Chapter 5

Hello again! Welcome! I'm sorry for taking forever! I've been super duper busy with work recently! I hope ya can forgive me! Anywho, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! The Song above is Hell's Comin' With Me by Poor Man's Poison!

Screams, pure heart wrenching screams, echoed through the ivory spires of Lua; Howls of pain, of grief and rage. Izuku Midoriya shook in his binds, his Orokin captors shaking their head in wonderment at the hologram in front of them.

A fully mapped genome of Izuku's DNA, along with notes and diagrams at the end. A study into Izuku's different biology. His apparently Inactive quirk factor.

Collared with golden chains, Izuku tugged, in vain as absolute agony began running through his system; his skin, mostly on his arms and legs, had been peeled back, held by mechanical arms revealing the muscle beneath, his right eye stolen from his socket and both of his hands pinned facing palm upwards.

"Do not worry, young one, you are safe here." A slimy, arrogant voice called out, melodic and viper-like, and there stood Ballas, in his seemingly angelic glory.

Ballas was One of the Seven, their Executioner, and former lover to the lady, Lady Margulis, who treated his fellow Zariman survivors. A creature, so foul and tainted, rotten to the core, and the man who took over Margulis' work over Transference after she was executed for reasons he knew nothing of.

Vainly, Izuku tried to lunge at his captor, his attempt a failure as more pain spread throughout his body. All it got him was an amused chuckle from the God-like Orokin.

However, before Ballas and his team could continue their wicked schemes, a siren whirred to life and a message popped up all over the Orokin databanks.

"Hailing all Orokin, our terraforming teams to Tau have returned; our failsafe worked, but they now know of our goals. They have declared War."

Izuku watched as the cool and collected Ballas as he cursed a storm, then bellowed.

"Prepare for War then!"

And Izuku was left, abandoned, and cold in the heavenly cells of Lua, filled with so-called demonic energy until he, well, it was needed...

Izuku's sole eye cracked open, his energy wild and untamed, and he muttered;

"Another nightmare..."

Gathering all his willpower, Izuku slammed his mental barriers up, stopping the torrents of feral energy from overflooding his body. Void leakage sorted for now, Izuku sat up, body shaking as it equalised itself, and he walked into his arsenal area, watching as the foundry darted about creating his personal frame once more.

"Operator, are you sure you want to do this? Last time Makyr Prime was operational, it led to the... Doom..."

Izuku shook his head.

"No, the Doom was something the Orokin brought upon themselves, no matter what some may think. Makyr was the one who was forced to be the face of it. A figurehead, if you will for many centuries of rot."

Aegis hummed non-comminently, before moving on.

"What is the plan of action, Operator? Are we laying low or going on an all out bloody rampage?" Izuku chuckled.

"No rampages for the foreseeable future, my dear Cephalon. We're going to lay low and observe undercover. Everything will turn out fine."

"Fine? Operator, you...? Are you being optimistic for once?! How amazing!"

Izuku put a hand over his heart, amusement clear.

"Oh Aegis, when am I not optimistic?"

Izuku's school year was in a couple of months, and while he wished to do things outside, maybe visit a cafe or two, go to the cinema and such, he had far too many things to do, one of which was keeping a very close eye on the construction of Makyr Prime.

Makyr Prime was an extremely taxing frame to build, taking over 2 weeks for each individual part, 3 parts in total to make the frame, and over 4 week for the full frame; meaning it would take over a two months for the frame to be fully built, not including getting the frame up to scratching and modifying it to Izuku's taste.

He also had to get a quirk test done; the Orokin had nothing on his quirk, what it could be or any details on its power. He knew he lacked his mother's telekinetic powers and his fathers fire power, but he had something. He could feel it, and it was proven, his DNA proved it.

He just needed to know what it did!

Surprisingly, Rhino's face plate was still plastered all over the news, his shiny gold accents gleaming over the screens as red circles engulfed each part, dissecting what they could of the frame, including its suspected quirk.

All Might knew his secret, knew that Rhino Prime and Keisuke Giichi were one in the same, just as he knew of All Might's deflated secret; to tell the news of either was mutually assured destruction on both sides. For now, his secret was safe.

So many things to do, tying up some loose points, and trying to piece together a sense of what was going on. If only he had the spy network that Margulis, or any of the Orokin, possessed...

Bleh politics...

Toshinori Yagi, lumbered through the halls of U.A, his baggy suit fluttering around his skeleton body, a tiny bit of blood leaking from his mouth as he pushed open the door to Principal Nezu's office.

Serenely, the creature himself, was sitting on his lovely leather chair nursing a cup of tea upon his overly massive mahogany desk, and across from the mammal sat Eraserhead, Aizawa now.

"Ah Yagi, it's good of you to finally join us!"

Gently, Toshinori sat beside Aizawa, coughing into his fist as he asked.

"Nezu sir, what do you need?" Shuffling could be heard before a slim folder was placed onto the desk, Nezu's paw on the centre.

"I was researching one of our newest students! One Keisuke Giichi. Look at what I found."


Age: 17

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: July 15 20XX

Appearance: White hair, one right green eye with a metallic eye patch on the left, freckles. (The missing eye is absent from his medical files.)

Quirk: Energy Manipulation; Allows user to manipulate a unique energy that their body produces!

Contact Details: N/A

Parent/Guardian: N/A

Emergency Contact: N/A

Personal Details: N/A

Qualifications: A+ in Maths, English, Sciences and Engineering. B+ in Politics and Psychology. C in History.

Place of Education: N/A, Extension; Subject completed their education Online, grades sent via the rewarding body.

Recommendation: N/A

Criminal Record: N/A

Medical Information: N/A

Personal Notes: An oddity, how he got passed our evaluations is suspicious, his lack of information on his record even more so. We will need a full medical evaluation from Recovery Girl and a full background check from the authorities.

Toshinori blinked once, then again.

"How did he get in? His grades are impressive, his practical score too, but he has next to no background! We have nothing on him." Nezu shuts the folder and replies coldly.

"The Board."

Aizawa visibly shuddered in his chair and inquired;

"The entire Board?" Toshinori glanced at the two and asked cluelessly.

"What is this Board?" Nezu locked his beady eyes onto Toshinori.

"The Board of Education within U.A; Politics. While I, as Principle, hold the power of U.A, the Board is a direct second to me. They vote, and if enough votes are given, can overrule my decisions. The Hero Commission controls nearly all of the Board. They're the reason why the Entrance Exam has never changed from robots, only the strongest Heroes for them."

Nezu glanced at the file.

"They saw a child with no parents, no guardians, no outside influence and a powerful quirk; and they snatched him up into U.A." Nezu shifted his eyes between the men, and folded his paws in front of him.

"If they 'scout' him, they can legally withdraw Keisuke Giichi from this school under their authority as a governmental body and place him under their 'care' as they put it."

Toshinori felt his very soul freeze in shock.

While he may not be an underground hero, Toshinori had many contacts in the Underground, mostly to keep an eye on any news of All for One, and he'd gotten whispers about the Hero Commission's training.

It was said to be worse than Hell itself.

If Young Giichi was to be inducted into its ranks, he would either die, or become a child puppet for the Hero Commission to use.

Toshinori could not allow that.

He'll do anything, even throw around his massive influence to have the Hero Commission completely ripped apart if need be; though he was hesitant, he was going to be retiring in the coming years and they, The Commission, begrudgingly were needed to stabilise Japan and her people.

"If we are to protect Young Giichi, we need to get him a legal guardian. And to do that, we need to find him; Eraserhead, the floor is yours." Nezu declared, before bowing to Aizawa.

The man slouched with a dissatisfied grunt.

"I've had no luck finding the kid. It's like he's vanished off the face of the Earth..." Toshinori folded his hands and reported.

"Perhaps because he can teleport."

That stopped the room dead.

"Teleport, Toshinori?" Nezu questions.

"Yeah, he appeared behind me a split second on top of a 7 story building with one access which I was standing in front of. If it was super speed, I would have been able to track him, but he just... appeared." Eraserhead pinched the bridge of his nose.

"This got even harder. His home could be anywhere depending on the power of his teleportation quirk." A contemplative silence befell the room before Nezu broke it.

"Then we have to do it during the school days then."

All for One expanded his senses out, letting his weaved web become his non existent eyes as he watched over Young Tomura, watching as the man-child planned an attack on U.A, on All Might, and listened to the plan; it was flawed, but would be an excellent learning experience for his ward.

Then, on the edges of his web around U.A, he felt It. Pure, unfathomable power, a well of energy, one that far outstripped One for All and his own quirk too, much to his surprise.

It was a deliciously terrible taste on his tongue, the sweet screams of the power in his ears, such a contradiction, and the scent of it; like ozone and yet absolute nothingness.

He wanted that power, Needed it far more than any quirk before, even One for All itself came second to this mighty power. With that power, He'd be able to take One for All and then the World would bow to his rule, he'd be the King.

"Little Brother... Yoichi..."

Sir Nighteye was frantic, he scribbled and wrote, his once immaculate hair a mess, his eyes so scared and terrified. All he could imagine in his mind was what he saw; that Thing. A vortex, a storm of nothingness, the opposite of reality itself.

And it all centred around a white haired boy with a sole green eye.

Even now, he can hear an echo of what he'd heard in his vision, something he'd never been able to do, nor has happened since.





It felt like something tapping on the edge of his mind, trying to get in, trying to get into reality...


All he could see, in the corner of his vision, a shadowed form, his own face with crimson eyes and a name on its tongue that he hadn't heard since he was a child.

"Hey, 'Rai..."

It was what his mother used to call him, a shortened version of his name when he was smaller.

A shiver ran down his spine as he looked over what he'd written, something beyond comprehension and a name; /**- -&* %£ $%^ /*+- and...

Izuku Midoriya...

(How are you doing whenever you read this?)

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