Chapter 4
Hello again! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Feel free to comment! I enjoy reading them! Thank you for reading! The song above is a Shawzin Unravel Cover by Dubinichev, I highly recommend you watch some of his over Shawzin covers, they're so good!
It occured to Izuku that he'd all but forgotten about his Railjack, his personal warship, The Shadow of the Void.
It was his pride and joy, a survivor of the Old War, and the once Capital Ship of the Tenno fleet. A Sungem class Battleship, decked out fully with heavy ordinance, the best weapons within the Origin System, near unbreakable shields, and the zippiest engines a Tenno can buy from the Nightwave.
Only the best for the Orokin's High General...
And right now, it would be helpful for travel beyond Lua, or just the Moon, he guessed now. He had to find what resources existed in his reality, compared to the Origin Reality; he was running low on many resources, Helminth is a hungry beast...
Whatever, that could wait for now, he had an exam to complete.
Honestly, 10 months had passed like the click of a finger, filled with intense training and skill upkeep.
And, all that hard work amounted to this single moment, Izuku Midoriya, standing outside the gates of U.A itself.
He was...
Even the decrepit Orokin Towers had more majesty than the boxy building.
It was too plain, too bright and too lacklustre for a building with such high standing all over the world.
Just like the heroes of today.
How ironic.
Bright and eye-catching from a distance, but as you get closer you realise that it's just normal with extra bedazzle.
Meh, Izuku thought, before he started to stroll in, his steps deceptively lazy, shoulders slanted to show disinterest but tensed ready for action.
Just then, his foot caught an upended brick, but before anyone could react, Izuku bullet jumped away, a beautiful twirl in the air before he landed on his feet like a cat.
He slinked away without a care in the world, not minding the wide eyed look from the other exam takers.
Sat in an auditorium, Izuku looked around at the hundreds of test takers and hero hopefuls, and wanted to sleep. The test was simple, far too simple, and nothing compared to the things he'd learned within the Origin System. What is simple maths compared to having to manipulate the Fabric of Reality at a subatomic level, to manipulate Time and Space to do your every bidding? Or learning of the Theory of Eternalism? That all Time, Past, Present and Future has and hasn't, will and won't, does and doesn't happen.
He'd derailed his original thought of going to sleep, but on the bright side, he came to full consciousness as the lights dimmed and a spotlight shone onto a stage that lifted from the ground.
Behind the podium stood a man clad in leather, clearly lanky with lean muscles, with the oddest hair style Izuku had ever seen; It stuck up like the head of a curved scythe and was bright blonde.
Izuku tilted his head, curious, as he watched the other examinees wince; had they not heard louder? He guessed not.
"Welcome to the U.A Entrance Exam! I'm your host, Present Mic, can I get a YEAH!"
Blandly, Izuku cupped his mouth and drawled.
Another bright spotlight shone onto Izuku as the hero shote finger guns at the Tenno.
"Thank you, Examinee 4792!"
'Docile still, 4792? Perhaps you need some encouragement; bring them out!'
The Man in the Wall must be having a blast, Izuku thought bitterly.
Suddenly, the room tilted, and Izuku lost himself to the Void, his mind flying out from his body as it began shutting down; memories stung at the confines of his mind, prowling like hungry wolves ready to feast.
"And you! With the unruly white hair! You delinquent! Falling asleep during an important assembly! And you are not paying attention! Perhaps you should leave, if you are not serious about becoming a Hero!"
Thankfully, Izuku was dragged from the memory torrent by yelling, at him specifically, and stared at the one who shouted at him; a teen, built like a tank, with broad shoulders, layered with runners muscles, with blue hair and rectangular glasses that glowed under the white lights.
Unknown to himself, Izuku's sole green eye glowed toxicly, as he stared at the strict boy. A thick, miasma like, pressure filled the room, suffocating the occupants until Present Mic coughed;
"R-Right! Well, Let's get back on track! The fourth robot is an obstacle, and worth ZERO points!"
'Hmm. That reminds me of a Teralyst, or perhaps a Hydrolyst...'
"And, that's a wrap folks! Get up and get loose, it's time to party! Break a Leg, and remember our Motto: GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA!!"
This time, the whole room followed suit and shouted back.
Cracking his fingers, Izuku ran his eye over the other examinees that were sitting on the bus, analysing them and breaking them down by their quirks, looks and weaknesses.
'...Purple hair; no physical training, large eyebags, Insomnia? A mental quirk? Blue hair; Lots of training, stern, educated, An engine quirk, Ingenium's relative?...'
Each exam taker shuddered at the feeling of phantom eyes scanning on their forms, like they were being torn apart, as if their souls were laid bare for the world to see.
Wheels squealed as the bus ground to a halt right before a massive set of steel gates surrounded by walls of grey concrete.
Izuku stepped off with a casual slouch, his wrist clicking as he prepared his Amp, ready for combat. The Amp hummed as raw Void energy flooded into it, lighting up neon blue as it warmed up.
Nervousness radiated in the air like a thick smog, and Izuku felt excitement; he wanted to see what his own people could bring to bear. What the top hero school could manifest in combat, in battle, would they stand up to the titans that were Grineer and Corpus or would they fall like many others?
It's time to find out.
A millisecond after, Izuku shot off in a brilliant show of radiant blue light, and appeared in the middle of a street filled with robots of varying shapes and sizes. All had numbers painted onto their forest green hull, ranging from the weak looking one-wheeled 1-Pointer to the tank like 3-Pointer.
"Enemy spotted! Activating takedown progatorive! DIE!"
A 2-Pointer crawled towards Izuku, its spidery legs clanging as a tail appeared behind the metal monstrosity. But, as it got closer, it was cut clean through, leaving a gaping, red hot wound right through its head.
"Well, that's two points."
Izuku jogged up to the remnants and studied the bot, the plating was flimsy, its Intelligence systems were completely horrendous, and its weapons were like being hit with wet paper.
"My disappointment is immeasurable."
And proceeded to turn and blast a 1-Pointer in the head.
"And my day is ruined."
With that sad declaration, Izuku wrapped himself in the Void and blasted further into the city, taking out some more of the weaker bots until he happened upon a 3-Pointer.
"That's a big one."
It was rarer than the 1 and 2 Pointers, and clearly built differently too. It had two tank treads, and on its shoulders two rocket pads with massive fists; this was made for destruction.
"Why haven't the rest of you gone?! There's no countdown to being a Hero! GO GO GO! Follow the white haired kid!"
By this point, Izuku was well into his twenties and the game had only been going on for a few minutes. It was here that Izuku realised that he hadn't shown off his more physical capabilities: only his 'Quirk' and decided to go and tumble with the bots.
Lowering his right hand to his waist, Izuku called a weapon that had allowed him to cut bloody swaths through the Origin System. In a flash of blue, appeared a long, thin blade; ornate with gold and styled like the ancient Japanese Katana, Nikana Prime.
Drawing it, along the blade ran a toxic green energy almost as if it was dripping, and twirling it around, Izuku held it in a reverse grip, his legs held steadily apart; Four rockets head towards him, and Izuku reacted like lightning, cutting and deflecting them before running towards his prey with lethal intent.
A single strike upwards and the 3-Pointer was cut in two; metal armour corroded and wires completely destroyed.
"I'll study these bots later; they may be useful, if upgraded. If not, their scrap will be most useful."
Crowded in a blacked out room, a dozen or so staff members watched the exam with peeled eyes and notes at the ready. Two watched a particular examinee with interest; and it was All Might who pointed it out first.
"Look at this one."
All eyes flickered over to an armed and dangerous examinee. White hair flowing as if in water as he obliterated any enemy bots in his path, whilst healing fallen comrades with a flow of pastel green energy; or watched as he pulled out a full on sword from thin air and sliced a 3-Pointer in half with a single strike.
Eraserhead then spoke from his shadowed corner;
"I've met him once, calm and collected; far too experienced for a normal teen." Then, on his spinning, leather seat, a white creature, scar over his left eye, let out a maniacal laugh.
"Yes, but can you not feel it?" Most of the staff shook their heads.
"Ah, I suppose not, animal instincts and all. But, that child is a Hunter, a Killer, a Shadow in the night. A Void that sucks all life into it." All Might clutches his right side and coughs out.
"I met him too, about ten months back. He's much more powerful than he looks. There's more to him than meets the eye." From the front, Snipe clicked his tongue.
"That a pun I 'ear, All Might?" Flustered, All Might responded.
"No, No! I was just saying there's more to him than we can see!" Eraserhead dipped his head.
"I know a Problem Child when I see one. I'll take him."
Nezu, the rat-bear-dog creature, leaned forward, cup of tea in hand and chuckled.
"Well then, let's get the true test going!"
His pawed hand pounded against a Big Red Button.
Inside the arena, Izuku kept going, his blade and Void energy rending the bots to oblivion as he twisted and jumped around the city, sometimes picking up and healing the odd exam taker that had fallen. He would have continued, but the city decided to shake it up, literally, as the Zero Pointer entered the fray.
"Huh, that's not a building."
The Zero Pointer was about as tall as a Hydrolyst, but much thicker than one; it also lacked any weapons, any shields, or mini minions that it could summon. What it did have, however, was the same lumbering and almost lost speed.
Hand raised, Izuku pressed the left side of his forehead, right over his disguised comm link and muttered quietly.
"Aegis, is Chroma Prime on Standby still?" An exuberant voice answered.
"Of course, Operator! Ready for Transference when ready!"
Whirring filled the air, before silence fell over the arena as a supernova of neon blue spread throughout the air, and crimson fire scattered in all directions, followed by the roar of a titan.
Standing as tall as Rhino, Chroma Prime stood, his fanged tail whipping about as his magmatic armour rumbled with chaotic energies. Jet black with galactic purples, Izuku had outfitted his Chroma Prime with the looks that would later be dubbed The Night Hunter.
(A/N: This is what Izuku's Chroma Prime looks like!)
On his back was a set of bony, ebony wings, sharp and deadly, and on one of the magnetic locks, holstered, was Izuku's deadliest sniper; Rubico Prime.
Shuddering with a midnight purple, Izuku released his Vex Armour, then pulled out his Rubico, one he'd named himself, Shatterpoint, and took aim.
If one had the thought to touch one of the bullets kept inside, they would find their hand completely melted off by the massive corrosiveness that they contained.
A calming breath, and the pressing of a trigger, before the ringing melody of gun fire echoed across the area as a single bullet shredded through the air, multiplying itself multiple times before it struck true on the titan bots head.
The metallic armour of the titan did nothing to protect it as it's armour was completely eviscerated, and main systems destroyed, which caused the bot to fail catastrophically...
All across the bot, explosions rang out, joints blown out, armour torn apart and chunks fell to the ground with a heavy clunk.
"A clean kill."
Silence filled the air, like the world itself had paused to think; no birds tweeting, no winds howling, nor the whispering of people. Absolute silence.
That which was broken by the exclamations of shock and awe, followed by the clamouring as Present Mic shouted over the arena.
As the ending siren rang out, Izuku let his Transference Link go, and Chroma was taken back to the Orbiter for R&R in a flash of neon blue, leaving Izuku in his human form.
Holding out his right arm, a Codex scanner in hand, Izuku started to gather the remnant bots, including the Zero Pointer, and transported them to his Orbiter for scrapping, studying or upgrading. A little side quest to go alongside completing the Entrance Exam.
And, with his tasks completed, Izuku decided to search; he'd seen the aftermath of the Old War, the horrors and sights of war and knew of the casualties that amounted in these kinds of zones.
Sure enough, trapped underneath a mound of rubble was a plain looking girl with mousy brown hair, rosy pink cheeks and blood pouring down the side of her face. Injured, pretty badly too.
Delicately, Izuku extracted the unconscious girl and carried her safely towards the entrance of the arena, where he was met with a stout woman, getting on in her old years, with silver hair, a nurses' outfit and a massive needle which she used as a cane.
"Oh dear. Come here, lay her down softly, we don't want to hurt her more, sweetie."
Following the order, Izuku laid the girl flat and watched as the elderly woman's lips extended to unbelievable lengths and planted a wet kiss on the younger girl's forehead. A light green glow emanated from the girl as her wounds stitched up like they had never been there and Izuku's mind clicked the pieces of the jigsaw together.
"You're Recovery Girl, the Youthful Heroine." The heroine looked to Izuku and shot back.
"So I am, what about it?" Izuku tilted his head.
"Nothing. I was just... stating it aloud." The lady huffed.
"Is that all? Then get going, I'll be needing more space, and you're taking up an entire bed."
So, Izuku at the behest of an old woman's threatening cane, made his way out of the infirmary and towards the main gates, ignoring everyone that was looking at him in awe and envy, unaware of the chaos he had sowed in both the student body and the staff themselves.
One week later...
Izuku stretched his limbs as Aegis announced.
"Operator! I have received a signal from your PO box! A letter has arrived in your inbox!" Exhaling, Izuku cracked his neck and politely asked Aegis.
"Take us to Hosu, Aegis."
A blip of blue filled the daytime sky as the Orbiter rocketed towards Hosu at untold speeds, and in a mere handful of seconds, it floated above the location dropoff. From his deployment area, Izuku wiggled, then muttered darkly.
"I really should get a better deployment system..."
Then, he felt the cylinder spin as he dropped into the streets of Hosu, landing like a feline onto the top of a building and shaking the dust off himself that had accumulated on him during his landing. While he appeared unarmed, he was equipped, hidden up his sleeves, with exploding shurikens; Hikou Prime.
Alas, he didn't need them as he got his letter, stamped clearly with the U.A signet in red wax, and left soon after, getting back to his Orbiter with no hassle.
Sat in a meditative stance, Izuku stared at the letter in his hands. If he didn't get in, it wasn't the end of the world, he could go to other Hero Schools, perhaps the one in New York, they trained International Heroes after all.
First though, he had to open the letter; ripping the seal, Izuku watched as a small metallic disc fell to the floor, before lighting up with a holographic video.
Peacefully, Izuku watched the buffed up All Might rattle through useless ceremonies, his eyebleeding pinestripped yellow suit too obnoxiously distracting to focus until it changed to a picture of a score board.
Sat comfortably at the top was Izuku's alias, Keisuke Giichi with 80 villain points and 74 rescue points.
"It's time to begin. Aegis, prepare..."
"Maykr Prime"
(Hey, how are ya doing?)
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