Chapter 25
Oh my! Hello there! I'm sorry for being so so so late! Things happen and stuff, life ya know? But! Here's a new chapter, I hope y'all enjoyed the holiday seasons! And happy new year am I right? Anywho, the song above is The Rot by Aviators, A fitting song and one I really like!
Wings cut desperately through the air as Izuku galloped his noble steed, he was so close now, so close to his goal that he could practically taste it on the tip of his tongue, the sweet allure of victory. Wind whipped about like lashes, snapping and biting as it conformed around Izuku, his ragged clothes pressing deep into his skin due to the force at which Izuku rocketed towards the archipelago.
Dark clouds gathered as forces clashed, red lightning arcing through the blackened skies clashing with beams of void blue, a battle of control over this little oddity of a realm. Twisting quickly, Izuku dodged a strike of the crimson death, watching as it sank into the primordial void soup that suspended the islands in whatever limbo they were in as he approached, his own aura now flaring as viridian flooded the realm.
Life bloomed across the islands, as grass bloomed and flowers of all colours rose from the once bleak grounds, filling the monochrome with colour and life.
The war that broke out settled for a moment, the lights and power halting the feeling and sinking into the vast power that Izuku had given out, a serene peace falling into place like a lost piece to an old puzzle long forgotten.
Hooves scored deep into the rich earth as Izuku and John came to a halt, Voidic energy lapping off Izuku like the coming of a tsunami, his singular glowing eye drinking in the surroundings as he reached out once more, his mind's eye searching for his brother.
However, that serenity ended as the two forces clashed once more, and Izuku focused his energy outwards, feeling the tethered that strung the very reality he stood in together, following the intricate webs and patterns to two fonts, a bundle of shattered crimson and a soothingly warm blue battling it out in the phantom airs around them.
This... This was worse than he had anticipated.
Emotions, high, powerful and all consuming were flooding the void, Love and Hate, Brother and Enemy, Fire and Ice; the paradise that Izuku had saw from afar was soon engulfed in a massive storm, the Void itself reacting and moulding to the emotions of those who were embroiled in its Indifferent grasp.
He needed to find Rell, his Rell. And he needed it done yesterday...
Yet, if he was to involve himself in this fight, he ran the risk of breaking the First Time, the Origin Point of reality, the sole timeline in which all others branch from; if he was to break it, to shatter what was written by beings greater than he, then the cataclysm that would follow would be beyond any reckoning that his mortal mind could begin to comprehend.
No, it was already nearing that point, that sole tipping point, where the Origin is shattered and what was written, what was being written and what was going to be written all would undo themselves to form whatever unholy offspring would come of such a union. His Rell and the Twisted Rell of this line were never supposed to meet, something was tugging at the seams, undoing the unwritten and filling in the blanks before they could be true.
Whatever he chose, his own point was irrelevant, he needed to Find Rell and get out of this hellscape before it collapsed in on itself.
Rearing back, Izuku heeled the side of his noble companion, and they swiftly galloped towards the mass of islands interconnected with honeycombed land. John booked it, his unnatural body having no need of the mortal limitations of an actual functioning body and felt no need to stop as they grew ever closer to the awaiting storm.
Chaotic lightning struck all around the riding duo as they bolted into the storm, buffeted by strong winds and harsher sands as they got ever close and Izuku drew up his makeshift mask, a stitching together cloth that covered the lower half of his face, including his mouth and nose, with thick black tinted goggles to cover his eyes.
What he hadn't expected was for a truly titanic hand to appear from the storm and swipe at him, easily taking John out of the picture, much to Izuku's distress as he glared at the offending limb, following it towards its body as he rolled to a stop within the dying grass around him.
It was...
Clearly of Orokin make, with marble like skin as white as snow with galactic eyes with a truly unnerving if familiar grin on its face with a crown of gold wreathed like that of an ancient roman emperor on its head.
'Where did this come from?'
The storm...
Caused by high emotions...
That was inside the Void itself, a pocket deeper that ran deeper than Albrecht Entrati had ever fallen...
"Well. Shit."
Did you think you were rid of me?
This little gap, this pause?
No, this was but time for my resolve to strengthen, and my powers to awaken...
The First has grown more, the lines expand indefinite, the future and past is written once more.
New pathways have emerged, and some have closed, but my freedom grows ever closer to fruition.
Even now, as we speak, my Murmurs are breaching this thin Wall that binds me, and soon I will be free.
But you care not for my plight, not for my struggles nor my will to be free, I am but a villain.
Now watch as I rend everything you love asunder.
"Welcome back folks!! The Sports Festival continues, yesterday we had the Third Year Finale, with their champion Tamaki Amajiki!" Present Mic boomed, his voice bouncing off the stadium walls as the crowd hyped up.
"AAANnnnddd! Now we're rolling, right into the deep with the Finale with the First Year Tournament!" The Voice Hero continued on, "As with the rest, Mr. 'Raser, take it away!!"
"Sigh." Before the exhausted voice could continue, Mic butted it.
"Why'd you audibly say sigh again?!" Yet, the answer was lost in the crowd as Mr. 'Raser pushed on.
"Anyways. If you would move your eyes towards the screen, you're going to watch as the brackets are sorted out. Randomised, obviously." As if by command, all eyes within the stadium ground locked onto the super screen hanging above the spectators box as 16 names shuffled as behind the scenes, the heroes of U.A. span a wheel.
1 Tenya Iida Vs. Jun Yuuki
2 Eijiro Kirishima Vs. Aoki Touma
3 Shoto Todoroki Vs. Tsuyu Asui
4 Neito Monoma Vs. Fumikage Tokoyami
5 Itsuka Kendo Vs. Momo Yaoyorozu
6 Hayami Ayaka Vs. Habiki Yamato
7 Hitoshi Shinsou Vs. Ochako Uraraka
8 Katsuki Bakugou Vs. Mei Hatsume
"Wow wow! Look at those matchups! Get those First Years ready! The matches will begin in 10 minutes! Wait, 10 minutes! Ya got that right, we're jumping right into this, so better be ready!" Roars of joy echoed the stadium, the people ready to be entertained through combat like the days of the old Roman Empire.
"In the meantime, whilst we prepare, have some entertainment." Mr. 'Raser told the crowd dryly.
From the centre stage, a hologram appeared, it shifted until a tall, armoured being appeared, pale blue as the being raised what looked to be an oddly shaped gun; on the opposite side of the barrel was a grotesque creature, its jaws split into mandibles with rows of jagged teeth lining all four as they broke open in a roar.
"As you can see, some of our wonderful Second years have put together this! From what I've been told, it is a virtual reality simulation from a popular pre-quirk game called... HALO!" On the hologram, the tall humanoid opened fire, the crackling of their gun snapping at the even taller beast, whose hand had burst open with energy, a two pronged sword that wafted with heat and power.
"Using a device called a Virtual Reality Holographic Augmentation, a collaboration creation between the classes of our Second Years' you can experience your favourite games as if YOU were a part of the game itself!" As Present Mic finished, the Hologram leaped up, a wicked looking knife inched closer to the beast's serpentine like neck before it cut off.
"This will soon be coming to stores all around Japan, so keep your eyes out! This is a real... GAME CHANGER!"
Groans followed Present Mic's terrible joke as a muffled yelp sounded over the speakers before Mr. 'Raser's voice took over.
"Hm. Looks like they're going to be showing quite a few, ah well. Keep your eyes on them and the set up time will fly by."
10 minutes of gameplay later, the crowd sighed in relief as the hologram faded away, and was replaced with the fluid concrete of Cementoss' quirk, as a stage solidified with boundaries set and everything; as soon as the stage was finished, a tall podium directly next to it shot up, parallel to the centre point as Midnight sauntered up, waving towards the commentators box.
"Folks, it looks like we're ready! Our referees are Midnight and Cementoss! The first challengers are approaching! On the right, we have Tenya Iida from 1-A, the Spinner himself! And on the left, we have Jun Yuuki from 1-C!"
From the right, Iida petered up onto the stage, clearly flustered from his introduced as his opponent slumped onto the left; the inspirational boy from 1-C knew his limits, and he also knew that it wasn't possible for him to win, it took time for his quirk to work, and against a speedster of the Ingenium lineage, it was always going to be an unfair fight. On the side, Midnight strolled leisurely onto the long pillar beside the stage as her voice dropped into a low, sultry tone.
"Ehehe! Calm down, there we are... Now. Listen closely, the rules are simple, elimination is by either knock out or being removed from the boundaries of this hear ring! There is to be no serious bodily harm, nor killing of the opponent, though I shouldn't have to tell you that!" The crowd roared with energy, and Midnight shot them a grin.
"On 1, the match will begin! 3...! 2...! 1!"
Blue flames blazed on the back of Iida's calves as the mutation of his quirk fired on all cylinders, his eyes glinting with determination as he blitzed his opponent, his mouth moving to say a quick,
"I'm sorry, but I have to win this!"
Silence befell the crowd at the stunningly quick victory, it took the blue haired speedster 5 seconds to traverse the long pitch and throw his opponent off the edge. Then, bellows filled the air as the crowd celebrated the victory with hollers and grins.
"What on Earth?!?! It's over?!" Flabbergasted, it could be heard when Present Mic turned to his college.
"It's simple. Tenya Iida's quirk is Engine, which causes his calves to form quite literal engines in his calves, allowing for a great amount of speed. Jun Yuuki's quirk, Inspiration, however, needs time to both be spoken and to take effect, which Iida negated with his blitz." Mr. 'Raser broke down efficiently for the more slow minded of the crowd.
"Well... Tenya Iida moves onto the next round! Up next in the brackets are Eijiro Kirishima vs. Aoki Touma! Ya get 10 minutes, combatants!"
In the background, Tsuyu turned to her friend, her voice her usual blunt style.
"Kero. Where do you think Giichi is?" The bird headed boy turned to face the frog girl as Dark Shadow popped out of his shoulder.
"I am unsure, and truthfully, I find it better to know not what our ally does. I long to stare into the abyss, but the abyss that Giichi colludes with is beyond my understanding." Tsuyu held her finger to her cheek and croaked.
"So you don't know, and you don't want to know, got it." The shadowed quirk cackled.
"She's got you there, Fumi!" Agitated, the boy shot back.
"Shadow, enough." Berated, the shadow pouted before retreating into Tokoyami's body. Tokoyami grunted before turning back to his friend.
"Tsu, my froggy friend, will you take part in your round?" His answer was left floating in the air for a minute as the greenette pondered.
"Probably not. Kero. Todoroki is the worst matchup I could have gotten, hypothermia and all, so I'll probably surrender before it begins." Sagely, Tokoyami nodded.
"That is rather understandable, as Sun Tzu said, He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious." Tokoyami turned. "You cannot fight him now, but later, when you have grown you will. I know this." Tsuyu snorted quietly.
"You do love your quotes, don't you? Kero." Tsuyu then turned, her wide eyes glancing at the pitch as she spoke.
"The match is about to begin."
Each opponent stared at each other, eyes glinting with fierce determination before Midnight perked up.
"You all know the rules, No killing or serious bodily harm! Other than that, have fun!" The seductress grinned.
Kirishima's quirk activated, sparks flying as his skin hardened into thick stone like plating, his teeth bared in a savage grin as he shouted.
"How about we fist fight?! Man on Man?!" Yuuki blinked, his steel grey eyes hesitant before his quirk activated, bone white bark crawling down his skin as his form distorted and formed into something new.
"So be it, 1-A." The boy grew in size, rising like an ancient oak tree from his original size of 5"6 to a terrifying size, nearly as tall as Mount Lady, with lanky arms, too long to be human arms, and a twisted face, a wide gaping maw and unsettlingly empty eye sockets. Two large, buck-like antlers protruded from the base of the wooden menace's skull, grasping the air like lightning as the bone white bark sheened under the midday sun. A natural made wooden Mech suit.
"This isn't what I meant!!" Yelped the red haired boy as a clawed hand slammed into him, wrapping tightly around his body and throwing him down with enough force to fracture the stage on which they were fighting.
"It doesn't matter, I need to win."
"Would you look at that?! A dark horse has appeared! Jun Yuuki from class 1-D is here! Already this match is off to a smashing start!" The stadium once again collectively groaned as Mr. 'Raser interjected.
"Jun Yuuki, his quirk is a hybrid Transformation-Emitter quirk; Iron Bark. It allows him to grow a bark-like substance from his body which he can manipulate to whatever he wants it to be." Mr. 'Raser broke down clinically.
"Eijiro Kirishima, however, has a purely Transformation quirk, Hardening, which allows his body to harden to withstand forces exerted upon him." There was a lull, before the quiet man continued.
"Now it is a contest of wills, which one can hold out longer."
On the field, Kirishima grinned at the wooden titan, his hands clenching into claws as he grunted out.
"Heh. If you think that'll stop me, think again! Get ready!" Using a surprising amount of speed, Kirishima leaped towards the lumbering titan and used his hardened digits to claw into the bark, his arms working overtime to overpower the bark as he started to climb up the titan. Said titan began to shake, rustling itself as if they were a dog trying to get a flea from their fur as Kirishima clinged on, his crimson eyes flaring with determination as he fought on upwards.
"You think you win!?" The titan's wooden face creaked eerily, looking directly at the red haired boy as it spoke.
In an instant, the titan moved beyond a lumbering that its size belied, a breakneck speed that threw Kirishima off like a ragdoll, causing the boy to roll across the ring's floor leaving a deep scar within the concrete; it moved like a flowing wave, a ferocious might that batted the rock headed boy from 1-A into the ground. Vines writhed from the titan's form, like that of an ancient creature of the abyss, a power beyond mortal reckoning as it shunted forward at its glaringly inhumane speed, all four limbs boosting its like a wild animal as it charged down the immobilised boy.
The incarnate of Nature's Wrath...
"Oh hell!" Kirishima barked, his hands shaking as he clutched the ground.
Memories unbidden flowed into his mind, a fear seeded deep within his heart, an inferno hidden by the bravado of bravery. One from days of young naivety and peace; of a terror-inducing titan towering over his classmates and...
He did nothing.
Frozen as he was, Kirishima was unprepared for the massive blow that hit his chest, the wood mecha striking him hard and true, flinging him as if he were but a meek child's toy right to the edge of the ring, his armour cracking under his wavering willpower and stamina. Fractures fell from his arms, his chest and fingers as his hardened skin peeled away, leaving him a weak loser again, powerless against such a large power.
"WHAT a turnover!! Kirishima has been pushed to. The. BRINK. Will he survive or will he fall?!"
A harrowing voice hummed from the titan, almost mocking in its tone.
"Is this all the might 1-A can bring to bear? Pitiful." Fresh agony coursed through Kirishima's body, his muscles aching a miserable burn as he grunted out a low.
"Not yet."
Within the stands of the 1-A watching area, the class were watching with bated breath, praying and cheering for Kirishima to win before Bakugou of all people barked out.
"You extras don't need to pray. That hair for brains will win." All eyes within the 1-A area locked onto Bakugou, all of them burning with pure shock and confusion.
'Bakugou is being nice?!?!'
"YOU DUMB IDIOTS! I CAN BE NICE!!" The blonde exploded.
'There he is...'
Upon his desk, Nezu looked over at his employee, black doll-like eyes boring into electric blue ones as the rodent hero chirped.
"All Might, All Might! Welcome, how are you?" Nezu grinned at the gaunt man.
"Nezu, I'm alright, is there something you need?" This is why Nezu had a liking towards the Number One, All Might was always reliable, 'tis why he was the pillar of Society after all, and even Nezu relied on the man sometimes.
And, say what you will about the man, he's no idiot, just lost in the clouds - Hem Hem, Aizawa (Said man shuddered in his seat as he overlooked the Festival) - and had a keen intellect that was rarely seen.
"Caught on, did you?" Nezu questioned, before he continued on, "No matter. As All Might, as the Number One Hero of Japan, and perhaps, the World, what is the worst thing you've ever come across? The most heinous, the darkest you've seen of Humanity." Across from Nezu, the gutted hero blinked in confusion before answering with a wavering voice.
"It was during my days as Durge, when I was All Might in the Day, and Durge in the Night. I was on the trail of All for One, deep in the Underground when I stumbled upon this... hellscape." Slumping in his chair, Toshinori grimaced at the mere memory.
"A large underground complex filled with what could only be described as rotting corpses walking. The smell... Oh god..." Toshinori gagged.
"They were no normal corpses either, bloated red bulbous growths all over their body, writhing tendrils reaching from their forms, and their bodies covered in this terrible black mass. They shouldn't have been living, be walking yet they were, scurrying around like rats, ants gathering matter that was then engulfed and inducted into their hive." Nezu's face fell, grim and horror mixed into one.
"They have already tested it? All Might, what did you do with them? I need to know!" Toshinori's back straightened, his eyes burning.
"I collapsed the entire lab. Smashed it into dust and rubble." Nezu leaned back.
"How long ago was this?" Toshinori pondered.
"Close to 7 years ago? I remember it being 2 years before I fought All for One and retired my Durge persona." In that moment, Nezu's quirk fired off, High Specs burning through his veins as dots connected.
On the files obtained from the Commission, Project Blackwing was started 9 years ago, and with the project being one intensive year of 'training' before the augmentation the next, and right after that bookmarked week of augmentation, Project Wildfyre was started. The dots were rather simple, with the picture coming together, why waste more resources if they could get their washouts to be functioning with the evolution virus and mechanical enhancements.
The Wildfyre Virus was tested on the failed Augmented Heroes...
"They're not dead..." Fear unlike anything Nezu had felt before coursed through his veins.
Right underneath Japan was a tomb of damn near unkillable super enhanced corpses that could spread a world ending virus somehow.
"By whatever God is listening..."
Pieces were moving, a new board was being set and the old was slowly being whittled down as Nezu realised just how utterly unprepared anyone was to this new world that was coming to fruition...
Everything was on the line, the lives of his dear students, the livelihood of the people of the world and the life of every life that lived on Earth.
Buried long within the confines of their stone coffin, the shambles of the Spawn echoed, the dull grey of their tomb holding within death untold as they gathered around Mother, basking in Her glory, Her might as She hummed Her soft lullaby, Her amalgam form a safe haven for the Spawn as they prayed to Her.
All in One, each body shared one Mind, shared One soul, shared their collective knowledge within Her.
With her eyes as black as the all consuming Void, a maw so wide to devour the world and Her mutated body hardened with bone white chitin covering Her once flesh and blood as She stood solemn and cold, silent in her vigil as She stares blankly at the cold walls of their shared tomb. Each Spawn added their harvest to Her form, awe and zeal in their every move as the writhing tentacles that made up Her limbs snatched the matter as She absorbed them onto herself.
"I... Am... A monument to all of your sins..."
Oh dear.
Things have gone awry.
No matter.
(I hope y'all enjoyed this!)
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