Chapter 23
Heyo people! I hope y'all are all good! Sorry for the wait, I've been having a tad bit of writers block and life is meh right now, but! Here's another chapter for ya! Thank you for your support, it truly does mean a lot to me! And the song above is Die in A Fire by the Living Tomestone!
It started, not with a huge battle, not with blood and quirks flying left and right, but with a single, tiny explosion.
Silence filled the stadium, the 40 contestants eyeing their pillars with thought, plans and actions running amok in their minds, figuring out how to climb the ladder to the top.
Neito Monoma and his compatriots at the top were sweating.
Out of nowhere, Bakugou shot up, his hands propelling him upwards towards the four central pillars, his eyes glowing crimson, blazing with the promise of victory as he thundered through the air. Blitzing the first pillar, he blew the person who had mounted it apart, stealing their position as he stood his ground, his teeth gnashing together as he snarled, it was reminiscent of a guard dog, almost.
Following up, Todoroki built his own way up, a towering pillar of icy frost pierce the sky, and on top of it was Todoroki, his eyes burning with the frigid winds of an arctic winter, promising a slow and agonising death. He had frozen most of the lower ranks with ease, trapping them on their spires for easy collection later, and aimed right for the top, imagining them as Endeavour.
Hate boiled over and a huge iceberg appeared, completely covering most of the stadium in bitter ice.
Using his moment, Todoroki knocked off another, a green haired girl, and claimed the top spot, shooting a glacier at the threat he perceived to be dangerous, Monoma.
Only as soon as he iced the boy, he was soon overtaken as Momo knocked him off, offering a small apology as she began to fortify the pillar, with high walls and... is that a machine gun?! Multiple machine guns?!
Then, his glacier exploded, Neito Monoma grinning maniacally with a crown gleaming brightly on his head, as his body transformed, his once pale skin becoming a metallic steel, glinting harshly with the dying explosions in his palms as he tanked the acid thrown at him by Ashido.
On the bottom, Todoroki glared before firing himself up again, ice flowing beneath him as he shot up like a rocket, towards his target. Yaoyorozu was out of the equation, she was far too fortified to take on at the moment, a literal siege would only exhaust him and that was something he could not afford.
Yet, he was foiled as Asui leaped at him, her legs quickly striking him with the ferocity of a wild tiger and he was once more thrown down and Asui began to ascend herself, her frog like abilities making this a walk in the park for her as she defended herself from whoever tried attacking her.
"And it's begun!!! Observe! It's all going down, Mr. 'Raser, give the people a break down!" Pure exhaustion leaked through the microphone.
"The four tallest mountains are worth the most, meaning that if you get on one and keep it, you'll basically win. Only 16 people can make it through, so it'll be an... uphill battle, one could say."
Absolute dead silence.
A tumbleweed rolled through the now paused stadium.
"Anyways. Bakugou Katsuki made the first move, blitzing one of the peaks with his explosions. His talent at drawing out his quirk's potential is uncanny, and it showed in his clinical takeover of the first Mountain." Mr. 'Raser bulldozed on.
"Shouto Todoroki followed, using his advanced ice manipulation to build his way up whilst simultaneously blocking the lower levels from climbing higher, a smart move on his part. His flaw, however, was tunnel vision as he forgot his other opponents." The breakdown continued.
"Which was promptly exploited by Yaoyorozu Momo, Heiress to Yaoyorozu Industries. Using her quite frankly broken quirk, she overtook Todoroki's position and fortified it into... that." All eyes peered at the second pillar, seeing a bristling arsenal of weaponry and firepower that made the Americans watching cry tears of awe.
Tsuyu attacked next, using her springboards - ahem - people, to climb towards Kuroiro's pillar. Snapping like that of a cracking whip, Tsuyu's tongue lashed at the shadow boy, instantly making said boy yelp in pain as he was thrown away from the sheer power Tsuyu had put into her tongue. With no protector, Tsuyu leaped up, claiming her place on the hierarchy as she used her tongue to snap at any who tried to claim her territory; suddenly, her throat expanded as a pocket of acid rose within, her neck bulging out on either side, ready to fire at any threat that got too close for comfort.
"I'm still caught up on the fact that Mr. 'Raser himself said a joke! Or... Maybe you're an imposter!" A lazy grunt sounded.
"No." Mr. 'Raser shot down, before he continued, "Tsuyu used her quirk to a masterful degree, her use of all of its aspects easily allowing her to claim a top spot. Perhaps she'll be able to hold out." Present Mic coughed into his palm.
"Still think you're fake... Anyways! Before my totally real colleague cuts me off, I'm gonna remind y'all that only 16 of ya can make it through! The lowest scoring will be cut from the competition!"
At the very bottom, between all the pillars, no one took notice of the dozens of robots weaving between, their glowing crimson eyes glaring up as they calculated how to crush their assigned targets.
"Oh? What's this? Is this one of Nezu's schemes?" All eyes flitted down to the ground, the crowd dramatically gasping in surprise.
"Robot Hellscape! AHAHAHA!" Nezu's squeaky yet maniacal laugh sent shivers down all of the people's spines.
"As you can see, my little demons will slowly work down the pillars until only 16 remain! So be careful, a touch on the ground is instant disqualification now!" Suddenly, Nezu added on.
"And do not destroy the robots!" Stutteringly, Present Mic continued.
"Aha. Well. The Boss man has spoken! New rules everybody!"
A loud buzzer rang out, then another, and another. Pillars were dropping like flies and the fighting really picked up, quirks were firing on all cylinders and fighting prowess was on full display as the final sixteen pillars stood tall over a graveyard of shattered pillars, a harsh battleground between the first years, who were slugging it out in a massive duel of fates.
Bakugou was red faced, his once confident if gnarly grin was instead a blank look of pure concentration as he fought off the attackers, maintaining his hold on the number 1 pillar, his palms emitting large clouds of black soot and ash as he clenched them.
Todoroki was shivering, his entire right side was covered in frost, the air around him an arctic blizzard as he held onto one of the lower of the sixteen pillars, his breath visible as he glared upwards, knowing that he couldn't push any further without causing his body to fail him. Oh, he tried to, but his body was far too frozen to move any more, and he was locked in an ever shifting defence of what little he could hold, which was the 11th pillar.
Tsuyu, with her frog like anatomy, was currently trying to stave off her hibernation; Todoroki's unruly use of his ice had cause the atmosphere in the stadium to freeze over, which wasn't a suitable environment for her, with her cold blooded ness and all. But, the continuous movements she did helped keep her blood pumping and warm, and while her kicks were more sluggish and less powerful, they were still deadly effective in controlling the immediate area around the 7th pillar .
Yaoyorozu had nested. Fort Genesis was not going to be taken by force any time soon; the 2nd pillar had gained barbed wire around it, spirling all the way to the ground meaning anyone who tried to physically climb the pillar was in for a very bad time and even if they managed to get to the top, Yaoyorozu's literal entrenchment with a bunker and multiple A.I. controlled sentry units, Courtesy of Yaoyorozu Industries in partnership with Conagher Engineering Corporation, made it quite impossible to crack through brute force and no one had the capabilities nor the firepower it would need to break the defences.
Defence was Monoma's main plan. Once he had been overthrown from his top pillar, he had lain low and swooped in to take pillar 15, he knew any higher and it would paint him as a target, with his quirk many viewed him as the most dangerous and versatile piece that was on the board at the moment. He knew that being disqualified was something he couldn't afford, and he mainly focused on getting through to the third and final round. He would prove them wrong...
Confusion was Hatsume's weapon, she used her vast collection of support equipment to not only beat back hordes of hero wannabes and others but also showcase her skills in engineering, defence, fighting and hero support. Her weapons caught the eye of many weaponsmiths, and her support equipment was enough for many companies to inquire about taking her on as an intern almost immediately. Say what you will about Hatsume, but none could deny the once in a lifetime genius she was with technology and her technology allowed her to hold onto pillar number 9.
Uraraka usurped pillar 6 with ease, her quirk was made for this kind of situation. Zero Gravity was a genuine threat, and she made the most use of it by removing the gravity of any attackers before body slamming them towards the ground, the place where they would be disqualified if they were to touch, which many did. Soon, people noticed her power and left her alone, sitting proudly with a grin on her face.
Tenya Iida was on pillar 16; funnily enough, he was the only one not to change positions during the entire fight, and he played mighty defensively, and later, he would cower in embarrassment at his tactic. He had turtled, and used his surprising flexibility to do the splits upside down before he... Beybladed his way to victory, spinning with a vicious streak that if anyone tried to fight him, they received only a devastating kick.
In Hosu, an armour-clad hero was so distracted by his little brother's antics that he missed the suspicious man lingering in the alleyway beside him...
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow dominated pillar 4; only Bakugou had been enough to fully take on Dark Shadow, his Explosions were powerful and bright which cowered Dark Shadow into submission. Yet, even in the daylight and surrounded by explosions, no one could truly fight against Dark Shadow, who was a beast in combat, an incorporeal being who could take damage as much as he could dish it back out. Unless it was light, such as the weapons wielded by the General Studies student.
Speaking of which, to everyone's surprise a General Studies student, one Hayami Ayaka, managed to claim a rather hefty prize. Her quirk was a rather powerful light based creation quirk, similar to Yaoyorozu's, but limited to light made weapons. Arsenal was a powerhouse of a quirk, and wielded in the hands of Ayaka, it was a stupidly powerful quirk, her expertise on weaponry was unrivalled, and she knew how to fight with any weapon summoned. Halbert? Scimitar? A literal catapult? She knew how to use them to scary lethality and it showed in her total control of the 3rd pillar.
If one was to pay attention, they would have noticed the stealth takeover of the fifth pillar. Shinsou had used his quirk and almost innate stealth like grace to take the 5th pillar with ease, and while his hand to hand combat was... minimal at best, it could be worked on easily. What caught the eyes of many eager heroes and civilians was this one's quirk; they hadn't seen it in action and theories were running wild on what kind of quirk it could be.
Smack dab in the middle sat Kirishima, his rocky stability and immovable demeanour made it rough for anyone to fight him; it was like being trapped between a rock and a chasm. Hardening allowed him to absorb any attacks thrown at him whilst also providing him with a fair amount of power to put behind any attack he threw at his opponents. He had claimed the 8th pillar as his own, easily batting back any who tried to take the structure.
Upon the 10th pillar sat Itsuka Kendo, the class president of 1-B and a rather fearsome fighter. Her quirk, Big Fist was both a blessing and a curse in the fight, it granted her amazing strength to fight with, but it also increased the size of her hands, meaning it was much easier to knock her off balance. While her fighting prowess was on par with the others, her quirk set her back due to its unwieldy nature in the kind of arena that she was confined within. And yet, even with such a handicap, she clung onto the 10th pillar with a fiery determination.
Next on the roster was Aoki Touma; similar to Kirishima, their quirk Iron Bark allowed for them to play in a purely defensive manner, in which they followed Yaoyorozu's lead and built a fortress around their pillar with their Bark. The wooden shell was highly impervious to physical damage, able to withstand many of the blows that came towards Touma, and allowed them to maintain their position on the 13th pillar. Truthfully, Touma could have reached further, but they didn't want to dive into actually fighting another person head on.
Up next was one Habiki Yamato. Placed into General Studies, the boy was a true unknown; Even during the first match, people were intimidated by the boy, who's stature and demeanour cut a striking impact on people. With a slender and lithe figure that lumbered at a staggering 6 foot and 5 inches, the boy was a terrifying sight to behold, with his long and awkward limbs and his mysterious quirk. Taking the 12th pillar, Yamato had used a rather genius ploy to maintain his position, he would let others get to his pillar and yet, even on an open and clear field no one had spotted Yamato, who had clung onto the edge of his pillar like a barnacle would to a ship. Somehow he had obscured himself from sight before he'd strike, a deadly phantom that caused many a foe to fall in terror.
Finally, the last person to hold a pillar was Jun Yuuki, who had used his quirk in a peculiar yet intelligent way. Inspiration was a powerful verbal quirk, able to generate determination and will power through use of words, a sort of cheerleader whose words changed the very tide of battle. He could boost the morale of his team, allowing them to rally and break his foes, but during the round, he reversed the effects; he turned his enemies' determination against them, letting his words twist themselves into a hypnotic cry to not attack him. In their zeal to attack him, they fell victim to his quirk, which changed that determination to attack into determination to defend.
"AAAAAAaaaannd! That's a wrap folks! Our brave first years, 16 in all, have finished this round! Give them an applause!" Cheers and hollers reverberated throughout the stadium, people had enjoyed the chaos and the fighting during the round, and it showed in the vast support that the Festival was receiving.
"We're done here. Mic, show them the final board, I want to go to sleep." Mr. 'Raser chimed in over the cheers and Present Mic shot back.
"Okay Mr. Grumpy pants! Midnight! Let the board roll!!!"
Score board:
1 Katsuki Bakugo
2 Momo Yaoyorozu
3 Hayami Ayaka
4 Fumikage Tokoyami
5 Hitoshi Shinsou
6 Ochako Uraraka
7 Tsuyu Asui
8 Eijiro Kirishima
9 Hatsume Mei
10 Itsuka Kendou
11 Shoto Todoroki
12 Habiki Yamato
13 Aoki Touma
14 Jun Yuuki
15 Monoma Neito
16 Tenya Iida
"In 4 days, the final round will begin!! As you all know, it hasn't changed since the very beginning of the Sports Festival! It's. The. Duel of the Fates!!!" Present Mic exclaimed excitedly.
"The remaining 16 will go head to head in a combat tournament. One on One combat, with randomised selections and brackets. Only one can remain." Mr. 'Raser tacked on, clearly exhausted.
"So be prepared! It's gonna be spectacular!"
Biting cold winds pelted against the sturdy walls of the massive fortress nestled within the tall peaks of the Swiss Alps. Imposing and immovable, it withstood the test of nature and time, withstanding battle after battle and protecting the very balance that kept the world in sync.
The U.N Headquarters.
Within however, held a terrifying storm as Lord Winston marched, his heels stomping through the concrete halls as if hell was marching behind him, interns cowered at the sight of the imposing Lord Admiral. Just behind him was the unfortunate captain who was immediately recalled from the field and placed on temporary leave within the headquarters as Winston attempted to get the Council to convene.
"Are they in?" Barked the irate Winston, to a poor guard at the door.
"Y-Yessir!" Grunting, Winston gave a quick nod to the guards on either side of the red mahogany door before he slammed said doors open with the force of a typhoon.
"Lord Admiral Winston!" A gravelly baritone voice boomed. Winston turned, his mouth twitching into a warm smile. Standing just before Winston was a stout man, his face set into a calm grin, his hair cut into a short army cut that was greying with age and his hand was stretched, welcoming Winston with a firm handshake.
"Captain Keyes. How's your daughter doing?" The smaller man sighed happily.
"She's doing amazing. Already reaching through the ranks."
The Keyes family, one Jacob Keyes and Miranda Keyes, a Father-Daughter duo within the ranks of the United Nations Navy. They were by far some of the most skilled commanders and naval tacticians that the UNN had access to, with Jacob being both a genius in military tactics and highly unconventional but effective manoeuvres that helped win many battles that the UNN had faced and his daughter following in his footsteps. Winston was glad to have Jacob by his side, especially during those days filled with fighting and war.
During the Quirk Wars, they had formed a bond forged in battle, closer than brothers and tried in fire, they knew each other like the back of their hands and Winston was glad to have the American at his back.
"And how's your retirement?" Though sad, Winston had let his battle brother go due to multiple life changing injuries he had sustained during the final hours of the Wars.
"Well, I've taken the advice of the Council and took up a seat on their Council." Winston blinked and let out a belly deep chuckle.
"Ahh Jacob. I never thought I'd see the day you went into politics. You always said you weren't brave enough for them." They both laughed merrily before they became solemn.
"Are the reports true, Winston?" In that moment, all the merriment and joy had left and in its place came a cold dread. The kind of dread that lurked in the abyss of your mind, clinging on like a dreary cloud, forever floating, waiting until the time was right.
"Yes. From testimonies of the crew, to full on video evidence. We've got enough, and I've personally gone through each and every bit of it to confirm it." Jacob's shoulders fell, and Winston felt bad for him. War was brewing, of that there was no doubt, it lingered in the air like stale smog, but it was clear that Jacob had grown from the once battle hungry young man into a strong man who valued life and family.
Whether that war was to be with literal aliens, or with the massive growing villain empire in the underground, or with the powers of the world awaking again, eager to break the unity that the world was currently in, nobody knew but it was almost inevitable.
"Let's bring it before the Council."
For 10 minutes, Winston waited. He set up his projector and organised his files, eyes flitting about the massive room, eyeing the oval desk before him with the many seats. This was the room that decided the fate of the world, the room that changed laws and made them, where the United Nations was truly united.
"Lord Admiral Winston, welcome to Avalon." Over 80 faces greeted Winston, and for the life of him, he couldn't remember any of them. And, did they think he was stupid? He'd been to Avalon before, it was where the High Command resided. It didn't matter, and his mind refocused on his task.
"Just over 2 weeks ago, our task force in the Pacific Ocean picked up some anomalies on their systems. Visual confirmation identified it as a highly advanced Unidentified Flying Object." Pressing a button, numerous pictures popped up on the projector behind him, pictures of the odd spacecraft that flew in Earth's atmosphere.
"Unprovoked, one of my admirals opened fire on the vessel. In doing so, the attack provided us with some insight into the strength of the UFO." This time, a video of the craft obliterating his fighter jets appeared, and the faces of the Council turned ashen.
"At this moment in time, I estimate that this is a Level 0 threat." Suddenly, the temperature of the room plummeted, and the atmosphere was icy in fear.
The United Nations, during the early days of reconstruction, had built up a Threat level, and dependent on how low the Threat level was, was how ready the UN was to engage in warfare. Countries such as Russia, America and the UK were all Level 1 Threats, with their nuclear arsenal and vast sway in world politics making them the largest threats, with India, China and Japan being Level 2 Threats. While they were ready to fight them, it would be a very dangerous and costly endeavour which could lead to ruin and the collapse of world peace.
But a level 0 threat? It meant that any kind of warfare with the identified threat was going to end the United Nations, and her allies, without losing too much themselves.
"When it was brought to my attention, I ordered all my intelligence agents to focus on the UFO. My latest reports say that it has travelled to Japan." Hisses filled the room as the Council members exhaled sharply.
Japan was a hard case, just like America, Russia and the UK, Japan only joined the UN under a mix of military force and other concessions, one of which being that any Military vessel that was under the UN flag could not enter Japanese waters, or they would face major retaliation. Winston hesitated with the next part, it would send the Council into uproar.
"Further investigation turned up some rather disturbing news. With a leak courtesy of Nezu, All for One is on the move again in Japan and The Hero Commission is moving against us..." Gasps rang out, indignation and fear rampant.
All for One was a name that was cursed within the halls of the UN, with his vast underground empire, he was the main cause of the Quirk Wars, and the instigator for the continued hostility that dragged the wars on far longer than they reasonably should have. When they received the news that All Might had ended the devil's reign, they celebrated in jubilation, and maybe they should have investigated more but they were just happy to finally move on from All for One.
However, the Hero Public Safety Commission of Japan was a surprise.
Why would they move against the United Nations? It made no sense, they held no proper power within the Japanese Government, nor could they field enough manpower to fully overthrow the United Nations' oversight. Their goals were impossible, what reason could they have to move against the UN?
Luckily, it seemed Nezu was on their side, or well, they had similar goals for now. Neither were allies, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend applied here, and Nezu was a very powerful figure in Japan. Hopefully, with Nezu helping they'd be able to stamp out All for One before he returns to his throne, and stop the flames of ambition that were burning inside the Hero Commission.
Above all that, they would need his help in dealing with the UFO.
"Let's pray to whatever God we can, because I don't know if we'll be able to win this one..."
(Hey, how are ya?)
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