"You shouldn't be out here by yourself."

Sam Uley stepped closer to his younger sister, cautiously watching as she stood near the waterfall. Her arms crossed over one another and one leg stuck out as she stared at the water, Violet intentionally staying silent.

She was a hard one to track when she didn't want to be found, especially since her smell was so attuned to the elements of the earth. Luckily Sam knew her favorite place to think, a place she had only ever taken him.

Violet turned around, her brown eyes now filled with rapid thoughts, ones Sam couldn't decipher. She could see tears on the brink of overflowing as she kept still, her hands grasping tightly at her biceps.

"Do you remember the day you found out about Jacob and I?" Her soft, frail voice spoke out. She had completely ignored his past statement, barely even hearing his words as her mind kept revolving.

Sam was a little confused at his younger sisters statement, however, his mind did instantly go back. How could he not remember that day, it was quite possibly the only time he had ever lost his composure. He had been around 19 then, already working a steady job and soon to be graduating, Vi had only been 15 and she was innocent. She didn't have very many female friends, many of her classes filled with the young boys. Sam had known that Jake had liked his sister, the boy following her around like a lost puppy and smiling brightly at her wherever they went. He even remembered one of the rare times he had fought with her and she had runaway right before dinner, she had gone straight to Jakes.

Anyways, he thought back to that day. The older sibling worked a steady job at the local mechanic shop, back then simply handling the paperwork and occasionally a trainee, that day he had been let out early. Sam very rarely saw his younger sister then considering when he wasn't in school he was at work and even then he would get home until late hours in the evening. He had bought a pizza and other delicacies as well as an array of movies, the plan being to spend the whole day watching them with his sister. Patiently he had waited for her to get home, standing by the window when the clock began ticking into the late afternoon.

He was just about to head out and possibly hunt down his younger sister when her soft giggles stopped him in his tracks. The sounds peaked his interest considering she very rarely giggled since their father had left and much less after their mother had passed away. Laugh yes, the girl with brilliant brown eyes was able to laugh at the simplest of jokes her brother said aloud but a giggle so innocent and pure, well that was as rare as a meteorite shower.

Same had been quick to bound towards the nearest blinds, barely breaking them apart for him to see. There she stood, and she wasn't alone. Violet, with her long, dark brown hair, the very girl who threatened Sam with a frying pan on a daily basis, was blushing deeply and tucking her hair behind her ear with the shyest of smiles. She looked towards her feet, avoiding the taller boys loving eyes. Sam could feel bile and anger rise in him, the feel personified when Jacob tucked his fingers underneath her chin and lifted his sisters innocent face. The little bastard kissed his sister, catching her off guard entirely.

Sam hadn't stopped to notice how his sister was melting into the kiss, or how her knees were wobbling in excitement. He had been far too consumed with anger, this was too soon, he hadn't been prepared for all of this. His sister shouldn't have been going through this yet and he most certainly shouldn't have had to witness it.

His hand shot out, practically ripping their front door off its hinges and letting the loud sound reach the young couple a few short yards from him.

Violet and Jake had jumped apart faster then lightening, both turning to look at him and the girls eyes widening when she noticed who it was.

"Get inside now!" Sam had yelled, with gritted teeth and a menacing tone. His glare directed entirely towards Jake who was now wobbling in his knees. This time however it was due to straight fear.

Violets mouth had gaped for a few short moments, words not coming out of her mouth until she concentrated hard enough," Sam! UHMM... Sam! I have..."

But she didn't even get to the introductions because Sam had pounced forward, like a panther coming towards its prey, and yanked his baby sister behind him. He had stared Jake deep into the eyes, narrowing them to the most lethal of looks and growling out. "GET INSIDE VIOLET!"

Violet had never felt so embarrassed, and that was including her brother catching her first kiss, before thinking she had grabbed his arm and flung him around. Sam astounded to see the furious look rivaling his own reflected in his younger sister, his mothers temper clear in the small brunette.

They stared one another down for a few seconds before Violet spoke up, without breaking eye contact. "Jake, you can go. I'm sorry and thank you for the ice cream."

Jake felt terrible for causing a problem but knew just how bad Sam's temper could get and didn't hesitate to leave. He mumbled a quick goodbye to his girlfriend and raced down the street.

When Violet knew he was at a safe distance she pursed her lips, her eyes filing with disappointment and tears. "You're fucking unbelievable."

She ran inside and locked herself in her room for two hours, the entire time Sam on the other side pleading for her to talk to him. Eventually, or hours later, the brunette came out and talked willingly to her brother. Well talked isn't exactly the way Sam remembered it, more like lots of yelling on Violets part, her skin scorching hot as she continued to let profanities leave her mouth. Sam realized just how he had embarrassed her and realized that maybe he shouldn't have treated her like she was still a toddler. There was much more yelling and apologies, so many that Sam had lost count, but there was one important part that stuck to him.

"Sam, it's not right. I'm growing up and you can't always treat me like this. I love you but I don't want another father, because the last one I had was shitty as all hell. What I want is my brother who will support me, just like I support you."

She was practically in tears by the end of her statement, having stopped pacing and now sitting next to him. Every word having more meaning and pain then the one before. Sam realizing then that she was beyond right. His sister who had always been to wise for her age had outsmarted him and now acted like the older one. So he sighed and ran his calloused fingers through his short hair, "you're right and I'm sorry Vi. I just overreacted. I wish you had told me sooner about him, I really wish you had but I promise that from now on, no matter what decision, I will stand with you. I don't care what it is, as long as you're happy I will be for it. I don't care if the whole damn world is against you, I will always stand next to you."

Those words echoed around his head as he stared at his younger sister, her face now much older and still with that same bit of anger and sadness.

"Yeah I do," Sam finally speaks up. "And it still stands, you're my sister and it's gonna take more then a few temper tantrums for me to break that promise Vi. You're my sister."

Violet smiled, it holding a lot less light then usual as she thought about the past hour. Emmett's words were true, she was already falling hopelessly for the pale, burly man and there was nothing she could do about it. She just hoped Sam would keep his promise to her.

"Okay," she nodded, stepping down from the rock she currently stood on. Walking forward and tugging at her brothers arm. "Let's get back."

Vi ignored the fine hairs on her arms raising when she felt Emmett's stare on her as she walked away.


When Violet Uley's emotions took over, which often times they did in the past year, she had taken to using food as therapy. A part of her was happy that she was a wolf, considering her fast metabolism and constant hunger made it that much guilt free for her. She had been in La Push for less then a day and already she was feeling overflowed with emotions so, she opted to go shopping. Emily had made it easy for her, considering she was already running low in food supply and was in need of a run to the supermarket.

Violet was quick to volunteer, taking her brothers beat up truck and driving half an hour to Forks. She knew it was stupid considering that's where her imprintee and his whole clan resided, not to mention a certain doe eyed girl she detested. It was still better then the low stocked convenience stores around the reservation.

So with a handful of cash from her brothers bank account and a list of necessities she stood in one of the bigger markets of Forks.

Having already picked up everything Emily had asked, and with her cart practically overflowing with supplies, she went down her favorite part of the aisles.

"Lemon chips, Oreos and chips ahoy, cosmic brownies," she counted on, throwing it all into the front of her cart. Annoyed beyond belief that her phone had been the only casualty when she had escaped that dreadful vampire. "M&Ms, cookies and cream ice cream, Snapple..."

"Violet?" A whispery voice interrupted her counting, the second bag of chips crushing in Violets hands when she realized just who it was.

A low, wolf-like growl escaped her, the red once again returning.

Stay calm Vi, no killing with witnesses. She retold herself the mantra, pushing the cart further towards the front of the store so she could get out of here quicker.

"Hey! Wait up! Violet!" Bella Swan called to her, managing to catch up and halting her by placing a small hand on Violets shoulder.

The olive toned girl spun around, a malicious look to her face as she huffed. "You don't ever call or look at me! Much less call my name! Have I made myself clear!"

Bella's hand dropped, her mouth open as she realized just how angry Violet actually was. She stuttered for a few seconds before actually coming up with the right words. "I'm sorry... I know you hate me and I wouldn't blame you. I... I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Edward told me about the vampires attacking you and I've had my fair share of those incidents."

"No surprise there," Vi snorted, crossing her arms over her black loose sweatshirt. "Look... I'm fine and you're right I don't like you. I'm actually in a very violent mood right now so if you'll excuse me..."

"Emmett's a good guy!" Bella once again made Violet halt in her feet. The tan girl whirling around.

"What the fuck do you know about that!" She growled back, pushing her into the nearest empty aisle. Even though no one from La Push was near she still worried that someone would find out.

"Edward he can read minds and... read Emmett's mind. He knows you imprinted on him and Emmett is mated to you. He's a good guy, he's big and intimidating yes but he's a really nice guy. A tad goofy and can never stay serious but a good guy nonetheless. Just... give him a chance. I know they've told you all those things about vampires but they're not real." Bella answered Violet, her heart not once jumping. There was a sense of honesty and determination inside her dark brown eyes, Violet already knowing these things to be true.

Violets lips pursed together, her eyes sweeping over Bella's face and keeping a poker face up. She sighed, deciding to answer the girl the best she could. "I know."


The parking lot was empty, even quieter in the back where the pickup truck was. The tan skinned girl quickly beginning to place all the bags into the back, watching as the sun began to set and darkness took its place. Just as she lifted the first bags a breeze hit her and she dropped the last bags before slowly exhaling.

"You can't keep your eyes on me all the time," she murmured. "Someone could have seen you."

Emmet, from behind her chuckled, leaning against the van next to her truck. "No one saw me Vi, and yes I can and I will."

"No, no you can't," she objected, going to lift another set of bags. "You need to stop zooming in like that, it's annoying."

"Come on babe," he murmured, amused at her tense shoulders and irritated tone. Obviously she still hasn't given into him. Emmett knew however after he had professed his feelings to her they were mutual and for that he was filled with glee. Emmett hadn't cared since she had left him in the woods, it didn't matter if he was caught by the wolves or not, he didn't want to leave her side.

"No!" She yelled, turning around and her hands fisting at her sides. When she turned Emmett wasn't there, his spot empty for a few seconds before he was back again. The boy having taken advantage and placing all her groceries into the truck before coming right back to his original spot. This time however he wasn't leaning away from her but standing as close as possible, his hands touching the truck so she was trapped.

"You were saying sweetheart," he smirked, those damn dimples showing. Violet had a thing for dimples and this boy had the best ones she would ever see, along with pink full lips and gorgeous dark hair that contrasted with his pale skin.

"Stop that!" She said, swallowing the nerves. "Stop giving me nicknames!"

"You called me a polar bear," Emmett countered showing his white teeth. Watching as her face began to harden with anger, God he loved her when she was angry. It made her hot, hotter then usual and that was saying something since she was a vision with soft curves and a daring tongue.

"Because you are one," she answered with a raised, perfectly arched brow. Violets stomach was beginning to flutter, a damn field of butterflies inside.

Emmetts golden eyes trailed over her face, the smirk now softening as he lifted a cold digit to her warmer face and cupping her chin. "You did never say anything afterwards."

Violets eyes dropped, her hands now nervously fumbling with one another as she desperately wanted to grab him. It was the stupid imprint pull, it was too damn strong. She hated being powerless to this small part of being a wolf. She wanted nothing more then to close the space between them.

"I know," she finally answered with pursed lips. I don't know what to say of I'm being honest, although I think you already no my answer Emmett. Hell, I don't have much of a choice in the matter. Although, if I did I'm almost certain I would pick you."

Emmett felt like his whole body jumps, his dead heart would have jumped at her words and the desire to kiss her being much more prominent. His lips quickly speaking, "then why don't you? I've already decided and I'm not going anywhere. Just make this easier for us please. Come with me, my family will like you. They already love you I know that, just come with me."

"Emmett," she struggled for words. His offer tempting but Violet knowing she couldn't choose that, not without leaving Sam and Emily. She couldn't abandon her whole pack, not the boys she grew up with. "I can't decide that, my whole life is in La Push. I... I want to choose you so badly but I can't without them."

"Come on Vi," he murmured. "You know we can't stop this. It's gonna happen eventually."

"I'm sorry," Violet said, her throat tightening. "I can't do this right, Emmett don't make me choose. Please... just give me more time."

She having realized just how close they had been, his near and tempting lips inches away. How, if she breathed a little deeper, they would be touching. She couldn't do this right here, not like this. She whirled around quickly, opening her door without a fight from Emmett and getting inside.

Emmett grabbed the door handle, "when can I see you again?"

Violets eyes filled with longing and pain, a war of family and love beginning to take over.

"I don't know. I'm sorry."


VIMET! VIMET! My heart breaks for these two!!

I love them so much and I'm so excited because after this we start following the movie and it's about to get good!


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