Chapter 22

Heyo, how are y'all doing? Been a bit, had some things come and stuff, bit of a writer's block. Ya know how it is. But, here's another chapter for ya! I hope you enjoy! The song above is Be Prepared, a cover by Colm R. McGuinness!

"...And in other news, we have confirmed reports of multiple highly dangerous detonations beneath the Headquarters of the Hero Public Safety Commission." A TV blared, the newscaster's voice rolling out with practised ease.

"With correspondence from the HPSC Office, we have confirmed that these were gaseous in nature, from multiple boilers and old fuel storages." They paused for a moment, before continuing. "We are now moving onto our field reporter in Hosu, who is investigating the unusual lights that appeared two days ago..."

With his snout resting on his steeples paws, Nezu felt his quirk firing off on all cylinders. Dots were connecting and answers were being formed within the confines of Nezu's nebulous net of a mind. Everything he had learned, everything that had been uncovered from within the Hero Commission was damning, and had worldly implications that spoke of pure chaos. While Nezu had expected some terrible things, he'd never considered the true depths of deprivation the Commission would leap to in order to gain power.


Right now, his main and utmost priority was the protection of his students, and his school, to which the Commission was threatening severely with these moves that they're making. In fact, Nezu was considering some major and rather less than legal ways to protect his school; after all, laws were but guidelines and he was willing to cross any line in order to protect what was his, that being his students.

"I need funding, U.A. must become more than it is. Capital will help me develop U.A. into what it needs to become in order to survive, in order to protect that which is most precious." Nezu's beady eyes gleamed over his file, grinning grimly.

It was a blueprint of U.A. but better.

As soon as he had received the plans and documents from the Commission, he went to Powerloader and asked for his assistance in reconstructing U.A. Together, they made the blueprint on the screen, they'd expanded on the U.A. Barrier, making it more robust as well as the walls that surrounded the Campus, whilst also completely demolishing most of their mock cities, they had no need for 26 mock cities, and in their place were dorms and housing units.

Including that, the entire bunker system beneath U.A. was to be remade, completely overhauled into a sprawling underground city, completely self-sufficient and sustainable. It was to be large enough to house the entire population of Musutafu and then some, just in case of societal collapse.

This was, of course, off the books, and while the bunkers were to remain, they would instead go directly into the city in case of an Invasion of U.A.

Now, all Nezu needed was the manpower and the money to enact his plans; the manpower was easy, he knew many quirks that would speed along the process infinitely more than standard construction crews and for his money?

Well, Nezu knew how to exploit world powers to get money from them like the back of his paw.

All the way across the world, the many governments shuddered in fear...

"Enough of that, for now, I have time. My students must come first, always."


During the break of the first years Sports Festival, the Business Course had their chance to have their place in the spotlight, hundreds of Hero Agencies sent their business teams to U.A. where they would grill students on everything from finance to legal work to marketing.

It was a chance to find the rough gems in the stone, the ones who had that knack to business that was a one in a million.

Most people had no idea of how U.A. worked, it was highly secretive on their course and how they teach, giving only the basics on how classes work, and the Business Course was one of the most under the wraps courses in the U.A. Roster. While many people thought the Business Course was merely Hero Agency market analysis and the daily handlings of Hero Merchandising, they were more than that.

It taught the inner workings of Law and Legal work, it taught them on dealing with media and manipulating them in whatever way they want to. The Business Course taught how to run a company, dealing with competition and internal leaks.

The Business Course went beyond heroics.

They were taught to be almost spies, to build a network of information to help in whatever field they go into, they knew how to get information, how to use that information.

Knowledge is power.

And while the Hero Course learns to fight, the Support Course learns to Engineer, and the General Course learns how to Adapt, the Business Course? They gather information, and data and they build the facade to further their own needs, as they were taught by Soundwave.

After all, nobody expects the Business Course to be anything but nerdy, a class filled with geniuses and computer whizzes looking to enhance a Hero Agency.

Of course, it wasn't only Hero Agencies that sent envoys, but also big companies such as Stark Industries, the Speedwagon Foundation and Avorion Heavy Machinery. The students coming from the U.A. Business Course were highly sought after in companies and agencies alike for how they're taught; the best companies had U.A. business students within its ranks and those that didn't have any were cast into the shadows.

And it showed during the U.A. Convention where thousands of companies and Agencies mingled with the students, a subtle dance between titans to build their deck of cards with the best cards possible. All the while, the students used their skills to build their files, learning little details on companies, just in case, and then moving on, slowly building up their network and web to grow ever more powerful. Honeyed words and intricate deceit, the Business Course danced too among the titans, unlike them, however, the Course knew a much subtler dance, the path of knowledge.

A shared secret among the Business Course, a massive web taught to them by Soundwave, each and every Business student that had passed through U.A. had learned of it, became part of it and grew it into a network so powerful, it could change the very face of the entire game.

Soon, very soon, they would leave the nest, they would spread their wings and start their life, and they'd grin and plot their way to the top.

Let the Great Game begin...


"Rex, what the hell am I looking at?" Izuku demanded.

Within the bridge of The Shadow, the crew had gathered around, analysing the hologram that was projected in front of them. It was a full map of Hosu, with each nook and cranny mapped out and in full view, and in one of the out of the way alleys, was a pulsating dot of void energy, giving off ludicrous amounts of the bad stuff.

"From the scans I've taken, it appears to be a Void Rift."

Hissing filled the bridge, and Izuku muttered a string of Orokin curses under his breath before he looked up to the stars.

"A Void Rift. Is Hosu compromised? Do we have an estimate on the time before the Breach happens?"

A Void Rift is a tear within the barrier that holds the Void back from Reality. It leaks out the Void into the world, causing unknown and reality breaking energy to enter the universe when it really shouldn't be doing so. If a Rift isn't contained, it could evolve into what Izuku classifies as A Breach, a massive hole in the barrier that allows for passage between the Void and Reality. Physical passage.

The kind of passage that allowed the Zariman to enter the Void.

And what allowed the Corrupted to enter reality.

"As of right now, no, Hosu is not compromised. My best estimate for Evolution is about a week after the Sports Festival has ended." Biting his finger, Izuku thought heavily.

"So about three weeks?"

Already the Sports Festival had gone on for two weeks, the Third and Second years having their first rounds already and his year had just finished their first round, with their second on today, followed by the Second and then the Third years second rounds.

Depending on the Rift, it could take minutes to close or days and that alone wasn't including interference from any sort of civilian or hero intervention. However, he also had to find Rell, that was his whole reason for coming to Hosu and he wasn't willing to abandon his brother again. Never again.

Izuku was stuck between a rock and a wall.

A firm hand on his shoulder caused Izuku to glance up, seeing a softly smiling Cedrick.

"We have time to deal with the Rift. Rell is our top priority, he is vulnerable and we already know people looking for anyone like you. We simply cannot let Rell fall into enemy hands." Izuku blinked, his commander was right.

"Yes. Right. Cedrick and Luna, you'll need to head into Hosu. I want an in depth analysis of that Rift. I need specifics, and data. I'll focus on Rell." Izuku thumped his chest with his fist, and his crew did the same as Izuku commanded.

"Let's get to it!"

It had taken two days since arrival for Hosu to be mapped fully, without a full network of satellites and drones set up, it took longer to establish themselves and get their map up to standard for mission use. Hindsight was often twenty/twenty and Izuku knew that all too well, he knew he should have forged the drones and the Construction Bots, it would have sped along the process dramatically and he wouldn't have wasted time in mapping out manually.

No matter.

Deploying deep into the heart of Hosu, Izuku drew up his hood, letting his anonymity be his shield as he slinked through the streets, weary of the heroes that were on patrol as he looked for any signs of Rell.

Closing his eyes, Izuku felt out the area not with his senses, but with the Void, the pulse carrying off his mind as he tensed.


The Rift...

They were together.

Picking up the pace, Izuku leaped onto the buildings, his feet carrying him with the ease of a gazelle, running over the rooftops. As he approached the rift, he summoned his Nikana Prime, letting the power fill his veins as he gripped his blade, settling it to sit by his side on his hip. Closing his eye, Izuku let his mental shields down, feeling the flood of power that emanated from the area where the Rift had appeared.


Small, hidden within the nook of an old alleyway, a fracture of neon blue hovering in the air. It looked to be sealed for now, not closed, but locked as if something had locked it, waiting for...

Immediately, Izuku raised his hand.

"It's a trap!"

Too late.

A wave of tendrils, black as the space above, wrapped tight around Izuku's body, and he thrashed in futility as he dug his digits into the liquid flesh that surrounded him. Yet, they were too strong as they dragged in into the Rift, his body flaring with pain as he transcended reality into the Void.

Flooded with energy, Izuku was barely able to keep a cap on his internal reservoir, he could feel it lashing out at his body like an angry cat wanting to get out of the house.

Then, it all faded as Izuku landed on solid ground.


Ground. Ground. Actual land. In the Void.

Pulling himself up, Izuku looked around with awe and weariness. It was a collective group of islands, floating in what seemed like a controlled part of the Void, a literal island in a stormy ocean. Solid and real, and an anchor where it shouldn't exist. The Void was everything reality wasn't. Meaning physical constructs shouldn't exist, because the Void was matter reversed, it was both matter and antimatter, locked together in an impossibly energetic dance where neither could destroy one another whilst ignoring all laws of physics by continually creating energy without destroying themselves in the process.

The Void was Energy and It was too energetic for solids to form, and why it looked like a liquid metal in reality. Like a form of twisted Leidenfrost effect, when the Void and Reality meet, there is a very fine barrier of energy between the two that stops them from merging, because if that was to happen, the Dance between the Matter and Antimatter would turn into absolute destruction.

It wasn't solid in Reality, it was energy held together by a barrier and why it felt solid and why it looked liquid. There was so much energy that it was condensed into a kind of liquid energy, which should be impossible. And it was because of the barrier that it could maintain its form like that without becoming a supernova or blackhole.

Also, the barrier was why the Void was so deadly as a weapon. It held enough energy to stitch reality back together, and could be manipulated to release certain types of energies like Radiation, Magnetism, or more traditional forms of energy like Fire or Lightning. The barrier in and of itself could punch through any material due to it being a metaphysical fine film of something impossible that holds in and back the Void from Reality.

It was why the Orokin sought the Void so much. A Physics defying infinite energy battery to fuel their Empire for eternity and to provide highly deadly weapons to their war machine.

And yet. Solid land was here. Izuku could feel it under his feet. Real land. Where there should be nothing but chaos and energy. There were blades of grass and the soft dirt beneath. There was a soft breeze in the air as if they weren't literally in the eye of a hurricane.

"By the Seven..."






Was there such a thing as impossible?

The Void was a pathway to many abilities that most people would consider to be unnatural, something against the natural order of the world, against the very idea of impossibility. It was a vast ocean, a pure nexus, of energy that went against reality, clashing and fighting against the fabrics of reality, who is to say what is impossible to the incomprehensibly powerful Void and its wild whims.

Wherever Izuku was, it went against everything that he thought he knew about the Void.

Shaking off his disbelief, Izuku held himself up as he gathered himself, looking over wherever the hell he was, taking in the beautiful mess before him. Wondrous lights filled the sky, a demented version of the Aurora Borealis with fantastical blues and bright royal purples, a picturesque painting of motion sundered with the cutting edge of a particularly blunt club by the Zariman.

Reaching to his side, Izuku clasped his Nikana tightly, the blade humming under his hand as he prepared, his stance widening as he began his tense exploration. Under his feet, grass as soft as a cloud swayed, crunching as Izuku walked over the unnatural world around him.

Suddenly, Izuku's eye sharpened, locking onto a structure off in the distance, a burst of refracted light gaining his attention as he started moving in the direction of what he hoped was a settlement or some form of civilisation.

Neighing caught Izuku's attention next and he tilted his head up, his sole eye flashing as an odd looking creature stared back. It was a hollow beast, born from some sort of crimson metallic frame that moved with the grace of a real animal, and where its eyes should be was but a flat surface that somehow stared deep into Izuku's soul. From what Izuku could gather, it was shaped to be like a horse and seemed rather tame for an animal creature thing.

Blue filled Izuku's vision as metallic groans echoed from the path in front of the Tenno. Green met blue and Izuku blinked in shock at the ripped off and completely fake Dax soldiers that were now in front of him. Readying himself, Izuku drew his blade, letting his stance slack as he breathed, the area greying as Izuku watched the Fake Dax begin to advance on his position. An Archer of some kind, backed up by a standard Dax footman and a Heavy Unit.

Gracefully, Izuku drew Nikana, letting the blade parry the incoming projectile, ever vigilant as he watched the arrow pierce the Archer with ease, its body falling as it evaporated into the Void. A tingle made its way down Izuku's spine as he jumped high into the air, dodging the now charging footman, fire spewing like an angry cat from where the soldier had sliced with his blade. Using his now airborne status, Izuku landed onto the Heavy Unit's shoulders, Nikana held high before Izuku plunged the Death Dealer into the Unit's metallic neck; just like before, the Unit fell and dissolved back into energy leaving only Izuku and the Footman remaining.

Sizing one another up, the two duelists circled one another, blades poised and stanced, two vipers ready to fight until the death. Snapping like an overdrawn bow, the two opponents clashed, a flash of steel ringing through the air as two blades diced into one another, unyielding and firm as they locked their blades. Jumping back, Izuku shuffled his stance, his arms stretching out and his muscles tensed, blade held central to his body, prepared for his opponent. Blisteringly, Izuku struck first, his blade slicing through the air as his opponent moved to block, the sound of steel on steel rippling through the air, as they danced, a tight and controlled dance of steel and death. Up, down, left and right, they clashed, only, if one was to look, ever so carefully, they would see...

That Izuku was controlling the battle with the finesse of a master of masters.

Not giving the Footman any time, Izuku pressed, his defence becoming an offence as he continued his rain of death, strikes coming and ebbing like the gentle power of the waves, and the thunderous ferocity of a storm. Each meeting of blades pushing, pulling and drawing taut, Izuku thrived. This was his tune, his song, his dance; He made the rhythm, rhyme and the melody.

For each strike the Footmen threw, Izuku returned three more, nothing was able to pierce Izuku's defence, his blade and heart in harmony with the tempo of the battle, his body flowing with the rhythm. Until Izuku inhaled, letting the battle zen fully take him as he danced around the blade, dodging with the grace of an archangel, using his elegance to get closer, before he sliced through the False Dax's stomach.

Sighing, Izuku sheathed his blade, the hymn of battle finally dying as Izuku reflected on what he had experienced.

The False pretenders that linger here, in this hell? These were nothing but puppets, made of a bare metal skeleton that were a mere shadow to what the Dax truly were capable of. True Dax, Dax who were so intune with battle they became the very battle itself, Dax who could fight armies of Grineer single handedly, Dax who were the very backbone of the Orokin Military, were the mightiest warriors ever born. They were not weak, feeble skeletal beings who relied solely on the power of the Void to kill their prey like the False Dax that roamed these lands.

His hand suddenly got lifted up, a warm snout breathing onto his palm as he turned, facing the beast as he rubbed the crest of its head.

"I think I'll name you... John."

John neighed, and Izuku had no idea if that was in recognition of his new name or disapproval of said new name, but seeing as how John didn't deign to give Izuku his name, well, that was on the beast.

"Let's ride, John. Hee-ya!"


"Aaaaand! Welcome back folks! I hope y'all enjoyed the break, the First Years Sports Festival is back in play with the second round up next!" The preppy voice of Present Mic sounded, not at all hindered by the rambunctious crowd he was presenting for.

From the centre of the stadium, uncomfortable shuffling could be heard; the First Years had gathered and were looking rather nervous quite literally in the centre stage as they loitered like bowling ball pins.

"The Second round will begin momentarily. First, we have some... sigh... sponsors to talk about." Mr. 'Raser's voice grated through the microphone, as Present Mic responded.

"Did you just say sigh? Man, you're something else, Mr. 'Raser!" Ever jubilant, Mic began his spiel.

"But! He was correct! We'll start off with our biggest sponsors, Yaoyorozu Industries!" There was a slight pause.

If one was to look carefully in the crowd of First Years, they would see a blushing Momo Yaoyorozu almost hiding behind her classmates.

"Yaoyorozu Industries are the backbone of the Hero Support industry, they are the pioneers of quirk science and support items in conjunction with Hero Agencies across Japan!" A smile could be heard in the voice of the hero.

"In fact, they're the company that made my own hero gear! And, whilst many think they're Hero only, that isn't true! They make equipment for any individual, to help with quirk use and control!" Present Mic grinned.

"They are what allow U.A. to function and allow for us to host big events like this here festival!" A sudden yelp sounded from the microphone, as Mr. 'Raser interjects.

"That is true for the most part. The Sports Festival is, and always has been, a U.A. only event, funded by the school alone." A hum sounded from Present Mic.

"Ah. That's right! My mistake! Sorry Nezu... Anywho! Let's get onto the second round! MIDNIGHT! Take it away!" Like the passing of a torch, Midnight strolled into the stadium, her hips swaying as she lashed her whip.

"Well, well, well. Back again are we? Looking for more, punishment, perhaps?" Midnight was grinning, her lips turned up in a sinister smirk.

"You all know the deal. I'll be spinning this wheel and what it lands on will be what you will be doing in the second round!" With a slow, almost teasing, hand raise, Midnight clasped her hand on the edge of the wheel before she threw it forward, the pointer clacking jarringly against the now spinning wheel rapidly.

Monarch on the Hill

"The second round has been chosen! Back to you, my oh so gracious commentators!" From the box, a screen popped up.

"Monarch on the Hill! An old time classic revamped! The rules are simple, each participating member is given their own 'hill' where they are to defend it for 20 minutes!" Mr. 'Raser picked up.

"The teams from before will be separated, as this is a solo event. Each person has a set amount of points dependent on their place from the previous round; each team has earned a specific amount of points that are divided between them for this round." Present Mic whooped.

"Taking a 'hill' is permitted, and is in fact encouraged, to gain more points! Obtaining a 'hill' and holding it will steal points from the original holder of that hill!" Suddenly, a third voice perked up.

"And, be careful! There will be some surprises mixed in during this round to spice it up!" Nezu's squeaky voice sucked out any joy from Present Mic's voice.

"N-Nezu, sir?" A maniacal laugh came from the speakers.

"Oh, don't mind me, Mic. Carry on!" From the box, a very deep breath could be heard.

"You heard that folks! Surprises ahoy during this match! Each hill will be different in height with the amount of points a person has! The more points, the higher the 'hill'!" Present Mic clapped into the microphone.

"We'll be starting in 30 minutes! Get into your designated positions, little first years! And Mr. 'Raser! Take it away!" A grim sigh comes from the booth.

"I'm not - No. Nope. Stop it- Fine. Fine. Let's get ready to rumble."

It was most definitely the saddest rallying call ever to be spoken.

"What was that?! It's supposed to be: LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUMBBBBLLEEEEEEE~!"

(How are ya?)

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