Chapter 6

Hello there! Welcome back! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Things are building! Thank you for all of your votes and views! I love all of you! Also, the song above is Friends on the Other Side from The Princess and The Frog!

Inky black smoke surrounded Izuku as he floated in what looked like space, then, he saw his Railjack fly over to him, hovering right in front of him as the commanding tone of his commanding Cephalon hailed;

"Tenno, I have found you. You are far, but I, and the crew, are on our way. Be safe, we will be there to assist you."

Izuku tried to reach out, but was stopped by a pale hand; one he recognised.

His own.

"Hey Izu-kun, thought I'd send you a gift, you're going to need it for what's coming!"

Before he could comprehend what happened, Izuku was tossed back, a shockwave reverberating around him as he flew back, as he awoke with a jump.

Angrily, Izuku clenched his hand;

"Damn you..."

The idea that the Man in the Wall could send not only Izuku to his dimension, but others too made this a whole lot worse; It could send Corpus, Grineer or Seven forbid, the Infestation.

If what the demonic entity said was true, the future looked bleak indeed, if his Railjack would be needed...

Shaking his head, Izuku knocked those thoughts out for now, he needed to get ready; with swift ease, Izuku got on his uniform, all but his tie, which he had no idea how to fold, so he did his best before he gave up and asked Aegis;

"Aegis, take me to U.A."

U.A was still as unimpressive as ever, but he was excited to get into the work ahead; he was under no illusion that while he was a Tenno, he knew that the Hero Course would be gruelling and harsh, even with his many skills. It would take all of his determination, his smarts and his skills in tandem to make it through the three years.

Silently, Izuku marched through the halls, which were similar to a maze, if one didn't look at the maps that occasionally dotted the walls, before he reached his classroom. The door was large, a sturdy oak door, with two windows on it with 1-A painted in bright red.

And, with a sure nod, Izuku pushed open the door, to reveal his classroom fully; twenty desks, filled with various characters, all so interesting and unique.

"Get your feet off the table this instant! You are disrespecting the fine institution of U.A and those that came before us!" An authoritative voice yelled out, before an abrasive one yelled back.

"Can it, Four-eyes! Don't tell me what to do!" The first voice gasped.

"Perhaps we started on the wrong foot! My name is Tenya Iida! I hail from Somei Private Academy!" The second audibly snarled.

"Somei, ey? I look forward to kicking your ass!" The first voice, Tenya Iida, shouted back;

"Threats?! You would threaten your classmate?!" The second voice gritted out.

"Of course I would! Fuck off, Four-eyes!" Izuku's mind twitched, a single name echoing...


"Hey it's you! We're in the same class!"

Blinking slowly, Izuku looked over his shoulder to peer at the voice; the mousey girl from the Exam. She was smiling brightly, and Izuku replied easily.

"So we are."

Izuku was about to tack on something random to make the conversation less awkward, but his Tenno instincts rose in alarm and he moved as swiftly as a panther, his leg raised to kick the intruder that had wiggled into the classroom without making any noise.

"Kid, I wouldn't do that if I was you."

It was that same baritone voice from the alleyway, and Izuku looked down, seeing a Wild Eraserhead, trapped in a horrendous, eye bleeding yellow sleeping back, looking as worse for wear as ever.

With complete control, Izuku's foot stopped, right before Eraserhead's face, a small breeze flew by the man's face. The room fell silent at the sight before them, a random sleeping bag with a man instead, and the class flinched as a voice spoke out.

"Right. Well, other than Giichi here, the rest of you took 8 seconds to notice me and be quiet." The man stood in his sleeping back, unzipping it as he muttered.

"Not good enough. Wasting time that we don't have is illogical." The man reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out a blue, white and red tracksuit, and told them. "Put these on and make your way to the training grounds. Don't be late."

And with that, the man left with a feline grace.

Shrugging, Izuku left silently. The instructions were clear, and no point in wasting more time; clearly their teacher had a plan.

Stretching, Izuku popped his limbs as he waited; His class was taking a while to get changed, but he supposed none had been in active duty, meaning none knew the urgency to be ready at the hair's width of a second.

He had, and he knew the urgency well.

Eraserhead was watching Izuku like a hawk who saw its prey and Izuku knew that Eraserhead knew who he was from the alleyway a number of months ago. An end to be tied up later.

Neither Izuku nor Eraserhead spoke, content in stewing in a cold silence as the class got ready and it was a handful of minutes before the first dregs came out.

"We're doing a Quirk Assessment." Eraserhead dropped the metaphorical bomb.



"An Assessment?"

"But... We passed the Exam!"

Many voices collided, all questioning and curious about why their teacher was doing an assessment.

"What about the Opening Ceremony?" Their teacher scoffs scornfully.

"Pointless. Wasting time. I have three years to turn you all into Pro Heroes. In my opinion, we have less time than I'd like." Eraserhead pulled out a soft ball and turned to the class.

"Ball Throw. 50-metre Dash. Standing long jump. Grip Strength. Repeated side steps. Long Distance Run. Seated Toe touch. Sit ups." Eraserhead rubbed his chin, almost thoughtful.

"These 8 tests will test your base fitness levels, quirks included." The class muttered happily to each other. They had free reign to use their quirks.

"The Department of Education is far too outdated. Not allowing youths to test their quirks along with their fitness is illogical. Quirks are a natural part of life." Eraserhead grinned, all teeth, and it was Menacing.

"I'll see what levels you're all at, and decide if you've got potential."

Izuku let the Void fill him as he listened to his class spark in debate and uproar.

"We can use our quirks?"


"Oh this is going to be fun!"

Agitated, Izuku twitches. Fun? Hero work being fun? What about the deaths? The horrors they'd face? How could that be fun? A cold washed over the class, and all eyes focused on Eraserhead; glowing red eyes glared at them.

"Fun? You think this will be a walk in the park? Fine then. Last place gets expelled, now see how fun this is." Izuku nodded. That was fair.

It seemed his class didn't get the memo, as they got rowdy yet again, and Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose; they were exhausting already.

"Hey! This isn't fair!" Izuku was fed up.

Then, like lightning, he remembered; these are literal children. So naive and innocent. They hadn't seen the dark side of life, the horrors of Reality; not like he had, not like Eraserhead had, not what they would see when they started down this career path.

"Nothing is fair," Izuku stoically pointed out, "We can't control natural disasters or villains. It's up to us to help balance this unfairness." Eraserhead nodded his head to Izuku and took over.

"Giichi is correct. Speaking of which, you scored first on the Practical Exam," Eraserhead tossed Izuku the softball, "Go into the circle and throw this. Plus Ultra or whatever."

Slowly, Izuku slinked over to the ring, ignoring his classes muttering, and felt the ball, testing it, before nodding. The Void wasn't going to be too useful here unless he used his 'Frames; but, he wanted an Ace up his sleeve, so decided to just throw it with as much he could put out.

Winding up his shot, Izuku let the Void fill him, its wild energy flowed through him like a flood through his veins as he twisted, the ball following his direction like the choir to a conductor. A small shockwave emanates around him, before Eraserhead grunts.

"114 metres. Next."

As the tests continued, Izuku felt a pair of eyes boring right into the back of his head, almost angrily, and a monotone voice called out.

"Giichi. You managed to score over 80 villain points, but I have seen you use anything you used during the exam." Izuku tilted his head.

"Why would I? None would be useful in these scenarios." Izuku lied flawlessly; he had many tools which would be useful for some of these tests, but Izuku decided to hide his abilities. It was for the best...

"Hm, is that right? What about the Titan you summoned then?" Izuku's face twisted.

"It's out of commission." Eraserhead scowled.

"All I see here is an arrogant brat that had it easy with a powerful quirk; why shouldn't I expel you here and now?" Izuku froze.

Had it easy? Easy?

The air thickened, like a toxic smog that filled the lungs, and everyone stopped breathing in fear and panic.

A powerful quirk?

Izuku tilted his head, letting his sole green eye drown the light around them, leaving that piercing emerald to shatter the soul at anyone it glanced at.

"Oh? Who decided that? You, Eraserhead? What about Todoroki? He's only using half his quirk, are you going to expel him too? Or Bakugou? He's very arrogant with a powerful quirk?" Izuku rolls his shoulder.

"Why bring this up, Hero? Or are you singling me out?"

Izuku squared up to his teacher, his face deceptively placid as he asked.

"All I see is a man blinded from the past."

From the get go, as soon as the hero had found Izuku in that dingy alleyway, Izuku had delved deep into meticulous study of the man; Knowledge was power and Izuku had to know why the hero that searched for him wanted, Izuku needed to know why. Soon, he found the Why, in an old, buried newspaper, one so obscure none would find it unless they dug deeper than most would look.

'Hero Intern dies on Job!' and 'Eraserhead, an up and coming hero! Avenger of his fallen friend!'

A broken man, with scars unhealed. He had no idea how to deal with his pain, and instead used it to teach the younger generation. After all, your students can't die if they don't go into heroics in the first place.

Armed with that knowledge, Izuku knew he'd hit the mark when anger and old bitterness flicker in Eraserhead's black eyes, and the man's hand tensed up as if to grab something; by the movements, Izuku thought the hero was reaching for his goggles.

"Whatever. Let's move on."

Then, like a leaf in the wind, the thick atmosphere dissipated and the tests continued in an uneasy silence, filled with the quick glances between Izuku and their scary teacher.

30 minutes later, the tests concluded and Eraserhead tapped his device, before it lit up to project a table with names and their placements.

Sat at a comfortable 8th place, Izuku nodded. Not too bad, not too high or too low.

"Go and grab your time tables and syllabus from your desks before you head home."

Grumpily, the man slinked away from the class as they stood for a moment, as if to comprehend what to do next. Stepping away from the class, Izuku walked away, not even bothering to change as he made his way to the classroom; he didn't want to talk, and decided to forgo social interaction.

Shouta ground his teeth in self-hatred. Why would he say that to the kid? He'd gotten wound up by the attitude and lack of quirk use; his usual logical point of view had been compromised by his unresolved emotional trauma. The kid was right, he was blinded by the past...

"Are you alright, Aizawa?" Shouta glances at the blonde man, his electric blue eyes studying Shouta, who grunted and answered.

"Yeah, I'm fine Yagi."

Fading in a cloud of blue, Izuku entered his Orbiter as he sat in his room, shawzin in hand as he began to pluck the strings, letting his anger and sorrow out through his music.

A mournful symphony.

It hurt, Izuku realised, to be called arrogant and that he had it easy.

Life isn't easy, but he made it work, and all he could do was move forward, because looking back was so much worse...

The next day rolled around soon enough, and Izuku rose at his usual time of 5 o'clock in the morning to the soft tunes of his prerecorded shawzin tune.

Yesterday was an odd day, but Izuku put that behind him as he readied himself for another day at U.A, and, by the schedule he'd gotten before he left, he had Heroics today.

"That should be fun, Aegis, let's get going."

"Of course Operator!"

Getting ejected out, Izuku looked around his landing spot, watching with careful eyes, luckily no one was around to see him; with his feline-like grace, Izuku slinked into his class and prepared for the day, taking out his pencil case and notebook.

The day dragged on.


The lessons were predictably, nearly laughably, easy. He'd already covered this stuff, and much more and the teachers, while interesting, were also pretty boring. They lacked true character unless they were, well, in the made up character that they portrayed to the world via their Hero Persona. Like Midnight.

During Cementoss' lesson, Izuku damn near fell asleep; that man could drone on until Queen Elizabeth died, honestly, and that lady had been around for centuries.

English was... alright. Present Mic was fun to be sure, his personality welcoming and warm. Probably Izuku's favourite lesson so far.

Art and History wasn't too bad either, but Midnight was an oddball; she acted like a pervert, made innuendos yet never once did an action which could be considered truly perverted. In fact, she almost acted like she hated physical touch.


The bell howled, and Izuku stood, his lanky frame carrying him towards the cafeteria; the food was delicious, and made by Lunch Rush, a fantastic hero-chef, and his meals were the best on the planet.

A Katsudon and some green tea later, and Izuku sat on an empty table in the dark corner of the cafeteria, content to be alone and listen to the ambient noise of the arriving students.

"Hey, could I... sit with you?" An awkward voice broke Izuku's peaceful revelry, and the boy in question looked up, only to see a kid with gravity defying purple hair and galactic purple eyes.

Blinking slowly, Izuku remembers, yes, he had to answer.

"Ah, sure, go ahead." The other boy nodded and replied.


While some may have considered the silence awkward, Izuku appreciated it, and the other boy did too; he was clearly shy and out of his depth, and Izuku sympathised enough to give the boy some peace.

Another 30 minutes passed in silence before the bell rang once more, and Izuku got up fluidly and deposited his waste in the correct bins; recycling will save the planet, he didn't want a repeat of what happened to Origin's Earth to happen here too.

Next, Heroics.

As Izuku sat quietly, he noticed that many of his classmates glanced at him, and he had to wonder why. He had done nothing, in fact, he wanted to fade into the background and hide in the shadows. He wasn't made for the spotlight. So why were they looking at him?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Massive steps echoed from the door, before it slammed open and a hulking mass of muscles peaked in, announcing in a bright voice.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! I am Here! Coming through the door like a normal person!"

Izuku was by far no normal person, but he knew that was not a normal way to come through a door, but it was slightly amusing. The man was clearly terrified, if his stiff, robotic walk to the podium was any indication.

"Whoa! Is that All Might?!"

"Is that his Silver Age costume?!"

"This is going to be rad!"

All Might, the poor man, coughed into his hand as he announced.

"Now then! Our first lesson will be..." All Might grins, "A Battle Simulation!"

The class, predictably, exploded into more excited chatter. Few words could be heard over the amalgam of voices, until All Might boomed.

"And! What is a Hero without their Costume?!"

As he said that, he pressed a button on a remote he pulled from thin air, and the entire left wall opened wide as twenty cases emerged, all number coordinated, thank the Seven.

Alas, Izuku had no need for the case presented, he had his own suit; one he'd toiled over to create to perfection, a nice blend of practicality and Orokin extravagance.

It suited him well.


Chuckling, Izuku left the classroom, going to where All Might had directed them to for the lesson.

Ground Beta.

(Hey how are you doing?)

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