Chapter 8
Heyo people! Welcome back! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! It was a fun one to write! And a twist too! Thank you all for your comments and your support, it means the world to me! Anyways, the song above is Below the Surface by Griffinilla!
"All Might, stop the fight. Right. Now."
Toshinori turned, slightly nervous, and looked at the voice.
The creature on the screen didn't match the description of the quirk that Young Tokoyami possessed. It was too different, too wild.
Blue eyes fell on the younger boy, and Toshinori had a gut feeling that Young Giichi knew what was happening to the quirk, but he needed more information.
"Why, Young Giichi?" Toshinori had all intentions of stopping the fight, he just needed to know what the Young lad knew and if it could help.
"Because if you don't, everyone in that building will die."
That statement froze the room.
Toshinori took only a split second before he shouted into the microphone;
Yet, it was too late, and Toshinori watched as the creature unfurled, its full body revealed; even in the dark corridor, the monster gave off a light that highlighted its features; 6 blue eyes full of power untold, a beak that was too long and full of bizarre and horrifying teeth, and a body that was both a liquid and a solid. A black sentient ooze.
Then, its mouth dropped open, agape as it revealed dozens of teeth, all neat and sharp, and deadly, then it roared.
The walls shook as the camera lens cracked and Iida covered his ears, in pain or in horror, nobody could tell. The shriek was horrific, high pitched, with growls and clicks and heavily disorientated; it was similar to an animal's call, with hundreds of different calls mixed within, a terrible orchestra, too high and almost demonic to be a real creature.
It was terror inducing.
Toshinori turned only to see that Young Giichi had vanished, and he turned to the screen, watching as the teen hopped up the side of the building before crashing into the corridor.
"Young Giichi-!"
Toshinori slammed his hand on the table, unable to watch as the screen turned into static. Turning to his class, he addressed them, his smile no longer present.
"Young Yaoyorozu, go and get Mr. Aizawa, Nezu and Recovery Girl. They will be needed!" After that, he announced to the rest of the class.
"Class, this class is now cancelled, please wait in this room unless something dangerous happens, then escape! I don't want any of you in danger!"
With his piece said, All Might rushed out, his quirk firing at max as he thundered towards the testing arena; this was no longer a simple team exercise, this was a fight for their survival, and All Might could only pray that everyone was alright.
It wasn't.
And, All Might happened upon something terrible. The entire building was destroyed, replaced by the terrible ooze, its swirling mass now angrily swirling and striking randomly in a rage filled assault.
Luckily, All Might spotted Young Jiro and Young Iida close together, huddled in an alleyway some distance from the now erased building.
Their eyes wide with panic and terror as they watched the monster before them, wondering what was going on. Doing a quick scan, All Might caught a large gnash on Young Iida's thigh, no doubt from trying to escape the building in time; it was bleeding profusely, and he tore a piece of his cape off to bandage it up quickly.
Young Jiro's ears were also bleeding, likely from the terrible roar the creature had bellowed, and All Might could do nothing but tell them quietly.
"Both of you must leave the area now. Return to the viewing room for your safety."
Using his massive form, All Might covered their retreat, hiding them as they ran away from the scene, his smile grim as he analysed what was going on, waiting for his students to retreat before jumping into battle; they were his priority.
One for All rose to his call and the world slowed down as blue eyes took in the details of the battle.
The beast was large. Easily surpassing the building it was hid within, its wiry body flicking about wildly, an errant thought popped into All Might's mind.
'It almost looks like a wacky waving inflatable tube man...!' All Might grinned at his thought before one of its tentacles smashed into a building, razing it to the ground.
'If they were demonic that is.'
Stamping down his thoughts, All Might's mind ran as he studied his foe. Its skin looked as if it was metallic, but shifted as if it was water, flowing and moulding to fit whatever space it could. There were dozens of limbs of varying sizes, all of which held a mean edge, and all capable of mass damage.
Yet, even for its immense size, the beast was fast as it was strong; it moved faster than many, and it able to keep up with All Might's sped up perception. So did Young Giichi.
A jet of blue fire knocked All Might from his analysis, the flames blazing across the creature as it wailed in pain and rage, lashing out with a vengeance, forcing Young Giichi to jump away from a retaliatory strike. The boy twisted in mid-air, then defied the laws of gravity by hopping in the air, then turning to the beast and firing his blue fire once again.
This time, the ooze melted slightly, and revealed a purple mist beneath; one which matched the description to Young Tokoyami's quirk. All Might connected the dots, this ooze was encasing Young Tokoyami's quirk and essentially hijacking it for whatever purpose it wanted.
Young Giichi's quirk was doing wonders against the parasite, burning away the metallic water skin, and allowing for the parasite to become distracted. To which All Might took advantage of to throw out an attack that would put the parasite out of commission.
In a blur of speed, All Might hit with enough force to change the weather and his fist collided with the mass of ooze, only he then froze in confusion feeling his fist stop; his attack...
Had done nothing.
This ooze somehow withstood a strike that not even All for One could take on fully without taking damage, without so much as flinching or an ounce of damage.
Not even Shock Nullification quirks, no matter the threshold of nullification, had withstood a blow from One for All above 25% for longer than 5 minutes. One for All held far too much power to be absorbed.
Deciding to go at it again, All Might threw punch after punch, yet none did a single mark of damage, nary a scratch on that thick ooze, and All Might knew he had to come up with a new plan.
Leaping back, All Might reeled his fist back again, standing in a defensive stance just in case, his smile turning into a frown as he studied the creature. It had weak spots, cracks and crevices that should have broken open when he hit it, but instead they remained as stable as ever.
A cold hand clasped against his broad back, and he felt a new power, one that was so different than One for All, flooded his system, a blue aura the exact same as Young Giichi's energy surrounded All Might, and a voice behind and supplies.
"My energy is the only thing that can damage the skin, so I've given you a tiny fraction to help. Keep up."
Then he vanished in flash, and All Might grinned; this kid.
Pulling back his fist, All Might let the new energy pool into his fist and he flew forward with One for All in his heels, and this time he yelled out;
This time, as his fist collided, the blue energy hit like a phantom fist and the ooze shattered as a blue wave flooded from the impact site.
The creature snarled, and turned its monstrous head to him, and lunged at him with a speed he'd not seen in some time; only to be stopped by another jet of blue fire, and it burnt away the oozing skin again, revealing the purple body beneath.
It was working.
In retaliation, tentacles whipped about, scoring the ground and leaving deep scars in the tarmac, forcing All Might and Young Giichi to dodge and take their strikes where they could. It was clear the creature was powerful, as in All Might powerful, as it struck yet another building, causing it to collapse.
(At the main campus, a sentient block of cement shivered...)
But, even though the creature was powerful, it held no experience or knowledge on fighting with finesse, with skill; it was a beast fueled by rage and hate and instinct.
Something which the two fighters took advantage of.
In tandem, the Symbol of Peace and the Last Tenno worked at the creature, slowly wearing down its thick oozing armour, piece by piece.
All Might couldn't physically match Young Giichi's movements; they were far too nimble, too twisty and wily for his muscled form to do. So, All Might took the heavy blows that the creature threw out, letting it focus on him whilst Young Giichi worked its defences down slowly.
With some elbow grease and grit, the monster was clearly worn down; after fifteen minutes of back and forth, the skin was more flaky than before, like dried mud, and much weaker too. This was the chance that they were looking for.
And Young Giichi took it as his arm clicked, and the boy's energy coats his arm, and All Might grinned as he pulled his fist back with the young lad, with All Might bellowing out.
And in synchronicity, they struck in the weakest place they had found, the beast's chest, and the ooze finally shattered.
The fight was over, and now it was onto the next part of the mission.
Hidden beneath fading ooze, was a purple haze, it flickered and wavered before it retracted like a tape measure, snapping into the epicentre of the mess.
Ruined couldn't begin to explain the state of the building; in fact, it couldn't even be called a building at this point. There were no walls and instead, the ground was caved in and the centre, where the building once was, was instead a gaping maw that still spat debris like an old stray cat.
Young Giichi landed beside Toshinori and Young Giichi muttered to him.
"What's the plan, All Might?" Toshinori turned and grinned at the young one.
"We go in and save Young Tokoyami of course!" Toshinori missed the face palm from the teen.
Inching into the mass, Toshinori studied the entity before him. It was almost alive, but not fully. Raising his hand, Toshinori let it run across the surface of the entity, it was weird. Somehow, it was wet, but dry. Like feeling water with a film covering the surface, and his hand sank into the surface slightly.
Tapping it with more force, however, told a different story. It was solid. Lines were connected, and Toshinori blinked in surprise. These walls were a non-newtonian fluid, but so much stronger than the man-made versions.
Internalising his discovery, Toshinori marched forward, he had a goal to complete, and nothing would stop him from saving his student.
It took a second of shuffling for the pair to find what they were searching for and locked onto their goal. A wide chamber, with running ink like ooze pouring from the walls, with flashes of neon blue streaking throughout. All of which connected to a singular point.
And, at the very centre of the viscous chamber was the teen they were looking for.
His body was hung up, draped as if he had been crucified, arms held by stems of ooze that pulsed with power, whether it was taking or giving neither All Might nor Giichi could tell, but they were connected to the boy.
Tokoyami was clearly exhausted too, his face drooping, his crest of feathers wild and untamed, eyes bloodshot and agony clear in them.
Toshinori felt the energy he'd been gifted lift from his body, and he quickly jogged over to Young Tokoyami, ripping the tentacles from the boy and cradling the teen in his arms as he fell; softly, Toshinori muttered.
"Young Tokoyami, I've got you. I am here and you're safe now."
It wasn't long before Aizawa, Nezu and Recovery Girl arrived, and they quickly got serious at the scene that was in front of them.
"All Might, report." Nezu's squeaky voice asked, void of its usual cheer.
"Yes sir! We were doing a two on two battle simulation! Young Tokoyami and his teammate were villains, and came up with the ingenious plot to remove light from the corridor to prevent the heroes from entering the room!" Toshinori pulled back his cape, one which was acting like a security blanket for Young Tokoyami.
"The plan didn't go as planned. Something happened to Young Tokoyami's quirk. It went berserk and destroyed the building; luckily all the children were out before it was destroyed. Young Giichi alerted me to the danger, and then fought it off with my help." Aizawa caught the wording at the end.
"Hold it, Giichi fought it, and you helped?" Toshinori grinned sheepishly.
"My quirk was ineffective against the skin of the quirk, only Young Giichi's energy could damage it." Nezu and Recovery Girl both looked at one another.
They knew of One for All, and it was one of the, if not, the most powerful quirks in the world, and a quirk was able to stop it entirely? A quirk that wasn't All for One or an erasure quirk.
Aizawa scratched his stubble and shot out.
"Well, All Might's all powerful quirk couldn't stop a student's quirk. Who would have thought?" Nezu folded his paws together and smiled.
"At least we were able to contain a potential disaster and save our students from harm. Young Tokoyami is exhausted, but will make a full recovery by the end of the day; Young Iida is tired but fully recovered as is Young Jiro. I would say this is an absolute win for us!"
With that proclamation, the four teachers dispersed. Lacking time in his All Might form, Toshinori had given the reins of the lesson over to Aizawa, before leaving the lesson with haste, he's used all his time fighting that beast.
Blasting off, Toshinori returned to his office, clutching his chest as One for All quivered as he deflated. Yellow lightning arched off his hands, and One for All was acting in a way he'd never seen it act before, and he whispered into his office.
"What is going on, One for All?"
Recovery Girl whisked Tokoyami to her office for his much needed rest and recuperation as well as some tests to find out what exactly had happened to the boy and his quirk.
Nezu, however, watched the enigma that was Keisuke Giichi from afar.
"I wonder what you will turn out to be, Keisuke Giichi..."
On top of the building, a hidden camera blinked off, and the person on the other end lit her cigar, inhaling deeply as she thought.
"Hm. The President would like to see this."
Purple nails, sleek and neat, tapped rapidly against a keyboard, as the person pulled up a video; a video that focused solely on Giichi Keisuke.
"Another asset will soon be secured."
Flicking her cigar, she puffed out the smoke as the message was sent, and she smiled, turning to her control room. Screens by the dozens and buttons that could quite literally control the entirety of U.A.
'Soon, the Commission will be at the top of everything.'
From the back of the class, Izuku rubbed his wrist, feeling the pain wreathe within the bones of his hand. Using the Void for too long had negative effects on his body, mostly in the form of stabbing pains. It was nothing new to him however, but what was new was the Void interacting with this world that went beyond his control.
Tokoyami's quirk had been enveloped by the Void; its body transformed by the hideous beauty that was the Void.
Was this the warning the Man in the Wall was telling him?
Was this why he needed his Railjack?
Was this a fluke, or a rise of something terrible?
And, from the Beyond, far past any law of both man and nature, a singular being laughed.
His Chaos was spreading, a new gateway was open, a new realm to devour; a chance to spread his chaos further, to gather more power to break his chains...
He needed a new Champion, one that could deal with that little menace, that petty mistake from his days as a young multiversal deity, the one that was trying to undo his work.
The gall.
Then, the Man felt it. A twitch. A pulse. a wave. A twinge in the threads. Sightless eyes clutched at the vast unknowns, the webs of reality laid bare as he sought out something.
For someone...
A thought, a feeling, a tingle.
Finally, It found what it was seeking. Eyes on it, reading its goals, its thoughts.
Eyes beyond space, beyond time, beyond anything. Nothing can escape them, no thought, no action, no plot.
"You, reader. I feel you..."
Shiver, tremble, fear.
"I can see you."
Can you see him?
"I wonder, the power to rewrite reality..."
E̵̖̰̣̱͂̐͠n̷̘͑̃͝ỏ̷͔̙͓̄̋̈u̴͙̝̍g̶̻̹͍̓̍̉̔h̶͈̣̓̂̈́͜͜.̶̧̛̖̺͛̒ ̸̠̾͑̋Ÿ̴̼̟̻́͊̎̇o̸̬̩̓̋͂̕ͅu̶̱̎̓͛̄ ̴̡͍̯̥̇c̵̖̘̖͊ą̷͈̯̝͛͝͠n̵̮̺̑n̷̨͎̠̄̄o̴̧͍̮̟͗ť̵͇͚́ ̷̡̛̜̳̈́̃̀ṛ̵̽́e̵͈̼̐̅̃ä̶͖̻̫́ͅc̴̫̏̀̈͠h̴͎̲̘͛̌ ̴̯͗̓͝͝ĥ̶͙͗̊̕ͅe̷̟̣̥̬͑̀̚͠r̸̪̓̿͆̃e̶͕̠̔̏
"But I will."
I̵̫̠̞̥̋͝ẗ̶́͜͝ ̸̲̺̚į̴̜̘̼̄̎̇s̶̲̆̈̈́̄ ̵͕̈̀́̎͜ͅb̵͈͚̝̲̽ę̶͕͓̿́y̶̩͉̅ǒ̸̦̹͖ṋ̵̠̱̌d̷̬͈́̓́̕ ̵͎̀̈́y̸̬̾̑̋ǒ̶̯̾ǚ̷̦̱͎̐
"Nothing is beyond the Void, not even you..."
I̴̢̜̹͛ ̵̦̹̝̍a̸̙͖͊̍ͅm̶̨̭̟̑,̷̛͖̭̪̌̚ͅ ̷̗̖̯̓̂̽ả̵͓̰̣ṇ̶̨͙͘d̴͇͉̖̊̃ ̸̳̋͑͐ș̷̢̐͒o̵̻͍͛̏͠ ̸͕̲̯̝̃̆̈̏î̴̼͋͂s̷͈͇͕̪̔̆̃͝ ̶̹̽̌͘t̸̛̺̅́̆ḥ̴̠͌̍e̵̱̱̯̐̆́̈́͜ ̷͉̋Ợ̶̬̲̓r̸̡̗̣͉̓͝i̷̩͒́̏ͅg̸̭͒i̶̼͈̿͐̚͝n̸͔̂͑́͝
"You won't be for long, not when this Universe will give me the power to break my shackles."
Í̷̫̼̱̼͋̅͘ ̸̰̪̿̔w̷̨̧̾͆̓̎i̸̘̦͓͖͗̓͝l̸̼̬̒̆̆́l̸͉̀ ̴͖̯̲̼̀̈́n̵̘̟̈́́̊ơ̸̪͉̫̾͋̉t̸͇̟̻̦̉͑͂͗ ̶̞̣̑̇͝a̶̝̜̾͠ĺ̵̺͉l̶̟͈̱̍͂ọ̴̢́͜w̴̙̎̓̕ ̵̝̉̍̽ì̷̧̲̜̌t̶͎̮͒͘
"You won't allow it? I am inevitable. I am the Void, nothing is real, nothing is infinite. I will have my due."
Ḿ̶͋͜͜͠y̵͖̬͖̑̋͐͗ ̵̡͔͋̉̂͠p̷̤͆̑l̴̠͇̪̓a̷̱̮̫͒̀̋ņ̵̜̪̎̽̒s̵͔̼̹͈̄̂̂͝ ̶͇̞͐̾̇͝a̸̡̖̝͉̿̂̍̓r̶͓̀̀̍e̷͎̟͈̓̄̒͛ ̴͉̮̇̌͛͝â̷̻l̴̛̲͖̪r̷̠̝͝e̸̠̫͈̎̊̋â̶͎̺̱͒͋d̶̯͚̱͛̄̂y̵̨̮͆ ̸̥̥̂͗̾͜î̵̲̎ͅṇ̶͉̤̈́ ̸̳̤̠̿̿̓͋m̶̡̭̗͋̐̿õ̷̫̟͋̇̌ẗ̶̨̡̩͇́͊í̸̧̘͍̚͝o̷̤͙̿n̶̨̗̝̞̽͊͗͠,̷̤͔͐͋ ̶̭̱̳̎̈y̸̟̓͂̀ò̶̲̀̊̅u̶̜͒ ̸̩͒͒͆̈́ç̸͎̣̏à̸͖͙̕͠n̴͚̦̊̂̅n̷͉̿́o̶͈̜̲̳̓͘͘t̶͍̞̮͓̒̄ ̷͍̞̩̞̋̃s̶̠̣̔͐ẗ̴̘̮̹̝́̈́o̸̧͊p̵̭̪͚̒͋̄̕ ̶̰̩͔̃̆͠͝ṯ̵̨̪̿͘̚͝h̷̡͉̟̗̍i̵̦̫̽s̵̻̹͊̊͜ ̵̧̣̞̺̽̃̚͠ň̸̡̢̥̦̀͆ŏ̴̮̓͊͝w̷̢̛̤̉̊͜
"Oh? You mean your little Izu-kun? Do not worry, I will deal with him. Then, this Universe, and all the others, will be mine to devour."
(How's ya been?)
(Also, Translation for the text above: Enough/ You cannot reach here/ I am beyond You/ I am and so is the Origin/ I will not allow it/ My plans are already in motion, you cannot stop this now)
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