the place. Pretty gusty making your hideout right here in Stiix. With this much water, they'd never come looking for you here.

Morro: I've never been afraid of anything.

Ghoultar examined the sword.

Ghoultar: The sword is no fake.

Morro: Huh. For once, the crook makes good.

He stabbed the sword on the map.

Morro: Ha! The Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.

Ronin: Now what about my soul? The deal was you'd remove the curse and free me.

Morro: You can have your soul, but the deal has changed. I want the ninja too.

Ronin: Whoa, now hold on. A deal's a deal, but what do you care about the ninja? I thought you said you weren't afraid of them.

Morro: I'm not. But our Preeminent requires certain...safeguards.

The Ghosts laughed.

Ronin: Forget it. I'll keep my cursed soul. The sword's one thing but my friends are another.

Bansha: Since when do you have friends?

Everyone laughed at him again.

Morro: Where do you think you're going? We still have a need for you. The Realm Crystal will be mine.

The team were back at Steep Wisdom.

Jay: Well, obviously he's taken the sword to Morro.

Zane: But where's Morro? He could be anywhere.

Nya: I'm sorry. I should've told you when I first suspected Ronin would steal it.

Kai: It's okay sis. It wasn't your fault.

Pyther hugged Nya.

Pyther: Don't blame yourself.

Nya smiled at him.

Wu: Exactly. We all knew the path to save Lloyd was never going to be a straight line. We were all fooled by Ronin, but that doesn't make us fools. At a time like this, we mustn't butt heads, but put our heads together.

Jay snickerd.

Jay: I'm sorry. You said "butt heads."

The Falcon squawked and projected a message from Ronin.

Ronin: I can't talk loud, but I wanted to let you know, Nya, you were right. Morro didn't hold his end of the bargain. And Misako was right too. The scroll and sword did reveal the tomb. I know where it's located. I know you don't have the sword, but I know you can beat them to the tomb.

He gasped.

Ronin:  They're coming.

Jay: Where is it? Where's the tomb?

Ronin: The Caves of Despair! The tomb is in Caves of Despair!

The message cut off.

Wu: Caves of Despair? We've been there. I don't remember seeing any tomb.

Misako: But there are still miles of unexplored mines. It could be there.

Nya: But why should we believe him? It could be a trap.

Kai: We don't have the scroll and we don't have the sword. With Lloyd's life at stake, what other choice do we have?

Cole: We're in.

Nya: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. What good will it do us if it's all just a setup?

Wu: The ninja are right. Even a misstep could be a step in the right direction. We cannot afford to do nothing. The ninja will go. As for Nya, you're still not ready.

Nya groaned. At Stiix, it was revealed that the message was a trap.

Ghoultar: It's a wrap.

The Ghosts laughed as Morro released Ronin from his possession.

Ronin: Pretty good impersonation. But they'll never buy it was me.

Morro: We shall see

Lloyd was trapped in a cage.

Lloyd: You're no Green Ninja. The Green Ninja would never need to lie.

Morro: Oh, you won't be the Green Ninja for long. Save your strength, because I'll be needing it. Prepare for a voyage. We head to the tomb at dawn.

Soul Archer: What about Ronin?

Morro: Leave him. He's worthless now.

The ninja traveled to the Caves of Despair.

Kai: The Caves of Despair.

Cole: This is where we first came for the Golden Weapons. It's like everything has come full circle.

Jay: Don't say that. Full circle means it's coming to an end, and I don't want to hear that before I go into the Caves of Despair, one of my least favorite words. How do we even know the tomb's in there?

Pixal: Searching for clues.

She found a crudely-carved skull.

Kai: The third symbol.

Jay: Good enough for me. Let's go.

They walked inside. But at a distance was Ghoultar carving another skull with his scythe. He laughed maniacally.

Jay: There's another symbol.

Cole: Huh. Looks like it only gets darker the deeper in we go.

Kai saw lanterns.

Kai: Then it's a good thing we have a little light.

Cole: Wait! What if this is one of the tests?

Jay: Yeah, Sensei said the tomb was gonna be protected by three deadly tests. Maybe if we pick the wrong lantern...

Kai rolled his eyes and grabbed a lantern.

Kai: Ha! Nope, just a lantern.

Zane and Cole each grabbed one, but Jay hesitated before reluctantly taking the last.

Jay: Like I thought, just another lantern. Wait!

Kai: Looks like there was a cave-in.

Jay sniffed the air.

Jay: Ugh! What's that smell?

Zane: My sense pick up traces of Kethanol, a highly flammable gas released from deep well mining.

Cole: Sure. Bet that's what all Nindroids say.

Zane: If you're implying that smell came from me—

(Can even nindroids let out gas?)

Kai pointed at an entrance.

Kai: Look! Some of these rocks appear to have been recently moved. Maybe Morro's already been through here.

They walked inside.

Kai: Ash. Everything here has been burned. Perhaps one of the traps?

Zane: The Kethanol geyser. We cannot stay long. It might ignite again at any moment.

Cole: Look.

Jay: Whoa.

They saw a skeleton.

Jay: Ew! You think it's him?

Kai: The First Spinjitzu Master? Can be. But where's the Realm Crystal?

Zane: That is not the First Spinjitzu Master. It's the Master of Wind. These are the remains of Morro's mortal body.

Jay: Well, Sensei told us he never came back from looking for the tomb. So if he's here, that means...

Ghoultar: It is trap! Now you suffer same fate!

He used his scythe to trap them.

Kai: There's no way out. If this was a test, I think we certainly failed it.

Jay coughed.

Jay: And all this gas is making me a little lightheaded.

Cole: This cavern is a virtual oven. If those geysers decide to ignite, we'll be cooked.

Zane: Pixal has located an opening. The cave-in must have created a gap.

Jay: Oh, but a gap to where? For all we know, it could be a dead end and for the record, that's another one of my least favorite words. "Dead end."

Cole: Too late!

He grabbed a boulder and blocks the geyser.

Kai: Cole, no!

Cole: Ha, solved that problem.

Zane: Correction, you made it worse. Now the pressure will compact the explosion, multiplying the damage tenfold.

Jay: Oh, what are you trying to say?

Zane: When that rock goes, every cave in a 10-mile radius will be filled with a wall of fire so hot, it'll incinerate everything in its path.

Kai: Guess we better get hot on our heels.

Jay: Cyclon-do!

Everyone Airjitzud their way out of the gap. They ran from the explosion.

Zane: Hurry!

Kai: Go, go, go!

They hoped into a mine cart.

Jay: Great, now what? How do we stop this thing?

Everyone screamed as the cart speed up.

Pixal: Obstacle.

The ninja screamed as the cart jumped. And Jay was running, trying to catch up to the cart.

Kai: Almost got you.

Zane chaught him. They then saw Ghoultar and Jay used his aeroblade and hit him.

Jay: Haha, I caught it, guys! I caught it!

Cole: Looks like we're coming to a dead end!

Jay: Oh, there's that word again. Never say that word! Aah! What do I do? What do I do?

Zane: Use the Aeroblade for brakes.

They tried but it didn't work.

Jay: It almost feels like we're going faster!

All: Whoa! Aaah!

They fell towards lava. But suddenly, R.E.X. arrived and unraveld a ladder. They grabbed on.

Cole: Haha! I could kiss Ronin! After I clobber him for getting us into this mess.

They climbed inside, but Ronin was not there.

Jay: Oh, oh, oh. Autopilot! Course he's too scared to show his face.

Ronin appered on screen.

Ronin: Hey, ninja. If you're getting this message, I'm sure you have some choice words for me.

Cole: Haha! You've got that right!

Ronin: But I want to tell you, that wasn't me who sent you to this trap. I was under the control of Morro. I know you think I'm a crook by taking the sword, and I wanna make things right by offering my airship, R.E.X., as a peace offering. I know it's not what you had in mind, but I've remotely entered the location of the tomb. The real one this time.

He showed them a map of the Endless Sea.

Kai: Look at that. The reason Misako never found the tomb in Ninjago was because it was never there in the first place. It's under the ocean.

Ronin: Morro has a head start, but R.E.X. should get you straight there in a jiff. And if it's any consolation, this'll be the last you see of me. If Nya wants to know a reason, tell her it's because I care. Okay. Good luck. And go make things right.

The message ended.

Kai: Looks like we're headed to the tomb. Time to buckle up.

They were now heading towards the tomb. Wonder what they will see.

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